Chapter 388: Artificial Mother Queen! (2-in-1)

Although such a powerful insect cannot produce many in a row, even producing just one is enough to defy the odds.

And at this time, Chen Mo was still thinking of another plan.

That is, although Ifuya can only produce one, if he creates a living Zerg Queen and gives this treasure to another Zerg Queen, will this Zerg Queen be able to use the treasure to summon another Zerg Queen? Only the Insect King with ten times the power comes out?

 If you can, that would be great.

 Evoya is an undead unit, and anything she creates has undead attributes.

The things made by the Living Zerg Mother Queen are different. When placed in the divine world, they can bring good blessings.

At this time, Chen Mo has gathered all the materials needed to make the Zerg Mother Queen, and the next step is to start making it.

According to the method of making the Zerg Mother Queen that Eveya's bugs learned from the God Locust Clan in Huangfeng Village, Chen Mo directly entered a divine domain and started to follow the steps to make it.

At this time, the outside world was searching for him, but they found that Chen Mo's coordinates were suddenly lost.

At this time, both the human side and the Zerg Mother Queen were all confused.

 They were all ready to rob Chen Mo after they found him, but he disappeared.

At this time, there is a divine realm filled with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

Chen Mo took out all the materials needed to make the Zerg Mother Queen.

  The essence and blood of the Zerg Mother Queen, the Essence of Divine Creation, the Water of Regeneration, the Virgin Spring Water, and the Essence of Life were all displayed in front of Chen Mo.

 “Evya, come and start reciting the production steps.”

“It’s the master! If you want to create a Zerg mother queen, you must first use the divine essence to shape the appearance of a Zerg mother queen.”

 “What is the appearance of the Zerg Queen? How to shape it? Can you just shape it?”

“No, there must be an actual reference shape. The more similar the shape, the better.”

 “Then I’ll pinch you.”

Chen Mo recalled what Eveya looked like before when she kept her original shape.

 Then he began to use the divine essence to knead it.

  After all, it is the memory of a god-level creature, so it is relatively easy to fabricate it.

 In a short time, Chen Mo pinched out a mini Zerg mother queen that looked exactly like Eveya.

"what's next?"

“Next, please inject the essence and blood of the Zerg Mother Queen into it.”

According to the law, as Chen Mo dripped the essence and blood of the Zerg Queen into the divine essence, the divine essence suddenly lit up for a burst of light. The moment the essence and blood of the Zerg Queen were completely absorbed, this mini Ivya It instantly seemed more realistic.

 “It’s getting more and more impressive, let’s continue.”

 Chen Mo rubbed his hands together excitedly.

This is the first time he has created life. This kind of thing that only God and Nuwa could do in the past is finally his turn.

 This is also the fun of Nuwa pinching people.

“Next, mix the regeneration water, the Virgin Spring water and the source of life essence thoroughly, and then pour it with a drop of your blood on the shaped thing.”

“Is it that simple? Are there no other steps? Didn’t I remember that they asked you for a bug cub?”

"That's because there is something wrong with their divine essence. What they use is not the real divine essence, but something similar. This thing cannot create the desired perfect target shape out of thin air like the divine essence. , relevant media must be added to ensure that the kneaded things can achieve the effect of the kneaded things created by the essence of God.

 You are using the divine essence directly. Naturally, there are no requirements for this, so there is no need to perform other steps. "

“I see, then why didn’t you tell me that thing in the first place?”

"Because the information I got from the little bug is that the divine essence is the most suitable thing, and other things will affect the integrity of the final Zerg mother queen, so I didn't say anything."

 Hearing that this was the reason, Chen Mo didn't delve into it further.

 According to the method that Eveya said, he mixed everything and then poured it on the divine essence.

With everything in place, the divine essence suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

At the same time, the Tiandao prompt also sounded immediately.

  【Tiandao Tip】: Congratulations on your successful creation of a Zerg Mother Queen. Because the materials you used are very perfect, the Zerg Mother Queen has very strong vitality and ranks among the best among the Zerg Queens.

“Among the Zerg Mother Queens, are they considered to be the best? Are you Zerg Mother Queens still classified as third, sixth or ninth grade?”

 Looking at Tiandao's prompts, Chen Mo immediately asked curiously.

"Yes Master.

 In our Zerg race, the Zerg Mother Queen is all produced through the Queen Mother Egg temporarily laid by an old Queen Mother. "

“Mother Queen Eggs? Speaking of this, I have always forgotten to ask, your Zerg Mother Queen only produces some other types of Zerg, and you Zerg Mother Queen don’t even know how they were born.

 Now what you mean by this is that all of your Zerg Queens were born in a similar way? "

“Yes, when the end of an old queen is approaching, or when her life is in danger, she will carry out the final production, and the final cost of production is that she will die directly at the moment of production.

And in this final production, all the eggs produced are the eggs of the Zerg mother queen. "

“What do you mean, if an old Queen Mother sacrifices herself, she can produce a large number of Zerg Mother Queens at once?”

  “That’s right.”

As soon as Eveya finished speaking, Chen Mo's eyes immediately started to shine.

 Obviously, Eveya has figured out what he is thinking.

Eveya immediately smiled and said: "No, Master, the Zerg mother queen who is contracted by the soul cannot give birth like this."

 “Is there still this restriction?”

"Yes, if you want to produce the Zerg Mother Queen, you need the power of certain rules to be integrated into it. Once it is contracted by the soul, the Zerg Queen can no longer obtain the power of rules to integrate into production, so it cannot be carried out in this way anyway. production.”

“Okay, let’s continue talking about these trivial matters.”


Eveya continued: "I just mentioned that once the old mother queen gives birth to the final child, she will produce multiple Zerg mother queen eggs, and the growth potential of these Zerg mother queen eggs is completely different. The superior the Zerg Mother Queen is, the more fragile the Zerg Mother Queen is, the inferior she is. The superior Zerg Mother Queen has the power of life and death over the inferior Zerg Mother Queen.

Furthermore, it is difficult for the lower-level Zerg Mother Queen to achieve any growth. Under normal circumstances, the higher-level Zerg Mother Queen will devour the lower-level Zerg Mother Queen in order to increase her own vitality.

  But the superior Zerg Queen has reached the top level and will not do this, but this kind of Zerg Queen also has no good impression of the inferior Zerg Queen. It is very likely that they will be used in some ways. "

What Eveya said was exactly what the several Zerg Mother Queens in the Insect Territory did before.

  The young Zerg queens they gave out were actually inferior Zerg queens.

  Haven’t been qualified to survive in the first place.

To be able to make such a contribution in their otherwise unsplendid lives is a gift to the mother queens of the Zerg race.

 They don’t feel at all guilty about taking advantage of them and blowing them up.

 Chen Mo was also extremely surprised when he heard that there was such a complicated relationship between the Zerg queens.

 Fortunately, the Zerg Mother Queen you made yourself has the best qualifications, so there is no need to re-create it.

As he was talking to Eveya, the newly born green and soft Zerg Queen, which was only the size of Chen Mo’s finger, seemed to automatically recognize its master.

 This is the effect of Chen Mo's blood essence mixed into the material.

Even without the contract of soul slavery, this Zerg Queen is extremely close to him.

But without enslavement, once the Zerg mother queen grows up and has other ideas, it will be difficult for Chen Mo to control her by force.

 “Are you saying you want to enslave her?”

 Considering what Eveya had just said, enslaving the Zerg mother queen would bring some restrictions, Chen Mo couldn't help but hesitate.

 After all, even if they are not enslaved now, the other party seems to be very close to me.

Eveya thought for a while and said: "I think she should be enslaved. The Zerg Queen has a strong personal will. Although she is very close to you now, this is because she has not grown up yet and is in a dependent state. Period, once she grows up and wants to be independent, she will definitely leave you directly."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

  After all, this is coming from the mouth of the Zerg Mother Queen herself, so it is obviously very credible.

 Chen Mo immediately decided to carry out soul slavery.

It's very easy to enslave souls. You don't need to learn this ability. You can just submit a contract with Tiandao directly.

 As long as both parties agree.

Of course, under normal circumstances it is impossible for the other party to agree. At this time, you need to learn some abilities to suppress the other party's mind to achieve your goal.

And the Zerg mother queen in front of Chen Mo is a newborn mother queen. In addition, she was created by Chen Mo and has complete trust and obedience to Chen Mo. Naturally, Chen Mo can easily enslave her soul.

Sure enough, as he submitted the soul slavery contract to Tiandao, the Zerg mother queen in front of him just raised her little head and glanced at him, and then agreed to the contract.

  【Tiandao Tip】: Congratulations, you have successfully reached a soul slavery contract with the target. She will always be your slave and be controlled by your will until you take the initiative to release the slave.

Hearing the instructions from Heaven, Chen Mo reached out his fingers and touched the head of the Zerg Queen in front of him with great satisfaction.

The other party seemed to enjoy this behavior very much, and even stretched out his head to rub Chen Mo's fingers.

“Master, you haven’t given her a name yet, give her a name.”

 “What name do you think is nice?”

“Since she is shaped like me, let’s call her Evelyn? How about that?”

 “That’s good, then I’ll do whatever you want, call me Evelin.”

Eveya immediately smiled, reached out and touched Evelin and said, "I will be your sister from now on, you know?"

Although Eveya communicates in language, she actually exudes a pheromone that is most convenient for the Zerg to communicate with each other. However, they usually do not like to send out this pheromone because this pheromone will emit It goes far and stays for a long time, so it is easy to expose yourself. Once you meet someone with a sensitive sense of smell, it is extremely easy to be detected.

 So when they can communicate in language, they would rather communicate in language.

But right now, this Zerg mother queen has just been born, and even the inherited memories cannot be integrated immediately. Naturally, she does not have much ability to distinguish language. It is most convenient to communicate with pheromones.

Soon Evelin knew what Eveya meant, she also knew that her name was Evelin, and she also knew that the human being in front of her was her master.

“Xiaoya, how does your Zerg mother queen usually grow and develop? How long will it take for her to grow up like this?”

“We, the Zerg Mother Queen, generally grow by absorbing energy, and we also eat some special fruits that increase the growth rate.

 But this kind of fruit is only found in our Zerg motherland and cannot be found anywhere else.

By the way, Master, the divine world is running at a high speed. You will bring Evelin into your divine world. As long as you provide enough energy for her to devour, she should reach adulthood soon. "

 “I thought so too, I just wanted to ask you if there is any other faster way.”

Since there is no such thing, we can only rely on the divine world in our body to evolve at a high speed.

 Now there are several places in the world of God's Domain where life can survive. As for energy, with his current strength, there is no problem in providing enough energy for Evelin's growth.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo directly brought Evelin into his divine world.

 And let her grow in it with peace of mind.

 After doing this, Chen Mo stopped caring about Evelin. After all, everything he wanted to do with Evelin had to wait until she grew up.

The matter of the Zerg Mother Queen has been completely settled, and Chen Mo is now ready to go to find memories.

So long time has passed, and when I look back, I can’t see the living person or the dead body.

  I don’t even know what happened when he entered that mysterious crack.

 Chance Chen Mo couldn't hold himself back even if he didn't go to investigate.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo brought Eveya and her ten-fold divine bodyguard insect king to Yafeier's hometown [Ya Ling Township] with a flicker of his spirit!

As soon as he came over, Chen Mo saw a huge crack hanging high in the sky.

There is a black light shining in this crack. Even if you are not close, it makes people feel extremely uncomfortable and shuddering.

 It seems that if you get even slightly closer to this crack, you will fall into a terrifying world.

Chen Mo glanced at the crack and then glanced at Yaling Township below.

At this time, Yaling Township was already in ruins.

 There are only a few houses that are still intact far away from the cracks.

“Brother, the crack ahead is very dangerous, please don’t get close.”

It seemed that the spatial fluctuation caused by Chen Mo's spirit flashing here attracted the attention of the people in Yaling Village. Suddenly, several people came out to look at him and gave him a very friendly reminder.

 (End of this chapter)

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