Chapter 384 Zerg Supreme Treasure! (two in one)

   Let the undead enter the ground along the several potholes exposed by the destroyed land, and Chen Mo also sensed the underground situation synchronously.

  When I first entered the underground, there was no special picture.

   It wasn't until about a kilometer deep that these invisible undead saw many workers and soldiers walking through the potholes.

   "It's just ordinary workers and insects. Why are all these aisles banned from shielding and detection? What are these five Zerg empresses trying to hide?"

  Chen Mo asked the undead under his command to go to the location of the five Zerg mother queens he perceived to find out what happened, and at the same time sent a small number of them to follow the worker insects that appeared around them to see what they were busy with.

   Soon the undead acted according to Chen Mo's division of labor.

   Some of the undead followed the workers and insects, and some of them went towards the Zerg Queen that Chen Mo perceived.

  Until now, Chen Mo was still very curious why the position of the Zerg Empress was so thoroughly exposed.

   can be easily perceived by people.

   Soon, the undead under Chen Mo's command were already in place.

   When these undead arrived at the target location, Chen Mo knew that he had been cheated.

  The so-called area where there are five Zerg Queens actually does not really exist.

   Instead, this area is set with a restriction called the real environment.

  This kind of prohibition can project the real impression of a certain area to this side, and after this picture is projected, even if it is detected by someone, it will only be detected by the information of the original component when the image was projected.

  So, the information Chen Mo probed is correct.

  It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Zerg mother queen or the personal guards around them.

   All their attributes, what Chen Mo detected are real.

  The only thing that is not real is this image.

   "It's really a high-end means of hiding yourself."

  Although he was deceived, Chen Mo was more interested in the coalition army of Zerg Mother Emperor.

  They were so careful and painstaking that they even deliberately used this kind of cover-up, so they didn't know what they were doing underground.

  When the undead found that the explored area was empty, the undead who followed the worker insects there had already discovered that the worker insects were digging underground.

   But the excavation progress is very slow.

  And some of the undead have followed to the position where the Zerg Queen is.

  At this time, the five Zerg queens were communicating in the Zerg language.

"Sister, what should we do? For so long, we have been hiding very well without being discovered, but today such a troublesome family came and overturned the land as soon as they came. Sooner or later, our underground cave will be covered. Discovered by the Adventurer's Guild!"

   "There is no way. I can delay a little longer. I have been digging for so many years. Seeing that hope is in front of me. Now let me give up, I really can't do it."

"Elder Sister is right. We are united together to get this underground thing. This thing is the treasure of our Zerg race. If we can get this thing, then we can also become strong masters of our own destiny. There is no need to hide our heads and show our tails all day long for fear that someone will catch us."

   "However, it will take at least an hour to fully dig through. For such a long time, the Adventurer's Guild may have already entered."

   "Very likely, since this guy can directly destroy everything on the surface, he must have received relevant information, and he will only do it if he knows we are underground with full confidence."

  Listening to the discussion of these Zerg mother queens, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, secretly thinking that this is really a big misunderstanding.

  He simply felt that it was too strange that nothing could be detected in this area, so he thought of this way of overturning the ground.

   Unexpectedly, the blind cat met a dead mouse, and he discovered the abnormality in the ground.

  At this moment, several Zerg empresses were thinking about how to deal with the adventurer alliance army.

   But Chen Mo was curious about what the treasure they were talking about was.

   It’s just that the undead units cannot use his mind reading skills. He needs to be close to these Zerg empresses to use his mind reading skills to hear their voices.

   It's just that the current Chen Mo has already lost the hidden treasure box, so there is no way for him to enter the invisible state without anyone noticing.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo suddenly felt that sometimes it is really inconvenient not to have such a thing.

  If that’s the case, just go for it.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo directly used the professional skills of the Undead Master God, and changed the positions of himself and the undead beside the five Zerg Queens, and instantly his figure appeared beside the five Zerg Queens.

  His sudden appearance really frightened the five Zerg queens.

   After feeling the incomparably terrifying power of Chen Mo, the five Zerg queens felt even more desperate.

  They just expected that the Adventurers Guild might send people to wipe them out.

  But they never thought that there would be a character with such high divine power in the Adventurer's Guild.

  Chen Mo's divine power has exceeded their cognition.

  In the third area of ​​Tianyuan World, there shouldn't be such a high-powered guy.

  At this time, the sharp-eyed eldest sister has already seen the number on Chen Mo's head.

   "Heaven... Destiny man! No wonder he can have such a powerful divine power far surpassing that of humans in the third area."

  As the Zerg Queen said this, the other four Zerg Queens also noticed this.

  They all looked extremely dignified.

   At this time, the guards near them saw the enemy intruding, and even killed Chen Mo regardless of their own life or death.

   Seeing that the battle was about to break out, Chen Mo said directly: "Wait a minute, I'm not here to fight."

  As soon as these words came out, the five Zerg mother queens immediately jointly ordered to stop all the soldiers under their command.

  After all, they knew very well that with Chen Mo's divine power, even if all the soldiers under their command died in battle, they would not be able to hurt a single hair of this man.

  The most important thing is that this man of destiny doesn't seem to come to ask them for advice.

  At least their keen perception of danger was exerted, but they did not perceive any danger and murderous intent revealed by Chen Mo.    This means that the other party has no intention of killing, at least for the time being.

  As long as it is not a hands-on situation where there is no possibility of negotiation, there is still talk.

  Especially this is a man of destiny, not an aborigine of the Tianyuan world. The man of destiny has no core hatred for any creature in the world of Tianyuan.

  The Mandate of Heaven acts in Tianyuan World, most of the time it is for some mission and perhaps some profit.

  So, when you meet a man of destiny, you may pay some price to persuade him to quit.

Seeing that the five Zerg queens finally calmed down, Chen Mo also said: "I didn't come here this time to destroy you, so you don't have to worry about it. I destroyed everything on the surface just because I think this place is really weird, so I thought of destroying everything to see if I can find out where the anomaly is."

  As soon as these words came out, the corners of the mouths of the five Zerg empresses couldn't help but twitched, and they almost lost their anger.

  It turns out that the extremely hidden underground cave I built was exposed for this reason.

  This is really too bad.

  Chen Mo said that these are just to gain the trust of the five Zerg mother queens, so that they can temporarily relax their vigilance, don't have such a heavy psychological defense line, and always think about the safety of their lives in their hearts.

   Otherwise, if they kept thinking about life and death in their hearts, even if Chen Mo had the ability to read minds, they would not be able to read anything at all.

  After all, mind reading is just reading out what is in the mind, not soul searching, which is to directly search all the memories of the other party.

  In order for the mind reading technique to be effective, it is necessary to induce the other party to carry out corresponding mental activities, so as to be able to read out what the other party is thinking about.

   "Since your Excellency has no intention of harming us, what do you mean by entering this underground cave?"

  Although Chen Mo said that he was harmless and acted harmless, these Zerg empresses were still not at ease.

  However, considering Chen Mo's strength, it is easy to kill them, there is no need to deceive them, and they let go of their defenses for the time being.

Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said, "I came down just out of curiosity. I was curious why the Zerg Queen, who claims to be fighting alone, would suddenly gather five of them in one area? And seeing how you get along in harmony, it's obviously not accidental." From the way they met for the first time, it is obvious that they have lived here for a long time together."

  Although Chen Mo didn't ask the Zerg Supreme Treasure and their purpose in this underground cave.

  But just because he asked why these five Zerg mother queens lived alone and gathered together, it made them unconsciously recall the reason why they gathered together.

  In fact, this worm domain was not named worm domain because of the arrival of the Zerg queens and the constant pest plagues.

  In fact, very early on, this area had the name of Worm Domain.

   It's just that the gods who used to live in this area have passed away, so no one knows about it.

   And once in this area, there was a particularly powerful god.

   That **** is the only one among the Zerg mother queens who has achieved the existence of a high god, Everis.

   This high-ranking God Zerg mother queen also experienced the era of Ragnarok.

  In that dharma-ending era, most of the gods could hardly escape the fate of dying, and this Everis was the same.

   Rao is the most outstanding genius among Zerg mother queens, and in the end it is difficult to escape the sweep of the general trend.

  Before she died, she even broke through to the Real God Realm, but the moment she became the True God Realm was also the time of her death.

In order to make her own death worthwhile, Everis finally chose to kill herself, and mixed all the treasures she had obtained with her body, godhead, etc., as well as a trace of the power of catastrophe, and melted them into one piece. The unique treasure of the Zerg [Lithrael]!

   Judging from the meaning of Zerg language, these four words are the light of hope!

  Hope is Everis' real name. Although she has experienced an irreversible catastrophe, she hopes to continue her light of hope.

  The information about Lizriel, the Zerg treasure, has been passed down from ancient times to the present in the genetic memory of all Zerg units.

  All Zerg empresses know that the Zerg possess an incomparable treasure [Lithrael].

  Owning this item will allow the Zerg Empress, who is difficult to achieve the position of god, to rush to the realm of true gods at the fastest speed!

  The value of this treasure is naturally beyond doubt.

   It's just that even in the inheritance memory, there is no information about the whereabouts of the treasure.

   No, it should be said that there was information originally, but the location displayed by the information was not correct. Countless Zerg empresses went to the corresponding places, and never saw the Zerg treasure appearing in this world.

Later, everyone also understood that this location information was left by Everis back then, but at that time when the world of catastrophe came, this Zerg treasure might have been swept away to unknown places because of that general trend went.

  The only thing they know is that the location of the Zerg treasure left by the most primitive Everis is in the area outside the cemetery of gods.

   That is to say, near the rock wall at the entrance of the cemetery of the gods that Chen Mo visited before.

  Since the Zerg Supreme Treasure could not be found in that location, it is reasonable to speculate that it was lost to any location in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World.

   Even to the extreme, it is possible for it to be lost anywhere in the entire Tianyuan world.

   There are a lot of Zerg queens who are searching for Zerg treasures all over the world.

  The five Zerg empresses they gathered together now are a relatively stubborn group. They insisted on searching every inch of the third area of ​​​​Tianyuan World to ensure that there is nothing before choosing to search in other areas.

   Even if it means digging thousands of feet, they will not hesitate.

  But this is the Tianyuan world, not some garbage low-level world.

  The first 1,000 meters underground was fairly easy to dig.

  But the further you go down, the greater the resistance from the heavens, and every inch of land becomes extremely difficult to dig.

  Want to dig thousands of feet, not just talking about it, but continuous hard work, even if they can only see the progress of one centimeter by one centimeter every day, they have to be patient.

   It is precisely because they have such a tenacity that they finally sensed a wave that made their souls throb on one day fifty years ago.

   They didn't need to look or feel much, they immediately concluded that in the depths of the underground, the fluctuation that made their souls throbbing must be the treasure of their Zerg [Lithrael]!

  With such a glimmer of hope, they patiently continued to dig down.

   Now it's a little bit close, hope is right in front of them, but an unexpected guest came in the end. This really made them almost excited and had a cardiac arrest!

  Through the mind reading technique, Chen Mo has figured out the ins and outs of the matter. Now, he can't help but think to himself that he really came to the right place this time!

   Not only did it come at the right time, but the timing was also perfect. It only takes another hour and a half before the Zerg treasure that has been buried for a long time will appear in the world.

  If you can get this treasure and let the already invincible Evya push it, then wouldn't Evya's combat power be able to fly directly into the sky.

   Or, after making a live Zerg queen, use it for the new queen!

  Although I still don't know the specific effect of this so-called [Lithriel], Chen Mo has already started related planning!

  (end of this chapter)

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