As the cat man transmitted all the tower information to Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo also understood how many towers there were in this cracked world.

 The entire Rift World has a total of ten towers.

 The Demon Tower has nothing to do with rewards.

Five of the other nine towers are welfare towers, and four are clearance towers.

 The five welfare towers are the Shen Tong Tower, the Shen Zang Tower, the Shen Beast Tower, the Shen Weapon Tower, and the Shen Ge Tower.

 Among them, the Shenzang Tower was originally a level-clearing tower, but even if the Shenzang Tower does not clear the level, you can directly receive a layer of rewards, so it is regarded as one of the welfare towers.

 As for the other four towers, you must clear them all the way to get the rewards in the corresponding towers.

 According to what Chen Mo learned.

These four challenge towers correspond to four rewards respectively.

The first level-breaking tower is called the Divine Realm Tower. If you successfully clear the level, you can upgrade all the divine realms bound to you by ten levels, or you can choose to upgrade all the divine realms you encounter in the future by ten levels.

This kind of reward level, Chen Mo felt, was not something that a normal god-level powerhouse could retain.

How come this kind of reward for breaking through the level tower seems like a reward given by heaven?

When Chen Mo first asked the Cat Man, the Cat Man said that there were five welfare towers in total, but he never mentioned the four barrier towers at all. The situation in the barrier towers was unknown even to the Cat Man himself. learn.

 The rewards from the God's Domain Tower are absolutely excellent.

  If he can pass the level, no matter which reward mode Chen Mo chooses, it will be an excellent reward.

Now Chen Mo's own number of divine realms is not small. There are eight divine realms in total. If all of them are upgraded ten levels from their current levels, the amount of divine power they can provide every day will increase a lot.

Because starting from the eleventh level, the amount of divine power that the Divine Realm can produce every day will increase from one point at the original level to two points at the first level. Not only that, after being promoted to the eleventh level, the divine power of the previous ten levels will increase. The number will also double.

In other words, if the level 10 divine realm can produce 10 points of divine power per day, then the eleventh level divine realm can produce 22 points of divine power per day.

If Chen Mo can successfully clear the God's Realm Tower, it means that the basic power points produced by each God's Realm will directly become 40 points.

 Such a production volume, after eight buildings are connected together, becomes that each of the divine realms can produce 320 points of divine power per day, and the eight divine realms can produce a total of 2560 points of divine power per day.

 Such an improvement is still extremely huge.

Instead of choosing such a reward, choosing to upgrade all subsequent divine realms by ten levels would also be a very good improvement.

In this way, no matter how **** the level of the divine realm you find is, you can directly transform it into a divine realm of level ten or above.

 Such an improvement is also extremely huge.

After Chen Mo took a look at the introduction of the Realm Tower, he was still a little excited about the final reward for completing the level.

However, since he didn’t know the specific difficulty, he was a little hesitant for the time being. He didn’t make up his mind to go to the God’s Realm Tower immediately. Instead, he looked at the others first.

After all, there is only one chance to enter other towers. It is hard to say whether he will be thrown directly out of this cracked world and unable to enter again.

Chen Mo turned around and looked at the introductions of the other three breakthrough towers.

In addition to the Divine Realm Tower, the other three towers are the Divine Power Tower, the Divine Origin Tower, and the Priesthood Tower.

 After completing the level of the Divine Power Tower, you can increase a large amount of your basic divine power.

 After clearing the Shen Yuan Tower, you can increase a large amount of your own basic Shen Yuan.

 After clearing the priest tower, you can get an extremely good career.

 Chen Mo's current profession is already very good, so naturally he has no interest in the priesthood tower.

 As for the other two towers.

 Chen Mo was even less interested.

His divine power has reached its peak, and he still needs a hammer. Now it’s not that his divine power is not enough, but that his realm has blocked him.

The Divine Yuan Tower is even more indifferent to Chen Mo. His own Divine Yuan strength is much higher than that of the same level.

  There is absolutely no need to challenge the Divine Essence Tower to obtain additional Divine Essence.

At present, his most promising choices are only the three towers: Divine Realm Tower, Divine Hidden Tower, and Divine Weapon Tower.

 Among them, the Shen Zang Tower has been verified by memories. It is a tower that needs to be cleared, so if you want to get rewards, you need to go through many levels. As for the Shen Weapon Tower, Chen Mo estimates that it should be similar to the Shen Zang Tower.

He thought and thought, and finally wanted to go to the Shenzang Tower. After all, the Shenzang Tower had been recalled and confirmed that the treasure of chaos could be obtained.

 The value of the other two places is somewhat inferior to the clear Chaos Arcana.

Just when Chen Mo was thinking this, suddenly a burst of light flashed in the magical tower, and a child-like memory appeared next to Chen Mo and Cat Man.

 “My lord.”

Seeing Chen Mo here, Xiu Xiu called him immediately.

Chen Mo smiled and looked at Xiu Yi: "Why do you want to come to the Shen Tong Tower?"

As he spoke, his memories began to synchronize, and Chen Mo was instantly disappointed with the Shenzang Tower.

At this time, Sui Niang also explained: "I just asked the guardian of the Shenzang Tower, and he said that the only chaos treasure in the Shenzang Tower has been taken away by me. If someone comes to challenge again, the difficulty of passing the level will be reduced. The final reward you can obtain will no longer be high-grade things like Chaos Arcana.

I just thought that you had just learned that I had obtained the Chaos Treasure in the Shenzang Tower, and I was afraid that if you teleported here directly and lost a chance to get a good reward, I teleported here quickly to tell you. "

  Chen Mo didn’t think there was anything wrong with the act of recalling.

  After all, magical powers are good things. He has no chance to obtain another magical power. However, remembrance belongs to an independent unit. Since he could obtain the Chaos Treasure in the Divine Treasure Tower before, he can also obtain magical powers in the Divine Ability Tower.

 So while the memories are sent here to notify the news, the opportunity to get rewards will not be wasted.

completely fine.

"I didn't expect that the rewards here are actually limited, first come first served?" Chen Mo immediately looked at the cat and said, "Isn't it possible that some Chaos Treasures were taken away from the Divine Weapon Tower?"

The cat man immediately smiled and said: "There is indeed a Chaos Arcana-level weapon in the Divine Weapon Tower, but it has not been taken away yet. If you are confident and interested, you can go there and try it, but this Chaos Arcana is not that good. Take it.”

Hearing this, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile and said: "Wealth and honor are found in danger. If it were easy to get it, I wouldn't have had to pick it up today."

"In that case, have you decided to go to the Divine Weapon Tower? If you decide, I will send you there."

Hearing what the cat man said, Chen Mo looked over and asked, "Do you think it's better to go to the Divine Realm Tower or the Divine Weapon Tower?" "Divine power is always available, but the treasures of chaos are hard to find. In the Divine Realm, as long as you have divine power, you can upgrade as many levels as you want. , just upgrade as many levels as you want, but if you miss the Chaos Treasure, you may not be able to encounter it."

 Recall and analyze.

 In fact, Chen Mo himself thought so too, but he was a little hesitant because of his entanglement.

Now after recalling this, and with double authentication, he was sure to go to the Divine Weapon Tower.

However, before going over, Chen Mo asked Zhui Yi to choose the reward of the Divine Power Tower first. In this way, he could directly obtain the magical power at the same time and then go to the Divine Weapon Tower.

 In this case, the possibility of him obtaining a Chaos Arcana-level weapon can be increased accordingly.

 Chen Mo has the ability to read minds, and he also has the ability to recall. When Chen Mo thought about it, he understood the recall.

 He immediately looked at the cat and said, "Can I get a magical power reward here?"

“You haven’t received magical power rewards here before, so of course you can.” Cat Man said with a smile.

Previously, Cat Man recommended Chen Mo three magical powers that are more suitable for him to practice. The main reason is that these three magical powers are consistent with the rules of power entangled in Chen Mo, making cultivation more effective with half the effort. However, this does not mean that Chen Mo cannot practice other magical powers.

 It just takes more time to practice to the point of mastering it.

  As mentioned before, magical powers are divided into different types according to the degree of depletion of magical power.

 Normal level, powerful level, ultimate level, etc.

 Ordinary level magical power, consumption of divine power is within 20%.

 Powerful magical power, the consumption of divine power is between 20% and 40%.

 Ultimate level magical power, the consumption of divine power is between 40% and 60%.

 A killer-level magical power that consumes more than 60% but less than 80% of the divine power.

 A unique magical power that consumes between 80% and 99% of your divine power.

 The percentage shown here has a large range, which is caused by the different levels of advancement in magical power cultivation.

For example, the life-saving magical power that Chen Mo obtained, the Divine Soul Technique, is a big-move magical power. He is a beginner, so the maximum 60% of the magical power he has to consume when using it.

In other words, before he is completely proficient, his divine power cannot support him using it twice in a row.

 But once it is fully integrated, the loss becomes only 40%. A whole tube of divine power is enough to support him to use it twice, and he can also use a lot more divine power to use ordinary-level magical powers, or use a powerful-level magical power.

This is the huge difference between thoroughly mastering a magical power and practicing it for the first time.

If Chen Mo learns something that suits him, then it will not take more than ten days to go from beginner to complete mastery, at most ten days and a half month will be enough.

 But if it is not suitable for him, it may take half a year to achieve some success.

This is also the reason why Cat recommended him to choose one that suits his magical powers.

Although Reminiscence is Chen Mo's external incarnation, he is actually an independent individual with a different soul. No matter how consistent his thinking mode is with Chen Mo, he is not Chen Mo, so everything that heaven wraps around him The rules of power are actually not the same as what is entangled in Chen Mo.

It can be said that none of the three magical powers that Cat Man recommended for the practice of recalling are the same as the three magical powers that were recommended to Chen Mo before.

 But Xiu Mei doesn't care about what he can learn. He has the memory of Chen Mo choosing magical powers here before.

The one he wants to choose after all is the magical power that Chen Mo is good at mastering. Because he is an external incarnation, he can change back to the form of props at any time, so the magical power he practices is meaningless.

After all, every time the external avatar changes from prop form to human form, all abilities will be reset to the current abilities of the person.

 So it is not important what you learn in recalling, but what is important is what Chen Mo learns.

Memorial looked directly at Chen Mo and said: "My lord, you are suitable for practicing the divine mind technique and divine slashing technique here. Which one do you think is better?"

Chen Mo thought for a while and said: "God's Slashing Technique, Divine Sense Technique does not have the effect of ignoring other people's characteristics. Although the killing range and killing efficiency are higher than Divine Slashing Technique, and the Divine Sense Technique's attacks are concealed and difficult to dodge, but it is still very difficult to ignore other people's characteristics. Please, let’s learn the God-Slaying Technique.”


After recalling the words, he immediately looked at the cat and said, "I want to learn the art of divine slaying."

“This magical power does not match your power rules. Your efficiency in practicing this magical power will be very low. Are you sure you want to make this choice?”

Although Cat Man understands the relationship between the two people in front of him, as the manager here, he still has to emphatically explain the reminder obligations that he should fulfill.

Chaihui smiled and said, "Sure."

 “Okay, then I will teach you the divine slaying technique!”

As he spoke, the cat man waved away the three light **** displayed in front of the memory, and the next moment a single light ball was summoned in front of him.

 I saw him pressing one hand towards the ball of light floating in front of him, and the other hand towards Zhui Mi's head.

 In less than 3 seconds, the light ball suddenly burst into flames, blooming with an extremely dazzling light.

As the light of the light ball bloomed and then subsided, Sui Mi suddenly felt a large amount of information suddenly pouring into his mind from the cat's paw pads covering his head.

 Soon he directly mastered the magical power of Divine Slashing Technique.

 At the moment when Sui Mi mastered the Divine Slashing Technique, Chen Mo, who was standing near Sui Mi, suddenly felt a memory carrying a large amount of information enter his mind.

 He also mastered the Divine Slashing Technique in an instant.

"The Divine Slash Technique is a great-level magical power, but it is a little different from ordinary great-level powers. When you use this move, you can freely control the power and weaken it into ordinary-level magical powers and powerful-level magical powers. You can use it, but it depends on the strength of the enemy you are facing at the time and the state of your divine power."

After the cat man taught his magical powers, he didn't forget to give Chen Mo some pointers.

“Thank you for your advice, senior. Next, please ask senior to take me to the Divine Weapon Tower. By the way, can I take him there with me?”

"Since he is your incarnation, even if I don't help you teleport, you can still take him there. I'll just save you the trouble and send him there together. It doesn't break the rules."

 “Thank you, senior.” Chen Mo smiled immediately, which really saved him the trouble of taking it back and letting it out again.

  After all, there is still 1 minute of cooling time before it can be released.

As Chen Mo finished speaking, a burst of light enveloped him and Zhui Mi.

 The next moment, the two of them were teleported to a brand new tower together.

As soon as they arrived here, Chen Mo and Sui Nii immediately looked around and saw that the administrator of the Divine Weapon Tower had quite a personality.

 It is actually a long black and red sword with eyes and mouth on the blade. (End of chapter)

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