In view of the situation on the ninth floor, Chen Mo felt that what he said was reasonable.

Although the demons and gods on the ninth level are all first-level gods and have little strength, even if they use magical powers, it is indeed dangerous if the strength gap between the demons on the top level and the demons on the ninth level is huge.

 At least recall that you can find a way to deal with any problems you encounter.

After Chen Mo nodded in agreement, he took a large number of the undead he summoned to the tenth floor of the Demon Tower.

Since the Demon Tower is isolated from each other every time, even if it is only one level apart, Chen Mo cannot sense the situation on the tenth floor.

 At present, he only knows that the incarnation items outside his body have not returned to his body, which means that the memory did not encounter anything on the tenth level.

However, although the reminiscence is fine, it does consume a lot of time after reaching the tenth level.

It didn’t take them much time to climb from the fifth floor to the ninth floor before, but now after entering the tenth floor, it took ten times as much time as they had to clear the previous floors.

 “Is this tenth floor so troublesome?”

 Chen Mo, who was waiting on the ninth floor, was not idle either. He started to break through to the divine realm directly on the spot.

After all, we have already obtained the protective beads brought back by our memories. Anyway, there will be no loss if the breakthrough fails, so we might as well start the breakthrough directly.

But Chen Mo was not very lucky.

 Made breakthroughs three times in a row, but all ended in failure.

But this is natural, according to the rules of the fragmentation and sublimation of the godhead.

 In order to break, sublime, and recast the godhead, you need to find the treasure that stabilizes the godhead!

 Such items include "Soothing Fruit", "Calming Stone", and "Heart-locking Orb". Just find one of them.

 Things that need to be sublimated and recast later.

 A total of three materials are required.

 "Holy Lord Spirit Fruit", "Refining Divine Bead", "Shaping Divine Stone".

 Under normal circumstances, after all the materials are prepared, the success rate of shattering, sublimating and recasting the godhead is 50%.

 After everything is collected, there will be a 50% success rate.

 This is a situation where all materials have been collected.

 Each "complete lower godhead" material invested in the future can increase the success rate of shattering, sublimation and recasting of the godhead by 1%. If a "complete mid-level godhead" material can be invested, the success rate of shattering, sublimation and recasting of the godhead can be increased by 100%.

Now Chen Mo has not collected all these things at all.

In other words, his current breakthrough success rate is far from 50%, and it is completely normal to fail three consecutive breakthroughs.

 Let alone three times, someone who has no preparation and just starts to break through on the spot, even if he breaks through three hundred times in a row, if he can succeed even once, his face will be extremely pale.

Although the protective bead allows Chen Mo to suffer no loss even if his breakthrough fails, every time the protective bead fails to activate its protection function, it consumes Chaos Source Energy, and Chen Mo only has a little Chaos Source Energy saved now. He couldn't bear to spend it carelessly.

So I simply stopped trying.

While Chen Mo was boringly studying the divine world in his body while waiting, a familiar figure finally came down from the stairs from the ninth to the tenth floor.

  It is reminiscence.

 At the same time, a memory immediately entered Chen Mo's mind.

At this moment, Chen Mo finally understood why Reminiscence had been on the tenth floor for so long.

This demon tower's tenth floor has a huge space.

 It is divided into ten sealed areas in total, and a big demon is sealed in each area.

These monsters had some problems with the monster tower before, so they were able to gather their clones and leave the sealed area to communicate with other big monsters.

According to their communication, the method they came up with was to make the demons below cause chaos as before, completely disrupting the sealing power of the demon tower.

 So that they can get out of trouble smoothly.

It is a pity that their plan was ruined by Chen Mo. After Zhui Xiu went upstairs, although they were angry, they were restricted by each sealed area, and they could not directly cause any harm to Xiu Xiu.

Although their clones are equally effective in combat, they are just clones and are of no use after all.

They cannot unite and everything is in vain.

 In the end, they were killed in one area after another.

 This is why it takes so much time to reminisce.

 Although the big demons in each sealed area have been restricted in most of their strength, they are still extremely strong.

If they hadn't been sealed for so long, Remembrance wouldn't have been able to survive in front of them for more than three seconds.

Let alone the tenth floor, Chen Mo is currently on the ninth floor. If these demons had not been sealed and deprived of their power by the demon tower for a long time, causing them to weaken to the current level, Chen Mo might not even be able to get through the ninth floor.

The current strength of the ninth level is just that they have absorbed the demonic energy leaked from the tenth level demons and gained some supplementary combat power. It is still far from their complete victory.

 As far as the strength of Shen Yuan is concerned, it is incomparable.

 In the past, their divine energy strength was at least level five.

Where it has declined to only one turn as now.

The big demons on the tenth level are even stronger. Their divine energy is at the level of ninth rank. However, they have been suppressed for too long and have fallen into serious decline. In addition, they have previously actively released a large amount of demonic energy in order to escape from difficulties. Other demons have suffered further damage to their vitality, and their current divine energy strength may still be able to maintain the fifth level.

  Unfortunately, after experiencing many injuries, their strength has been severely damaged, and now their divine energy strength can barely be maintained at around level four.

 But even so, it is difficult for them to defeat the memories.

  First of all, the seal on the top layer is too strong, suppressing their divine power and unable to get out. Once they use their magical powers, even the most **** ordinary magical powers will still make their supernatural powers unable to make ends meet.

 It simply cannot support them in long-term fighting.

Memory sending a few waves of undead at random is enough to drain their divine power.

 Secondly, even if Sui Xiu doesn't do this, Chen Mo and Sui Xiu's combat power is not just the undead, but their true form is actually the strongest form.

 Because they also have the skill of sacrificing the summoning ability to sacrifice all the undead to forcibly increase their combat power.

 The reason why they have been useless is because the undead army has been very useful along the way, and they have never been forced to sacrifice all the undead to fight on their own.

 So, without forcing them to this point, they still have a lot of energy left.

Recalling that this skill was not used when the ten demon kings were harvested on the tenth level, which shows how weakened the ten demons have been.

It's easy to kill in remembrance, but it's so painful to die for these big monsters.

The result is indeed like the cat man Chen Mo met in the Shen Tong Tower before. With his strength, he can kill him. But generally speaking, it is really difficult for people who can enter this cracked world to have the strength of Chen Mo.

After all, it is in the strange rift in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World. The people of destiny who can mix in this area are not much stronger at all. Chen Mo can already go to the next area. He is just to get what he needs. , so he stayed here and continued his mission.

 I'm afraid it won't be so easy to solve if other ordinary Tianming people come over.

After all, even if they have been weakened to this extent, these demons still retain the strength of the fourth-level divine energy.

Although their divine power can only go in and out, even if the third-turn divine essence encounters them, it can be dealt with, but in this regional stage, the third-turn divine essence is not that easy to find.

After exchanging memories, Chen Mo went up to the tenth floor with Sui Ni.

 At this time, there are still the corpses of ten big demons in the tenth floor. What is strange is that according to the abilities of Chen Mo and Zhui Mi, the units they killed should be able to be resurrected as undead.

But not only could the ten big monsters on the tenth floor not be resurrected as special undead, even Chen Mo couldn't take their bodies away.

Those sealed areas actually remained in effect even after their deaths, completely confining them in the tower.

 Chen Mo didn’t really care about this.

Although these big demons should be strong in person, it is difficult to say in what state they will be resurrected after being resurrected as special undead.

 So he didn't feel that not being able to take away these ten big demons was equivalent to losing ten top combat capabilities.

 After reaching the tenth floor, Chen Mo also quickly saw the broken place on the top of the tower.

 He took out from his arms the things that the Catman had given him before to repair the top of the tower.

As he took out the weird self-squirming clay and threw it towards the top of the tower, the self-squirming clay expanded directly to cover the top of the tower, perfectly repairing the broken spot, and even the color and material were different. It becomes like the top of the surrounding towers.

 After this special piece of clay was perfectly covered, the entire top of the tower seemed as if there had never been any problems.

After repairing the top of the tower, Chen Mo and Zhui Yi were about to leave when they suddenly felt something strange.

 They saw that the ten big demons that had died miraculously came back to life again.

However, after being resurrected, they all fell into a sluggish state, motionless, and made no move to attack Chen Mo and the two.

Facing such a scene, Chen Mo and Zhui Ni felt a strange feeling, and soon they felt an extremely terrifying sealing power seeping down from the top of the tower, acting on the ten big monsters around them.

Although this sealing power was only aimed at demons, Chen Mo decided to exit the demon tower with his memories just in case.

As they went down from the tenth floor to the ninth floor, they saw a strange scene again.

Unexpectedly, all the demons on the ninth floor were miraculously resurrected.

 And their current state is almost no different from the demons on the tenth level.

They all stayed motionless on the spot. Even if Chen Mo and Sui Ni passed by them, they had no reaction at all.

Just like that, Chen Mo and Zhui Ni walked all the way down.

No matter which floor they passed through, the monsters that died before were actually resurrected at this moment.

However, this situation only lasts until the sixth floor.

The demons below the sixth level are finally no longer resurrected. They were still in the same posture as when they were killed.

Seeing this situation, Chen Mohe and Sui Niu were also quite curious and didn't know why.

 But we can somewhat understand some problems, that is, this demon tower should not only be built to deal with these demons.

If you just want to deal with these monsters, you have to spend energy to create a sealing array, and you have to continuously provide energy to seal them to prevent them from breaking through the seal.

 It’s better to just kill them.

Chen Mo always felt that this demon tower deliberately sealed these demons in it to absorb their energy.

Then using this energy to provide energy for the entire crack world is not necessarily possible.

However, Chen Mo was not interested in knowing the specific reason.

 He came here just to complete the task given by the cat man.

 After completing the mission and going back, Chen Mo didn’t know what rewards he would get, but Chen Mo was still looking forward to it.

After all, when he came to do the mission before, he had already asked in advance if he could go back and obtain a second magical power. The answer was that even Cat Man, the guardian of the magical power tower, could not open the back door for him.

Then what kind of rewards can be given after returning is really elusive.

The moment Chen Mo left the Divine Power Tower, his whole body suddenly lit up and disappeared in front of the Divine Power Tower.

The same goes for Reminiscence. In a flash of light, he also disappeared in front of the Divine Power Tower.

 The next moment, both of them returned to the person who sent them here before.

Chen Mo returned to the cat man in the Shen Tong Tower.

 The memory is back to the tower guard of the Shenzang Tower.

“Well done, Destiny Man, you fulfilled your mission and completed the task of repairing the Demon Tower. Although this task was detected to be completed by two people at the same time, normal rewards can still be given to you.

Since you have already obtained magical powers in my magical tower before, you can no longer obtain the rewards in my magical tower. Although this rule cannot be broken, I can send you to other towers.

Generally speaking, anyone who enters this space will only enter one tower. If you want to enter the crack again in the future, it will be a long time later, so it is basically impossible to gain profits from two towers in a short time.

  But when our masters left these towers before, they did not enforce that one person should not go to more than one tower in a short period of time.

 So I can send you to other towers and let you get the income from other towers as a reward. What do you think? "

Hearing what the cat man said, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. There is nothing vulgar in this treasure land."

 As for which tower to go to, you need to think carefully about it.

“How many towers do you have here? Can you tell me the names and functions of all the towers so that I can make a good selection?”

 “Of course there is no problem with this.”

The moment the cat man finished speaking, he stretched out his cat paw and tapped Chen Mo on the forehead.

 In an instant, information about all the towers in the secret space flooded into his mind.

While Chen Mo was listening to what the cat man said, the guardian of the Shenzang Tower over there in Suiyi also said the same thing to Suiyi.

  Let Remembrance choose a tower you want to go to. (End of chapter)

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