Chapter 386 The Abnormal Treasure! (two in one)

Since it was difficult to discover the use of this Zerg treasure [Lisriel] no matter how much research he did, Chen Mo could only call out Ifuya who was safely giving birth to bug cubs in his divine world.

  She is the mother queen of the Zerg tribe, so she may be able to discover the use of this Zerg tribe's treasure more easily than she can.

“Master, what do you want me to do?”

Eveya came to the outside world, looked at Chen Mo and asked respectfully.

"I just got a treasure. Since I can't figure out the use of this treasure, I ask you to help me take a look."

"Baby? Is there any treasure that even the owner can't see through and needs me to see?"

Evya was also a little curious at this time.

 After all, the Zerg Mother Queen does not have any special ability to identify treasures.

 She is not a treasure hunter.

While Eveya was curious, Chen Mo had already handed her the Zerg treasure [Lisriel] that looked like a Rubik's Cube.

“It’s this thing. This thing is the Zerg’s most precious treasure. I think you will have a special feeling when you hold this.”

 “Zerg treasure?”

The moment Chen Mo handed over [Lisriel], Eveya felt an electric current flash through her mind.

“[Lisriel] This is [Lisriel], the treasure in the legends of our Zerg era! It was once thought by our tribe that this was just a false legend integrated into our genetic memory.

 I didn’t expect it to be true! Even by the owner you got it. "

Seeing that Eveya really knew this object, Chen Mo immediately felt hopeful. He immediately asked: "Do you have any special feelings when holding this object? Can you understand the use of this object?"

While Chen Mo was speaking, he had already seen the [Lisriel] in Eveya's hand glowing with a blazing and dazzling light.

Had Chen Mo not possessed the Origin-level Eye of Origin, even a god-level creature would have been blinded by this light.

 In this terrifying and strong light, Chen Mo saw that Eveya was completely lost at this time.

Even if he and Ifuya were on the same page, he still had no idea what happened to Ifuya at this time.

 The communication between his and Eveya's consciousness was blocked by an extremely powerful force.

 Evya just held [Lisriel] motionless, allowing [Lisriel] that seemed to have gone crazy to continue to shine.

 Faced with Eveya's state, Chen Mo didn't know whether to interrupt this state immediately.

 After hesitating for a few seconds, Chen Mo finally decided to continue like this.

What if this is the same process as a decoder? Wouldn't it be a trap for yourself if you interrupted it?

After all, it is a treasure, and it cannot be broken just by shining. Given the luxurious strength of the materials used to make this treasure, even if it continuously blooms with this intensity of light for 100 million years, I am afraid it will not damage the power of this treasure.

It's just that I can't sense what's going on with Eveya now, and I can't read her mind, which really makes Chen Mo feel uncomfortable.

After all, he has always been in a state of complete control over everything. After getting used to this state of complete control, once he encounters the current state of being unable to control, he will unconsciously become a little impatient. .

 Fortunately, Chen Mo knew himself fairly well and quickly stabilized his mentality.

While Ivoya continued to be in a daze holding [Lisriel] here, a large number of people had already gathered in the insect realm over there.

 There are people from the Adventurer's Guild, as well as a large number of strong Zerg warriors from outside the world who have come to the third area.

 This is also the first time that people from the Adventurer's Guild have seen so many Zerg Mother Queens gathered in one place.

 At this time, the area on the left side of the insect domain is filled with thousands of adventurer guild members.

On the right are thousands of Zerg Mother Queens.

These are just tens of thousands of Zerg mother queens.

You must know that the moment you see a Zerg Queen, it means you have seen countless bug monsters!

If these thousands of Zerg queens release all their personal guards, I'm afraid the entire third area will be slaughtered by them!

  Originally, this group of people from the Adventurer's Guild came to see if they could pick up a treasure.

 As soon as they came here, they saw such a terrifying formation that they were all frightened.

After all, if all the Zerg queens on the other side are determined to attack, more than 90% of them will never be able to escape.

However, judging from the current performance of these Zerg Queens, they have no intention of taking action against the Adventurer Guild.

  After all, many of them are not from the third region. They come here from a stronger region.

In their eyes, these humans are as weak as ants, and there is no need to kill them.

 The only thing they care about now is where their Zerg treasure has gone.

With their keen perception, they can completely detect whether someone among the humans on the opposite side has obtained the Zerg treasure.

 After they clearly sensed it, they found that there was no breath of Zerg treasure among the humans on the opposite side.

They then knew that this treasure had probably been taken away by someone first.

 In this case, it will not be so easy to track.

 Especially that person seemed to have used an extremely clever space escape technique to leave.

 Otherwise, with their abilities, they would be able to track the person whether he flew away or used teleportation abilities to escape.

 But now, they can't track anything, which makes them very strange.

 It’s actually normal that they can’t track it.

This is thanks to Chen Mo's quick thinking.

Although he didn't know about this setting, he immediately thought of using the realm of God as a springboard to erase all traces of movement.

 The realm of the gods is the only thing in the entire Tianyuan world that cannot be seen and discovered by the indigenous people.

 They don’t even know what this thing is, so naturally they can’t know the spatial fluctuations in the Divine Realm.

 This is also the reason why the Zerg Queens couldn't track Chen Mo at all.

However, the Zerg Mother Queen is inherently weak in this aspect, so it is normal not to have this ability.

 But the strong humans are well prepared. Those king-level adventurers brought a treasure that could definitely locate the person who took the treasure.

Of course, this treasure cannot be positioned in the realm of the gods.

 But Chen Mo was not hiding in the Divine Realm at this time, he had already returned to the first area.

The reason why he did not directly hide in the Divine Realm to study the treasure was that he simply did not understand how to use this treasure due to his simple research. He wondered if it was because of restrictions in the Divine Realm.

 That's why he returned to the outside world.

This also gave the aborigines of Tianyuan World a chance to track him.

At this time, the Zerg Mother Queens gathered together and discussed one after another, and finally came to the conclusion that it was difficult to trace the result.

 For a time, many people looked disappointed.

However, one of the Zerg queens took a few steps directly towards the human camp and shouted: "Humans, the treasure born this time is the Zerg treasure. This treasure was set up by an ancestor of our Zerg tribe. It’s specially prohibited, and you humans can’t use it even if you get it.

How about we make a deal. If any of you can help me locate the person who took away the Zerg treasure, I will give it to that living Zerg Queen!

 You humans have no way to capture the Zerg mother queen alive, but we Zerg have a special method. "

As soon as these remarks came out, a group of people on the opposite side immediately understood what the current situation was.

No wonder there are so many Zerg mother queens gathered here. It turns out that the treasure born this time is the Zerg treasure.

If it is really like what the Zerg Queen said, then there is no need for everyone to stay.

 As for suspecting her of lying, there is no need to do so.

Everyone can sense that the strength of most of the Zerg Mother Queens opposite them is extraordinary.

  And they can clearly feel the power of rules surrounding them.

 Obviously, these guys definitely came to the third area from a stronger area.

They were obviously developing well in the stronger area, but they had to go to this third area to be suppressed. Obviously something forced them to do this.

In this case, the only possibility is that the Zerg treasure will appear in this world.

After everyone was calm, many people were not ready to stay any longer.

  Just kidding, there are so many perverted Zerg Mother Queens on the opposite side, and their personal guards have not yet come out. Everyone knows that the Zerg Mother Queens have a team of personal guards that are more perverted than their own bodies.

They couldn't even stop the thousands of Zerg queens from attacking, let alone summoning their personal guards to join the battle.

 For the safety of your life, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

And since it is a Zerg treasure, it is possible that its value will be greatly reduced by humans, or it may even be unusable at all.

 In this case, there is no need to stay.

 As the people on the human side receded one after another, there were only a few left.

 But those king-level adventurers all remained in place at this time.

 They also believed what the Zerg Mother Queen said.

Originally, they didn’t know what kind of treasure was born, so they decided to get it themselves, and then their own staff decided who owned it based on luck.

Now that they know that the treasure is the Zerg Mother Queen, their interest is lessened.

But after learning the bad news that the treasure was a Zerg treasure, they actually heard the good news that the Zerg Mother Queen was willing to take the initiative to send them a living Zerg Mother Queen.

As mentioned before, if you want to cultivate the divine world within your body, placing a living Zerg Mother Queen in your body is currently the best solution for rapid development.

As a powerful person in the divine realm, they all hope to get an obedient living insect mother queen to put into their divine world to accelerate their improvement in strength.

However, with five people on our side, if the opponent only gives one Zerg mother queen, it will not be enough.

The five people looked at each other, and then nodded together. After confirming the terms of the negotiation, someone immediately stood up and looked at the Zerg Mother Queen and said: "We have a way to help you locate the person who took away the treasure. The location is, but our request is that each of the five of us souls enslave a living Zerg Mother Queen!"

 Hearing this, the Zerg mother queen who spoke before actually said without even thinking about it, "Okay!"

This reply was so fast that the five human king-level adventurers were a little unable to react.

 Does the Zerg Mother Queen have a grudge against each other? How could he betray his own kind so casually and naturally in exchange for his own interests?

 “How can you guarantee that it can be given to us?”

 Because the other party agreed too readily, the king-level adventurers on the human side were worried about fraud.

"It's very simple. According to your human saying, you pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand! After you locate the target for us, as long as we confirm that there is no problem with the location, we will immediately deliver the promised reward."

 “Then what if you cheat?”

Seeing that the five king-level adventurers on the human side did not trust him very much, the Zerg queen turned her head and glanced at the other Zerg queens. They seemed to have exchanged something.

Then the current Zerg mother queen turned to look at the five human king-level adventurers and said: "Just wait a moment, we will rescue them soon."

Although they don’t know what the Zerg Queen is up to, the strength of the five king-level adventurers is not limited. In this third area, they are not worried about these Zerg Queens suddenly taking action against them, so they just let them go. The Zerg Mother Queen takes action.

 About ten minutes passed.

The few Zerg Mother Queens that just left have all returned.

And what they brought back with them was the young Zerg mother queen who was not long born.

“The young Zerg mother queens were hypnotized by us with special pheromones. If we hand them over to you, I believe you can easily complete the soul enslavement!”

 Seeing that these Zerg queens actually brought the rewards before their eyes.

 They believed it.

 The five people immediately said: "You can help us locate the specific location where the Zerg treasure was taken. It will be faster and more accurate for us to go directly to the most accurate location."

Even if they don’t know where Chen Mo took the Zerg treasure from before, they can slowly locate the specific location with their own treasure.

 But now these Zerg queens obviously have more accurate position sensing, and they are too lazy to waste this time.

The longer this goes on, the more things will change.

They are no longer interested in the Zerg treasure now. They are only interested in the chance of successfully obtaining the Soul Contract Zerg Queen.

 “Please come with me!”

The leader of the Zerg queens waved to the five people and then took the lead to get into the hole. The other Zerg queens simply stayed on the ground and watched. It was not that they didn't want to see the person who took away the treasure. Where have they gone? Instead, they have all exchanged pheromones since they came here. When a Zerg Mother Queen goes down to the cave, they can also simultaneously learn the information she received within this area, so they do not need to follow. Let's move together and just wait quietly for the results of these five humans' investigations!

 (End of this chapter)

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