【Tiandao Tip: Your attributes have evolved, and now we will sort out your attributes. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: According to your ability statistics in the lower realm, you have reached the optimal level rating, and you will receive the optimal initial attribute rewards for this attribute evolution. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: All your lower realm abilities will be recycled after this evolution. Among them, the "God Emperor Bell" is a near-cosmic secret treasure-level treasure and can be directly evolved into a cosmic secret treasure-level treasure.

 It is detected that you possess an external incarnation prop. This prop will become weak when it is weak. Depending on the public opinion, this object can grow with you, or it can also grow into a cosmic secret treasure and keep it.

 All other abilities will be automatically recycled and converted into corresponding cosmic source crystals with the highest convertible value for settlement to you.

 You have obtained 10,000 Cosmic Source Crystals. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Your professional abilities belong to your original abilities, and your professional abilities will be preserved and evolved.

Your combat professional ability has evolved into the exclusive cosmic secret method "Death Summons"!

Your life career ability has evolved into the exclusive cosmic secret method "Infinite Fusion"!

Your special mind-reading ability has evolved into the exclusive cosmic secret technique "Psychic Technique"! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: All your attributes have been sorted out, please check them. 】

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

  【Level】:Level 1



 "Original life force": 1000 points (everyone's lifeline, if it reaches 0, it means death.)

 ‘Cosmic Source Power’: 100 points (damage ability of everyone)

 ‘Attack Amplification’: 100 points (each point increases damage capability by 10%)

 ‘Defense Amplification’: 100 points (each point increases damage resistance by 10%)

 "Cosmic Source Energy": 10,000 points (special energy that needs to be consumed when performing abilities.)

  【Exclusive ability】:

"Death Summoning·Exclusive Cosmic Secret Technique": Consume "100 × opponent's level points" of cosmic source energy. Use this ability on a dead unit to permanently resurrect it as an undead controlled by you. The undead have all the abilities in life. The undead need to consume chaos source energy during its survival, and the consumption value per second is the same as the undead's level.

“Infinite Fusion·Exclusive Cosmic Secret Technique”: According to the level of the item, a certain amount of cosmic source energy is consumed for fusion. Two items of the same level can be fused into a higher-level item. The fusion of items requires the addition of specific auxiliary materials.

 "Psychic Technique·Exclusive Cosmic Secret Technique": According to the opponent's level, the corresponding cosmic source energy is consumed, and the opponent's voice can be read until the opponent's level increases. After the opponent's level changes, this secret method needs to be recast.

  【Holding ability】:

 【God Emperor's Bell·First-order cosmic secret treasure】

 【Secret Treasure Level】: Level 1

 【Secret Treasure Source Energy】: 0/100 (replenishing the Secret Treasure Source Energy can increase the level of the Secret Treasure)

[Secret Treasure Introduction]: This magic weapon is a peerless magic weapon made by God Emperor Wutian at great cost. This bell can be used to attack and defend, and can also interfere with the enemy. It has many effects. Originally, this thing was already peerless in the lower world. Now that the divine weapon has been promoted to a cosmic secret treasure, the attributes and effects of the secret treasure have been further improved.

 【Secret Treasure Attributes】: Holding this secret treasure can increase one's own cosmic power by 100%, as well as 100% attack increase and 100% defense increase.

  【Secret Treasure Abilities】: "Suppress God", "Shock", "Safe Life", "Split the Sky", "Timeless", "Shock the Sky"

  The interval between all abilities of the Divine Emperor's Bell is 5 seconds, but there is no interval between the execution of different abilities, and multiple abilities can be used at the same time.

  【Suppress the God】: Guard the mind and be immune to all abnormal effects. This immune effect is at the level of a cosmic secret treasure.

 【Shock】: Puts the enemy into a dazed state. This effect ignores all effects below the first-order cosmic treasure level.

 【Safe Life】: The Divine Bell Bodyguard is in an invincible state for 5 seconds, and when the Divine Bell Bodyguard ends, the original life force is restored to full.

  【Split the Sky】: Shatters the surrounding space and time, disabling all enemies' space abilities. You can travel through space at will under the protection of the divine bell. This effect is at the level of a first-order cosmic secret treasure.

 【No Time】: It will not be affected by any time stopping or slowing down effects. This effect is the first-order cosmic secret treasure level.

  【Zhentian】: The divine bell shakes the sky, causing a concussive attack on the enemy that is comparable to the top first-order cosmic secrets!

“What is the level of the top-level first-order cosmic secret method?” When Chen Mo was curious, Tiandao immediately gave an explanation.

  【Tiandao Tip: The strength of the top-level first-level cosmic secret method is equal to the damage power of 200% of your "cosmic source power". 】

“I see, that means activating the Divine Emperor’s Bell can stably cause double damage.

Chen Mo immediately looked at the avatar who had been following him and giving him a lot of help.

 【External incarnation·Special universe secret treasure】

 【Secret Treasure Level】:Special

  【Secret Treasure Introduction】: The strength of the secret treasure is closely related to the holder. If the holder is strong, the effectiveness of the secret treasure will also be strong. If the holder is weak, the effectiveness of the secret treasure will also be weak.

 【Secret Treasure Attributes】: Holding this secret treasure can increase the original vitality and defense increase by an additional 100%.

 【Secret Treasure Ability】: By using this secret treasure, you can evolve an incarnation with exactly the same strength as yourself. This incarnation can use all your abilities, but cannot use incarnation-type abilities.

 After reading the introduction of all his abilities, Chen Mo took another look at his current attributes blessed by his abilities.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

  【Level】:Level 1



  ‘Original life force’: 2000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 200 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 200 points

 ‘Defense increase’: 300 points

 『Cosmic Source Energy』: 10,000 points

“Senior, my attributes have evolved. I wonder what level my attributes are among newcomers in this world?”

 Chen Mo checked his attributes and immediately asked Zarath next to him.

 Zarathul's eyes flashed with golden light and he smiled: "Excellent."

“Normal newcomers have just entered this world, and their original vitality should be within 500. Cosmic source power, attack increase, and defense increase are basically within 50. Your attributes have obviously reached the top level of the lower realm, so you can have this basic attribute.

 You have a bright future.

This world is different from the lower world. Your attributes at the beginning determine the upper limit of your extraordinary ability in the future. "

 “What’s the explanation?”

“In this world, in addition to getting special opportunities to improve your own attributes in the Sea of ​​the Universe, the attributes you obtain each time you upgrade will be improved based on the basic attributes you had when you entered this world.

Your basic attributes start with 1000 points of original vitality, 100 points of cosmic power, attack increase, and defense increase. Then every time you upgrade in the future, you will improve on this basis.

For example, if someone else's basic cosmic source power is 10 points, then if he upgrades to level 5, the cosmic source power increased by each level will only be 10 points. When he upgrades from level 1 to level 6, he only upgrades from 10 points to 60 cosmic source power by level 5. point.

And your starting point is 100 points, and the cosmic source power you can increase at each level will also be 100 points. Your cosmic source power when you upgrade from level 1 to level 6 will become 600 points.

 This is your potential! ” ˆ ˆ Hearing Zarath’s explanation, Chen Mo immediately understood, so it seems that his foundation is very high.

Although it is impossible for everyone who comes up to be a rookie with 10 points, even if it is half the value of 50 points, Chen Mo will have 50 points of attributes at each level.

 The further the level goes, the more exaggerated the gap becomes.

 After hearing what Zaratul said, the other members of the Super God Guild around him looked at Chen Mo in shock.

 “What! All full?”

“It’s incredible. All the initial attributes are at full value. This is the first time I’ve seen such a person.”

"Good boy, this growth potential is simply off the charts. It seems that our Super God Guild will have a new pillar soon. We have to conceal this matter well. If people from other guild alliances find out about it, I'm afraid it will be... Came to do harm."

"Well, Zaratul, give Chen Mo the Hidden Source Stone you recently obtained, so that he will not be detected by others."

Zarath immediately smiled and handed an extremely ordinary-looking stone that he had already taken out to Chen Mo and said, "I'm about to do this."

 “Cryptosource stone?”

Chen Mo took the stone and checked the introduction.

  【Hidden Source Stone·Special Universe Secret Treasure】: It can hide its own attributes and cannot be detected by any means, but be careful, once you die, this thing will disappear permanently regardless of whether you are resurrected immediately.

 “Disappear after death? So harsh?”

Chen Mo was a little surprised.

A group of people around him smiled and said, "Don't be surprised. There are many treasures in the sea of ​​​​the universe, but there are also many rules. Many treasures will have this restriction, so in this world, even if you have the ability to resurrect, it is not easy." Death, otherwise the losses would have been heavy.”

 Listening to them talking about the Sea of ​​the Universe, Chen Mo remembered that he had forgotten to read the introduction about this aspect in the Tiandao reminder.

Just now, Tiandao reminded him that after introducing his attributes, he also introduced a lot of things about the sea of ​​the universe to him.

[Tiandao Tip: Welcome to the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. As long as you successfully explore the tenth area of ​​the Sea of ​​​​Universe in this world, you will have the opportunity to enter the third floor of the Tower of Eternity. At the same time, after entering the third floor, you will It will benefit all professionals in your galaxy. When they enter the second floor of the Tower of Eternity, their attribute evolution will increase by an additional 10% on the original basis, up to a maximum of 100 points.

 But please be careful, the cosmic sea is full of dangers, and after entering the cosmic sea, your survival time will be strictly limited. Once the survival time is insufficient, you will die directly. Please note. 】

"There will be a time limit for survival after entering the sea of ​​the universe according to the instructions of heaven. What does this mean?"

“After you enter the Sea of ​​​​Universe, you will receive a reminder from Heaven. Generally speaking, the initial survival time after entering the Sea of ​​​​Universe is 100 hours. The deeper you go into the Sea of ​​​​Universe, the faster the survival time will be consumed.”

"Then after leaving the sea of ​​the universe, will the survival time still be calculated? For example, where we are now." Chen Mo immediately asked carefully about life-threatening matters.

“No, as long as you leave the sea of ​​the universe, the survival time will stop counting. If you want to live a messy life and don’t want to work towards a higher level, you can just hang around in this city of ten thousand sources and wait to die.

But despite the majesty of the Lord of the Universe, in fact he only lives a long life of great tribulation. "

“By the way, speaking of this great tribulation, I often see relevant information in the lower realm. What exactly is this great tribulation?”

“This is a catastrophe that will sweep all safe places, basically triggering every 4.2 billion years.”

"So long? Aren't we tired of living?" Chen Mo said speechlessly.

 It hasn’t even been 42 years since he was born, let alone 4.2 billion years.

Hearing this, the people around couldn't help laughing and said: "That's wrong. If you were in the mortal world, it would indeed be this year, but once you enter the second level, it won't be like that. The disaster will come quite a lot here. Frequent, usually once every 42 years.

 So even if you are barely alive, you can live up to 42 years. "

“In this case, wouldn’t it be better to stay in the lower realm?”

"That's what I say, but in addition to major tribulations in the lower realm, there will also be small tribulations that randomly appear in some safe areas. The strength of the people in the lower realm, let alone major tribulations, just sweeping through the small tribulations is enough. Their lives cost them a lifetime of hard work in vain.

 After we enter here, we can at least predict the coming of minor tribulations in the lower realm in advance, and take action in advance to help the lower realm resist minor tribulations. "

"Can this still be the case? Will our actions against the minor tribulations in the lower realms not be restricted by the law of heaven?"

"Normally, if you enter the lower realm at will and take action, you will be strictly restricted by the law of heaven, but when the minor tribulation appears, the heaven seems to intend to indulge us in our actions. The specific reason is not clear, but at least it gives us the opportunity to protect the people we care about in the lower realm. "

“I see, but no matter what, as long as the disaster cannot be stopped, we will still be burned to the ground?” Chen Mo whispered.

"It doesn't count. Every time a catastrophe comes, we can directly avoid it as long as we enter the fifth level of the Sea of ​​​​Universe. So if we want to live decadently, we can spend up to 42 years here, but if we actively explore the universe Sea, earn more survival time, go deep into the sea of ​​the universe, and avoid catastrophe.

But similarly, going deep into the sea of ​​space itself is a very dangerous behavior. Not only is it easy to encounter powerful monsters, but the life span will also be lost faster. It’s just that when a catastrophe strikes, it’s the lesser of the two evils. "

 After chatting with the members of the Super God Guild, Chen Mo had a general understanding of the situation in this world.

If you don’t want to die when the catastrophe comes, you must at least try to improve your strength within 42 years to enough to blend in the area after the fifth layer of the Cosmic Sea.

 But according to these people, this is actually very difficult to do.

This cosmic sea is definitely not an easy place to deal with.

 Chen Mo inquired about the situation of the president and vice president.

Even at this time, they could only explore the seventh layer of the Sea of ​​​​Universe.

There are still three levels of areas left to explore.

 Among all the currently known guilds within and outside the system, the furthest one has only reached the eighth level.

Even after exploring it, he was so scared that he stepped back. This shows how difficult it is to explore the eighth level of the Sea of ​​​​Universe.

 Chen Mo listened to what everyone said, although it was scary, but he also became curious about the sea of ​​the universe, and wanted to explore it immediately.

“If you want to enter the Sea of ​​​​Cosmos, you’d better be well prepared. New members who join the guild can go to the guild finance to apply for an advance of 1,000 cosmic source crystals as an initial start-up capital, and go to the market to buy some supplies before entering.

 Our level is too high and we cannot take you to explore the initial area, because we can no longer earn life time in the initial area and will only increase consumption. "

  After Chen Mo proposed to go into the Sea of ​​​​the Universe to have a look, Zaratul immediately pointed at a short, fat, strange creature with a head like a drill and said. (End of chapter)

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