All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 415: The infinite fusion effect is still powerful! (2-in-1)

After Zarath finished speaking, the short, fat creature with a drill head grinned on his forehead and said: "Before you advance the start-up funds, you must first join the guild. Do you want to join our super **** guild? ?”

  Although Chen Mo had a good chat with them here, and everyone had decided that he would be a member of the guild, after all, he had not yet joined the guild, so he had the right to choose freely.

"Of course I have to join. Otherwise, as someone who is unfamiliar with the place, it would be more comfortable to hang out in a guild with familiar people." Chen Mo immediately said with a smile.

 “That’s very good, come with me.”

 Chen Mo has already met everyone here just now. This person with a drill head is called Tiumi. He is a race with extremely well-developed brains and has a strong talent for calculation and other abilities.

 That’s why the president is considered to be in charge of finance.

 Under the leadership of Tiumi, Chen Mo came to an empty room.

There is a stone tablet in the center of the room. The stone tablet is densely covered with various names, some of which are bright, while most of the names are dim.

“This stone tablet is called the Contract Source Stone. As long as you voluntarily sign the contract written by the contracting party, you can leave your name on the Contract Source Stone.

 You can officially join our Super God Guild by signing a contract on the Contract Source Stone. "

Tiumi said to Chen Mo with a smile on her forehead.

In Chen Mo's opinion, his mouth was more like a crescent moon hanging on his forehead.

“Senior Tiumi, may I ask why some names on the stone tablets are lit, while most of the names are darkened?”

"These blacked-out names are the names of people who have died. When you die, your name will also turn black. We can use this to judge what happened to the guild members."

“Didn’t we say that when guild members fight, everyone will feel it directly? Do we still need name changes to judge?”

"You are wrong. The fights between guild members mentioned earlier are internal fights among our guild members. When two members fight internally, the contract restrictions on this contract source stone will be triggered. Only in this way will all of us be informed. , if you die fighting with others, we usually need to use some special means to detect it.

It is impossible to know directly, especially if you fall into some unexplorable areas, it will be even more difficult to judge your safety.

 Your situation can only be judged by the brightness of the names on this stone tablet. "

As the two of them were talking, a name on the contract stone suddenly disappeared from darkness.

“Karst seems to have failed.”

 Seeing the name Karst dim, Tiumi sighed and said.

"Will you die if you fail to break through? Is it so serious?"

“Not entirely. Zaratul told you before that your attributes will be improved according to your initial attributes when you upgrade, and breaking through a realm is an opportunity to change your initial attributes.

If you challenge an extremely difficult boundary-breaking mission, if you succeed, you can get more upgrade attributes when you upgrade later. If you fail, the danger will be greatly increased. The higher the difficulty, the more dangerous it will be, and it may even lead to death. "

 “That’s it.” Chen Mo nodded clearly.

 It seems that even if you reach the realm of the Master of the Universe, you still have to take considerable risks if you want to continuously break through yourself.

But the only advantage of becoming the Lord of the Universe is that even if you don’t go out and work hard, your experience points will continue to increase, because your universe will continue to grow in the Tower of Eternity, and the growth of the universe will continue to provide you with experience points and provide you with You restore your original life force and the source energy of the universe.

 Chen Mo’s current source universe level can provide him with a recovery rate of 10 points of source life force per second and a recovery rate of 100 points of cosmic source energy per second.

This is the result of Chen Mo putting in all the Zerg Mother Queen and his two original Chaos-level pets.

 Under Tiumi's guidance, Chen Mo successfully signed a contract on the source stone of the Super God Guild and left his name.

 The contract rules of the Super God Guild are also very simple.

 That is to prohibit mutual antagonism between members, and other treaties are very loose.

 So Chen Mo had nothing to worry about and signed the contract directly.

The main thing is Sun Wu's attitude. His attitude in handing himself over to the Super God Guild is very indulgent, which shows that the Super God Guild is not a bad choice.

 Otherwise, given Sun Wu’s attitude of wanting to venture into the sea of ​​space with him, he would probably want to join a better and stronger guild.

This way it is safer to take risks together.

After Chen Mo signed the guild contract, Tiumi immediately took out a source stone and a bag of cosmic source crystals and handed them to Chen Mo.

“This source stone has already prepared the information of all members of our guild in advance, and it can communicate with all members of our guild remotely at any time.

There are a total of 1,000 cosmic source crystals in this bag. They are just paid to you in advance. You will have to pay them back when you make money later. "Tiumi said with a smile.

“Then what if I take the money and throw it away here? Doesn’t it mean I don’t have the money to pay it back.” Chen Mo said with a smile.

"That's not the case. Every guild is very humane. It will issue a subsidy to guild members every year. It is distributed according to the member's level. One-star members can get 100 Cosmic Source Crystals every year. You just mess it up and mess it up. It will be paid off in ten years." Tiumi smiled nonchalantly.

"The guild is so good, but it is still willing to support idle people?"

“Because even if you are just a simple idler, as long as you join the guild, it will resonate with the universe and mutually enhance the cosmic growth of all members of the guild, so idlers also have their uses.”

"I see."

 After hearing what Tiumi said, Chen Mo immediately took a closer look at the situation in his universe.

 Sure enough, just as Tiumi said, his universe gained a faster growth rate due to cosmic resonance.

Cosmic experience is calculated once a day at 0 o'clock. According to the current development speed of the universe, Chen Mo estimated that he would do nothing on the first day and just wait for the universe experience to be calculated, which would be enough for him to advance to two or three levels.

But apparently he doesn’t have that much time to spare.

After putting away the Universe Source Crystal, Chen Mo asked with a smile: "I wonder if the seniors have any recommended consumption items? After all, I am a newbie here and I don't know how to spend the most cost-effective money."

“This is simple, as long as you are a newbie, you can have a four-piece set.

 The first purchase is a first-level attack secret treasure, the second is a first-level defensive secret treasure, the third is a first-level teleportation secret treasure, and the fourth is a copy of "Lower Level First-Level Cosmic Secret Art".

In this way, at least if you don't wander around in the first area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​​​Space, it is difficult to encounter life-threatening danger. "

 “I understand, thank you, senior, for clarifying my doubts.”

"There is no need to be so polite. Since everyone joins the same guild, they are all brothers." Tiumi said with a smile.

 “Then I’ll go to the market first?”

“Go, they just took you to familiarize yourself with the City of Ten Thousand Sources. As long as you don’t leave the sphere of influence of our Galaxy Guild Alliance, nothing will happen.”

After bidding farewell to Tiumi, Chen Mo touched Sun Wu's hair against the source stone, and instantly the source stone lit up with a dark light.

At this time, Chen Mo held the source stone and sensed it, and sure enough he sensed Sun Wu's record. Based on this, he tried to communicate with Sun Wu: "Brother Sun Wu, can you hear me?"

“I heard it, have your attributes evolved?”

“Yes, I just heard that exploring the Sea of ​​​​Cosmic will consume your survival time. Those who are too high level are not suitable for action in the first area of ​​​​the Sea of ​​​​Cosmic. How can we act together?”

"Since I invited you, it means that you and I are on the same page. I have only entered the second floor of the Tower of Eternity not long ago, so I can still get around in the first area."

“I see, then when I buy the initial supplies, let’s go into the sea of ​​space together?”

"No problem, just call me if you want to go. Anyway, there is no one in our guild who can enter the Sea of ​​​​Cosmos with me. I am acting with people from other guilds, and they don't mind that I am from the Source of Chaos Guild. Life is hard."

Hearing Sun Wu's sigh, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

 I saw this guy looking very free and easy in the lower realm. It turned out that he was so miserable in the upper realm.

 Because the members of the Source of Chaos Guild are too exclusive, the reputation of their guild is not very good, so it is not easy for Sun Wu to be friendly with other guilds.

He saw Chen Mo in the lower realm making a reservation early because he was not contaminated by the ideas of the major guilds in the upper realm.

 It’s easier to get him to form a team this way.

“Okay, I’ll call you when I’m done.”

 After Chen Mo finished speaking, he put away the Source Stone and came to the public market area.

 There are members of major guilds setting up street stalls here.

There are also stores opened by the business departments of major guilds to sell some things to the outside world.

Chen Mo wandered around here and saw many stalls selling low-level secret treasures.

He carefully looked at the effects of various low-level cosmic secret realms, and felt that the intensity was actually about the same, but there was nothing to choose from.

 The main thing is to choose the one that suits you.

 In terms of attacking secret treasures, his Divine Emperor Bell is actually considered a top-notch first-order cosmic secret treasure.

  There is no need to obtain attack secret treasures at all, because the attribute bonus of the same type of cosmic secret treasures will only take the highest value.

 He only needs to purchase a defensive first-level cosmic secret treasure, a first-level teleportation secret treasure and a first-order cosmic secret method.

In fact, there is no need to purchase the first-order cosmic secret method, because the God Emperor Bell comes with an attack capability that is comparable to the strength of the top first-order cosmic secret method.

Chen Mo picked around and selected a lower-level first-order cosmic secret treasure called "Source Light Dark Armor".

 【Yuanguangdark Armor·First-order cosmic secret treasure】

 【Secret Treasure Level】:First level·lower level

 【Secret Treasure Source Energy】: 0/10 (replenishing the Secret Treasure Source Energy can increase the level of the Secret Treasure)

  【Secret Treasure Introduction】: It is made from a mixture of Source Light Stone and Source Dark Stone, and has extremely strong defensive capabilities.

 【Secret Treasure Attributes】: Equipping this secret treasure can increase one's original vitality by 500 points and increase defense by 10 points.

 【Secret Treasure Ability】: When receiving no more than 1000 points of cosmic source damage, the opponent's damage intensity is reduced by 10%.

  The cosmic secret treasure that Chen Mo had transformed from the lower realm before could be effective if he held it, but this secret treasure only takes effect when it is equipped. It can be seen that although the God Emperor Bell owned by Chen Mo is marked as a normal first-order cosmic secret treasure, it is still a special type.

 This defensive secret treasure is of decent strength and costs 100 Cosmic Source Crystals, which is quite cheap.

 Chen Mo directly bought two pieces at once.

 The main reason is that he is planning to use his own exclusive cosmic secret method to infinitely fuse, and wants to see if he can fuse these two cosmic secret treasures.

 Having reached the realm of the Lord of the Universe, it is still very simple to perform the fusion operation of Qi Mimi. All you have to do is put it all in your own universe.

【Tiandao Tips: You are fusing "Source Light Dark Armor" + "Source Light Dark Armor", and it is detected that the two secret treasures are lower-level first-level cosmic secret treasures (defense), and can be fused directly without adding any supplementary materials.

 After fusion, you will get an intermediate and first-level cosmic secret treasure (defense). Do you want to fuse it?

 Please note that the cosmic treasure obtained through fusion will be deeply bound to you and cannot be separated.

 After you die, the bound secret treasure will disappear directly. 】

“No excipients needed? So good? Chen Mo directly chose fusion.”

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on your successful item fusion. You have obtained the intermediate and first-level cosmic secret treasure (defense) "Dual Source Armor". 】

 【Dual-source armor·First-order cosmic secret treasure】

 【Secret Treasure Level】: First level·Intermediate level

 【Secret Treasure Source Energy】: 0/30 (replenishing the Secret Treasure Source Energy can increase the level of the Secret Treasure)

  【Secret Treasure Introduction】: It is made from a mixture of top-grade source light stone and top-grade source dark stone. It has extremely strong defensive capabilities.

 【Secret Treasure Attributes】: Equipping this secret treasure can increase one's own vitality by 1000 points and increase defense by 20 points.

 【Secret Treasure Ability】: When receiving no more than 1000 points of cosmic source damage, the opponent's damage intensity is reduced by 20%.

As the level of the defensive cosmic secret treasure increases, the attribute strength is immediately doubled, and the secret treasure's ability also reduces the damage from 10% to 20%. The strength is still quite good.

Chen Mo also took a look at the selling prices of first-level intermediate cosmic secret treasures sold by others.

The price of a first-level low-level cosmic secret treasure is 100 cosmic source crystals, while the price of a first-level intermediate cosmic secret treasure is as high as 500 cosmic source crystals. This price increase is quite large.

 Chen Mo spent 200 and earned 500.

Seeing this, Chen Mo immediately continued to place an order and bought several more defensive first-level lower-level cosmic secret treasures.

 He planned to try to see if secret treasures with different names could be synthesized.

It turns out that after his synthesis ability was transformed into the current infinite fusion ability, he can already synthesize items with different names. He only needs to ensure that the two items are of the same grade.

In this way, Chen Mo can safely and boldly choose various first-level lower-level cosmic secret treasures.

Although the Super God Guild only advanced him 1,000 Cosmic Source Crystals, the top reward that Chen Mo carried from the lower world to the upper world had been previously calculated by Tiandao as the value of 10,000 Cosmic Source Crystals, so Chen Mo's start-up capital was actually It’s a huge sum of 11,000 Universe Source Crystals.

 It is relatively simple to buy a few more first-level lower-level cosmic treasures. (End of chapter)

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