All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 397: The Divine Emperor Bell, the ultimate treasure! (2-in-1)

 In Chen Mo's divine world, a vast universe is constantly expanding and improving.

 After he placed 100 million undead souls on a huge planet, he began to guide them in the transformation of divine energy.

But just as he expected, the difficulty of the undead's refining of divine energy was not at all the same as the difficulty of refining it himself.

It seemed that the summoned objects were subject to certain restrictions. Chen Mo could feel that their speed of refining divine energy was extremely slow.

This is an extremely slow refining speed under the extremely fast flow of time in the Chen Mo Divine World. From this, we can see how slow their refining speed would be in a normal environment.

However, Chen Mo thought about it again and felt that it might be because they were in his own divine world that these undead souls were so slow to refine their divine energy. The main reason was that the rules of his divine world were far from being formed, which might affect the undead. The speed of divine Yuan refining is also not certain.

Thinking of this, he summoned a high-level undead lich from the Divine Weapon Tower. The lich is an undead soul with good intelligence. It should be extremely suitable for him to be refined.

As the lich followed the steps that Chen Mo had done before, Chen Mo discovered that the lich's refining speed in the real world was much higher than that in his divine world.

However, this speed is still very slow compared to his previous refining speed.

Chen Mo thought back to his previous divine energy refining. It seemed that the way of heaven interfered and gave him help, which made his divine Yuan refining go so smoothly.

It can be seen that without the help of heaven, the efficiency of divine energy refining by relying on one's own efforts will be very low.

I am afraid that these gods in ancient times did not have the so-called help from heaven. They all relied on their own exploration and practice. The strength of these people was truly obtained through hard practice.

However, Chen Mo didn't really care about this.

No matter what, his current power has been completely integrated into his body, rather than a superficial data. Even if the way of heaven disappears from this moment, his power will still not disappear.

 This is his most intuitive feeling after becoming a god.

 Before becoming a god, he could clearly perceive that the data of his body was a kind of fictitious data controlled by heaven.

 It can be seen that when the rules begin to be integrated into the body, the control of heaven over the individual's body also begins to decrease.

As Chen Mo began to study the power of rules, while studying how to speed up the conversion of undead souls, and at the same time deeply practicing the magical powers he had previously mastered, time passed quickly.

 So that six hours had passed, and Chen Mo didn't feel anything at all.

 It wasn’t until the figure of Remembrance reappeared in the Divine Weapon Tower that Chen Mo withdrew from his cultivation state.

At this moment, he realized that six hours had passed since he was immersed in cultivation.

 At this moment, he finally clearly realized what it means to practice without time.

If you don’t pay attention to this, you won’t feel the passage of time at all.

 As the memories came back, the memories of the experience in the Divine Weapon Tower were quickly synchronized into Chen Mo's memory.

Although it took a long time to recall the tower breakout this time, he did not disappoint Chen Mo's expectations. He actually successfully broke through the Divine Weapon Tower on his own and obtained the Chaos Treasure Divine Weapon on the top floor of the Divine Weapon Tower!

 【God Emperor Bell·Chaos Arcana Divine Weapon】

[Introduction to the divine weapon]: This divine weapon is a peerless divine weapon made by the God Emperor Wutian at great cost. This bell can be used to attack and defend, and can also interfere with the enemy. It has many effects, because this thing is a peerless divine weapon. , those who are not strong enough will have difficulty in fully controlling it, and will only be able to exert partial effectiveness.

 【Divine Weapon Attributes】: Since your current realm is the lower divine realm, by equipping this divine weapon, you can only get a double increase in final divine power.

 【Magic Weapon Abilities】: "Suppress God", "Shock", "Safe Life", "Split the Sky", "Timeless", "Shock the Sky"

  The interval between all abilities of the Divine Emperor's Bell is 5 seconds, but there is no interval between the execution of different abilities, and multiple abilities can be used at the same time.

  【Suppress the God】: Guard the mind and be immune to all abnormal effects. This immune effect is at the chaos level.

  【Shock】: Puts the enemy into a dazed state. This effect ignores all immune effects below Chaos level.

 【Safe Life】: The Divine Bell Bodyguard is in an invincible state for 3 seconds, and when the Divine Bell Bodyguard ends, all statuses are fully restored.

  【Split the Sky】: Shatters the surrounding space and time, disabling all enemies' space capabilities. You can travel through space at will under the protection of the divine bell.

 【No time】: It will not be affected by any time stopping or slowing down effects.

  【Zhentian】: The divine bell shakes the sky, causing a concussive attack on the enemy that is comparable to the lethality of the ultimate magical power!

 Ordinary level magical power, consumption of divine power is within 20%.

 Powerful magical power, the consumption of divine power is between 20% and 40%.

 Ultimate level magical power, the consumption of divine power is between 40% and 60%.

 A killer-level magical power that consumes more than 60% but less than 80% of the divine power.

 A unique magical power that consumes between 80% and 99% of your divine power.

 The consumption when using these magical powers is actually the consumption required when others need to resist.

Of course, the premise is that everyone’s divine power is at the same level.

For example, Chen Mo's current number of divine power refining times is four. When he uses his ultimate magic power, a strong person with four divine powers will need to consume the same amount of divine power to use defensive magical powers to resist Chen Mo's attack.

 Generally speaking, every time the number of divine yuan refining differs by one level, the consumption multiplier will be doubled.

 For example, they are all ordinary level magical powers.

 Chen Mo's fourth-level divine power consumes 10% of his divine power. For example, if he uses 10,000 points of divine power to use ordinary-level magical powers, a strong person with third-level divine power would need to consume twice as many 20,000 points of Chen Mo's divine power to use defensive magical powers to resist Chen Mo's attack.

And if the opponent is a powerful person with rank five divine energy, then the opponent only needs to consume half of Chen Mo's lost divine power to use defensive magical powers to resist Chen Mo's attack, that is, 5,000 points of divine power is enough.

 Of course this is assuming that everyone has attack and defense powers.

If Chen Mo uses magical powers, but the opponent has no defensive magical powers.

The price you need to pay will be even greater, because at this time the power rules will operate naturally, automatically consuming divine power to resist, and the multiple of the loss will be double the percentage of divine power you originally need to lose.

For example, Chen Mo previously encountered those first-level divine demons with magical powers on the ninth floor of the Demon Tower.

Chen Mo cannot defend against magical powers, so when he is attacked by their magical powers, the power rules will operate on their own to resist.

 He is at the fourth level, which is three levels higher than the first level.

 If he would originally defend against magical powers, when a unit with a divine power uses 10,000 points of divine power to attack him, he only needs to consume 10,000/2/2/2, which is 1,250 points of divine power, to resist.

 But now he cannot defend against magical powers, so he can only rely on the natural operation of the power rules to resist, and the loss is doubled, which means that he will automatically lose 2500 points of divine power to resist the opponent's attack.

 This is the main reason why supernatural powers ignore divine attacks.

No matter how much stronger you are than the opponent, as long as the opponent uses magical powers to attack you, you need to expend divine power to resist. However, in fact, the upper limit of divine power of a strong man with a high level of divine energy is much higher than that of a god-level unit with a low level of divine energy.

In the case of the same loss of divine power, others will lose less than you. It is actually not that easy for a strong person with a low level of divine energy to defeat a strong person with a high level of divine energy.

 It requires the cooperation of abilities, equipment, treasures, etc. to make it possible to cross levels and fight against enemies.

For example, Chen Mo currently owns the Chaos Treasure-level Divine Weapon Divine Emperor Bell.

This divine emperor's bell's sky-shattering ability can directly allow Chen Mo to use magical powers comparable to the strength of a special move to attack the enemy.

Although Chen Mo's current basic divine power is only one hundred thousand, his actual divine power reaches one hundred thousand.

If he used his current level of divine power to perform a trick-level magical power, the intensity of his divine power that could be exerted at that moment was basically equivalent to about one million divine powers.

Even if someone else's divine energy is stronger than his, the amount of divine power required to resist his attack is still a large amount.

What's more, Donghuang Bell also has the extremely abnormal effect of doubling the final divine power.

In other words, the doubling of divine power by Donghuang Zhong is not only double Chen Mo's basic divine power of one hundred thousand, which is close to the mid-level **** level, but now he has received various blessings, reaching one hundred thousand and hundreds of thousands of divine powers.

If this final divine power is doubled, Chen Mo's current divine power can reach about 2.7 million.

If such a powerful divine power is used to perform a unique magical power, even a strong person who is stronger than him will need to spend one million or hundreds of thousands of divine power to use defensive magical powers to resist. If the opponent has not learned defensive magical powers, then It would require 2.7 million divine power to be directly consumed to resist. Even a rank five expert would be hard-pressed to waste so much divine power.

And Chen Mo's magical power of ultimate strength performed by the Divine Emperor Bell has no loss at all. According to the introduction of the Divine Emperor Bell, all abilities of the Divine Emperor Bell have only a five-second interval between uses.

So Chen Mo can use this unique magical power every 5 seconds without any loss.

 The repressive force is still extremely terrifying.

A Chaos Arcana-level divine weapon of this strength can easily give its owner the ability to fight across levels.

 After seeing the attributes of the Divine Emperor's Bell, Chen Mo couldn't put it down for this treasure.

You must know that the effect of doubling his final divine power is only because Chen Mo's current strength cannot completely control the Divine Emperor Bell and can only receive this little blessing.

If his strength continues to improve, it is absolutely impossible for the divine power blessing that the Divine Emperor Bell can provide to be this little.

Although the Divine Emperor Bell is very strong, Chen Mo likes it very much.

 But comparing with other chaos treasures, although it is also very abnormal, Chen Mo always feels that the level of the God Emperor Bell is higher than other chaos treasures he currently owns.

 It can be seen that this Chaos Treasure should also be graded.

 But Tiandao does not seem to give a clear classification.

Putting away the Divine Emperor Bell, Chen Mo reached out and touched Zhui Yi’s head, and said with a smile: “Thank you for your hard work.”

 Shui Yi looked at Chen Mo happily, without saying anything, but he was very happy in his heart.

After reminiscing for a while, Chen Mo looked at the guardian of the black and red sword in front of him and asked: "Senior, can I ask a question?"

 “You’re welcome, please ask.”

“According to my knowledge, the Chaos Treasure seems to be the highest-level treasure, but now that I have obtained the Donghuang Bell, I always feel that the Chaos Treasure is not a simple upper limit. Could it be that this Chaos Treasure also has levels?”

"So I wanted to know this. You are right. The Chaos Arcana does have levels. It's just that the Chaos Arcana itself is a very high-level treasure. In the current world level, it is difficult to give them clearly. Make hierarchical definitions because we all have limited horizons.

 Chaos treasures can only be roughly divided into four categories: low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade, and top-grade. "

“My external incarnation previously obtained a Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Body Guard Bead, in the Shen Zang Tower. What grade does it belong to according to your classification?”

"The Protective Bead can avoid losses when all realm breakthroughs fail. It is considered an upper-level Chaos Treasure. However, it is a pity that it consumes Chaos Source Energy every time it takes effect, so the level has to be lowered. If it is finally graded, it should be considered a medium-level treasure. A top-level Chaos Treasure."

“I see, then the Divine Emperor’s Bell I just obtained should be considered a top-grade Chaos Treasure.”

“Yes, the strength of the God Emperor’s Bell is top-notch even among the best Chaos Treasures. You can take it away because you have both luck and strength.”

It is indeed as Black and Red Changjian said. After Chen Mo synchronized his memories, he also learned all the information about him breaking into the tower.

There are many people who relied on luck to get through the tower levels, but they were all successfully passed by Reminiscence.

It is enough to show that the luck of recalling is quite good.

 In other words, Chen Mo’s own luck is quite good.

The black and red sword looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile: "Being able to obtain the Divine Emperor's Bell means that you are blessed with good luck. Work hard. This second catastrophe may depend on people like you who have great luck. People have come to unite to resist.”

"We are lucky people? According to what you said, there are many people like me?"

“You will know when you go to the upper world. People without any luck will not be able to go to the upper world.”

“How many floors does this Tower of Eternity have in total?”

“This question of yours troubles me. I have never even been to the upper world. The information I have is all passed down to me by my master, so I don’t know anything about the upper world.”

“That’s it. Thank you, senior, for answering my doubts.”

"You're welcome. Although your incarnation has taken away the Divine Emperor Bell, if you continue to challenge, there are still a few good magic weapons that can be obtained. Do you want to continue the challenge?"

“Since the God Emperor Bell is gone, can you, senior, be accommodating and teleport me to another tower?”

Although the previous Cat Man was quite reasonable, he was like this because he had completed the task of repairing the Demon Tower.

 But now in the Divine Weapon Tower, I have done nothing. Whether the other party will agree is another matter.

After hearing what Chen Mo said, the black and red sword did not answer immediately, but remained silent for a few seconds.

Seeing this, Chen Mo felt that there was no chance this time.

But it doesn't matter anymore. He has already earned two pieces of Chaos Treasures this time, and he has also repaired the Demon Tower and completed Yafeier's mission. It is enough.

Just as he was about to leave, the black and red sword seemed to have just finished communicating with someone. He came back to his senses and looked at Chen Mo and said, "Okay, which tower do you want to go to?"

Hearing what Black Red Changjian said, Chen Mo and Zhui Yi looked at each other and immediately felt happy. They didn't expect that there was really something going on.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Heihong Changjian smiled and said: "I have been communicating with them for a long time. Because you obtained the Divine Emperor Bell, everyone recognized your luck and allowed you to continue teleporting to other towers. But remember this time is the last time, choose well, there will be no next chance!" (End of Chapter)

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