All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 387: The incredible effectiveness of the Zerg treasure! (2-in-1)

Chapter 387 The incredible effectiveness of the Zerg treasure! (2-in-1)

 The five of them followed the leader of the Zerg mother queen into the underground cave, and when they came to Chen Mo, they took the location of the Zerg treasure.

 They saw that there were actually five corpses of the Zerg Mother Queen on the ground.

Moreover, it can be judged from the state of the corpses of these five Zerg queens that they were all recently dead. Judging from the aftermath of the divine power on them, the strength of these Zerg queens during their lifetimes was at least hundreds of thousands of divine powers. .

Five such powerful Zerg queens actually died here together.

what's the situation?

  Could it be that the person who took away the Zerg’s treasure killed him?

Then what level of strength should that person have?

 Several people find this matter really unimaginable.

 Soon one of the people took out a special prop like a mirror.

With the surge of divine power in his body, he pulled out the mirror. The mirror instantly flew into the air and reached the top of the cave wall, shining light directly below.

Soon, in the mirror light, some pictures began to flash quickly.

The states in front of the five dead Zerg queens were also illuminated.

Just when the screen reached the point where the five Zerg queens were alive, the king-level adventurer immediately reached out and struck a blast of divine power into the mirror.

 In an instant, the picture that was playing rapidly in the mirror stopped.

The scene at this moment was frozen in the moment when Chen Mo reached out to take the Zerg treasure, and the five Zerg queens rushed over in anger.

“I have already photographed the person for you, which is half of the delivery. As for where he has been transported to, then we should start handing over the money and delivering the goods.

  If you can't show us a few young Zerg queens, it's considered a trade.

 At least I can show you the appearance of the person who took away the treasure. This can be regarded as completing part of the transaction. If you are really serious about the transaction, you should be willing to deliver your goods in advance. "

 As soon as these words came out, the Zerg Mother Queen opposite, whose aura was quite extraordinary, did not say much.

She was not lying to begin with. With a wave of her hand, several personal insect soldiers immediately moved the five comatose insect queens outside into the cave.

 The five of them looked at each other, and each one excitedly entered into a soul slavery contract with their respective Zerg Mother Queen. After doing this, they were satisfied and started to activate the treasure.

This mirror can only reflect the target's figure at most, but cannot locate it. They need to use other treasures.

One of the short, blue-skinned people took out a compass from his arms, then reached out and grabbed Chen Mo's shadow in the mirror, and finally made a gesture of throwing it into the compass. Then, I saw the compass starting to rotate crazily.

 Three seconds later, the compass rotation gradually slowed down and finally settled in one direction.

 Some numbers also popped up in the compass.

“This person is currently at the [9686, 5823] location in the first area!”

 After saying that, the other party handed the compass directly to the Zerg mother emperor and said: "With this thing, you can continue to track this person."

 “Such a treasure, you just gave it to me like this?” The Zerg Mother Queen was a little surprised.

“This item is a one-time item. Once it has been positioned for a person, it cannot be used for other purposes. If it is not given to you, it is useless to keep it.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the mother queen of the Zerg clan nodded in understanding.

Then she suddenly showed a nice but sly smile and said: "Thank you so much for your cooperation. This transaction is very pleasant, so I will leave first."

As the Zerg Mother Queen obtained the compass and walked out of the cave, all the Zerg Mother Queens waiting outside also gathered around.

“Yilmi, if that person hides in the first area, what are you going to do?”

Had it not been for the fact that Chen Mo's destiny number couldn't be seen in the mirror, they would have been forced to give up at this time.

They simply thought that the person who took away the treasure was an aboriginal human from Tianyuan World.

 In this case, they still have a chance to get the baby back.

"We have discussed it before. If this is the case, then each person will use this thing for one day. Whoever tracks down and takes back the treasure while holding this thing will get the treasure. I will not arbitrarily use the right to use it today. , how about we draw lots together?"

As soon as these words came out, the queens immediately nodded in approval.

But before drawing lots, they left the third area because someone in the third area was about to explode.

Before they left, they looked at the hole in the crypt with a smile.

 In the crypt at this time.

 The five human king-level adventurers were all excited and ready to train their Zerg mother queen so that she could give birth well in their own divine world and provide themselves with growth.

As a result, when they looked inside the world of God's Domain, they discovered that all these Zerg queens had exploded and died.

At this moment, all five people looked confused.

 When they saw that the other companions had the same expression, they immediately understood.

 “Did your Zerg Queen also explode?”

“Yes, it has turned into a pool of blood. This stupid Zerg is actually playing dirty tricks. They have already set a self-destruct command for these five young Zerg queens.

 Just waiting for us to be fooled. "


 When they thought that they and others had been tricked by insects, the five of them instantly became very angry.

They couldn't bear the loss of being dumb.

“Go to the first area quickly, get the Zerg treasure, and let them tease us. When the time comes, we have the thing in our hands, and we have plenty of ways to slowly control them!”

 At this time in the first area, Chen Mo didn't know that he had been targeted by various forces.

 He was looking at Ivya's condition.

After waiting for several minutes, Ivya finally came back to her senses, and the Zerg treasure [Lisriel] in her hand had also changed its appearance.

Originally it was in a Rubik's Cube-like state, but now the shell has been cracked open, revealing one of the beads that looks extremely crystal clear.

“Sure enough, does this Zerg treasure require a Zerg queen to open it?”

Although Chen Mo doesn't know the rules for unlocking this Zerg treasure, it feels great to be able to see it activated now.

 In fact, this Zerg treasure only needs to be detected to be held by the Zerg Queen before it can be opened and used directly.

 But this was originally set by the ancestor of the Zerg race, Evelis.

 Now that I don’t know how many years have passed, the nature of the treasure has changed a little. With such a long time, no matter how strong the treasure energy is, a lot of energy will leak out.

 So now simply detecting the Zerg Queen is not enough.

Now if you want to open this thing, you must first replenish its energy.

Even if such a treasure loses a little energy, the energy it needs to replenish it is extremely unnatural.

Any Zerg mother queen holding this treasure will be detected and successfully activated, and the energy will be directly extracted by the treasure and sucked dry.

 Only Eveya, who is Chen Mo's eternal slave, can withstand such a desperate absorption of this treasure.

  After all, from the moment Eveya became Chen Mo's eternal slave, she was permanently invincible. As long as Chen Mo did not die, she would not die, and her energy could be used endlessly.

 This is also the reason why the energy she has been crazily absorbed by [Lisril] for so long still does not suffer any damage.

If it were replaced by a normal Zerg Mother Queen, based on the strength of so many Zerg Mother Queens that had gathered in the Insect Territory before, at least a dozen of them would have to be drained out before this treasure could calm down and be officially activated.

 Chen Mo's act of directly taking away the Zerg treasure was actually equivalent to saving the lives of a dozen extremely powerful Zerg queens in disguise.

After Lisriel revealed the bead-shaped body, Chen Mo could finally directly check the attributes of this treasure this time.

  【Lisril·Zerg Arcana】:

  【Item Active Effect】: By consuming a drop of blood of the Insect Mother Queen, you can directly produce a super personal Insect King with ten times its own divine power to protect itself. (Effective when in backpack)

 【Item Passive Effect】: Producing any Zerg unit no longer requires energy consumption and waiting for production time, it can be produced instantly, and you will not be able to take any damage when the Zerg unit you gave birth to exists. (Effective when in backpack)

  【Item Introduction】: The ancestor of the Zerg race, Ivelice, exhausted her own life and stripped off a trace of the power of the catastrophe to create a heaven-defying treasure. It has a powerful effect that ignores the law of energy conservation!

"Good guy, what a pervert! Produce a super-insect king with ten times the power of his own? Producing any unit can be done instantly without consuming energy. It is exactly as described, completely contrary to the law of conservation of energy!"

After Eveya became Chen Mo's eternal slave, her divine power was synchronized with Chen Mo's.

That means that if she holds this thing, she can produce a super personal insect king with ten times the power of Chen Mo now!

When Chen Mo thought of this, he felt incredible in his heart. This was too cruel. Can the Zerg treasure really do such a domineering thing? Is it really possible to ignore the conservation of energy?

Chen Mo couldn't wait to let Yifuya conduct production tests.

 This item was originally meant to be held by the Zerg Queen herself, but since Eveya and Chen Mo have the same life, Chen Mo can still have an effect on her.

Remembering that Chen Mo liked her to use a gentler delivery method, Eveya did not directly open her body to give birth. Instead, she stretched out a finger and condensed an insect spore on the fingertip. The insect spores soon split open. Out of it emerged an insect soldier whose divine power was somewhat close to that of Eveya.

“How do you say, if you put this insect soldier in normal times, how long will it take to produce it?”

"In the past, it would have taken me at least a day and a lot of energy to produce such an insect soldier with the same magical power as mine." Eveya also looked at Lisriel in Chen Mo's hand in surprise. , "I didn't expect that the legendary treasure of the Zerg tribe would be so powerful. No wonder there is a Zerg queen in every generation who wants to find this thing at all costs."

 “Come and try again to produce the Super Guard Insect King.”

“Master, I already have the undead attribute. I’m afraid my blood essence cannot be used as the activation medium for this item.”

Just like Chen Mo needed the essence and blood of the Zerg Queen to create the Zerg Queen, because Ifuya is already an undead unit, he cannot directly use the essence and blood of the Zerg Queen from Ifuya, so he went to the Insect Domain. Go.

The same thing is naturally true now. Since what is needed is the essence and blood of the Zerg Queen, Eveya cannot give it to her.

This is different from turning on Lisriel and just extracting energy.

 To turn on Lisriel, you only need to detect the Zerg Mother Queen to turn it on. The matter of absorbing energy was not set by the original owner Ivelis. It was just a spontaneous act of seeking energy supply by the pure treasure.

 Naturally, he is willing to absorb any energy and use it for his own use.

 It’s just that this time you are using the effect of a prop, so you must consume the corresponding items as required.

  Chen Mo didn’t care about this either.

 After all, he had just harvested five copies of the essence and blood of the Zerg Queen.

 To make the Zerg Queen, you only need one of them.

 The remaining four shares are actually considered redundant.

Chen Mo directly handed one of them to Eveya and asked her to continue trying to produce the Super Guard Insect King.

 With the blood essence of the Zerg Queen in hand, this time Ivoya can finally use the active effect of Lisriel, the Zerg treasure.

 I saw a huge insect spore suddenly extending from Eveya's fingertips. It was larger than the previous insect spores that were only the size of a basketball. It was at least the size of Remembrance.

As the insect spores fell to the ground, a guy with thick green skin who looked similar to Remembrance and was covered in mucus soon emerged from the insect spores.

Chen Mo said in surprise: "Why does this guy look so human?"

“The Super Guard Bug King no longer belongs to the category of ordinary bugs. He can transform like me. If the master wants to see his original appearance, I can make him transform back, but his size will be a bit huge.”

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo thought it would be better to do this.

 “Why does he look so similar to Remembrance?”

As soon as these words came out, Ifuya curled her lips and said: "That guy always ordered me before, and I also ordered him."

Hearing that this was the reason, Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled bitterly and shook his head.

 Pure childish behavior.

 Chen Mo didn't pay much attention to this. What mattered most to him at this time was the strength of the super guard insect king in front of him.

As he sensed it, he sensed that the opponent's divine power was ten times stronger than his own.

“You can really produce units that are ten times more powerful than you are. This is too cruel!”

Chen Mo looked at Eveya and said, "How long can this guy exist?"

 “Can have a permanent owner.”


Eveya’s answer shocked Chen Mo even more.

This is too fierce. What if this Zerg treasure really falls into the hands of the Zerg Queen?

“Can you make this kind of unit repeatedly?” Chen Mo asked quickly.

"No, Master, this unit seems to be locked by special rules. While it is still alive, I cannot continue to produce a second one." Eveya shook her head and said.

 (End of this chapter)

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