All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 412: Ultimate evolution, the master of the universe! (2-in-1)

Just when the humanoid intelligent beings in various galaxies were panicking, Chen Mo suddenly received a reminder from heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: It has been detected that after the strength showdown mode was turned on, you killed more than 90% of the animal-shaped intelligent life in the Tianyuan world with one person's power. You have completed a hidden achievement - ultimate transcendence! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Based on your current achievement performance, you have been given an opportunity to transcend evolution. After using this opportunity, you will be able to directly enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity as the Lord of the Universe without looking for the Origin Stone.

Whether to use this opportunity or not, once you use this opportunity, you will be greatly suppressed when you use your power on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity. Please make sure that you have dealt with all matters in the current area before using it. 】

As the Heavenly Law prompt sounded, Chen Mo was also surprised. He didn't expect that he could get such an extraordinary reward by wiping out the beast-shaped intelligent life with one person's power.

 You can directly save the time of slowly developing on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity, and directly enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity with the realm of the Lord of the Universe.

 This can save a lot of accumulation time.

 Chen Mo's current strength is already invincible in the lower realms. There is no need to waste time to slowly improve his cultivation to become the Lord of the Universe.

 Since Heaven has given such convenience, he is naturally prepared to accept it.

 It’s just that if he enters the second level, it will not be easy to apply pressure on the first level.

 So we still need to deal with the current situation on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity first.

 So that the professionals in the solar system will be oppressed.

The reason why the solar system is strong at present is not because of how strong the professionals in the entire solar system are. After all, the solar system is only a living planet, and its development situation is not that good. It is purely because of Chen Mo's reputation and a large share of the revenue. This makes life easier for professionals in the current solar system at the Tower of Eternity.

It would be a big mistake if the news that he entered the second level leaked and caused professionals in other galaxies to start to have other ideas.

 So Chen Mo must deal with these things first.

Since Tiandao also said that you can deal with these things first before choosing whether to use this opportunity, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to use it.

Rather, a super spirit flashed directly back to the humanoid intelligent life.

At the same time, he sent a message to Jiang Yun, asking him to spread the news and gather all the talkers from other forces. He wanted to give these people a good beating at once.

 In this way, he can enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity with peace of mind.

Now that all the forces are already panicking and feeling impatient, they all want to quickly get a solution to the problem in the solar system so that they can finally settle down happily.

The good news about the gathering came from Jiang Yun in Dedao, and the talkers from all the galaxies immediately gathered at the place where Jiang Yun announced.

 Soon, dozens of aliens of various shapes and shapes gathered here.

 While everyone was looking forward to it, Chen Mo had already appeared in front of them.

“Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to this gathering. I will not go into any more nonsense and just talk about the focus of today’s gathering. I believe you all already know the news that the beast-shaped intelligent life has just been solved.”

After Chen Mo said this, everyone immediately reacted in various ways, either nodding, shaking their heads, or waving their hands.

 This is their habit of confirming their race.

 Looking at their reactions, they may have different reactions, but in fact, they are all indicating that they already know.

 Chen Mo has the ability to read minds, so naturally he will not misunderstand their expressions.

“Since everyone already knows it, I’ll keep it short. I’m calling you here today just to say one thing.

Since I have the ability to eliminate all animal-shaped intelligent life, I naturally also have the ability to eliminate all human-shaped intelligent life. You must also be aware of this. "

Seeing that Chen Mo had reached the point, everyone immediately looked at him nervously.

  The future life and death will depend on this man’s thoughts.

They didn't know what Chen Mo was going to do with them, but they knew one thing. If Chen Mo wanted to clean them up, there would be no need to go to all the trouble of calling them here.

He used the same method to deal with animal-shaped intelligent lifeforms before. Wouldn't it be more straightforward to deal with them directly?

 So they smelled a glimmer of vitality from Chen Mo's behavior.

 But you can't relax completely even if you have life. After all, some life may require very harsh conditions to obtain.

At this moment, they wanted to know what conditions Chen Mo would propose.

After everyone expressed their confirmation, Chen Mo continued: "We are all residents of the Milky Way. Theoretically, as long as we are not forced into a competitive relationship by the law of heaven, there is no need for us to kill each other.

 There may even be times when cooperation is needed in the future.

 So I don’t want to do anything to the people of the galaxy. I hope that everyone can coexist peacefully and develop together in the Tianyuan world in the future.

 As speakers, I hope that you can continue to pass on this concept of friendship after today.

At the same time, we are here today to invite everyone to form a joint council. Once competition between professionals occurs in the future, the joint council will jointly investigate the cause to avoid triggering disputes between galaxies.

 After investigating what is right and what is wrong, deal with the wrong party. No matter which galaxy the wrong party is from, even people from my own solar system will be treated equally.

 What do you think? "

Upon hearing this, everyone felt filled with unexpected joy.

Originally, they thought that Chen Mo would take advantage of the power he gained over animal-shaped intelligent life to further exploit their interests.

 Unexpectedly, Chen Mo actually arranged such a peaceful development model, which was even fair and just.

This allowed them to see the possibility of peaceful coexistence between galaxies.

 In fact, they don’t want to fight back and forth. After all, after entering the Tianyuan world, they have seen various stronger existences and learned about many higher realms above. They have also extinguished their desire to dominate.

 No matter how strong people are, they will be destroyed in the catastrophe.

 Only a few people have entered the second level of the Tower of Eternity.

Their current strength in Tianyuan World can only be regarded as the bottom, so how can they dare to be arrogant.

 Being able to coexist peacefully and develop is what they want.

 Immediately everyone started to praise Chen Mo.

“Since everyone agrees, I will immediately arrange for someone to come and discuss relevant matters with you.”

In the next few days, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. Instead, he kept stabilizing the relationship between the various races on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity.

 After ensuring that everyone can get along well with each other, he will choose to enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity.

 He had to make arrangements for these things. After all, he couldn't go to the second floor quietly.

His existence as the number one in the rankings, once he disappears, everyone knows what happened.

 It took him seven full days to finish the matters on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity.

 After finishing all this, Chen Mo clicked on the Tiandao interface and chose the opportunity to use Ultimate Transcendence.

【Tiandao Tip: Transcendence Evolution will take a total of 360 days and will not be interrupted during this period. Please ensure that all arrangements have been completed. 】

  “So long?”    Chen Mo originally thought that transcendental evolution would only take a moment, but he did not expect that it would actually take 360 ​​days.

“Has the power of heaven begun to weaken in the Lord of the Universe? Otherwise, why can’t it be completed instantly?”

 Chen Mo thought so in his heart, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Everything was arranged, and 360 days was just 360 days, it didn't matter.

  Anyway, there is no problem in recalling and dealing with things.

 After he released his memories and kept them by his side, he began his transcendent evolution!

 Choice After Chen Mo made his choice, a majestic power of rules immediately shrouded from the endless sky and poured into his body, especially in his divine world.

From this moment on, his divine world began to evolve at an extremely crazy speed.

 Hundreds of millions of times faster than his previous fastest evolution speed.

For the first time, Chen Mo clearly felt how wonderful the evolution of the universe was.

 As transcendent evolution begins, the days fly by a month.

But in Chen Mo's feeling, a month seemed to have passed in just a moment. He was completely addicted to the strange feeling of feeling the rapid evolution of the divine world within his body.

 Half a year passed quickly.

Chen Mo's divine world has gradually evolved into an inner universe like the real universe.

 A large number of life planets appeared inside, and a large number of life began to be born.

 These are all lives born purely naturally, rather than being added by him from the outside world.

And the Zerg Queen that he put into his divine world from the outside world also had its own growth and development trajectory.

 Because she had Chen Mo's order before, she did not let the Zerg under her command expand externally, but only occupied a living planet to reproduce.

 It has to be said that competition and killing are inevitable in the living world.

 After the birth of life, the situation of the weak and the strong soon appeared.

And as the divine world evolved into the real universe, intelligent life also began to appear among the lives in Chen Monei's universe.

 At this time, 300 days have passed since Chen Mo started his extreme evolution.

 It took 300 days of rapid evolution before intelligent life finally appeared in Chen Mo's inner universe.

With the emergence of the first batch of intelligent life, other galaxies also began to gradually appear with different forms of intelligent life.

 Along with the emergence of intelligent life, there is also the power of their faith.

 Whether they believe in nature, the universe, the Creator, or the Creator God.

 In fact, it all points to Chen Mo in the end.

This allowed Chen Mo to continuously gain a lot of power of faith.

 But as the world continued to evolve, their beliefs began to change.

 From the primitive worship of nature, we gradually turned to some hero worship.

 They began to spread the power of faith to the heroes of their own race and the mythical characters they created.

 Chen Mo didn't care about this, because compared to these, nature worship still occupies the mainstream.

 In reality, the belief system on earth is pretty much the same.

 From primitive nature worship to **** worship and finally hero worship.

But no matter what, the worship of the Creator, the Creation God, and nature are still the most fundamental beliefs and worship.

 So no matter how the belief school changes, it will not hinder his collection of the power of belief.

As the power of faith continued to gather, Chen Mo also felt that his life level had jumped again.

 This change in the level of life is a change in the integration of the body into the universe.

As the ultimate evolution progressed to the 360th day, Chen Mo found that the universe in his body gradually began to separate, and he suddenly remembered the heavenly reminder he had received before.

“Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your divine world has evolved to the level of a perfect inner universe. You can find the source stone of the universe and place it in the divine world to completely evolve your inner universe and become a real universe.

By then, your universe will be placed in the Tower of Eternity, and the Tower of Eternity will automatically absorb life forms into your universe, providing you with cosmic source power to enhance your realm. ]"

According to this heavenly reminder, when the universe inside the body evolves into the real universe, it will be placed in the Tower of Eternity and automatically absorb life forms into the universe.

  In other words, Chen Mo's universe is now qualified to enter the Tower of Eternity.

And the Tower of Eternity will also absorb life forms into its cosmic existence.

Although the inner universe has left the body, Chen Mo can still sense its existence, and can even feel that its appearance is wrapped in an extremely powerful force of rules, making it safer than inside his own body.

As Chen Mo's inner universe settled in the Tower of Eternity, Chen Mo also felt his own power change simultaneously.

 All the previous divine power was transformed into cosmic source power.

【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on your ultimate evolution. You have successfully entered the realm of the Lord of the Universe. You are about to be transported to the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. Please be prepared. 】

At the same time that the Tiandao prompt sounded, Chen Mo clicked on the Tiandao interface to check his attributes.

  【Tiandao Tip: Your attribute information is evolving and cannot be viewed temporarily. Please enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity before viewing again. 】

As the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded, Chen Mo was a little curious about how his attributes would evolve.

After feeling a special power coming to him, Chen Mo found that he suddenly soared upward at an extremely fast speed, so fast that with his current strength, the naked eye could not clearly see the changes around him.

 I just felt a change of light around me.

When the speed of the scene in front of him slowed down, Chen Mo realized that he was in a town made of special crystal stones.

 There are many people walking around.

 The location he is on is a higher platform.

Just as he was observing the surrounding environment, a burst of space fluctuations suddenly came around him.

 Saw a familiar figure appear in front of him.

 It was Sun Wu who we had met once before.

With his appearance, there was another wave of space fluctuations around him, and several figures were teleported in, all of which turned their attention to Chen Mo. (End of chapter)

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