All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 413: City of Ten Thousand Sources, Guild Alliance! (2-in-1)

 “Hey, good brother, you have finally arrived in the City of Ten Thousand Sources.”

The moment he saw Chen Mo, Sun Wu immediately said hello in a friendly manner.

 “Are you here specifically to see me?” Chen Mo glanced at Sun Wu unexpectedly, “How did you know I was coming in at this time?”

"Haha, after we talked to you, I put a special mark on you. You can't tell if you are not high enough." Sun Wu said with a smile.

After speaking, he looked around and said: "Not only do I know that you are coming here, but your good brothers also know that you are coming at this time."

 “Good brothers?”

Chen Mo glanced at the other five people around him unexpectedly.

 He didn’t know any of these five people.

 “Who are these five?” Chen Mo asked curiously.

"They are members of the Super God Guild. Your Super God body is the product of research by the members of their guild, so they will feel it as soon as you come in."

Sun Wu explained to Chen Mo.

 Hearing this, Chen Mo suddenly realized.

 “So that’s how it is.”

At this time, one of the five people, a tall man with dreadlocks, three eyes, and dark blue skin, said: "Welcome to the City of Ten Thousand Sources, my brother."

After speaking, he looked at Sun Wudao aside: "Are your Source of Chaos Guild planning to break the rules and recruit non-Source of Chaos creatures?"

Sun Wu immediately waved his hand and said with a smile: "No, no, I just met this brother once, and we made an appointment to work together. I have no intention of coming to steal people from you. Don't worry, There’s no need to be so hostile to me.”

Sun Wu seemed to notice the hostility of the five people around him towards him, and immediately said with a grin.

On the other hand, Chen Mo, who knew nothing about it, was confused. Why did it suddenly turn into robbing people?

Have you just arrived, and are you already booked by the existing forces?

"Good brother, you have just arrived here. I think there will be many places that you need to be familiar with. You can familiarize yourself with the people from the Super God Guild first. When you are ready to explore the sea of ​​the universe, just let me know."

Sun Wu finished speaking and was about to leave.

 “How should I inform you?” Chen Mo asked unexpectedly.

“They should give you a source stone. When the time comes, you can contact me by touching my hair to the source stone.”

Sun Wu pulled out a piece of his own hair and handed it to Chen Mo, and then he turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared in front of everyone.

The only acquaintance suddenly left. Chen Mo looked at the five strangers around him and didn't know what to say. Fortunately, these five people were very familiar with each other. He immediately said to him: "Come on, brother, today is your first time here." In the City of Ten Thousand Sources, let us take care of you. Anyway, you still need some time to re-evolve your attributes on the first day here, and you can't do anything else. So just have some fun and get familiar with Ten Thousand Sources. city."

Seeing that the five people were so polite, Chen Mo was no longer restrained and followed the five people out of the starting point and arrived at the center of the City of Ten Thousand Sources.

Arrived here, Chen Mo's eyes suddenly opened up, and a fantastic and supernatural architectural style was displayed in front of him.

In the center of the city is a huge tower that towers into the sky. Its building is like a pillar reaching the sky, extremely majestic.

The body of the tower is inlaid with colorful gems, emitting colorful light, as if it is a pagoda standing in a fairyland.

The surrounding buildings are even more unique, ranging from ordinary ground-level buildings to crystal palaces suspended in the air. Each crystal exudes a soft glow, reflecting the entire city.

There is a sea of ​​trees in the distance. The trees are in various shapes, some are shining with silver light, and some have leaves as gorgeous as flames, creating a strange and wonderful forest scene.

The huge tower constantly projects strange light, illuminating the city streets like a dream.

 The streets of the city are paved with stone slabs made of unknown materials, emitting a faint fluorescent light.

The crystal palaces surrounding the giant tower are suspended in the air, connected to each other by ethereal bridges.

These crystal palaces are not solid buildings, but are like bubbles, emitting charming brilliance.

 There are some strange light **** floating in the sky above the city. They flash in different colors, bringing a supernatural light and shadow effect to the entire city.

Bypassing these crystal palaces, the friends from the Super God Guild took Chen Mo into the depths of the sea of ​​trees, where the shapes of the trees became weird and bizarre.

 Some trees have grown luminous fruits, like stars in the night sky, dotting the entire sea of ​​trees.

 Some tree trunks are covered with strange runes, which are constantly generating vitality.

As Chen Mo walked to the depths of the sea of ​​trees, he discovered a sea of ​​fluttering colorful clouds. The colorful clouds exuded colorful brilliance, like a mysterious fairyland.

There is no ordinary sunlight in this world. Instead, there are all kinds of surreal and magical lights, making the entire City of Ten Thousand Sources feel like being in a dreamy wonderland.

As everyone entered the sea of ​​colorful clouds, the blurry light and shadow of the sea of ​​colorful clouds gradually dissipated, and familiar stone streets and spire houses appeared in front of them.

Chen Mo found that the surrounding environment began to become ordinary, and it seemed like an ordinary small town.

 The buildings in the town are full of the style of ordinary villages and towns in the lower world. Although there are no longer colorful clouds and strange trees, there is a tranquil and ancient atmosphere here.

Soon, Chen Mo was invited by five people into a tavern. The threshold of the tavern was low, and the wooden door was full of traces of time.

Opening the door, Chen Mo suddenly felt a warmth welling up in his heart.

The tavern is brightly lit, and ancient tapestries hang on the stone walls, displaying strange patterns.

 The long wooden table is placed with simple wine glasses and tableware, exuding a light woody fragrance.

Beside the fireplace, a group of people gathered together, tasting delicious food and communicating in strange languages.

When they saw the five people coming back, they immediately said hello to them.

 “Is this our new brother?”

There were a total of seven people beside the fireplace. Chen Mo did not expect that he would see a familiar figure among them.

 “Huh? Is it you?”

As soon as Chen Mo said this, a dark-skinned creature covered in strange golden lines immediately smiled and raised his glass: "I knew you would be able to successfully enter this second world."

 The person who spoke was Zaratul, who had previously given Chen Mo an intellectual test.

But this Zarathul is obviously stronger than the Zarathul that Chen Mo sensed in the lower realm.

“Senior, your aura has changed so much from the lower realm.” Chen Mo said with a smile.

 Finally meeting an acquaintance again, Chen Mo still felt a little warm.

Zaratul said with a smile: "The one in the lower realm is just a clone of me. It is specially used for testing in the super **** trial. That clone only has my sporadic power."

"That's it." "Come and take a seat first. Welcome new brothers to join us. Let's have a drink together."

After Zaratul finished speaking, he immediately filled up a glass of wine. Everyone also immediately filled it up and drank to their heart's content, except for Chen Mo, who did not share a glass.

After everyone finished drinking, they smiled at Chen Mo and said, "Your attributes haven't evolved yet. You can't drink the wine here, so I won't let you drink it yet. Haha, if you want to drink in the future, there will be plenty of good wine."

Hearing what they said, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Put aside the wine thing for now. I'm a newbie here and I don't know what the world is like on the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. Please explain it to me."

“Don’t worry, we don’t need to explain it to you. You can just have fun before the attributes are evolved. Heaven will explain it to you when the time comes.”

 Everyone said with a smile.

Hearing this, Chen Mo was even more speechless. His attributes have not been fully evolved. In this world, you can’t drink wine or eat, so what else is there to do for fun?

It seems like there is nothing else to do besides strolling around this city of myriad sources.

"Good brother, you are here for the first time, and you are confused when you think about it. Let us first introduce you to the situation of our Super God Guild."

"Speaking of this, I just heard you say that Sun Wu is from the Source of Chaos Guild. Are all the people in this second world divided according to a certain guild force?"

“That’s right, our second-level world is generally divided into the galaxy guild alliance and the guilds within the system.”

“Galaxy Guild Alliance? What is this?”

"To put it simply, the solar system you are in, as well as other galaxies that are hostile to you, are all small systems included in the Milky Way. Basically, only here are the talents from large systems like the Milky Way gathered in one galaxy. In the guild alliance.

For example, in our City of Ten Thousand Sources, there are ten major guild alliances, including the Galaxy Guild Alliance, the Blood River Guild Alliance, the Bitter Sea Guild Alliance, and so on.

 We are in a competitive relationship with each other and generally cannot deal with each other. "

“I see, then the guilds in the system are like our Super God Guild and the Source of Chaos Guild where Sun Wu and the others belong?”

“That’s right, although our guilds are different, at least they are generally not hostile. After all, they are all guilds within the same guild alliance. If necessary, we will sometimes join forces to deal with people from other guilds from outside the guild.”

“Is there a strong competitive relationship among the guilds in the department? I think the brothers just now don’t seem to be dealing with Sun Wu very well?”

As soon as Chen Mo finished speaking, one of the five people who brought Chen Mo back said: "It's not that we don't deal with them, it's that their Source of Chaos Guild doesn't deal with anyone. They are too exclusive and only recognize the Source of Chaos. They are creatures of the earth, so we don’t blame us for not giving them a good look.”

“But looking at Sun Wu’s appearance, it seems that he doesn’t have such an attitude.” Chen Mo recalled the situation with Sun Wu.

"It is true that there are very few creatures from the source of chaos who do not have this sense of alienation, but it still does not prevent their entire group from being alienated from other groups." Zaratul continued.

“In other words, except for the Source of Chaos guild, the other guilds in our system are relatively harmonious?”

"You can say that, but only within the scope of the City of Ten Thousand Sources. You must remember this sentence." Zarath looked upright.

"What's the meaning?"

“There are too many treasures and exciting benefits in the sea of ​​the universe. Once no one sees it, even among the guilds in the system, it is possible to kill people and seize treasures.

  So you cannot take the opponent lightly just because he is a member of the guild in the department.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

At this time, Zaratul said with a smile: "Are you thinking that if this is the case, there will be no safety guarantee between members of the same guild?"

 This is obviously not something that a newcomer should say directly. Since Zaratul took the initiative to say it, Chen Mo did not deny it. He was really thinking about this just now.

If you are alone outside and there is no security guarantee between the guilds in the department, then members of the same guild may still kill people and seize treasures. How can this be avoided?

If it cannot be avoided, then once you enter the sea of ​​the universe, it will become a world shrouded in the laws of the dark forest.

It is difficult for anyone to feel safe when meeting someone.

“Don’t worry, once you join the same guild, you will sign a guild contract together. Under the influence of the guild contract, if a battle occurs between any guild members, all those who have signed the guild contract will immediately be informed of the other party’s situation.

In such a situation, no one dares to kill people and seize treasures, otherwise it will be impossible to return to this guild in the future, even to other guilds.

 Because we will directly disclose the person's bad deeds, no guild will be willing to accept such a person under such bad behavior, so it is basically impossible for this kind of thing to happen with guild members. "

 Hearing what Zaratul said, Chen Mo felt relieved for a while.

  He is a new member, and he is most likely to be stabbed in the back, so he still needs to figure out the situation first.

After learning the general situation of the guild, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to learn about the Sea of ​​​​Cosmic, because Zarath and the others said that the law of heaven would explain it clearly, so they did not go into details.

 Next, they introduced the names of all the people present to Chen Mo so that Chen Mo could get familiar with them.

 At the same time, the appearance and name of the person who was not present were also directly transmitted to Chen Mo.

From this, Chen Mo learned the total composition of the Super God Guild.

 The Super God Guild has a total of thirty members.

 There is one president, two vice-presidents, and five guild elites.

These eight people are currently the eight strongest members of the Super God Guild, and they are also the fundamental deterrent for the Super God Guild to occupy such a large area in the City of Ten Thousand Sources.

 Zarathul is one of the five elites.

 Other than him, the other eleven people present were all ordinary guild members, but ordinary guild members were also divided into one to five stars.

 Five-star members are a type of people who are infinitely close to elite members.

 One-star members basically represent the weakest type.

 Chen Mo, a rookie who has just joined the guild, will definitely be a one-star member after officially joining the guild. Among the eleven people present, not one is a one-star member, and at the end they are all three-star members. This shows that their strength is still very good.

After Chen Mo had a general understanding of the situation in the world here, everyone took him on a good tour of the area controlled by the Galaxy Guild Alliance in the City of Ten Thousand Sources.

 There are many private lands for guilds, and some are public lands for everyone to communicate with each other.

 In these areas, there are commercial areas, entertainment areas, martial arts areas, etc.

 For members of different guilds to communicate, learn from each other, and improve each other.

Since the place is really big, it took Chen Mo a lot of time to visit all of it.

 Under the leadership of several seniors, after visiting the entire general area of ​​the City of Ten Thousand Sources, Chen Mo's attribute evolution was finally completed.

As the attributes evolved, the Tiandao notification sounds around him immediately started ringing non-stop. (End of chapter)

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