Chapter 392 The undead fight against the demon! (2-in-1)

After Chen Mo arrived at the bottom of the tower, he always felt that the tower was full of demonic energy and it was difficult to deal with it. He summoned a lot of undead around him with a thought, letting them charge in front, while he hid behind and stayed safe.

 Soon, the undead had already rushed into the second floor of the Demon Tower.

As they rushed to the second floor of the Demon Tower, Chen Mo immediately felt something strange.

  After all, when the undead were not isolated, Chen Mo could sense each other with them.

These undead souls had just entered the second floor of the Demon Tower when they were attacked by a force of heaven, and some kind of rule power was planted in them.

 As the power of the rules came into effect, Chen Mo discovered that all the undead's divine powers were regarded as nothing.

Of course, this does not mean that even the attributes of divine power increase have been reduced, but that the divine power can no longer exert its effect in this demon tower.

This demon tower has some extremely powerful rules and regulations.

Now Chen Mo also understands why this demon tower can trap powerful demons for so long.

  It turns out that it is because of this restriction that the opponent's divine power cannot be used at all.

Just to control the demons on the upper floors, a large amount of energy in the tower was gathered into the upper floors, causing the binding power of these layers on the lower floors to be greatly reduced.

 Now that there is a loophole on the top floor, the demons at the top can pour a large amount of the lost demon power into the bottom of the tower. This greatly increases the strength of all the demons at the bottom of the tower, and naturally they can escape easily.

But it’s useless to escape, after all, the demons at the bottom are too weak.

The demons who went out were quickly killed by the villagers of Yaling Township.

  It was just the most **** one that came out at the beginning. Now the further you delay, the more powerful the demons that escape become.

It is exactly what Yafeier who gave Chen Mo the task said. If they continue, they will be unable to clear out the enemy, and they will have no choice but to abandon their hometown.

 Chen Mo has already entered the fourth level under the leadership of the undead.

 But even on the fourth floor, Chen Mo did not see a single demon.

It can be seen that there are indeed a lot of these demons escaping.

Soon, Chen Mo’s undead set foot on the fifth floor.

This time, Chen Mo finally encountered the demon trapped in the tower.

 It's just that the strength of these monsters in the tower was greatly suppressed.

 Because in addition to the normal rules for limiting divine power, there is also a demon-sealing formation in the tower.

This demon-sealing formation greatly weakened their power, but Chen Mo and his undead would naturally not be affected in any way.

 So at this time, the demons on the fifth level are far from strong enough to face Chen Mo's undead.

But after Chen Mo entered this layer, he could clearly sense that there were waves of strong demonic energy that were constantly invading this layer.

And these monsters, after absorbing these demonic energies, have obviously become stronger.

Chen Mo also judged it through other monsters on the same layer.

After all, after the demonic energy invades this layer, the amount of demonic energy that the demons in the layer can absorb at the same time is different.

Chen Mo was originally not prepared to pay attention to these monsters, but as soon as his undead stepped into this layer, the monsters immediately gathered around him like flies that smelled sugar water.

However, considering the strength of Chen Mo's undead, no one of them dared to take action directly, they just surrounded him nearby.

Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't coddle them. If they didn't take action, he would take action first.

 Those who strike first will gain the upper hand, but those who strike later will suffer disaster!

As soon as Chen Mo thought, the undead army under his command had already begun to launch a crazy attack on the surrounding monsters.

The undead have different professions and show off their magical powers. They surrounded the surrounding demons and showed amazing fighting power in this melee.

A skeleton mage stood in the distance, holding his wand high, releasing a blazing fireball, burning a demon to ashes. His eyes were filled with deep firelight, and the power of the spell was shocking.

An undead knight wearing black armor rode on a bone horse, wielding a huge death blade, cutting a demon in half. His blade shone with a cold blue light, making people's hair stand on end.

A ghost thief sprang out of the shadows, nimbly shuttled between the demons, strangling them one by one behind her back. Her eyes were deep and cunning, and every move was a fatal blow.

  A ghoul opened its **** mouth, roared and pounced on a demon, biting it into pieces. The ghoul's body was fat and smelly, and its sharp teeth were full of ferocious edges.

 Under the attack of the undead army, the demons were unable to fight back and fell to the ground one after another.

Chen Mo’s undead army shows amazing diversity and powerful combat effectiveness.

Seeing Chen Mo start the massacre without saying a word, various monsters in the demon group did not want to just sit still and join the fight.

 There are huge unicorns breathing fire, lizard warriors holding sharp spears, and half-human, half-snake banshees releasing charming magic sounds and petrifying light...

Many demons can be said to have shown their own magical powers in order to save their lives, but their impact on the undead has had little effect.

Soon the melee was filled with blood and flesh, and the scene was extremely fierce.

 In the melee, there are not only skeleton mages, undead knights, ghost thieves and ghouls, but also other more powerful undead units showing off their might.

A huge Abomination stands proudly in the center of the battlefield, its skin is rotten and dripping with green stinking liquid. Every time it swings the giant ax, it can chop down several monsters. The presence of Abomination makes the monsters feel deep fear.

A bone dragon hovered on the top of the floor. Its huge body was covered with hard bone armor. Blue flames burned in its eye sockets. A dragon roar shook the sky and the earth. The bone dragon sprayed out cold dragon breath, and it could be done in an instant. Freeze a piece of demon into an ice sculpture.

A lich stood in the distance, holding a black staff and releasing powerful death spells. His eyes were deep and cold, and every dark spell could take away the life of the demon.

Just when Chen Mo's undead showed great power, it was not that there was no big brother on the demon side, but they should have absorbed the energy leaked by the powerful demon to become stronger.

Now it’s all popping up.

The demon that appeared this time is more oriental fantasy in earth myths and legends than the demon that appeared just now.

The scene suddenly burst into red light, and a red flame phoenix flew on the top of the floor, its wings burning with fire. Every time it flapped its wings, it would trigger a fire storm, burning the weaker undead to ashes.

Chen Mo discovered that the phoenix's flame seemed to have some special ability, or there might be something wrong with the demon tower.

 The resurrection ability of the undead is directly disabled.

The moment the weak undead was killed, the undead was directly incinerated into a pile of ash.

After the red flame phoenix appeared, it was followed by a huge dragon controlling a large amount of dark green poisonous water and involved in the scene. Chen Mo knew at a glance that the water was definitely poisonous.

This dragon's body was tens of meters long, and its scales shone with a blue light. In the rippling water, its eyes scanned Chen Mo's undead soul, and with a sudden opening of its mouth, a jet of dark green water spurted out. In an instant, Then a bunch of undead were drowned.

There is no way, Chen Mo has too many undead, they are all crowded together, and if they take a range of damage, they will be hurt easily. Sure enough, the dark green water spit out by the dragon was as poisonous as Chen Mo expected.

 But this is not just poison, but more like concentrated sulfuric acid. The moment it is sprayed on the low-level undead, it corrodes them completely and kills them instantly. They are not even resurrected.

If the flames of the phoenix had the effect of restraining the undead, Chen Mo could still believe it, but the poisonous water of the dragon could not restrain the undead.

In other words, the only reason why the undead has not been resurrected is that it is restricted by the power of rules in the tower.

But this restriction applies to both the enemy and ourselves, which also results in the fact that when the undead on Chen Mo's side are frantically killing the demons in the tower, the demons do not have any invincible or immortal abilities.

As the red flame phoenix and the dragon showed their power, a group of monster foxes also shuttled quickly on the battlefield not to be outdone. Their tails were coiled with faint blue flames. Every attack had a weird witchcraft effect. They could actually Cause low-level undead to fall into hallucinations.

Logically speaking, the undead are immune to this kind of mental control ability, but this fox tribe is very strange.

 Chen Mo became interested in her instantly.

 I plan to catch one and study it.

It’s just that in this tower now, his characteristics cannot be used, and monsters cannot be resurrected as undead to participate in the battle. Chen Mo’s overall combat effectiveness is actually quite limited.

 But fortunately, there are many others.

 He can continuously summon a large number of undead.

As long as he, the summoner, is not restricted, then his undead army has the ability to live forever and is immortal.

 At worst, I will continue to recruit you if you die. What can you do?

When Chen Mo paid attention to the Fox Clan, he immediately saw a fox with the most outstanding temperament among the Fox Clan appearing on the front line of the battlefield.

This is a mysterious ghost fox girl with a beautiful face. Her eyes are shining with mysterious starlight. With a demonic chant, the souls of the undead are attracted by the power of the soul and unconsciously walk towards her. go.

As the low-level undead lost their space, a huge python monster instantly wrapped around the undead. Its body was as tall as a mountain peak, and every time it was entangled, it would crush the bones of the undead.

However, the appearance of these monsters can at best eliminate some low-level undead.

 Chen Mo's high-level undead are still continuing to show their power at this time.

 Continuously killing the demons on the fifth floor.

As a battle broke out on the fifth floor, three big demons gathered together on the top floor, talking excitedly.

"Great, finally they are fighting to steal our magic power. The harder they fight, the greater the energy fluctuations. Coupled with various death energy impacts, our hope of breaking through the seal is close at hand."

“That’s not right, are there so many demons on the fifth floor? This energy fluctuation is too violent, as if hundreds of millions of units are attacking together.”

"No matter what happens, as long as the result is beneficial to us, continue to control the spread of magic. If it's less, not many demons will notice it. If it's more, they don't need to compete so fiercely. We have to control it this time At the fifth level, they can easily cause fights."

The three demons are planning to use the fluctuations and death energy caused by the battles between the demons at the bottom to attack the seal of the demon tower.

  The demons on the fifth floor have now entered the final stage of resistance.

 A large number of middle and low-level demons suffered numerous casualties.

 As for those higher-priced demons, they only gained a few lives of low-level undead.

 When undead monsters such as the Bone Dragon and the Lich King attack them, they will not get any benefit.

 Soon they were all defeated.

At this time, Chen Mo came to the ghost fox girl and said: "Either soul contract or death, you choose!"

 Chen Mo can kill her directly and then turn her into an undead.

 But Chen Mo feels that the original effect is better.

 So if you can subdue them with a soul contract, there is no need to forcefully turn the opponent into an undead.

 After Chen Mo said this, the beautiful eyes of the Nether Fox Girl were filled with a look of struggle.

She looked at Chen Mo and said, "If you go to the upper realm, will you cancel my soul contract?"

Chen Mo naturally knew the upper realm that the fox girl was talking about. This was obviously referring to the second level of the Tower of Eternity.

Chen Mo himself didn't even know what the second level of the Tower of Eternity was like, so he naturally agreed casually: "Okay."

After all, we have really reached the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. Even guys with supernatural powers like Sun Wu have to reserve comrades in advance. This shows that this second floor is not easy.

 At that time, even taking this fox up there will be of no use.

 He is simply interested in the fact that this fox can charm the undead.

 As your divine realm continues to improve, you can begin to create your own magical arts and powers.

 The reason why everyone can learn so many skills, spells, and tricks is not because they were created by predecessors and then passed on to later generations.

 These latecomers naturally also have such abilities.

 Compared to previous eras, after this world was invaded by great catastrophes, all kinds of missions have already been discontinued.

Just as the cat Chen Mo met before said, people like Chen Mo don't even know what divine power is.

Tiandao is not mentioned at all, which shows that some things can only be understood by oneself.

 After becoming a god, Chen Mo felt that the reminders and assistance provided by Heaven were becoming less and less.

 There are many things that you need to do yourself.

 For example, the way of heaven did not give him any clear guidance for the breakthrough of the middle **** this time.

  Chen Mo was very keenly aware of these subtle changes.

Just when Chen Moqing finished slaying the demons on the fifth floor and made a contract with the ghost fox girl, Chen Mo suddenly sensed something coming up from the bottom of the tower.

 As he turned his head, he looked at the entrance to the fifth floor.

 After a while, he saw a lot of familiar monsters emerging from the entrance to the fifth floor.

 These are the undead monsters he often summons!

This influx of numbers is almost the same as the number he summoned!

 (End of this chapter)

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