Soon, the two of them bumped into each other.

Chen Mo carefully looked at the animal-shaped intelligent life in front of him.

This creature has a majestic body, covered with smooth silver scales, as strong as armor.

 Its muscles have clear lines and are full of strength.

 The head of the animal-shaped intelligent life shows a peculiar structure, and has a pair of bright blue eyes, as deep as the starry sky.

Its jaws are full, and its long tail drags on the ground, looking extremely powerful.

This creature's limbs are strong and powerful, covered with solid scales, and each claw is as sharp as a knife. People can tell at a glance that it has powerful fighting capabilities.

A pair of broad wings protruded from its back, and the feathers on the wings were like silver threads, glowing slightly.

This race of animal-shaped intelligent lifeforms is called the Silver Wings, and they live on a planet called Astralis.

 Their planet entered the Tianyuan world earlier.

 However, it is too difficult to improve divine power. If you come early, it may not necessarily improve quickly.

The first time the two met, Chen Mo saw a look of shock on the other person's face.

"Destined person? This number is...! Could it be that you are..."

The moment the words fell, this silver-winged animal-shaped intelligent life waved the wings behind his back and turned around to escape.

Tiandao just reminded that the two tribes can freely enter each other's territory to kill. At this time, a humanoid intelligent life suddenly appeared in his territory. This beast-shaped intelligent life of the Silver Wing tribe knew everything with his butt. At this moment, there is no other possibility for the humanoid intelligent life that can come to the area where the beast-shaped intelligent life is, and dares to come to the area where the animal-shaped intelligent life is, except Chen Mo.

And Chen Mo is a perverted strong man with hundreds of millions of divine powers.

Even though the humanoid intelligent life will be limited to the upper limit of divine power when entering the beast-shaped intelligent life, it still cannot prevent Chen Mo from being the one with the strongest divine power in their area.

 Even a military formation cannot resist it.

 Because they have not yet obtained the more powerful military formation with higher ceiling in Tianyuan World.

Even if they obtain it, they still need a large number of people to gather together before they can integrate a large number of divine force formations.

 Now that he is alone, it is naturally best to leave quickly.

It was a pity that from the moment he met Chen Mo, he was destined to be unable to leave.

 Chen Mo may still be merciful to the beast-shaped intelligent life, but Chen Mo has no such sentiments at all towards the beast-shaped intelligent life destined to be destined.

After all, as long as they can enter this area, every race will do so with blood on their hands.

 Because in the first area of ​​the Tower of Eternity, everyone had to defeat at least one galaxy that was hostile to them before they could enter the Tianyuan world in the second area of ​​the Tower of Eternity.

Since everyone is in the same boat, there is nothing to worry about.

 To deal with the indigenous animal-shaped intelligent beings is to invade other people's homes and kill civilians wantonly and kill innocent people indiscriminately.

 But when dealing with the beast-shaped intelligent life of Destiny, Chen Mo had no such psychological burden at all.

 He struck directly with thunder!

“Old man, I’m sorry, whether you recognize him or not, I have to deal with this person!”

The moment Chen Mo finished speaking, before anyone could react, a huge abomination covered in rotten flesh appeared out of thin air in front of the silver-winged beast-shaped intelligent life destiny person, opening its **** mouth. In one mouthful, he swallowed the beast-shaped intelligent life of the Silver Wing Tribe into his belly. With Chen Mo's current strength, it is not easy to instantly kill these beast-shaped intelligent beings at this stage.

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on successfully killing a beast-shaped intelligent life Destiner. You have obtained 1000 points of all his basic divine power. 】

As the reminder from Heaven ended, Chen Mo also stood up, feeling embarrassed to stay in this tribe any longer.

 Although the destined people and the aborigines are two different types of people.

 But at least they are all animal-shaped intelligent life forms. How can we say that they are of the same race type?

 Chance Chen Mo was naturally embarrassed to continue sitting down after killing someone of the same race in front of them.

At this time, Chen Mo also saw that most of the animal-shaped intelligent lifeforms in the entire tribe looked at him with extremely fearful expressions.

 In every corner of the tribe, the fear of the animal-shaped intelligent beings is evident.

 Their pupils are dilated, and their eyes are full of fear and anxiety.

The fur or feathers of the animal-shaped intelligent beings stood up in unison, like pieces of sharp arrows, ready to fly out at any time, but in front of Chen Mo, they did not dare to take any risks.

  Many female beast-type intelligent beings protected their cubs under their bodies, and they all looked at Chen Mo with vigilance and fear, fearing that Chen Mo would kill them too.

Seeing their looks like this, Chen Mo naturally understood that he couldn't stay here any longer.

  After all, they belong to different camps, so it’s already good if they can avoid fighting.

However, among the fearful eyes, the old ape man who had taken the initiative to communicate with Chen Mo before showed no fear towards Chen Mo.

 He walked slowly towards Chen Mo again.

But just as he was moving forward, other animal-shaped intelligent beings around him immediately pulled him back.

 “Chief, don’t go there, or he will kill you too.”

"Don't worry, I still understand the behavioral logic of humanoid intelligent life. If he killed innocent people indiscriminately, our tribe would have been destroyed just now."


The old ape didn't pay attention to the obstruction of the people around him, and slowly moved in front of Chen Mo and said: "I have heard of some battles between the Destined People, but I still hope that you will be noble and try not to involve the aborigines. "

“Old man, please rest assured. Killing the aboriginal people will not do me any good. I still have this bottom line. Thank you for your hospitality this time. I still have things to deal with, so I will leave first.”

As Chen Mo stood up and left the tribe, many animal-shaped intelligent beings immediately gathered around and asked the old ape why he treated a human-shaped intelligent life like this.

"There is a saying among humanoid intelligent beings that I respect others one foot, and they respect me one foot. My experience tells me that as long as the humanoid intelligent life beings who appear in our area are destined to be powerful, their strength is definitely quite impressive. Yes, we simply don’t have the capital to fight him.

 Instead of antagonizing him and provoking a strong enemy, it is better to try to turn the enemy into a friend. "

After listening to the old ape's words, everyone understood why the old ape treated Chen Mo like this.

 Everyone could not help but secretly say that it was thanks to the wisdom of the old patriarch, otherwise they and others might have been exterminated because of their hostility to humanoid intelligent life.

 Everyone couldn't help but feel scared when they thought about it. (End of chapter)

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