After leaving the area where the aborigines of animal-shaped intelligent life lived, Chen Mo continued to move deeper into the first area of ​​animal-shaped intelligent life based on his perception.

Although his perception ability is somewhat limited, surprisingly, Heaven actually gave Chen Mo the ability to sense the direction in which direction there are beast-shaped intelligent beings with destiny.

Following the direction of perception, Chen Mo walked a short distance and soon found a beast-shaped intelligent life Destiny in a valley.

This animal-shaped intelligent life Destiny is a mysterious alien intelligent creature called "Sercross".

It is tall, standing up to three meters tall, with thick velvet-like fur, a deep silvery gray color with a mysterious blue halo, its limbs are strong and powerful, and each paw is decorated with delicate markings. Symbolizes its noble status.

This Sercross is probably not the leader of their tribe.

Chen Mo could feel that the divine power in him was not weak.

Chen Mo continued to observe its appearance carefully.

I saw that this guy had a long neck, and his head was decorated with two pairs of elegant wings. These wings were different from birds, but more like bat wings. They were transparent and gorgeous, and seemed to allow this creature to glide in the air.

Its head is like a leopard, with a pair of deep and clear green eyes that shine brightly.

Tharkros's mouth is decorated with two rows of sharp fangs, and the blade-like teeth fit perfectly.

ˆ It has to be said that creatures on different planets in the universe always have unique beauty of creation.

At this moment, it stood in the middle of the valley, its head held high, keenly searching everything around it.

 Chen Mo guessed that it was exploring the whereabouts of the land of God's Domain.

But it is a pity that he has not continued to find the land of God, because he will die soon.

Chen Mo didn't even show up, and directly summoned two high-level undead to take action.

 The moment these two undead souls were summoned, they immediately appeared next to Sercross.

The first high-level undead is a "Shadow Soul Knight". It is tall, wearing black shadow armor and a black helmet, with no face visible.

It holds a long sword, the blade of which flashes with dark will-o'-the-wisps, emitting a chilling light.

 The attack method of "Shadow Soul Knight" is to slash the target with dark sword energy, which can penetrate the enemy's defense and cause devastating damage to life.

  The second high-level undead is a "Shadow Assassin". It has a strong body, wears black leather armor, and is agile.

 It is good at sneaking and assassination. It uses the shadow technique to flash quickly and can approach the target instantly.

 The attack method of "Shadow Assassin" is to use sharp daggers to carry out rapid close attacks, find the enemy's weaknesses, and then carry out fatal stabs unexpectedly.

 These two high-level undead both possess powerful dark energy, making them extremely terrifying and dangerous in battle.

 Their attack methods focus on speed and lethality, which is why Chen Mo summoned them.

It stands to reason that one is enough, but after all, we are acting on someone else's territory, and the divine power is suppressed. It doesn't matter if we summon one more. In addition, this Sercross has quite good divine power, and it might be an intelligent life in the form of an animal. Among the existences that ranked extremely high in divine power, they were much higher than the beast-shaped intelligent beings of the Silver Wing tribe that they had seen before. Chen Mo subconsciously summoned one more. The moment the two high-level undead appeared, their goals were very clear, and they launched a killing move directly at Sercross.

This Secros reacted quickly. He did not sit still and wait for death. The moment he sensed the threat, he immediately launched a counterattack. It flapped its wings and released a powerful storm force in an attempt to resist the attack of the undead.

But the attack of the undead was not something that Sercross could block. As the attack of the undead hit Sercross's body, a defensive light suddenly appeared. The attack of the undead and the defensive light collided fiercely, and the air was filled with a strong Energy fluctuations.

This is obviously some kind of life-saving treasure the opponent used, and it was able to withstand the full blow of the two undead.

But that’s all. If you can’t make it past the first grade of junior high school, you can’t make it past the fifteenth grade. If you’re not strong enough, you’ll still have to die.

Under Chen Mo's command, the undead showed powerful strength and ruthless attacks. They once again sent out a swift and powerful energy impact. This time, the powerful energy impact instantly passed through the already extremely weak body of Sercross. Defending against the light, it launched a fatal attack on its body.

 “No!” The Sercross roared in pain. In the end, it was still unable to withstand the attack of the undead.

In a surge of dark energy, the Sercross fell directly with a bang, and the fire of life was gradually extinguished.

 In an instant, the Heavenly Dao prompt sounded again, and Chen Mo directly gained 3,000 points of mental power this time, which was already considered a very strong existence.

It can be seen that the basic divine power of this animal-shaped intelligent life is quite good.

After quickly killing the beast-shaped intelligent being, Chen Mo felt neither sadness nor joy, nor did he feel the pleasure of killing. He just glanced at the corpse on the ground with an expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

 He ​​raised his head, his expression became much more determined than before. He continued to sense, and soon he sensed many animal-shaped intelligent beings with destiny in all directions.

Chen Mo directly called Zhui Mei and asked him to help hunt together.

"Reminiscence, I am tracking the beast-shaped intelligent life Destined One on the left, and you are tracking the beast-shaped intelligent life Destined One on the right. Please note that our main target is the Destined One, and has nothing to do with the aborigines. If the other party does not deliberately provoke, you don't want to Feel free to kill them."

 “It’s my lord!”

After recalling the words, he flew directly in one direction.

Chen Mo continued to move forward and came to the area where the next animal-shaped intelligent life being, the Destiny, was located.

At this time, all the beast-shaped intelligent beings with destiny showed frightened expressions.

 Because they also have communication channels.

It’s not a big deal if the first beast-shaped intelligent being of the Silver Wing tribe dies, but the death of the second high-basic divine power of the Sercross tribe is extremely obvious on the ranking list.

  Tiandao’s reminder has not been long ago, and many of you are still paying attention to the situation on the ranking list.

Suddenly, seeing a being with such high divine power die inexplicably, anyone would instantly doubt the ethnic duel mode just prompted by Tiandao.

As for the person who can come to the area where the beast-shaped intelligent life is and kill a unit with such high divine power within this time, except for the super pervert with a power of hundreds of millions who is at the top of the list of humanoid intelligent beings, there is no second choice. Made a choice.

 Obviously, this is a signal, the signal for the hunting to begin! ! (End of chapter)

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