All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 385: The treasure was born, and the whole region was shocked! (two in one)

Chapter 385: The treasure is born, and the whole region is shaken! (two in one)

Now that we have found out the information about the Zerg treasures, the five Zerg queens in front of us are actually useless.

However, considering that they are still digging down, the digging progress is so slow, even if they gather a large number of worker insects from five insect mother queens to dig together, the digging will be so slow.

 Chen Mo was not in a hurry to take action.

After all, they have been killed now, and I don’t know how long it will take to dig out this Zerg treasure.

Although the inner thoughts of the five Zerg queens have been read by Chen Mo, they don't know this. They are still making up lies to Chen Mo to explain why the five of them gathered in this place.

 Chen Mo was too lazy to listen to this.

 After he got the answer he wanted, he decided to pretend to retreat first, leaving the invisible undead to guard the place where their workers dug.

 Once the treasure is found in the world, he can just come and **** it.

He staying here now will easily arouse the vigilance of these five Zerg Queens. If they cause them to deliberately slow down the excavation progress, they will be in trouble for themselves.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo decided to leave.

As for the essence and blood of the Zerg Queen, it is not too late to take it from these five people after obtaining the Zerg treasure.

Regarding the excuses made up by the five Zerg Mother Queens, Chen Mo also laughed and said: "I see, since this is your place to recuperate and you have never harmed anyone in this area, I will not care about you. It's over, but you have to remember that you can continue to create an army of insect shadows to scare others away, but you are not allowed to hurt others, you know?"

 “I will obey the teachings of the people appointed by Heaven!”

Seeing that Chen Mo decided to let them go and wanted to leave, the five Zerg queens were very happy after hearing this.

 Now there is no need to think of a way to deceive him.

“Okay, I’ll leave now.”

 After saying this, Chen Mo left with a flicker of his spirit.

  Not only did he leave the underground, but he flew directly out of the insect realm.

However, all the undead with the ability to become invisible were left behind.

These undead have sneaked into the place where the workers and insects are separated to work.

 As long as there is any movement, Chen Mo will be informed immediately.

Although Chen Mo himself has left the Insect Realm, his consciousness is still focusing on the Insect Realm.

Not long after he left the Insect Territory, Chen Mo was surprised to see that the devastated land in the Insect Territory that had been destroyed by his undead army actually began to recover.

 It didn’t take long for the land to return to the way it was before it was destroyed.

But after hearing the conversation of the five Zerg queens, Chen Mo understood.

  It turned out that they used some deceptive tricks to make it look like this area was not destroyed.

After all, Chen Mo found out that they let them go this time, and they just thought it was just good luck.

If another uninvited guest comes, who knows what that person's attitude will be towards these Zerg queens?

 In order not to be exposed, it is natural to repair the landscape quickly.

Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't pay much attention. He was just waiting quietly for the workers and insects to dig out the Zerg treasure as soon as possible.

But Chen Mo wasn't just waiting here. He was wandering around, searching to see if there was any divine realm nearby.

Twelve hours have passed in a blink of an eye.

As a result, Chen Mo found nothing, and after so long, Chen Mo found that there was no news at all even up to now.

However, his external incarnation has not re-entered the object state, so it is obvious that Remembrance is not dead yet.

 Chen Mo's external incarnation will leave a foundation in his hands after it is released and transformed into memories.

As long as something happens to the memory, the foundation will be restored to the state before the external incarnation was used.

 Chen Mo can receive the message immediately.

 But now he has not received any news, which shows that there is indeed something wrong with that weird crack.

However, now that it is confirmed that the memory is safe now, everything can be rest assured. Chen Mo did not pay much attention to it, but continued to concentrate on doing his own thing.

Just as he continued to expand the search area, and after searching for several hours, Chen Mo finally sensed an unusual energy.

 Of course, this was what he sensed through the undead beside the worker insects deep underground in the insect domain.

At this time, you can clearly feel that there is something extremely powerful under the thin layer of earth.

Not only Chen Mo sensed this moment, but the Mother Queen of the Zerg, who had direct contact with the workers, naturally also sensed it.

 In an instant, the five Zerg queens rushed towards this side.

 Just before they arrived, a figure came much faster than them.

It’s none other than Chen Mo!

And he had excellent timing. As soon as the workers and insects shoveled away the last layer of land, a flash of **** came to him.

The moment he entered the underground, it was also the moment the ground opened up, revealing the Zerg's most precious treasure, Lisriel.

 Chen Mo quickly snatched this Zerg treasure in his hand with quick eyesight and quick hands.

After all, it was a treasure left by a strong Zerg who had reached the True God Realm. Chen Mo did not dare to let this thing fall into the hands of these five Zerg Queens.

 Otherwise, even if his power far exceeds that of the five Zerg Mother Queens, he still doesn’t know if he will encounter any trouble.

  After all, in this Tianyuan world, there are many treasures that can fight with supernatural powers.

 Although it cannot ignore any level of divine power like his Chaos Arcana, the specific strength is still quite vague.

This kind of treasure was made by the True God using his own body and adding a trace of the power of the great catastrophe. Chen Mo didn't think it was much worse than the Chaos Treasure in terms of power and strength.

The moment he obtained Lisriel, the entire Tianyuan world was inexplicably shaking!

 The entire Zerg race was shocked!

 Because they all sensed the appearance of the ancestor’s treasure.

As for the specific location of the displayed treasure, they cannot sense it so clearly from a long distance away.

They just know that the Zerg treasure has appeared, and its location should be in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World.

 Suddenly, a large wave of Zerg strongmen began to move towards the third area of ​​Tianyuan World.

However, due to the restrictions of heaven, those powerful people whose divine power exceeds the upper limit of the third area cannot easily enter the third area.

To enter, they must accept a situation where their divine power is forcibly restricted.

 This is the sorrow of the indigenous people.

If you are a person of destiny, even if your divine power is 100 million, you can still come and go anywhere in the Tianyuan world. Today is the day when the most important Zerg treasure is revealed. How can those strong men care about any restrictions?

Even if the upper limit of their divine power is forcibly limited, they will rush into the third area of ​​Tianyuan World to see what happens.

Chen Mo still didn't know what kind of sensation the birth of this Zerg treasure had caused.

But he clearly found that the commotion caused by the birth of this Zerg treasure was extraordinary.

 At this time, it was not just the Zerg that reacted to the Zerg Arcana.

 Such an extraordinary earthquake and mountain shaking situation means that everyone knows that a treasure has been born in this world.

People who originally lived in the third area were all in a state of excitement, and each one of them was like a chicken blood, threatening to find this unparalleled treasure.

Within the Adventurer's Guild, several king-level adventurers gathered together to discuss this matter.

"It's been a long time since there has been such a movement. Every time there is such a movement, it means that a treasure has been born. But every time there is such a movement, the source of the earthquake is too far away from us. It is rare that it is so close to us this time. It seems We can get closer to the water and get the moon first!"

“What a wonderful opportunity! This time is our home field. As long as we join forces, whoever can **** the treasure from us should first search in the direction of the earthquake source. If we encounter a strong enemy, we will defeat him together and get the treasure.

 After all, the treasure has just appeared in the world, and those who obtain it for the first time are unlikely to be able to use it perfectly immediately. There is still a possibility of snatching it! "

“Then how do we divide it after so many of us have grabbed it?”

"The strength of the five of us is among the same. Since we have decided to work together, after we grab it, it depends on luck. At that time, the ownership will be determined by rolling dice. Whoever rolls the dice with the highest number will get it!"

 “This is doable!”

“It’s not too late, let’s act quickly. It is estimated that countless people have already rushed to the direction of the earthquake source by now!”

At this time, in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World, as these people said, a large number of people were already heading towards Chen Mo's location.

 In some areas, a large number of people came out together.

 After all, this thing is a treasure!

Think about it, with so many treasures that Chen Mo has obtained, only chaos-level treasures can be called treasures.

 It shows how valuable this thing is.

 No matter which race it originally belonged to, the moment it was born, it was the target of everyone in the world.

Chen Mo didn't expect that this time it would be such a big fuss.

 When he entered the underground this time, there were actually many undead souls left outside.

 After entering the underground, he himself did not know the general situation on the ground.

However, the undead units he left behind were quite far away from the Insect Territory. At this time, he discovered that a large number of people were heading towards the Insect Territory.

 Chen Mo was really confused by the scale of this advance.

He never imagined that the birth of a Zerg treasure would attract so many humans.

He can attack the Zerg Queen, but due to the restrictions of heaven, he cannot directly attack the humanoid intelligent life in Tianyuan World.

 So Chen Mo didn’t want to stay here and have too many language entanglements with others.

 He decided to leave quickly!

But before leaving, he suddenly turned around and looked at the five Zerg queens behind him!

  None of the five Zerg Mother Queens can be kept, otherwise they will reveal their information.

Although Chen Mo was already very confident in the strength of his current divine power, the noise this time was beyond his imagination, and he felt that it was still necessary to silence him.

 Maybe some monsters will be attracted this time.

Especially if the Zerg treasure appears in the world, will it attract the attention of all Zerg strongmen? Chen Mo is somewhat wary and guessing.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble in the future, Chen Mo, who was originally planning to kill only one of the Zerg Queens, used the power of thunder to attack and ordered the surrounding undead to attack the five Zerg Queens directly.

I saw the scythe ghost lurking nearby in an invisible state suddenly swinging out the scythe as tall as a person, and with lightning speed, it directly cut through the heads of the five Zerg queens!

Although these Zerg Mother Queens had already sensed the danger at the last moment when Chen Mo had his murderous intention, it was already too late for them to escape.

 After all, Chen Mo's divine power reaches millions, and the strength of the undead under his command is needless to say.

 It is completely powerful enough to instantly kill any character in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World.

 It is easy to kill these five Zerg Queens with hundreds of thousands of divine powers.

 Unless they have super powerful treasures to offset this gap.

 In fact, these Zerg mother queens really have powerful treasures that can offset the divine power.

 But it’s no use!

 Because Chen Mo's strength is not just about divine power, even if both sides don't use divine power, they can fight fairly with divine attributes.

 Chen Mo’s divine energy is also very capable.

And Chen Mo's undead strength has been greatly increased based on Chen Mo's original divine energy.

Even if you don’t look at the divine power, it is already very difficult to survive against the abnormal divine attributes of Chen Mo’s undead.

Chen Mo instantly killed five powerful Zerg queens and absorbed five drops of their blood essence. He immediately escaped into his own divine realm with a flash of spirit, and then used the divine realm as a springboard to jump several times in a row. After several times, he finally returned to the outside world in the realm of God's Domain in the first area.

 He did this to eliminate others from tracking him.

 At the same time, I also spent a certain amount of time studying the recently acquired Zerg treasure Lisriel.

However, while he was jumping back and forth in the realm of God, he held Lisriel in his hand and looked at it for a long time, but in the end he couldn't see anything.

This kind of treasure is not like the Chaos Treasure. Heavenly Dao has no direct explanation about this kind of treasure.

When Chen Mo took this thing in his hand, Tiandao's reminder was also quite simple.

  【Tiandao Tip: What is the effect of this item? ? ? , please find out for yourself! 】

 Looking at Tiandao's irresponsible reminder, Chen Mo couldn't help but be speechless.

At this time, the five king-level adventurers who were killed in the Adventurer's Guild were still heading towards the Insect Territory.

 They know very well how long it takes from the birth of this treasure to figuring out how to use it.

 At this time, it is impossible for anyone to directly understand how to use the newly released treasure.

 When they went to the Insect Territory, they already knew that the opponent would use the space transfer ability to escape.

 But they were all prepared. Now that they knew about this situation, they naturally had ways to deal with it.

Most of the others came just to join in the fun, and at the same time they also had a sense of luck, wondering if they could be possessed by **** and walk over and pick up the treasure!

  (end of this chapter)

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