With Chen Mo's accelerated development, the divine world in Chen Mo's body has reached the effect of blessing fifty times the divine power and divine energy.

 Once the divine world achieves the effect of blessing a hundred times, it will be considered to have reached the level of the primary inner universe.

 At this time, Chen Mo has already walked halfway through the journey.

 The remaining half can only wait for the divine world to continue to expand and develop.

After obtaining the Chaos Body, Chen Moshun directly sat cross-legged and meditated, refining his divine essence again, and finally completed the fifth-turn divine essence.

 Each time the refining is completed, there is only 1 point of divine energy.

 But Shenyuan will be blessed by divine power and the divine world.

 Chen Mo's physique already possesses super divine power after breaking through into the body of chaos.

In other words, his current lower-level god's divine power has been transformed from the previous divine power that was comparable to the middle-level **** to a divine power that is comparable to the upper-level god.

 Plus fifty times the additional divine world blessing.

 Chen Mo’s current basic divine power of 100,000 points has been converted into a final divine power of 16,830,000 points after a series of bonuses.

The 16.83 million divine power will also bless the divine energy. After the original 1 point of divine energy is blessed by the divine power, it directly becomes 16.83 million divine energy points, and the divine energy will be blessed fifty times by the divine world.

  In the end, the attributes of the divine element became 841.5 million points.

 Calculated based on the convertible chaos source energy shown by Tiandao when Chen Mo obtained the body of chaos.

Chen Mo's current number of divine yuan is enough to convert 8 points of chaos source energy.

Although it is not much, after all, the 8 points of Chaos Source Energy is comparable to the eight hours of Chaos Source Energy produced by the Chaos Source Stone, the Chaos Arcana on his body.

  And this 8 points can even be consumed infinitely.

 Because after the transformed chaos source energy is used, the divine energy used for transformation will slowly recover on its own.

 Chen Mo’s basic divine energy is only 1 point in total, so when all 8 points of chaos source energy are consumed, Chen Mo can instantly recover to 841.5 million divine energy points.

 So in theory, he can consume and use these 8 points of chaos energy without any limit.

Of course, this is just Chen Mo’s current guess.

 He hasn't tried it yet.

 And it’s easy to experiment.

 That is to directly start from the same spot and break through to the middle **** realm.

Having the body protection beads, what he lacks is the source of chaos energy.

As long as he has chaos source energy, he can just sit where he is and break through continuously for an hour without stopping.

As Chen Mo failed to break through, the cycle of failed breakthroughs began, and the protective beads on his body began to glow continuously.

 At the same time, the 8 points of chaos source energy he had just converted began to be consumed.

 But what was beyond Chen Mo’s expectation was that not to mention that the 8-point source energy had been exhausted.

 He only needs to consume 1 point of Chaos Source Energy, and the Chaos Source Energy will be immediately filled up again to 8 points.

 He guessed the possibility, but not completely.

It turns out that the rules for converting divine energy into chaotic source energy are more profitable than he imagined.

This is equivalent to Chen Mo's deformation having 8 points of chaos source energy with unlimited loss.

 But this does not mean that Chen Mo can do whatever he wants.

  After all, not every Chaos Arcana's Chaos Source Energy consumption requires only a little Chaos Source Energy consumption.

 The treasures and abilities with stronger chaos power require more Chaos Source Energy to be consumed when using them.

Although Chen Mo's current Chaos Source Energy can be consumed without limit, it does not mean that the upper limit of his Chaos Source Energy is infinite.

When encountering a Chaos Arcana or Chaos Source Skill that requires 10 points of Chaos Source Energy to be activated at one time, it is obviously not so easy to use.

 Fortunately, in addition to these eight points of fixed and unlimited use of Chaos Source Energy, Chen Mo also has Chaos Source Stones that continuously produce and accumulate Chaos Source Energy for him.

This is enough for him to cope with more usage situations.

 Sitting in the bathtub, after experimenting with various changes after obtaining the body of chaos, Chen Mo was satisfied and ready to get up.

He first carefully moved the sisters Yafeier and Yaxiner together, and then stood up from the tub. After shaking off the water droplets all over his body, Chen Mo immediately dressed up.

At this time, when he saw the two people in the bathtub, Chen Mo didn't want to wake him up, or not.

 It is hard to say whether something will happen if they are left unconscious in the bathtub for a long time.

Although Tianyuan World should be regarded as a world where god-level units are located compared to mortals.

But it is hard to say whether the various materials in the world of this god-level unit are comparable to the impact of ordinary materials in the mortal world on mortals.

 If the effects are the same, then soaking in water for a long time is not a good thing.

Chen Mo gently pushed Yafeier, trying to wake her up.

It is a pity that Yafeier and Yaxiner were completely in a state of collapse at this time and could not wake up at all, which shows how costly the secret method they used was.

 This mission, which the entire Adventurer's Guild's king-level adventurers cannot complete, seems to be something indeed. Chen Mo has finally understood why the greater the difficulty, the richer the reward.

But in fact, the rewards for Yafeier and Yaxiner also vary from person to person.

If Chen Mo had no physique, even if he accepted the preferential treatment from Yafeier and Yaxin'er, he would only have awakened a special physique.

 This reward is good, but it is not as good as it is now.

The biggest reason why Chen Mo can get such a top-notch reward this time is because of his own excellent foundation.

Without that perverted super-god body, it would be impossible for him to obtain the upgraded version of the Chaos Body.

This is like the external incarnation of a super-god-level item obtained by Chen Mo. Originally, the external incarnation was only a super-god-level item, but when used by Chen Mo, it could produce effects comparable to the treasures of chaos.

 This is because he is very strong.

For example, if Chen Mo's strength is average, what if he sends Remembrance into each tower to explore the cracked world this time?

 The rewards that should not be obtained are still unavailable.

And when Chen Mo is strong, even if he goes in to talk about the situation, he can directly replace Chen Mo to get the final reward, directly helping Chen Mo save trouble and danger and get super benefits.

 Showing this kind of benefit will naturally make people mistakenly think that the external incarnation is of a high level.

 The secret reward for the two sisters this time is exactly the same.

 In fact, originally the rewards could only be considered high-quality, but Chen Mo relied on his own ability to turn these rewards from high-quality into top-quality!

Originally, it was a mission just to obtain the props to break through to the middle **** realm. Unexpectedly, Chen Mo was extremely happy with this unexpected gain.

  The look he looked at Yafei'er and Yaxin'er was also very pleasing to the eye. No matter what other tasks the two of them asked for while they were awake at this time, Chen Mo was willing to help them complete it unconditionally.

 Because the reward they gave this time was really great.

 Chen Mo just wanted to get it, but he didn't know where to get such a reward. These two people had given him such great help, and Chen Mo was naturally good to them. He called out Ifuya directly, and left two pieces of equipment for Ifuya, asking Ifuya to help the two of them out of the tub. Dry yourself off and move to the bedroom tent in the back.

 Evya has the help of insects, so it is easy to do these things.

 After a while, she returned to Chen Mo's side.

“Master, it’s done. The two of them seem to have lost a lot of energy and won’t be able to wake up for a while.”

Eveya looked back at the tent behind her and said.

“Well, let them have a good rest. Have you left any insect soldiers to protect them?”

"Yes, I left two of them. Now that my master has greatly improved his strength, my strength has also improved. No one should be able to touch the guard insect soldiers I left behind in this Tianyuan world. Let alone two of them, even if I keep two There was only one left, and no one could get close to them.

 Leave two just to be on the safe side. "

 “Well done.” Chen Mo smiled and patted Eveya on the shoulder.

 While the two were talking.

Suddenly, both of them sensed that a large amount of divine power, which was quite powerful in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World, was approaching quickly.

 Chen Mo's Eye of Origin could see who was coming from a distance.

Unexpectedly, a large group of Zerg Queens and a large group of adventurers appeared together.

The Zerg Mother Queen approaches from the ground, while the adventurers are much more open-minded, some fly in the air, and some teleport.

 In an instant, the entire area was surrounded by water.

 The number of people coming so far is comparable to an army of tens of millions.

 At least a thousand strong men from the Adventurer's Guild came.

It seems that it was called by those king-level adventurers.

 The number of Zerg species underground is even more astonishing.

Let alone the insect soldiers, the number of insect mother queens alone is already staggering.

“What’s going on? How come so many adventurers and the Zerg Mother Queen have gathered here?”

While Chen Mo was speaking, he saw the green light flashing twice in the eyes of Eveya next to him, and Chen Mo instantly read something.

“Master, it’s because of the Zerg treasure. These people are all here because of this thing.”

Since Eveya shared Chen Mo's attributes, her divine power was extremely high at this time. Those Zerg mother queens whose divine power was much lower than hers were considered her subordinates, and she could easily obtain information from them.

From this, we also learned what happened to these Zerg mother queens and the previous human adventurers in the Zerg Territory.

"It's interesting. After I took away the Zerg treasure, it actually caused such a big sensation? Even the Zerg Queen from the back area came to the third area?"

 Chen Mo immediately smiled after reading the information perceived by Eveya.

"Let your insect soldiers protect these two people, and we will go meet them."

Chen Mo flew out of the tent with Eveya without any care.

 As the two of them stood in the sky.

 At this time, a large number of adventurers had already run out on the surrounding ground.

These adventurers have no sense, and they don’t dare to take risks, let alone survive until now.

Although they don't have as strong a sense of perception as Chen Mo and Eveya, they can sense a lot of people coming this way from a long distance.

 But when these people get close, they can still easily sense it.

Suddenly sensing so many units heading towards this area, anyone would be extremely curious and want to come out and take a look.

So in an instant, a large number of people came out to watch the fun on the ground.

 They haven't figured out what's going on yet.

But when I saw two people flying in the area where I was, standing in the air, looking calmly at the many adventurers flying in the distance, everyone could guess that the reason why these people came here should be for these two people. .

 At this time, everyone can basically sense the adventurers flying in.

 As for the Zerg queens underground, few people are aware of them.

 First of all, the land on this ground is not ordinary soil. There is no ordinary thing in this Tianyuan world. Even ordinary soil has a strong isolation effect.

 Coupled with the fact that the Zerg Mother Queens from the back area who have many means have done some tricks in advance, it is naturally not easy for them to sense these Zerg Mother Queens.

Now that the Zerg Mother Queen is here, she has naturally discovered Chen Mo and Eveya long ago.

After they noticed Chen Mo and Yifuya flying, they thought they had discovered them and were about to escape.

 At this time they immediately began to discuss.

They have now penetrated deep into the human controlled area. If they show up here and fight, they will probably attract a large number of strong human beings.

They have already offended several powerful humans, so they still need to consider whether they want to directly go to war with the humans.

 Fortunately, they sensed that Chen Mo and Eveya were flying into the air and did not flee directly. Instead, they stopped directly in the air as if waiting for something.

 They were not so anxious for a while.

“They didn’t flee directly. It seems they didn’t notice us. Go quickly and set up our Zerg’s Insect Territory Barrier and Insect Abyss Formation.

This area must be an area controlled by humans. We must resolve it quickly and minimize energy leakage.

 Insect Realm Barrier and Insect Abyss Formation are indispensable. "

On the Zerg Queen's side, while they were making various small moves underground, Chen Mo and Eveya were already surrounded by several king-level adventurers on the ground.

 Not only a few king-level adventurers, but also other powerful men with considerable strength surrounded them.

 But when they saw the number on Chen Mo’s head that represented the destiny person.

They were originally planning to come here to show off their status and then coerce and induce those who held the Zerg treasure to hand over the Zerg treasure. However, their momentum suddenly became much weaker.

 Because the Tianming people are not ordinary natives of Tianyuan World, the methods they can use to coerce and lure the natives of Tianyuan World have almost no effect on the Tianming people.

If the Zerg treasure falls into the hands of the people of destiny, it will be difficult to get it back.

But since we have already seen the destiny man, there is actually no need to take it back.

 Because their only purpose in obtaining the Zerg treasure now is to lure out the Zerg who played tricks on them before and take revenge!

Since this thing is in the hands of the Destiny People, it is obvious that it is no easier for the Zerg to take back this Zerg treasure than it is to take it back from them.

  After all, Tianming people can go back and forth in various areas of Tianyuan world, and his strength will not be subject to any restrictions at all! This is something that Aboriginal people cannot do.

Chen Mo looked at the crowd and said with a smile: "Did something happen to everyone who came here in such a hurry? I happen to be free. If there is any big problem, I can help."

The words of the Destiny Man were very appropriate, but everyone didn't think anything of it. One of them flew to Chen Mo and hesitated for a moment and said, "It seems that there is indeed something going on. We found something strange in the Insect Territory before. It should be that a Zerg treasure has been born. Now Things falling into the hands of the Zerg are a huge threat to humanity. I wonder if you have ever seen it?" (End of Chapter)

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