All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 389: The weird formation behind the crack! (2-in-1)

Chapter 389: The strange formation behind the crack! (2-in-1)

Regarding the friendly reminders from the villagers of Yaling Township, Chen Mo immediately stood in front of them with a smile.

“Everyone, have you ever seen a child of this height enter that crack over there before?”

Chen Mo gestured at the height of the memory.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, several people also remembered that not long ago, a child appeared here with a strange flash like this young man.

They came out to take a look because they sensed space fluctuations. As soon as they came out, they saw the child rushing towards the crack without looking back.

 They called him quickly.

Although Remembrance paused for a moment because of their shouts, he finally turned around and rushed into the crack.

When they think about it, the child did not listen to the advice of themselves and others and rushed straight into the crack to seek death. They also felt that the child was really disobedient!

 Although the child was disobedient, they did not want to see a child die like this. They tried to send people to the crack to call for memories.

 As long as he didn’t shout back, there was really nothing he could do.

Now that they heard that Chen Mo was looking for someone, several people couldn't help but feel guilty, fearing that Chen Mo would blame them for the child entering the crack.

However, their worries were obviously unnecessary. Chen Mo just continued to inquire about the situation after the recall.

After learning that he didn't do anything else when he came here, he just entered the crack and never came out, Chen Mo fell into deep thought.

 That is whether he wants to enter this mysterious crack now.

 After all, nothing happened after going in for so long, so it shouldn’t be so fatal.

 It’s just that the memories have not come out for so long. It’s not certain that this cracked space has the ability to make people get lost.

If this is the case, then the interior of this secret realm is actually very dangerous.

But when I think that the IQ of reminiscing is at the same level as my own, if I, as an external avatar, fall into a disorienting environment, I will directly choose to commit suicide.

 In this case, it is very easy to transform back into the physical avatar of the prop and bring the news back.

 It is not like he has been lost in the secret realm for so long.

 So the more he thought about it, the more Chen Mo felt that there was no danger in the crack.

 Just recalling that he might have encountered something in this crack that had to delay him.

 As for what it is, you have to go in and see for yourself.

 After analyzing the reminiscence situation and judging that the environment inside was not threatening, Chen Mo was ready to enter it.

Just before he was about to go in, he was held back by Eveya.

“Master, since this crack is so elusive, who knows what’s in it, and the memories haven’t come out, we’d better wait. It’s too risky for you to go in directly like this.”

Eveya herself is invincible and does not need to be afraid of anything. She is only afraid that something will happen to her master Chen Mo.

 So she quickly stopped Chen Mo from moving forward.

Chen Mo smiled at this and touched Eveya's head and said: "Don't worry, I have just analyzed and judged that this cracked world should have more secrets that hinder the memory, rather than any dangers in it. Maybe he needs two brains to unlock the secrets now, so it would be just right for us to go in."

 “Really?” Eveya tilted her head, slightly confused.

Although the Zerg Mother Queen's IQ is not weak, it is still inferior to Chen Mo.

However, thinking that she still had a personal guard insect king with ten times the power of the god, which was indeed enough to deal with many dangers, she did not insist anymore.

At this time, the people nearby also heard Chen Mo's intention. They quickly advised: "Although you are a respected Tianming person, this crack is too weird. Even a Tianming person must not be careless."

"Thank you for the reminder, but I am entrusted by others to do my job. I have accepted the entrustment of Yafeier, a citizen of Yaling Township, and come to help you investigate what is behind this crack.

 So whatever you say, I have to go in and take a look. "

"Faile? Are you here for Faile? Didn't Faier say before that even king-level adventurers can't take on this mission?"

People in Yaling Township have actually given up hope that anyone will come to investigate the cracks.

 After all, in the third region, those with the strongest hard power are those king-level adventurers.

Even they can't deal with this mysterious crack now.

Then there is no second possibility in this third area that can solve this crack problem.

Unexpectedly, Yafeier actually found a destiny person.

Destiny people are special beings who have been clearly stated by Heaven to help them, the indigenous people, solve various problems.

 Since he is here now, maybe he is really capable of solving this matter.

The villagers in Yaling Township are actually very kind.

On the one hand, they were very excited about Chen Mo's arrival and felt that there might be an opportunity to solve the stubborn problem in their Yaling Township.

On the one hand, he was full of worries. He was worried that even Chen Mo, who was a man of destiny, would not be able to solve such a weird crack. Wouldn't this be harming one more person?

Especially this one is a man of destiny.

It is even more of a sin.

 They were still a little confused when they thought about it.

But when they were entangled, Chen Mo ignored them and flew directly to the crack with Eveya.

Seeing this, the villagers in Yaling Township couldn't say anything else. They only said "please be more careful" and floated towards the back of Chen Mo, who had already half disappeared into the crack.

Chen Mo stretched out a hand and waved to indicate that it was okay, letting them disperse, and then completely penetrated into the world of cracks.

As Chen Mo's body passed through the crack, his eyes suddenly became brighter.

 I saw that he was already in a large formation at this time.

 This formation is divided into a total of twelve points around it.

 Each point has an animal logo.

 Chen Mo looked over one by one.

  I don’t know it by looking at it, but it looks so familiar at first glance.

Aren’t these twelve animals the twelve zodiac animals of China?

The twelve animals, rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig, are drawn just right.

 You can recognize it at a glance.

 Just what do these twelve animals represent around this large formation?

 This point really made Chen Mo a little curious.

At this time, Chen Mo also saw that although they entered this place through the crack, when they turned around and looked again, there was nothing in all directions, and there was no trace of the crack anywhere.

 In other words, it is easy to enter this place, but it is difficult to know where to go out.

Chen Mo looked around carefully and could not find any other place where he could interact except for the twelve zodiac signs.

“In that case, let’s step on it and see! Since it’s the twelve zodiac signs, there shouldn’t be any problem starting with the rat!”

Thinking of this, Chen Mo took Eveya directly to the mouse point.

As he finished stepping, the mouse spot suddenly lit up.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that if he stepped on a certain point, he might be teleported to a certain location, but it turned out that it just lit up.

 He was immediately confused. Did he just need to light them up in order?

That is simply not too simple.

 Having said this, Chen Mo quickly noticed that the order of the twelve animals was extremely confusing.

They are not ranked according to rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, and pig.

In other words, if someone does not have knowledge related to the twelve zodiac signs, they will definitely fall into infinite confusion when they see these twelve animals for the first time.

And if you want to accurately step on all twelve animals from the first to the twelfth, it would be too difficult.

 It is a blind guess after all, how many combinations are there?

It’s hard to pervert just thinking about it. Fortunately, Chen Mo took advantage of first-hand information.

His next step was to go directly to the cow's point.

 As he and Eveya stepped on the bull's point.

Sure enough, the cow’s point also lit up immediately afterwards.

Seeing this, Chen Mo moved quickly.

 Tiger, rabbit, dragon…

Just like that, he stepped all the way through in order. After a while, he reached the spot of the last pig.

 And as the pig unit is also lit.

Chen Mo saw a portal suddenly appear in the center of the array.

Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't think much and directly pulled Eveya into the portal.

 As soon as he entered the portal, the next second Chen Mo felt as if he was still where he was.

 Because even though he has passed through the portal at this time, there is almost no difference between the world behind the portal and the world just now.

 Other than the twelve points around the formation becoming only five, there are no other changes.

 As for the five points, Chen Mo is also extremely familiar with them.

 These five points are actually five lines of text.

 They are written as gold, wood, water, fire, and earth respectively.

  In addition to the five lines of text.

 The center of the formation actually lit up with the word "gram".

 When Chen Mo saw this word, he didn’t need to think too much to understand it.

 Obviously this time he needs to step on the points in the order in which the five elements are in conflict with each other.

 He immediately walked towards the earth point closest to him.

 But after standing up, the position of the soil point did not change at all.

Seeing this, Chen Mo walked to the golden spot that ranked first among the five elements.

 Sure enough, this time the point was directly activated.

“Obviously, I only gave a hint of one gram, and I didn’t say that I should start with metallicity!”

Chen Mo looked down upon the designer of this space, and then began to walk towards the wooden point according to the rules of the five elements.

 Among the five elements, metal defeats wood, wood defeats earth, earth defeats water, water defeats fire, and fire defeats metal.

As Chen Mo stepped onto the wooden point, the wooden point was also lit up normally.

Seeing this, Chen Mo walked quickly through earth, water, and fire.

 As all the points are lit, all the points are turned off in an instant.

 The word "ke" in the center of the formation suddenly changed and turned into the word "生".

“This designer is really a scammer. If a person who doesn’t know anything enters this place, does he want people to die here?

 After the mutual restraint is completed, let others do the mutual growth again. "

Since he knows everything about the mutual restraint of each other, it is naturally impossible for Chen Mo not to know the rules of the mutual generation of the five elements.

According to the previous situation, if you still have to step on gold first, the order is gold generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates gold!

 If you remember the rules, there is actually no difficulty in solving this kind of problem.

It’s just that Chen Mo was a little curious about the origin of the owner of this cracked world.

 Why do we have the cultural knowledge of our own country on earth?

 It is also the twelve zodiac signs and the five elements.

If an aboriginal from Yaling Township came into this space, the twelve zodiac signs alone would be enough to make him cry.

As Chen Mo easily completed the five elements, a portal appeared again in the center of the formation.

This time, after Chen Mo got through the portal, he was in the familiar large formation environment just now.

 It was just five points, turned into eight points.

 At first glance, it’s just gossip.

 There are many ways to play Bagua.

 Chen Mo didn't know for a while what the designer of this formation wanted him to do.

 He glanced at the center of the formation to see if there were any rules reminders.

 But this time there was still nothing.

"Is it the order again? Isn't it the same as the Chinese zodiac before? Would the designer do such a stupid and repetitive problem?"

Chen Mo thinks it’s unlikely.

 After all, the twelve zodiac animals already walk blindly.

If Bagua were to happen again, wouldn't it be like guessing the order of twelve numbers to guessing the order of eight numbers?

 Obviously impossible.

Although he thought it was impossible, Chen Mo still tried to walk again.

 Sure enough, it is ineffective whether walking forward or backward.

 Obviously the idea just now was wrong.

 Soon, Chen Mo discovered a problem.

This time it is indeed not just a walk.

 Because he wasted a lot of time, he saw that the edge of the formation would move every time it passed.

As the edge positions turned, Chen Mo saw that three rows of long and short strips were constantly changing on the stones at the edge positions.

 In other words, the topic this time is on the Bagua and Xiang pairs.

 That is, Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, Zhen is the thunder, Xun is the wind, Kan is the water, Li is the fire, Gen is the mountain, and Dui is the river.

 corresponds to Qian (), Kan (), Gen (), Zhen (), Xun (), Li (), Kun (), and Dui () respectively.

 As long as the words and symbols match up, the corresponding position should light up when you step on it.

Sure enough, as a hexagram corresponded, Chen Mo immediately stepped on it, and the point suddenly lit up.

 After discovering that he was not wrong, Chen Mo's next seven steps were very easy.

 In a short time, this level was conquered by him.

At this time, Chen Mo thought of Remembrance. No wonder Remembrance has not come out for so long. He was obviously held back by these questions. It's not like he can't do these questions. He must have passed the test, or he couldn't do it if he wanted to. If you have any questions or find any abnormalities, let yourself know.

 As a result, I kept doing it all the way, and then it never came out.

"In this case, is the memory stuck at a certain level at this time? Or is it moving forward simultaneously like me?"

As Chen Mo and Eveya stepped into the portal, new problems appeared in front of them, but they still couldn't figure out what the world was going to do, and they didn't know why monsters kept popping up in the cracks in the world. came out to attack the villagers in Yaling Township.

At this time, Chen Mo was dealing with the difficult problems he encountered with a head full of questions, and he felt that his eyes were filled with fog.

 Even if his brain is spinning very fast, thinking and making judgments still need support from data and information. Otherwise, no matter how smart a person is, he will not be able to judge everything out of thin air.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he had no choice but to keep doing it. Chen Mo straightened his expression and looked at the new formation!

 (End of this chapter)

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