Looking at the mysterious drawings handed over by the township chief, Chen Mo immediately checked the results.

                                 ∣                       int In a piece of fragment containing the buried place of a mysterious treasure, if you can collect them all, you will be able to directly obtain the corresponding coordinates. Of course, you can also try to decipher the location of the treasure with your own mind and only rely on the fragments.

 Looking at the fragments in the hands of the township chief, Chen Moluo's brain immediately started to work crazily.

 As expected of the God of Adventure, he has a brain that is really good at this thing.

 In an instant, Mara's brain deduced the location where the secret treasure was hidden.

 Because this fragment happens to be the one marked with the exact location of the secret treasure, even if a normal person obtains this fragment, he must first have a map with a sufficient range in his mind and be able to retrieve the corresponding piece.

 Even the brain of a **** does not have such flexibility.

 After becoming a god, Chen Mo could clearly feel that his five senses and brain power had improved, but they were only much stronger than those of mortals, but not comparable to artificial intelligence.

But Mora's brain has a strength comparable to artificial intelligence.

Any information that Chen Mo has come into contact with before will be memorized by Mo Luo's brain without missing a beat.

 When it is time to use it, the corresponding information can be retrieved and applied as quickly as possible.

Had it not been for the useful effect of Mo Luo's Brain, Chen Mo wouldn't have had to worry about it for so long when he exchanged it for the Chaos Source Stone.

He had a lot of good abilities at that time, but he had to give them up just for the Chaos Source Stone. In the final stage, whether to give up the Moro Brain or the ability to increase probability, etc., Chen Mo finally chose to keep the Moro At least the brain's ability is not so nihilistic.

 After all, after the brain power is merged into one's own, it belongs to one's own.

 Compared to the ability to increase probability and similar to the control of heaven, Chen Mo became more and more repulsive after becoming a god.

 If one day the way of heaven disappears, or oneself escape from the control of the way of heaven, the abilities that can be preserved should be some of the attributes and abilities that one actually possesses.

 At present, Chen Mo can actually feel and possess the divine power and divine energy in his body.

However, it was only after Chen Mo was refining in the crack world that the Divine Yuan gradually felt that it was completely integrated into his body and under his control. Chen Mo did not have this tangible feeling in the previous ordinary Divine Yuan stage.

 As for things that have this kind of tangible feeling, among the many abilities that Chen Mo had before, the Super God Body and the Demonic Brain can clearly feel that he has the ability to actually control it.

 Before becoming a god, these actually didn’t matter, but after becoming a god, these different feelings gradually appeared.

Among the abilities that Chen Mo currently possesses, such as synthetic abilities and professional abilities, he can clearly feel that they are a bit frivolous.

 If we want to classify them, these abilities should still be within the scope of the control of heaven.

As for whether these abilities can escape the control of Heaven and be completely transformed into his own practical abilities, Chen Mo still doesn't know and has no access to relevant information.

 Chen Mo currently just wants to collect more practical abilities to strengthen himself.

 As for synthetic abilities and professional abilities, if there is a way to completely transform them into his own abilities, Chen Mo also hopes to be able to transform them.

 But the difficulty is certainly not small, especially the ability to synthesize, which is a kind of creation from scratch.

Even if it can be converted into one's own ability, I'm afraid it has touched some extremely advanced rules.

  The power of rules is real and can be truly mastered. Whether it is divine power, divine energy or magical powers, what Chen Mo currently masters is a type of power rule.

 So Chen Mo has a real understanding of the power of rules.

Professional abilities such as synthesis ability and summoning of the undead seem to be controlled by another kind of rules.

 The undead summoned by the undead are controlled by the rules of power.

The entanglement involved is quite complicated to perceive.

Chen Mo is too lazy to think too much about the current situation.

After explaining the whole story to everyone in Yaling Township and obtaining a blueprint of the secret treasure land, Chen Mo was ready to go back to find Yafeier.

With a thought in his mind, he had returned to the adventurer tavern in Yafeier.

At this moment, a purple jade slip in Yafeier's hand was shining, as if she was communicating with someone.

 She didn't come back to her senses until Chen Mo appeared in front of her.

 Chen Mo can read minds, so he naturally knows who Yafeier is communicating with.

 It was someone from Yaling Township who had already informed her about the crack.

"Dear Tianming people, thank you very much for your help this time and helping us get rid of a serious problem in Yaling Township."

"You're welcome, that cracked world is not a bad world. On the contrary, it originally appeared to bring you a blessing."

"If there is no problem with the Demon Tower as you said before, it might be a good thing. But since something happened to the Demon Tower, it will be a big problem. We should naturally thank you for helping us get rid of this big problem."

Yafiel bowed respectfully.

"I didn't just want to help you, but mainly because you said that your mission would be difficult for even a king-level adventurer to handle. After completing it, you can choose to get what you want from the adventurer's treasure house, so I took it. Everyone just gets what they need.”

"Dear Tianmingren, you are very humble, but your kindness will not be forgotten by Fei'er. I wonder if you, Tianmingren, have other plans today?"

"Other arrangements? That's not true. Is there anything else Miss Mayfair has to do?"

Just after asking, Chen Mo sensed Yafeier's inner activities.

 She seemed to have something to do to repay the favor.

“That being the case, could you please allow me to arrange your schedule for today?”

 “It’s up to you,” Chen Mo said with a smile.

 He was a little curious about what Yafeier was going to do. At least the message he got from reading his mind was that she seemed to have something to offer in return that could improve Chen Mo's attributes.

 “Then please tell me later.”

 After speaking, Yafeier twisted her charming figure and walked straight to the yurt at the back.

 Chen Mo entered it immediately.

As soon as he came in, he saw another person in the yurt.

 A woman who looks somewhat similar to Yafil, but seems to be slightly younger than Yafil.

"Who is this?"

“This is my sister, her name is Yaxiner.”

 “Hello, Miss Xin’er.”

 “Hello, dear Tianmingren.” Yaxin’er bowed respectfully to Chen Mo.

Yafier and Yaxiner, these two sisters, both have the same unique beauty.

Their red hair is as gorgeous as flames, flowing in the wind, like messengers of flames, and their purple lip makeup adds a sense of mystery and temptation to their looks.

Their eyes are deep and bright, shining with the light of wisdom like two gems.

The difference is that Yafeier's figure is tall and graceful. Her curves are like musical notes, inducing people to fall into a beautiful melody. She is wearing a silk red dress, with slightly exposed shoulders and slender legs outlining her figure. An artistic beauty, she walks with light steps and twists her body, as if she is dancing a charming dance.

Yaxin'er is relatively petite, but equally charming. Her figure is slender, like a bud, exuding a fresh atmosphere. She is wearing a purple short skirt, exuding girlish cuteness and vitality. , her smile is warm and brilliant, like sunshine shining on the earth.

The beauty of the two sisters is not only reflected in their appearance, but also has a mysterious temperament surrounding them. They seem to have a special magic that can attract people's attention and make people willing to immerse themselves in their charm.

 Although their clothes are slightly revealing, this exposure is not to show off, but to show their confidence and freedom. They are like a pair of precious flowers in nature, blooming freely and without shyness. The red-haired sisters in this yurt were not only beautiful in appearance, but also had a unique temperament and style, which made Chen Mo couldn't help but take a few more glances.

“What brings you two to see me here?”

 “Man of Heaven, please don’t be impatient and continue to follow us to the back tent.”

 Speaking, the two of them welcomed Chen Mo into the back tent, one on the left and the other on the right.

Inside the back tent, there was a wooden bathtub with half a bucket of steaming water. Yafeier walked up to Chen Mo and said, "Destiny, we sisters know a unique way to relax. It can relieve you of fatigue and boost your spirit, which can further improve your control over your body and speed up the construction of the divine world.

 Of course it is limited to the newly reborn divine world like yours. "

“What is the method that Miss Mayfair is talking about?”

"We, sisters, can only do this with the help of the unique secret method and physique passed down by our mother clan. If you, Destiny Man, believe in Feier, just relax and let Feier make all the arrangements. This secret method is for those who are always nervous and on guard. , the effect will be greatly attenuated.

But you should remain vigilant, but please trust Mayfair. "

 Hearing what the other party said, Chen Mo was not worried about them harming him at all.

 First of all, he has the ability to read minds, and secondly, his strength far exceeds that of the two sisters Yafeier and Yaxiner. Even if they have intentions, they can't harm them.

 It’s just that Chen Mo read some of the content of the technique in his heart. For him who was born on earth, the content of this technique is somewhat too much for him to be exposed to by strangers.

However, from the perspective of mind reading, for the Yafeier and Yaxiner clan, although this kind of secret technique cannot be used on just anyone, at least it is not for the purpose of embarrassment. Every time it is used, Basically, it is used for higher purposes and for people who have made significant contributions and are more respected.

 As far as the two sisters learned this technique, they have only used it on their own mother.

 Chen Mo This is the first time they have used this method as an outsider.

Seeing that the two of them didn't have any bad intentions or other thoughts, Chen Mo naturally didn't pretend to be pretentious. He confirmed that their secret method had indeed the effect of improving his physical strength, and he said no more.

At this time, Yafeier came to Chen Mo and said, "Please take off your clothes and enter this bathtub that has been specially prepared with many elixirs."

Chen Mo didn't pay attention to the gazes of the two people, and entered the bathtub naked in a flash of clothes.

“Please close your eyes and relax, and then leave it to our sisters.”

Ya Feier's soft and sticky voice sounded in Chen Mo's ears, making people feel relaxed unconsciously.

 Obviously, she had already begun to use the secret method at this time.

As Chen Mo closed his eyes and leaned his head on the tub, he soon felt four tender palms touching his body.

The palms of Yafei'er and Yaxin'er were as soft as silk, gently touching Chen Mo's skin, as if the gentle breeze was blowing.

Their techniques are skillful and delicate, and they seem to be able to sense every subtle tension and fatigue in Chen Mo's body.

 First of all, Yafeier's palms gently massaged Chen Mo's shoulders to relieve his muscle tension. Her movements were like musical notes jumping, light and graceful. Gradually, Chen Mo felt a refreshing feeling release from his shoulders, as if the fatigue in his body was dissipating little by little.

At the same time, Yaxin'er's palms were gently rubbing on Chen Mo's waist to promote blood circulation. However, for a god-level unit, it is more about energy circulation than blood circulation. Her movements are gentle and delicate, making Chen Mo felt a warm energy flowing through his body, bringing a sense of tranquility and comfort.

 Then, the palms of the two sisters worked together and slowly moved towards Chen Mo's back. They used gentle massage techniques to release the pressure in Chen Mo's body bit by bit, as if they were calming the waves in his heart. As the massage continued, Chen Mo's breathing gradually stabilized, and he felt as if he was floating in a peaceful lake.

 Yafeier and Yaxiner’s secret massage not only relaxed Chen Mo’s body, but also gradually improved the smoothness and control sensitivity of the energy in his body.

 He could feel that his control over the power within his body was increasing, and his mental state became clearer.

This is not only a massage, but also a baptism of body and soul.

Under the careful care of the two sisters, Chen Mo gradually entered a deep state of meditation and connected with his own inner power. In this way, it benefited the expansion of his divine world. Chen Mo seemed to have integrated into His own divine world can continue to invest his own strength in the expansion speed of the divine world that has accelerated to the limit to further increase the speed of the construction of the divine world, and because of his increased control, he can avoid upgrading the divine realm too quickly. Some possible collapse due to the speed of world building.

This special secret method of the sisters not only relaxed and improved Chen Mo's body, but also made his mind stronger, paving the way for future adventures.

Just when Chen Mo felt a physical and mental improvement, he suddenly felt crowded in the bathtub. (End of chapter)

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