All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 398: A gift of 100 million divine powers! (2-in-1)

Hearing what the black and red sword said, Chen Mo himself couldn't help but laugh.

Let alone the last time, even if it is not the last time, there is nothing good for me in this cracked world.

 All the good things here have been taken by me!

For this last chance to teleport, Chen Mo naturally chose to go to the God's Domain Tower.

 All the other remaining towers were not as attractive to him as the God's Domain Tower.

Of course, he can also go to the Divine Beast Tower to see if there are Chaos-level Divine Beasts, but Chen Mo's two souls have already been bound to Chaos-level Divine Beasts, so there is no use in getting other Chaos-level Divine Beasts, so naturally there is no need.

But just when he was about to go to the God's Realm Tower, Remembrance suddenly stopped him.

“My lord, I think it might be better for us to go to the Godhead Tower.”

 “Tower of Godhead?”

“Yes, at the beginning, like you, I thought about going to the God’s Realm Tower to gain the opportunity to improve the God’s Realm. However, compared with the improvement of the God’s Realm, it only increased our daily income in the long run.

It is better to obtain various high-level godheads. In this way, once you encounter a bottleneck in the future, you can directly have the corresponding level of godheads to use for improvement.

The difficulty of searching for this godhead. Currently, the level of the godhead we need is not high, and it may not seem difficult, but the further you go, the more difficult it is to find. "

Hearing what Zhui Xiu said, Chen Mo also pondered for a moment.

It is true that he just made a simple judgment. He will have a chance to obtain the middle **** status soon, and there is no need to go to the **** status.

  But if you go to the Godhead Tower, you will not only get the middle godhead, you may also get extremely cherished and important godheads such as the upper godhead, laying a solid foundation for future breakthroughs.

However, before choosing the Godhead Tower, Chen Mo still had to ask clearly. If he could only obtain the mid-level Godhead in the past, everything would be in vain.

 He immediately looked at the black and red sword in front of him and asked: "Senior, can you tell me what rewards you can get in this Godhead Tower?"

“Godhead Tower, Godhead Tower is divided into two types: reward mode and challenge mode.

 The reward mode can directly grant you the divinity you need to break through your current realm, but it will only give you the highest level of divinity.

 In the level-breaking mode, you can get more godheads, including high-level godheads and even true godheads. "

 “He even has the divine personality of a true god!?”

“Don’t be surprised, we only have one true **** here. If you want to get this thing, you have to go through the level-breaking mode to get it. Whether you can get it depends on your own luck.”

“I see, then please ask senior to give me the Godhead Tower.”

 “Have you thought it through?” Black Red Long Sword asked again just to be on the safe side.


 “Okay! Don’t regret it if you choose!”

As the black and red sword's words fell, a ray of light instantly enveloped Chen Mo and Xiu Ni.

 In the next moment, the two of them found that they had changed towers again.

The atmosphere in this tower is obviously different from the atmosphere in the previous two towers.

 Staying in this tower feels like there are countless gods peeping at you.

 Because you can feel the breath of countless gods.

 Obviously, these breaths felt are actually the breaths emitted by the godhead left behind by each god.

Just when Chen Mohe was feeling the atmosphere in the tower.

Suddenly, a man with long hair **** and wearing a black robe who looked like an ancient Chinese man appeared directly in front of Chen Mo.

“Man of Destiny, you are very lucky. You have already taken away the treasures from our two towers. Now that you come to me, it seems that you want to come to me to take away the true god’s divinity.”

"It's just a fluke. What you can take from Senior depends purely on luck."

“Then let me see how lucky you are. If you can really take away the True God, I will give you a good gift.”


 Chen Mo was a little surprised to hear the other party say this.

At this time, he looked at the other party and said, "Can my incarnation go in first to try the level-breaking mode of the Godhead Tower?"

  “Of course there is no problem.”

The man in black robe did not hesitate and agreed directly.

 “Thank you for remembering this time.”

“My lord, I have spoken seriously. Doing things for me is a very happy thing for me.”

After the memory was finished, the black robe was transmitted into the customs mode.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that he would have to wait for a while before seeing the memories this time.

 Unexpectedly, Memories came out immediately after entering.

"So fast?"

“I forgot to tell you, no matter how much time has passed in my level-breaking mode in the Godhead Tower, it is only one second in the outside world.” The man in black robe looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile.

  After finishing speaking, he looked at the memory and said: "Yes, you really did not disappoint me. It seems that you are indeed very lucky.

True God Ge is the most difficult reward in all tower. You can get this thing at one time, which is really extraordinary. "

At this time, Xiu Niu shook his head and smiled and said: "If I hadn't obtained the Divine Emperor Bell in the Divine Weapon Tower just now, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so easy to obtain the true Godhead this time."

This time's level of difficulty is exactly what the man in black robe said. It is the most difficult of all the level-breaking modes that I have experienced in this cracked world.

 Chen Mo also has a deep understanding of this after recalling the memories simultaneously.

I never thought that in the end, I had to play a true shadow with some true gods.

  Absolutely outrageous.

 Thanks to the fact that the opponent never used his magical power from the beginning to the end, Zhui Mei relied on the sky-shattering ability of the God Emperor Bell and continuously used attacks with the power of the ultimate magical power to continuously deplete the opponent's divine power, and finally defeated the opponent.

Without the Divine Emperor Bell, Chen Mo really didn't know how he would deal with this guy.

Just facing the phantom of the True God made people feel extremely stressed. Chen Mo finally understood how perverted the so-called True God was.

If the opponent comes in person, regardless of whether he has the Divine Emperor Bell or not, one slap from the opponent will be enough to kill him.

As Chen Mo put away all the gods he brought back in his memories.

At this time, the man in black robe in front of him looked at Chen Mo and said: "I just said that as long as you obtain the true godhead, I will give you another reward. Since you have already done it, I have to fulfill my promise. "

 “What reward do you want to give me, senior?”

 “Naturally it is an extremely useful reward for you.”

While speaking, the man in black robe suddenly stretched out his finger and tapped Chen Mo's eyebrows.

 In an instant, Chen Mo felt an extremely pure divine power penetrate into his divine core from the center of his eyebrows.

Since this divine power did not have any malicious intent and was extremely pure and stable, it did not trigger Chen Mo's body's self-defense and simply let it enter Chen Mo's divine core.     "What did the senior give me?"

 “This is a reserve of divine power.”

 “Reserve divine power?”

“Well, you can freely extract and use it when you need it, but I suggest you use it for breakthrough purposes.”

Hearing what the man in black robe said, Chen Mo immediately began to investigate the reserved divine power that the man in black robe had sent into his body through the Tiandao system.

You won’t know the result unless you check it, but you will be shocked when you check it, because the reserved divine power given to him by the man in black robe is as high as 100 million points.

“So much reserved divine power!? What kind of strength does senior have?”

Chen Mo looked at the other party blankly, a little unbelievable.

"Don't get me wrong, this is not my strength, this is what our master left behind before. As long as whoever can obtain the highest reward of three welfare towers among the five welfare towers, this reserved divine power will be given to him. Then People will most likely be able to withstand great catastrophes in the future.”

Hearing what the man in black robe said, Chen Mo was a little surprised.

This catastrophe sounds outrageous. When it swept through the God Realm before, neither the source of chaos nor the extremely powerful gods seemed to be able to compete with such power.

How can he resist with his humble Daohang?

 Chen Mo was still doubtful about this statement.

But who wouldn’t like the benefits of having **** for free?

 Chen Mo naturally had no reason to refuse.

 “Then I would like to thank the unknown senior for the generous gift.”

"Okay, your trip this time should be over. After I send you away, the previously open entrance crack will be closed. We may have a chance to meet again, or maybe not. I wish you in advance to cultivate to the realm and become a The pillar of the divine world!”

After speaking, a black light flashed from the man in black robes. Chen Mo and Sui Nii felt their eyes go dark. The next moment, the surroundings lit up again, and they had returned to the outside world above Yafeier's hometown of Yaling Township.

The moment the two people came out of the crack, at least dozens of figures flew over and surrounded them.

 “You were able to come out of the crack successfully!?”

“Oh my god, this is the first time I’ve seen someone come out of the crack!”

“You two, what is in this cracked world? Why are all the people we sent in before unable to get in? Why are there so many monsters and monsters inside?”

"Yes, why did the two of you come out of it safe and sound? If you can, please tell us. We will be very grateful."


  Just when a bunch of people were surrounding Chen Mo and Sui Yi, they were talking in various directions.

Suddenly the cracks behind Chen Mo and Sui Ni began to shrink sharply, and finally disappeared suddenly.

 “What happened? The crack disappeared.”

“No way, if the crack disappears, then my brother will never come back, no!!”

“Uncle Yaren and the others are still inside and haven’t come out yet. The cracks cannot disappear!”

“No, my daughter Xiaoya is still in there and hasn’t come out, no!”


As several people in the air wailed in pain, many more people appeared on the ground.

I heard the painful and wailing sounds in the air surrounding Chen Mo and the people who were remembering.

 They couldn't help but froze on the spot.

 They also have their own relatives who formed an exploration team and entered this cracked world before, but they have not come out until now.

 Although they never came out before, it is very likely that they died in it.

But as long as the crack remains, and as long as no one enters and sees their bodies, they are all still alive.

Even if the hope of living is extremely slim, they are still willing to believe in this possibility.

 But now, as the cracks disappear, God refuses to give them this extremely slim hope.

There are no cracks. Even if those people are still alive, how can they come back?

 Many people were crying loudly for a while, and many people's faces were ashen.

Only a few leadership-like figures remained calm, gathering around Chen Mo and Sui Ni to seek the truth about the world behind the cracks.

"You two, I'm really sorry. A bunch of us just rushed out and scared you two. I am the mayor of Yaling Township. I would like to apologize to you for your abruptness."

 “Your Majesty, the mayor is very polite. We are all looking for relatives, and I know that.”

"It seems that my little friend came here because he knew something about our Yaling Township. Could you please ask me, little friend, what kind of world is behind this cracked world? Why didn't all the people we sent in come back? Ever come out?

 Have you ever seen a living person inside? "

 “Sir, don’t be anxious yet. I’ll answer your questions one by one.”

 “I’m being too rude, please let me know.”

“The world behind this crack is a special testing space left by the ancient gods.

Those who enter it will face a test of wisdom once they cross the cracks.

There are several difficult questions in total. If you answer any of them incorrectly, you will be sent directly to one of the punishment towers called the Demon Tower. "

“If this is the case, then this test is too harsh. It requires both outstanding wisdom and strength?

 The experts sent by my village also entered, but none of them survived? "

"It's not that the test is too harsh, it's that the test space has existed for too long, which has led to some problems. Just like the demon tower I just mentioned, I don't know why the top of the tower cracked, causing the powerful demon energy at the top to leak out. , nourished all the monsters at the bottom of the tower, causing those monsters to greatly increase in strength, and some even directly broke through the weak seal at the bottom of the tower and ran to the outside world, which means the monsters you encountered before ran out of the cracks."

“It turns out that those monsters came out of the Demon Tower, but although those monsters were strong, they were not strong at the beginning. The subsequent two batches became stronger.”

"This is about the structure of this demon tower. Every time you go down a floor in the demon tower, the strength of the demon and the sealing power of the floor are several times weaker. The demon at the bottom is not strong in the first place, so the sealing power exerted is not strong either. , they can run out with a little improvement in strength.

 Even if these demons are enhanced by demonic energy, their strength is not strong. They are originally used as minor punishments in the punishment phase.

 As a result, they ran away early, which resulted in those who failed later being sent to higher-ups to be punished. In the end, no one who failed to answer the questions and was sent to the Demon Tower survived.

 Because the high-level demons are already powerful, and they have been strengthened by demonic energy at this stage, they are naturally not something that ordinary people can deal with. "

After Chen Mo said these words, everyone around him finally understood what the cracked world was about, what happened to the people who entered it, and what their current fate might be.

For a moment, everyone lamented even more. Only the mayor remembered to remain polite: "Thank you very much, little friend. Without your answer today, I think most of us would be trapped by these problems every day in the future." not good!"

"It's easy to do. Besides, I was entrusted by Fei'er to investigate this matter. Naturally, I want to announce the results of the investigation to you."

As soon as these words came out, those who had met Chen Mo before remembered that Chen Mo had indeed mentioned that he was entrusted to come before entering the crack world.

"Even so, please accept our gift of thanks." The township head didn't care who found Chen Mo. He just wanted to express his gratitude at this time. As he spoke, he took out a mysterious drawing and handed it to Chen Mo. (End of chapter)

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