All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 400: Physical evolution, body of chaos! (2-in-1)

 The moment he felt crowded, Chen Mo's consciousness had already withdrawn from the divine world.

At this time, he saw two white figures leaning against him in the bathtub.

This surprised Chen Mo.

Looking carefully, the two sisters had already taken off their clothes and entered the bathtub at some point.

At this time, their weak, boneless palms were caressing Chen Mo's chest from left to right.

 Chen Mo only felt waves of gentle energy pouring into his body from the palms of the two people, constantly bringing unprecedented relaxation and happiness to his spirit.

At the same time, the potion in the entire bathtub also underwent some qualitative changes as the bodies of the two sisters with special physiques were immersed in it.

It seems that there is something special about the physiques of these two sisters. The medicinal bath water they soaked in together seemed to be alive. The energy continued to fill up, and began to pour energy into Chen Mo's body through Chen Mo's pores. At the same time, At the same time, the waste in Chen Mo's body was transformed and sank to the bottom of the tub.

 “Miss Mayfair…”

 Chen Mo was about to ask out loud the effectiveness of their actions at this time, but his lips were sealed by Yafeier's slender and soft finger.

“Dear Tianming people, don’t be discouraged by your words at this time, otherwise it will reduce the effect of our secret method. Just feel the changes in the divine body carefully.”

Since he couldn't speak, he could only continue to read his mind. After reading his mind, Chen Mo also understood the effect of the two sisters' secret technique.

The specific effect of these two sisters' secret method is that it can randomly awaken a person with a good physique from a person without a physique.

 Those with good physique can help this person’s physique to be further improved.

 It's just that this secret method can only be used once, and it will have no effect the second time.

 After reading the two people’s voices, Chen Mo was shocked.

 Because his physique is not an ordinary one.

 He originally had a super-god body, and it was supposed to be the best physique. He never thought that the so-called secret techniques of these two sisters could actually improve the physique of this level.

 This is really too perverted.

"Or is it that the so-called secret skills of these two sisters are just connected with some reward rules of heaven? Otherwise, with the strength of these two sisters, even if they have special races and powerful secret realms, they will not be able to further improve my super-god body. Strengthen it."

 Chen Mo could really feel the further improvement of his physique at this time.

  And it’s a very obvious feeling of improvement, not a little bit of improvement.

The ultimate physique like the Supergod Body can actually be greatly enhanced. So what is this enhanced physique?

While Chen Mo was thinking, the Yafeier sisters had each grabbed one of Chen Mo's hands and placed it on their Dantian. Their own palms had also moved down and landed on Chen Mo's Dantian.

Soon a stream of warm and peaceful energy seemed to form a circuit and began to flow in the Dantian of the three people.

If the scene at this time was seen by outsiders, they might think that the three of them were doing something bad, but in fact, among the three of them, the two sisters had no wrong thoughts at all, while Chen Mo was completely obsessed with the super god. He had no idea when he was thinking, and he didn't even pay attention to what the two sisters were doing at this time.

 This is a special secret method of the Moko people. The reason why it is not commonly used is because this special ritual needs to be performed every time, so it is not easy to use frequently.

As time went by, the Dantian of the three people lit up with a light respectively. A pink ball of light appeared on the Dantian of Yafeier and Yaxiner. As the connecting path formed by the three people, two **** of light appeared. The pink ball of light penetrated directly into Chen Mo's dantian.

 In an instant, Chen Mo felt a shock all over his body, and a feeling of numbness spread from his toes to the top of his head. He clearly felt that his physique had finally been sublimated.

 The water of the medicinal bath, which was originally a bit dark in color, has now become extremely clear.

With this last step completed, Yafei'er and Yaxin'er didn't even have time to say a word to Chen Mo. They both lost all their strength and fainted on the left and right beside Chen Mo. The two leaders The head with a faint fragrance pressed on Chen Mo's shoulders simultaneously.

This made Chen Mo speechless for a while. He didn't get up now, and he didn't get up even if he didn't.

But fortunately, as the secret method ended, a reminder from heaven sounded in his ears simultaneously, which allowed him to divert his attention.

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on accepting the blessing of Moko Wuliang, the highest secret method of the Moko tribe. Your super-god body has been further strengthened. Now your body has evolved into a "chaos body"! 】

[Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully activated the super chaotic body. Because you have the chaotic body, you will no longer be affected by any abnormal conditions. You will be immune to any natural damage. You will be immune to any chaotic environment. You You will be immune to all direct damage from the chaotic level. At the same time, all your divine energy will be converted into chaotic source energy (the conversion ratio is 100 million to 1, and the upper limit of conversion is determined by the number of times your divine energy has been converted. The number of divine energy conversions A few times, the maximum value of Chaos Source Energy can reach several digits). Your divine power intensity has reached a super high level due to the influence of the Chaos Body. Your divine energy has reached a super high level under the influence of the Chaos Body. The effect of divine energy.

With this physique, you will gain the ability to sense the source of chaos, and gain the qualification to enter the source of chaos at will. At the same time, you will also gain the ability to use the Chaos Divine Weapons and Chaos Spiritual Treasures in the source of Chaos regardless of restrictions.

 And you can learn Chaos Source Skills. 】

 Looking at the reminder from Heaven, Chen Mo was also quite surprised. It turns out that after the super-god body evolves, it will turn into a chaotic body.

The improvement he received was so outrageous. Not to mention other improvements, but the direct transformation of divine energy into chaotic source energy was too abnormal.

According to the introduction of the transformation rules, if Chen Mo turns divine energy four times, after the divine energy is converted into chaotic source energy, he can reach the level of 9999 points of chaotic source energy.

This is Chaos Source Energy, not an ordinary thing. Even if it is only 9999 points, it is already considered a very high number.

 But this is obviously not the limit that Chen Mo can reach at present.

  After all, Chen Mo's divine power and divine energy have now reached a super high level.

  In other words, Chen Mo's divine power and divine energy are comparable to those two levels above him.

 This improvement is very powerful.

 Chen Mo is only in the third-level divine realm now, but because of his super-god body, he can complete the transformation of the fourth-level divine essence.

Now that the super-god body has directly evolved into the body of chaos, the transformation of his divine energy has reached a higher level.

 He can completely continue to refine the divine energy and convert the current fourth-level divine energy into a fifth-level divine energy.

 In this way, the upper limit of his chaos source energy conversion will become 99999 points.

 Compared with the usual consumption of chaos source energy, it is simply difficult to use it up.

However, the conversion ratio is 100 million divine energy to 1. If you want to convert 99999 points of chaos source energy, you need a full 9999.9 billion points of divine energy.

 This value is not a decimal.

Especially after the divine energy was refined, the divine energy was also refined. The numerical value of the divine energy was obviously much lower than before. It is not easy to produce 9,999.9 billion divine energy. But this is not important. Divine energy will definitely continue to improve in the future. There is no need to worry about the consumption of divine energy. At least for now, Chen Mo has a more convenient way to obtain chaos source energy.

 After reading the introduction of the body of chaos, Chen Mo immediately closed his eyes and meditated and began to sense the location of the source of chaos.

 After all, according to Tiandao's introduction, after obtaining the body of chaos, he can directly sense the location of the source of chaos.

 As Chen Mo closed his eyes and concentrated, he didn't feel anything at first.

 Obviously, this body of chaos is not like other things that can be directly controlled like an arm after it is obtained. Chen Mo obviously needs to adapt for a period of time in order to master the method of stimulating the body of chaos.

 Chen Mo, who had a super-god body before, actually did not spend much time controlling the body of chaos.

 After spending a few minutes, he was completely familiar with the application of the Chaos Body.

As he closed his eyes again and concentrated on the induction, this time he sensed that there was an extremely secret and special entrance in a place very far away from him.

That entrance looks like an ordinary sky. A normal person flying directly through this entrance is the same as flying directly through an empty sky.

But once the Chaos Source energy is used to stimulate this area, the entrance will be revealed, thereby gaining the opportunity to enter the Chaos Source.

However, there is obviously more than one entrance to the source of chaos. As Chen Mo sensed carefully, he discovered the existence of more and more entrances to the source of chaos.

  It can be said to be countless.

 It’s just that the entrances to these sources of chaos are located in relatively secretive and difficult-to-find locations.

Even the nearest entrance to the source of chaos to Chen Mo is in the fifth area of ​​Tianyuan World.

Chen Mo is currently still in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World, and is still a little far away from there for the time being.

 He is not interested in finding the entrance to the source of chaos yet.

 After all, even though he now possesses the body of chaos, his strength is still too weak.

 He didn't know what was in this source of chaos.

Even if his body of chaos can help him avoid some natural terrain damage in the source of chaos, and help him avoid the horror of attacking from the chaotic level and killing everything instantly regardless of characteristics, it is not enough to support Chen Mo's entry. Explore among them.

  After all, there are aborigines of chaotic creatures among them.

It’s hard to say what kind of existence these guys are.

 Not everyone is as friendly as Sun Wu.

 Once you meet someone who is unfriendly, or even kills someone directly, there is really no place to cry if he is killed.

After all, Chen Mo, who had seen Sun Wuyi's stick kill all his undead regardless of its characteristics, did not dare to claim to be invincible in a place like the Source of Chaos.

 In this Tianyuan world, under most circumstances, he has the confidence to protect himself.

 But once he comes into contact with a higher level of power, his immortality is not as guaranteed as imagined.

This kind of risk cannot be taken.

In Chen Mo's opinion, if you want to go to the source of chaos, you must at least reach the realm of the upper gods before you can try to see it.

The current level of a **** is really not enough.

 After carefully feeling the effects of the Chaos Body, Chen Mo regained his consciousness.

 At this time, he entered his own divine world again.

Just now when the Yafeier sisters used their secret technique, Chen Mo felt that as long as he put his consciousness into his own divine world, he could accelerate the development of the divine world at a rate that exceeded the current maximum development speed of the divine world.

 He wanted to try it again.

 Could he still be able to do this kind of thing without the sisters using their secret skills?

As he entered his consciousness into his own divine world, and with a thought, the divine world in his body really developed again at a speed beyond the limit.

And what Chen Mo did was not to encourage others.

 Because when he did this, the entire divine world did not experience any instability or collapse. It can be seen that he can use this method to accelerate the growth of his divine world.

 Just to do this, he must keep his consciousness in his own divine world.

Although doing this can speed up the growth of the divine world, it is obviously not worth the gain. After all, Chen Mo still has a lot of things to do outside, and the benefits generated are not as simple as accelerating the growth of the divine world.

 Always doing this is obviously picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons.

 But sometimes when he needs some waiting time between doing things, and when he has some fragmented time, he can give these fragmented time to his own divine world to accelerate the divine world.

At this time, although Chen Mo had experimented with obtaining the body of chaos, he was already able to accelerate his own divine world at will as long as his consciousness was integrated into his own divine world.

 But he has not fully tried the limit of acceleration that his consciousness can achieve after integrating into his own divine world.

After entering the divine world this time, he was ready to give it a try.

As he mobilized all his mind, the speed of time in the entire divine world soon accelerated to the level of tens of millions of years. The expansion rate of the universe, the fragmentation and condensation of planets, and the creation of galaxies all evolved many times in a short period of time. .

Chen Mo only felt that countless galaxies were being formed in his body.

 Some galaxies have extremely short life spans. While many new galaxies are still being formed, the stars in that galaxy have already been extinguished.

 Obviously, these galaxies are defective products born during the development of the divine world.

Chen Mo didn't care about this. He only cared about the current development speed of the God's Domain world accelerating online. When he accelerated the development speed of the entire God's Domain world to one billion years per second, the entire God's Domain world began to shake continuously, and even appeared. Signs of collapse.

 In an instant, Chen Mo understood that the upper limit of his consciousness plus the upper limit is 1 billion years per second! (End of chapter)

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