With Chen Mo's current strength, he is enough to walk sideways in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World, so there is no need to hide it.

 He said directly: "The Zerg treasure is indeed with me."

 Boom! !

The moment Chen Mo finished speaking, eye-catching cracks appeared on the ground of the town where the yurts were rooted.

 The whole area became shaken by the earth.

The Yafeier sisters were not affected at all because they were guarded by the insect guards left by Ivoya.

 As the earth opened, a large number of densely packed insects emerged directly from it.

The strength of these bugs is not weak. After all, their owner is the queen of the bugs who came from the fourth and fifth areas behind.

With their strength, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and insects they produce must be close to their divine power.

The Mother Queen of the Zerg Race is only so powerful because of her own bug cubs.

 Their own combat effectiveness is not very good.

 This is somewhat similar to the early Chen Mo.

 In the early days, Chen Mo relied solely on his undead soldiers to become invincible.

But now, both the undead units and himself are equally invincible.

In real comparison, his own strength is even greater than the combined combat power of a large number of undead units he summoned.

However, Chen Mo was too lazy to take action himself when it was not necessary.

"Destined Man, since you also know that this thing is the Zerg's treasure, please return it to our Zerg. We, the Zerg, will remember your kindness. You can ask for any reward from our Zerg in the future."

As a gorgeous-looking Zerg mother queen stood up and spoke, all the human king-level adventurers immediately recognized her.

 She is none other than Ilmi who had previously made a deal with a human king-level adventurer in the Insect Domain.

 After all, they had been fooled by her not long ago, and they naturally remembered Yi Mi's appearance clearly.

 In fact, after discovering that Chen Mo was a destined person, Yi Mi and others were already a little confused.

After all, no matter how awesome they are, they can't stop the people of destiny.

Unless he is killed directly on the spot, he can keep running to the front area. If they live there, they will only become weaker and weaker, but the strength of Tianmingren has not changed. So what can they do to fight against Tianmingren?

If they had known that Chen Mo was a destined person, they would not even bother to come to this area.

In fact, they have all run away now, and the Zerg treasure is right in front of them. Even if they feel that there is little hope, they can only give it a try.

 If that doesn’t work, you can only grab it by force.

 But the most critical issue now is that they cannot see through the strength of this destiny man.

This man of destiny was shrouded in the aura of chaos, and it was impossible to sense his realm clearly.

 As a result, it is difficult to judge his combat effectiveness.

 Whether it will be successful or not is a matter of opinion.

 After all, this time we are taking action directly in human territory, in human towns, and the powerful human beings will definitely come to support them soon.

 So if you attack in this area, it is different from the usual fights where you can fight back and forth. If you attack in this area, you can only fight quickly.

 If you can’t achieve success quickly, it’s all in vain.

 Seeing this situation, Yi Mi could only try to persuade him first.

 Fortunately, the Zerg have many things that are coveted by the humans, and there are things of sufficient value that can be used to tempt the other side into making deals.

As soon as she came forward, she immediately threw out the biggest bargaining chip, that is, you can use the chips at your disposal.

With this chip thrown out, as long as the other party opens his mouth, everything will be easy to negotiate.

 At present, for the Zerg race, nothing is more critical than the Zerg treasure.

Hearing what she said, Chen Mo immediately looked at Yi Mi with a smile and said, "I already have a Zerg Mother Queen by my side, and there are more than one, so if I trade with you, I don't even know what you have that can arouse me. interest."

Chen Mo smiled and hugged Evelin closer to him.

It was only then that Ilmi noticed the existence of Ivya.

Before Chen Mo obtained the Body of Chaos, he already had the aura of chaos due to the title effect. After obtaining the body of chaos, his aura of chaos can even envelope other surrounding units.

Evya's aura just now was enveloped by his chaotic aura, so Ilmi didn't sense it immediately.

 But now, let alone sensing at such a close distance, she could confirm that Eveya was a Zerg Queen just by looking at it with the naked eye.

After Yi Ermi closed her eyes for a moment, she looked at Chen Mo with a surprised expression and said: "How is it possible, Ivya's strength is not weak, how can a Zerg queen with such strength be easily enslaved? Even the people of destiny can’t do it.”

Chen Mo smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry about how I did it, just tell me what leverage you have."

Seeing that Chen Mo even had a Zerg Queen of this level, Yi Mi was a little confused about what chips to play.

Of course she is not without chips, but compared to contracting a Zerg mother queen with good qualifications to others, the attractiveness of other chips is difficult to compare with the Zerg treasure.

 The most important thing is that she initially thought that the Zerg treasure was useless in Chen Mo's hands.

The most he holds is to exchange for more value.

 That's why she thought of the possibility of negotiation.

 After all, the Destiny people are still different from the human race.

 The humans are afraid that the Zerg will obtain the Zerg treasure and become bigger, but the Destiny people don't need to worry about this at all.

 So transactions can be done.

 But the premise of all transactions is that this Zerg treasure is not important to the other party, and the other party needs to exchange it for other benefits.

But the result now is that the opponent already has the Zerg Mother Queen, so this Zerg Treasure is something that he can use at will. After all, as long as the Zerg Mother Queen is driving it, this Zerg Treasure can be used normally.

 Evya is also considered to have a very good talent among the Zerg Mother Queens.

 Generally speaking, the Zerg mother queen who can stand alone and develop in an area so early is very talented.

 Evya is absolutely qualified to use the Zerg Arcana.

Since this treasure is a usable treasure to the other party, if you want to exchange it from the other party, you must obviously give it a treasure-level value.

Then how could Ilmi take it out?

 Obviously, the negotiations will be fruitless.     Then if the negotiation fails, the only option is to rob.

"Fortunately, I have a secret method that can temporarily control Ivoya so that she will not take action. Without the interference of her and the Zerg treasure, there is still a slight possibility to kill this destined man instantly, cancel Ivoya's slave contract, and get back our Zerg treasure. .”

Just when Yi Mi was thinking, her thoughts had already been read by Chen Mo.

 At this time, Chen Mo also clearly read the thoughts of the other king-level adventurers around him.

 Chen Mo naturally understood everything these guys had done before.

 To be precise, these two groups of people should not be considered good people. These king-level adventurers initially sensed the breath of the treasure and went to search for it.

 This is human nature.

 But his subsequent behavior has gradually become utilitarian, and his current behavior has become a revenge-seeking mentality.

 Helping them kill these Zerg Mother Queens, these guys are absolutely happy.

Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately smiled and flew towards the human king-level adventurer and said: "It seems that the Zerg Queen has no leverage. Please protect me to prevent her from robbing her."

As soon as Chen Mo said this, those king-level adventurers didn't pay attention. They were originally here to seek revenge. There was no difference between killing these Zerg mother queens by them and being killed by the people of destiny. It was even better for them to do it themselves.

So they didn't care that Chen Mo, a man of destiny, was still afraid of the Zerg mother queen in front of them. They directly showed a handful of eternal artifacts in their hands and started to kill the Zerg mother queen.

 At this time, in their opinion, only one Yilmi and a large number of Zerg soldiers appeared.

 In fact, there are still a lot of insect queens and insect soldiers hidden under the ground.

  At the moment when these human adventurers were killing Ilmi.

  The Zerg Mother Queens underground immediately began to take action.

In an instant, hundreds of millions of energy waves could be accumulated under the ground. The insect soldiers who launched the terrifying energy waves to kill the enemy all gathered up their strength and sprayed out waves of scorching energy towards the king-level adventurers.

If it were one or two sticks, these energy waves would not be enough to harm these king-level adventurers, but this spray has hundreds of millions of sticks. How can these king-level adventurers endure it?

 “Something’s wrong, there’s a lot of energy fluctuations underground!”

"What!? There is still an army underground? They are using secret methods to obscure our perception! Damn it!"

 “It’s coming, please be careful!”

 “No way, there are so many!!”

 The moment they sensed strange energy fluctuations in the ground, there was a buzz! Choo Choo Choo!

There were sounds of energy oscillating and being shot out of the ground, followed by red energy waves that broke out of the ground, all focused on the king-level adventurers.

So many energy waves hit them. Even if they made defensive actions and used defensive skills in advance, they were still directly incinerated into a few streaks of smoke by these energy waves.

 In a face-to-face encounter, several king-level adventurers who were considered to be the strongest in the third area were killed instantly.

 This scene can be said to have made all the people present feel terrified and inexplicable.

They never thought that these Zerg queens came from the back area, and their strength was also absolutely top-notch in this third area.

 Even stronger than these few king-level adventurers who seem to be top-notch, but are actually only close to the top strength of the third region.

They attack together, and with such a large number, what can these king-level adventurers do to stop them?

 For a moment, people were panic-stricken and froze in place, either running or not.

No one turned around and ran away at this time. If he turned around and ran away first, he would most likely be targeted by the Zerg Mother Queen.

 That means you die first.

Of course no one dares to run first, but if you don't run, staying where you are is just like waiting to die.

I don’t know where this Zerg came from, but it has become so perverted that it kills king-level adventurers as easily as it kills chickens and dogs.

 This is too perverted!

Seeing that the king-level adventurer of the human race was so vulnerable, Yi Mi felt that her worries seemed a bit unnecessary. She instantly became more confident. She immediately looked at Chen Mo from the air and said: "Man of Destiny, you are the noble Destiny. Man, it stands to reason that you have no conflict with our aboriginal people. Although our Zerg race is not the same race as the human race, we do not belong to the animal-shaped intelligent life. They have always maintained their animal form and cannot be humanized. We The Zerg Mother Queen often remains human, so we can be considered a type of humanoid intelligent life. We live in the same area as you, and we have no conflicts as a large group.

As a Destiny person, you can naturally not only help humans get rewards, but you can also help us Zerg get rewards.

There is no need for us to fight. As long as you hand over the Zerg treasure to me, we Zerg guarantee that we will receive generous gifts in return and help you in all subsequent areas.

how? "

Since the people on the human side who could protect the destiny man were all dead, Yi Mi felt that Chen Mo would compromise.

 Although she could also attack Chen Mo directly.

 But she is not a fool either.

When she saw Chen Mo flying to those human king-level adventurers asking for help before, she could clearly see that Chen Mo's expressions were all fake. He was not panicked at all and did not need to ask for help. He was just deliberately messing up. These king-level adventurers.

Although I don’t know why, since he can’t deal with this king-level adventurer, it’s not impossible that he has better compatibility with the Zerg.

 That’s why she tried to continue to persuade Chen Mo instead of taking action directly.

 Because she was not sure whether to do it.

She didn’t think that Chen Mo’s previous confidence was because he didn’t know that there were more Zerg armies hidden under the surface.

Although the secret techniques she and other Zerg Mother Queens used could isolate themselves from human detection, Chen Mo had Eveya by his side.

The secret method below the ground cannot block Ivya's perception at all.

Yilmi was very sure that Chen Mo knew all the Zerg queens and their cubs hidden under the ground right away.

In such a situation, he did not choose to escape, but stayed here with a cynical look. Then his strength is absolutely unfathomable.

 At least it is the top level in this third region, otherwise he would not be so confident.

In addition, all the human king-level adventurers present now are obviously dead, so he should be the one in the most danger, yet he still looks calm and relaxed, especially not one of Ivya's insect soldiers screamed. come out.

 There was no sign of any pre-war preparations at all.

All these weird performances made Yi Mi very convinced that Chen Mo's strength should not be underestimated.

 She didn’t dare to do anything at will.

 Otherwise, even this last bit of negotiation may not be possible.

At this time, her mind was full of thoughts, but Chen Mo received them all at the same time. He immediately looked at Yi Mi with a smile: "This Zerg Mother Queen is indeed a being who can control an army of hundreds of millions in an orderly manner. She has a really good brain and can think of everything at once. There are so many connections." (End of Chapter)

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