All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 391: A magical power of astonishing value! (2-in-1)

 Chapter 391 A magical power of astonishing value! (2-in-1)

“Either one is better than none, so what magical power can I choose?”

 Chen Mo looked at the cat in front of him and asked.

"There are many kinds of magical powers in the tower. The specific magical power you want to practice depends on which magical power you are compatible with."

 “Then what do you think? How many magical powers are there in the tower?”

 “There are about 3,600 species.”

“So many? When will we go?”

"Don't worry, our magical power tower has been established for so long and is already quite perfect. If you want to learn magical powers, you only need to conduct some tests, and we can calculate the most suitable magical powers for you to practice. No. You need to read them one by one.”

"It has such a convenient function? It feels so good, let me try it quickly." Chen Mo couldn't wait.

 The cat smiled and said: "Please come with me here."

 As he spoke, he took Chen Mo to a room in the tower.

“You only need to stand in the middle of the magic circle and put your hand on the light ball in the center of the magic circle.”

"So simple?"

Chen Mo walked slowly to the middle of the magic circle and reached out to hold down the light ball.

The moment he reached out and touched the light ball, Chen Mo felt a powerful energy pouring into his body. After walking a full circle in his body, the energy retreated again, as if it was detecting It's like my own constitution.

 Soon a floating screen appeared in front of Chen Mo.

 In the floating light screen, three magical powers are currently displayed.

“These three magical powers are the ones that are most suitable for you to practice after testing.”

“By the way, what is the basis for your test to be suitable for supernatural powers?”

“Supernatural power is a very mysterious ability, part of which is linked to rules, and everyone is entangled with different rules and powers from the moment they are born.

 So the magical power detects the type of regular power entangled in you.

 Practice magical powers that are the same as the power of rules wrapped around you, and you can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

 There is basically no saying who is stronger and who is weaker among the magical powers, but the application methods are slightly different, so it is best to practice the one that suits you. "

"I see."

After Chen Mo solved the doubts in his heart, he immediately looked at the floating screen in front of him.

The three magical powers shown above are called: "Divine Slashing Technique", "Divinity Technique", and "Divine Soul Technique"

  "Divine Slashing Technique": Based on the strength of your divine energy, fuse part of the power of rules to launch an attack that ignores the limitations of divine power. This move has the ability to kill all characteristics. The strength of this magical power is only linked to the strength of your divine energy.

  《Psychic Art》: Based on the strength of your divine energy, you can fuse part of the power of the rules to launch a telepathic attack, causing indiscriminate damage to all units within the range. The strength of this magical power is only linked to the strength of your divine energy.

"Spiritual Soul Technique": According to the strength of your divine energy, you can fuse the power of some rules, ignore any space restrictions, and directly leave your body and escape thousands of miles away. You can also reshape your body in a safe place. This is one of the life-saving magical powers. top tricks.

 Looking at the introduction of the three magical powers.

Chen Mo analyzed the differences between the three magical powers.

 The first magical power is a powerful strike type. It can even ignore the characteristics of the opponent and kill it directly.

The second magical power is a range attack type. Although the attack range is very large, it does not ignore the opponent's characteristics. In that case, for example, Chen Mo's undead have the ability to resurrect. If you can't seal the characteristics to kill them, it will be a wasted kill. They will still stand up after finishing.

 But this does not mean that this magical power is not strong.

  After all, magical powers ignore the difference in divine power. This trick can even allow a person with low divine power and high divine energy to kill a large number of powerful enemies in reverse.

However, the applicability to Chen Mo is very weak, and the chances of this situation occurring are rare, so this magical power can be said to be useless.

 After all, all of them have transformed their magical powers. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for people with low divine power to have higher divine energy than those with high divine power.

 Hence, the quality of Divine Slashing Technique is still higher than that of Divine Sense Technique.

 After all, even if the Divine Slashing Technique is ineffective, it still has the ability to destroy the opponent's characteristics.

 Leaving aside the discussion of the power of the moves, this functionality cannot be compared to the power of telekinesis.

However, compared to functionality, the functionality of the Soul Technique is also quite good.

 This trick is perfect for saving lives.

Even if the surrounding space is sealed, the soul can easily leave the body, escape the sealed area, and then condense the body to be reborn. This is much more powerful than the ordinary resurrection ability.

 After all, many resurrection abilities are resurrected on the spot.

If you are still able to be killed with this strength, then your situation at this time is basically very dangerous. Even if you are resurrected on the spot, it is difficult to guarantee that you can continue to live.

 At this time, if you have the soul skill, you can be resurrected more conveniently.

After all, under normal circumstances, after you are killed by someone, if you do not resurrect quickly, and your body is completely crushed and ashes are thrown away, then you will have no chance of resurrection.

 But the out-of-body experience of spiritualism is different.

From the description of this magical power, it can also be seen that after using this trick, the physical body that was originally taken out of the body is obviously no longer needed.

Even if the physical body is refined into fly ash by the enemy, it will still not affect the soul that has left the body and can be resurrected into a physical body.

 This is the value and specialness of this magical power.

 Chen Mo was a little confused at this time.

  In the end, it is a highly functional divine slicing technique when attacking.

You still need to have a fully functioning soul skill when you sign up.

 These two things appeared at the same time, which really made Chen Mo a little confused as to how to choose.

 He already has difficulty choosing. When this happens, he will naturally have a headache.

Looking at Chen Mo's confused look, the cat looked at him and said, "Do you want to accept both magical powers?"

 Chen Mo looked at the Divine Slashing Technique and the Divine Soul Technique all of a sudden. Anyone who saw it would know what he was thinking.

Hearing what the cat said, Chen Mo instantly felt that something was going on.

 Unfortunately, for some reason, this cat is just like Sun Wu before. Chen Mo’s ability to eavesdrop on his heart is completely useless to him.

 Otherwise, you can listen to what he is thinking about in advance.

It can be seen that these two guys may have developed some special magical powers that can prevent others from prying into privacy.

Chen Mo's guess was really good. They had indeed cultivated similar magical powers.

This magical power is called his mind power. Under normal circumstances, it can be used to listen to other people's thoughts. However, if the other party also practices his mind power, it will affect each other and no one can hear the other person's mind.

The mind-reading ability that Chen Mo gained from the activities of Heavenly Dao is a variant of his telepathy.

 The effects of use are consistent. So he couldn't read the voices of people like Sun Wu and Maomao who had cultivated his psychic powers. Sun Wu and Maomao were also unable to read any of Chen Mo's voices.

“I told you about the Demon Tower before. If you can help solve the Demon Tower problem, then you can just come here and choose a magical power to practice.

Not only that, you can also go to several other welfare towers to get rewards. "

 “How many welfare towers are there in total?”

"There are a total of five towers including the Divine Ability Tower, the Divine Hidden Tower, the Divine Beast Tower, the Divine Weapon Tower, and the Divine Tower. You can get a reward from each tower. This reward is still very generous. How about it? Are you interested in giving it a try? ?"

“I have it, but I’m afraid my life will be in danger before I get it.”

“Well, aren’t you very suitable for the Divine Soul Technique? This is not a magical power that ordinary people can randomly get. Since you are suitable for this magical power, you should practice it quickly.

After practicing this magical power, you will have a very strong life-saving ability. Even if you really encounter any danger in the Demon Tower, I think you can escape by this method. "

After saying this, Chen Mo felt that this was indeed the case.

 There is spiritual magic, unless you encounter a perverted and strong person who can restrain such magical powers.

 Otherwise, it would basically mean that your life safety is completely in your own hands.

 Learn this magical power first to ensure that you are invincible, and then slowly seek other rewards.

 He nodded and decided to lock down the Divine Soul Technique, a magical power with extremely strong life-saving ability.

 “Just give me this door.”

 “Okay, I will teach you now!”

As he spoke, the cat pressed one hand on the light ball and the other on Chen Mo's head.

In less than 3 seconds, the light ball suddenly burst into flames, making it extremely dazzling.

As the light of the light ball bloomed and then subsided, Chen Mo suddenly felt a large amount of information suddenly pouring into his mind from the cat's paw pads covering his head.

 Soon he directly mastered the magical power of Soul Art.

“I didn’t expect that this so-called magical power is so powerful and easy to learn!”

 Hearing this, the cat was immediately amused.

“You brat, you are simply overthinking it. You cannot imagine the complexity and trouble involved in practicing a magical power.

Our Divine Power Tower only helps you remove all detours and obstacles, allowing you to go all the way to the end of the level, so that you can learn magical powers so easily.

 This is accompanied by a large amount of material consumption and experience inheritance.

You kid think you can learn magical powers by just reaching out and touching them. Just for the magical power you just learned, we have lost materials worth tens of billions of eternal crystal coins for you. "

As soon as Mao Mao said this, Chen Mo was also silenced.

 He didn’t expect that cultivating magical powers would turn out to be so deceptive.

This thing really doesn’t hurt the poor, because the poor can’t afford to practice it.

The pronunciations of crystal coins and gold coins among these foreigners are different, but Tiandao Translator will translate them correctly, so Chen Mo did not misunderstand that the eternal crystal coins are eternal gold coins.

If you convert tens of billions of eternal crystal coins into eternal gold coins, it would be worth one trillion eternal gold coins.

 The value of this material loss is simply incredibly expensive.

 Chen Mo just came to this magical power tower and wanted to get a few more magical powers and go back to study.

Now that he learned that the materials for learning magical powers were so incredibly expensive, he no longer had such an idea.

At this time, he felt that even being able to learn a magical power was already a big deal, let alone that the cat promised to give him the opportunity to learn one more magical power.

 Having mastered the Soul Art, he naturally immediately took over the task of repairing the Demon Tower.

“I’m already prepared. There must be some materials needed to repair the Demon Tower.”

“Well, I have all the necessary materials here. You take this storage bag. As for the usage of the materials in it, I will pass it on to you.”

As the cat man stretched out his claws again, Chen Mo got some information in his mind again.

This is information about how to use the items in the storage bag to repair the monster tower.

With this, Chen Mo said no more: "Please send me there."

“Okay, take this thing with you. If you feel it is in danger, immediately leave the battle and use it, and you can teleport back to me.”

Catman handed something like a talisman to Chen Mo and said.

Before Chen Mo could respond, he hit Chen Mo with a magic seal.

 In an instant, Chen Mo was teleported to a tower where the evil energy was so dense that it made people feel very uncomfortable.

However, the environment inside the tower is not as dark as the atmosphere. On the contrary, the light used in the tower is a very gentle and warm color.

If there was no weird evil spirit lingering around, people might feel that the environment in this tower is very comfortable.

 It’s just that now, obviously it cannot be said like this.

“According to what the cat man said, there is a problem at the top of the tower. Do I have to run all the way from the first floor to the top?”

 Chen Mo was speechless.

 When the cat passed on the relevant memories just now, he also got some instructions from the Demon Tower.

This demon tower has many powerful monsters sealed on each floor, and the higher the demon tower is, the more powerful the demons sealed are.

At this time, the top of the demon tower was damaged, causing the monsters at the top to leak powerful demonic energy, which affected the monsters at the bottom. They absorbed the powerful demonic energy and greatly increased their strength. They suddenly broke away from the control of the bottom floor and rushed to the outside world. Go to Yaling Township.

 At this time, only the monsters on the first two floors have escaped.

But if the demonic energy at the top of the tower continues to leak out, and when the demons on the third floor become stronger by absorbing the demonic energy and break through the third-level ban and run out of the tower, the situation outside will become increasingly dangerous. .

They were originally ordered by their master to guard each tower, but for some unknown reason, the person in charge of the Demonic Tower suddenly disappeared mysteriously one day, and no one saw him come back again.

This has also resulted in the Demon Tower now being managed separately by the managers of several other towers.

This kind of assigning people to take care of things is not the thing that one should take care of.

 Everyone’s attitude is naturally becoming more and more lax.

 This also led to the fact that they didn't figure out why there was something wrong with the top of the demon tower.

This is because they themselves cannot leave the tower they control and set foot in other towers.

 Otherwise, they must definitely investigate for themselves.

 Now they can only do remote hosting at best.

 So now we can only try to ask other capable people to help check the problem of this demon tower.

 (End of this chapter)

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