Chapter 390 Divine Ability Tower! (2-in-1)

 As Chen Mo entered the new formation, some new tricks appeared in the formation this time.

 This time there are only four points.

 But there is something else.

Each unit has two wheel patterns above and below it.

It seems that you have to align all the patterns to pass this level.

Chen Mo immediately stepped forward and carefully observed the contents of the four points around the formation.

I saw that the points on the four large formations I encountered this time represented four kinds of animals.

 It's just that this time the animals are a little special.

 A tiger, a flying dragon, a flying bird, and a turtle with a tail like a snake's head.

 People who don’t know may find these four animals a little strange.

But Chen Mo recognized it at a glance, weren't these the Four Sacred Beasts?

Green Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu.

 What is familiar can no longer be familiar.

 Look again at the two circles of wheels surrounding the four sacred beasts.

 The wheel closer to Chen Mo has a lot of things written on it.

But Chen Mo saw the four words southeast, northwest and northwest at a glance.

  In other words, other words are distractions.

Chen Mo remembers the blue dragon on the left and the white tiger on the right.

So directly follow the order of up, north, down, south, left, west, right and east, and match the information on the wheel with all four points.

But just looking at this picture is not enough.

 On top of this wheel, there is another pair of wheels.

This wheel also has many things written on it like the first wheel.

But Chen Mo saw some words related to elements in it.

 According to earth, water, fire, wind and thunder.

Chen Mo thinks that Xuanwu belongs to earth, white tiger belongs to wind, Suzaku belongs to fire, and Qinglong belongs to thunder.

 The water is controlled in the middle.

 Because water is the source of all things.

Chen Mo turned the wheel according to his memory and understanding, and the result was exactly as he expected.

 After he finished all this, another portal appeared in front of him.

 As he stepped into the portal again.

 The space is different this time.

 Because this time it was not a big formation, but Chen Mo and Eveya were brought to a space with three doors.

 The three characters "Heaven, Earth and Man" are written on each of the three doors.

 Other than that, there are no hints.

 Chen Mo didn’t quite understand what this meant.

 But the three talents of heaven, earth and man, let us open the door in the order of heaven, earth and man.

 At first, the Tianzi Gate was located on the third door.

 Chen Mo opened the third door directly.

After successfully entering the door, three more doors appeared in front of Chen Mo.

 Chen Mo was not surprised by this.

 After all, he had already guessed that the doors would open in the order of heaven, earth, man, and the three talents, and there would definitely be another door behind them.

This time among the three doors, the Tianzimen has jumped to position one, and the Dizimen has jumped to position three.

Chen Mo didn't think much and directly opened the Dizi Gate.

 Continuing to enter the door, there are three more doors.

 This time the gable gate jumped to the first position.

Chen Mo went directly to the herringbone door and opened it.

 As the herringbone door opens.

Chen Mo successfully entered a space.

As soon as Chen Mo came in, he saw something familiar, the Tai Chi Diagram.

"What the hell? After the Four Symbols comes the Three Talents, and after the Three Talents comes the Two Instruments. Could it be that the destruction of the Two Instruments is the end?"

But this level is even more confusing.

  Except for the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi diagram, there are almost no other reminders on the ground.

However, the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi Diagram do not have eyes with opposite colors on both sides.

“If there are no other tips for this level, it is probably to point the correct eyes for the yin and yang fish in the Tai Chi Diagram.”

 Chen Mo secretly guessed.

At this time, Eveya followed Chen Mo all the way to this level.

 That was a look of confusion the whole time.

 Because she didn’t understand the questions and solutions of each level at all.

 She found it even more difficult to understand why her master could be so awesome.

  It was so easy. I solved the problem directly and passed the level without any obstacles. I made it all the way here.

  The mother queen of the Zerg, who was originally very smart, now seemed as sluggish as a mentally retarded person.

 It’s not that she’s not smart enough, it’s because these questions are too out of line.

 If a person without any understanding is given these things out of thin air, the gods will not be able to make them.

 At this time, Chen Mo had already begun to dig at the ground.

 Pick out the black eyes of the black fish and press them to the white eyes of the white fish.

He then dug out the white eyes of the white fish and placed them where the black eyes of the black fish were.

In this way, this Yin-Yang diagram is completely completed.

As Chen Mo restored the Yin-Yang diagram to what it should have been, the entire Yin-Yang diagram suddenly burst into light.

 A huge portal appeared above the Yin-Yang diagram.

Seeing this scene, although Chen Mo was still extremely confused about this weird world, he still directly pulled Eveya and entered behind the portal.

This time, Chen Mo appeared at the bottom of a strange tower.

 After going through so many difficulties, he finally encountered a living creature.

This is a creature with a head like a cat.

 “Oh, another traveler has arrived.”

“Traveler?” Chen Mo asked doubtfully, “Where is this place?”

 “This place is the Tower of Divine Power.”

 “Shen Tong Tower? What is this place for?”

“The Tower of Divine Powers is naturally a place where people can learn magical powers.” “Supernatural powers?”

“Since you have become a god, you don’t know what supernatural powers are?”

Chen Mo shook his head. He had never heard of any magical powers.

But speaking of magical powers, Chen Mo suddenly remembered Sun Wu whom he had met in the Xie Yue Sanxing Valley before.

That guy is full of mystery, maybe he has some magical powers.

“Supernatural powers are wonderful tricks that gods master after they become gods. Only gods who master magical powers can ignore the limitations of divine power and freely display their own strength in the face of any enemy.”

 “So perverted?”

“Of course, it’s only when using magical powers. It doesn’t mean that you have learned magical powers. You can also use other tricks to ignore divine powers. If you learn magical powers, it simply gives you one more way to ignore the suppression of divine powers.

 At the moment you use this magical power, the power of the magical power will not be suppressed by divine power at all.

Not only that, even the intensity of your magical power has nothing to do with your divine power, only your basic divine energy!

I think your divine energy strength is very good, but it’s a pity that it’s already exceeded by so much, and you don’t know how to refining it yet! "

 “Transfer? What is this?”

 Chen Mo listened with confusion on his face. He couldn't understand what the people in this place said. It could be seen that the behavior he was talking about was not something that he, a person who had not even reached the middle god, could come into contact with.

But when Chen Mo thought this, he saw the other party helplessly shook his head and said: "It's really sad. After the catastrophe, has the God Realm actually declined to this?

 Even these basic information that should be mastered by those who have just entered the divine realm, no one teaches them anymore? "

“Will you come into contact with these when you first enter the divine realm?”

“When Shinto was prosperous, anyone who had a teacher would know these things early on.

This is a matter related to your own growth. Have you never been a person who has a high level of divine energy? "

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo shook his head. He had indeed never met such a person.

And even if he encountered it, he must not have noticed it. After all, his energy has been focused on divine power recently, and he didn't pay much attention to divine essence.

“Excuse me, what is the difference between highly transformed divine energy and untransformed divine energy?”

"The difference is huge. High-transformation divine Yuan can directly ignore and crush low-transformation divine Yuan. However, unlike low-transformation divine Yuan, high-transformation divine Yuan will not be blessed by divine power, so the value does not look high. , but it is powerful and effective enough!

 Divinity is not just a matter of upgrading, it also requires continuous refining. To the level of divine power you can reach, you need to refining it several times, so that you can fully utilize the effectiveness of your divine power.

 Otherwise, no matter how much divine energy you accumulate, it will be an excessive waste.

If you want to use your limited divine energy to exert the strongest effect, you must continue to refine it, train your divine energy to the second or third level, and continue to refine it, so that the quality of the divine energy will continue to improve while the level of the divine energy remains unchanged. .

However, the divine element cannot be easily transformed indefinitely. The divine element needs to reach the corresponding level.

For example, the second-level divine essence can be refined twice, and the third-level divine essence can be refined three times.

 Your current divine energy strength is comparable to the fourth level.

 It’s long past time for me to change my temper. "

After hearing what the cat said, Chen Mo was instantly enlightened. Since he was not very clear about the matter of refining, Chen Mo naturally immediately asked the cat in front of him for advice.

The other party didn't hide anything, he just reached out and taught Chen Mo the method.

With the transfer technique in hand, Chen Mo immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and with a thought, he began to perform the Shen Yuan transfer exercise.

 At this time, reminders from heaven were also ringing in his ears.

[Tiandao Tip: You are currently refining your divine essence. After the refining, your divine essence will become a one-transformation divine essence. You can also refine it three times, but after the refining, your divine essence will directly become 1 point. , you need to practice and accumulate again. 】

 No matter how many points it becomes, it will be used when competing at the same level.

Now Chen Mo should have reached the fourth level of divine energy, but he is still at zero level. No matter how much divine energy he holds, it will be completely useless once he encounters an enemy with high-level divine energy.

This also reminded Chen Mo of Sun Wu again.

  This monkey had previously easily killed a skeleton monster whose divine origin was countless times more abnormal than his own with a single stroke of his stick.

 At this time, Chen Mo finally figured out what was going on.

 It turned out to be a matter of refining the divine energy.

This Sun Wu must have already refined his divine energy to the same level as his god.

So Chen Mo's divine energy looks like nothing to the other party. Then with this stick swept out, can Chen Mo's skeleton monsters be easily destroyed?

Thinking about this, Chen Mo also had a deeper understanding of the difference in strength between the divine energy that was transformed and not refined.

 Even if the transformation is reduced to a small amount, it is still a matter of life and death.

 After a while, Chen Mo's divine energy was finally successfully refined to level four, which was in sync with his own divine energy level.

Of course, Chen Mo’s own **** level is actually only level three. After all, he has not yet made a mid-level **** breakthrough.

However, due to the blessing of a super-god body, Chen Mo's divine energy is one level higher than that of a normal person.

 So he can directly perform four divine energy transformations when he is in the third-level divine realm.

After refining the divine energy, Chen Mo had time to ask the cat: "By the way, senior, did you just see a child of this height come here when you were here?"

As soon as these words came out, the cat immediately shook his head and said: "The person you mentioned may have gone to another tower."

“Huh? Other towers? Do you have many towers here?”

“Yes, in addition to this divine power tower, there are also divine hidden towers and divine beast towers.”

“So that’s it, then it seems like this is a treasured place, but seniors, why do monsters appear when the crack connects your place to the outside?”

“Mainly, there were some problems with the Demon Tower that sealed the Demon, which caused the crack to appear. We also hope to find someone to seal the Demon Tower again, but such a person is not easy to find.

Many people came before, but they couldn't even solve the mystery of the treasure. They couldn't come to us at all, and we couldn't communicate with them directly. They were automatically transported to the Demon Tower as punishment for failing to solve the puzzle. He died directly.

Having never found the right person to help seal the Demon Tower.

However, I met you recently. It seems to be a deliberate arrangement by God. Since you are a person of destiny, my child, you must have special abilities.

 With your strength, you might be able to help seal the Demon Tower again. "

“What are the requirements for the seal of the Demon Tower? How strong are the monsters in the Demon Tower?”

Although Chen Mo is willing to make friends with this mysterious treasure land, he still needs to understand the strength of the enemy before deciding whether to agree to it.

  After all, this is about your own wealth and life.

  It’s not just about talking.

“The monsters in the Demon Tower, if you are as strong as you are now, don’t worry, they will definitely not be in danger.

 Basically, people with powers exceeding one million will not be in danger.

 In the Demon Tower, there are not many monsters with magical powers.

 And your divine energy has reached the fourth level. Even if the opponent uses magical powers, it will be useless to you. After all, there are not many people in the Demon Tower who have reached the third level.

 So if you are willing to take action, the chance of sealing the Demon Tower is still very high.

As for sealing the Demon Tower, you only need to take the things I gave you to the top of the Demon Tower and close the loophole. "

 Seeing how the other person said it was easy, Chen Mo always felt that it was not that simple.

He touched his chin and thought for a while and said: "Although what senior said, multiple abilities are definitely safer. Since this is called the Magic Tower, senior, will you allow me to learn some magical powers first, and then go to get the Demon Tower?" ?”

As soon as these words came out, the cat did not refuse.

 Because Chen Mo was a real person and entered here through various tests.

 He was originally qualified to practice a magical power from the Divine Power Tower.

Not to mention, now they still have something to ask for.

 It's just that what Chen Mo said in this sentence is one point, and this point does not include one or two.

Cat still heard it, he smiled awkwardly and said: "Although I have something to ask for, there are rules in this tower. You have passed the test and you should be able to practice a magical power. But if you want to practice more Xijimen, even I can't open this back door."

 (End of this chapter)

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