After spending 800 Cosmic Source Crystals, Chen Mo purchased a total of eight defensive first-level lower-level cosmic secret treasures.

 After one pass of synthesis, you will obtain a first-level top-notch cosmic secret treasure.

 Since Chen Mo's strength is still at the level of a first-level universe master at this time, he cannot equip higher-level cosmic treasures.

 The first level top cosmic secret treasure is the limit.

However, because of Chen Mo's fusion ability, the first-order top-level cosmic secret treasure he finally obtained is obviously different from the conventional first-order top-notch cosmic secret treasures on the market.

 Because Chen Mo can choose an additional special effect when synthesizing the first-level top-notch cosmic treasure.

 【Hunyuan War Armor·First-order cosmic secret treasure】

 【Secret Treasure Type】: Defense type

 【Secret Treasure Level】: Level 1

 【Secret Treasure Source Energy】: 0/100 (replenishing the Secret Treasure Source Energy can increase the level of the Secret Treasure)

  【Secret Treasure Introduction】: A special armor that does not leak out the Hunyuan and can provide extremely strong defense capabilities.

 【Secret Treasure Attributes】: Equipping this secret treasure can increase your own vitality by 2500 points and increase your defense by 50 points.

 【Secret Treasure Ability】:

 Ability 1·Damage Reduction〗: When receiving no more than 1000 points of cosmic source damage, the opponent's damage intensity is reduced by 50%.

                                                    二·Source Energy Resistance) 〗

 This second ability was obtained by Chen Mo's free choice.

 The synthesis of cosmic secret treasures, from lower level to intermediate level, from intermediate level to upper level, from upper level to top level, only the last step has the opportunity to choose special abilities.

 Because only the last step of Tiandao prompts you to add auxiliary materials, and the auxiliary materials needed this time are sold nearby.

  It is something called a first-order Hunyuan Stone, which sells for up to 500 Cosmic Source Crystals.

This thing seems to be one of the materials for creating a top-level cosmic treasure.

But Chen Mo bought it as an auxiliary ingredient for synthesis.

 With the addition of excipients, special options appear in this final step of synthesis.

Even if there is only one chance to choose a special ability during the synthesis process of the first-order cosmic treasure from the lower level to the top, Chen Mo's first-order cosmic secret treasure is much more powerful than other first-order cosmic secret treasures on the market.

 Because normal first-level cosmic secret treasures only have one secret treasure ability.

Even though there is only one more ability, it is not even a little bit worse in terms of combat power.

 After all, the first-order universe master does not have many means, and one more ability is also many.

This is just a defensive piece of equipment.

The first-level Universe Master can equip one defensive Universe Secret Treasure and one offensive Universe Secret Treasure. He can possess attributes of up to three effective-type Secret Treasures.

 A total of five cosmic secret treasures.

The Divine Emperor's Bell is theoretically an offensive secret treasure, but after Tiandao upgraded it to the cosmic secret treasure level, it did not classify it into the equipment-type attack cosmic secret treasure category.

  Instead, it is classified as a held cosmic secret treasure.

This allows Chen Mo to take effect on the attributes of the Divine Emperor's Bell, and he can also continue to equip an offensive cosmic treasure to further increase his output capability.

 After spending a total of 1,300 cosmic source crystals to obtain a first-level top-notch defensive cosmic secret treasure, Chen Mo immediately turned around and started purchasing an offensive first-class cosmic secret treasure.

The first-level offensive cosmic secret treasures are priced the same as the defensive first-class cosmic secret treasures, and both can be purchased with only 100 cosmic source crystals.

Chen Mo directly invested 800 cosmic source crystals and obtained eight first-level lower-level cosmic secret treasures.

 When it comes to the final step of synthesizing the two first-level advanced cosmic secret treasures, he also needs to add auxiliary materials.

 The auxiliary materials needed this time are exactly the same as those needed to synthesize the defensive cosmic secret treasure just now.

As a result, Chen Mo had to spend another 500 Cosmic Source Crystals to purchase materials and complete the final step of synthesis.

 After finishing everything, Chen Mo also gained another first-order top attack space secret treasure.

 【Obscure Demonic Bow·First-order cosmic secret treasure】

 【Secret Treasure Type】: Attack type

 【Secret Treasure Level】: Level 1

 【Secret Treasure Source Energy】: 0/100 (replenishing the Secret Treasure Source Energy can increase the level of the Secret Treasure)

  【Secret Treasure Introduction】: A demonic bow made with the power of darkness. It is equipped with the power of darkness and can infect the opponent.

 【Secret Treasure Attributes】: Equipping this secret treasure can increase one's own cosmic power by 100 points and increase the attack by 50 points.

 【Secret Treasure Ability】:

            :When attacking the target, each hit will temporarily weaken the target's defense increase by 1 point.

          :When attacking the target, ignore the target's 20% defense increase.

 For this offensive secret treasure, Chen Mo chose the penetrating ability among the three random special abilities.

 The other two abilities are 10% blood-stealing and 10% energy-breaking.

Blood-stealing means that the hit causes damage and can absorb the blood amount according to the percentage of the damage. Breaking energy means that after the hit, the opponent's cosmic source energy is deducted based on the percentage of the damage amount.

 These two abilities are not as straightforward for Chen Mo to penetrate.

 So he chose the penetration effect.

 In this way, the enemy's defense is stronger and there is no need to worry.

 After completing the two cosmic secret treasures, Chen Mo had lost 2,600 cosmic source crystals.

 Fortunately, he had accumulated enough money in the lower realm and directly obtained 10,000 Cosmic Source Crystals. Otherwise, he would have been unable to make initial preparations.

Having finished the attack-type secret treasure, the only thing left is to get the teleportation-type secret treasure that Tiummi mentioned.

 This kind of secret treasure presumably has important usage significance.

 Chen Mo naturally started collecting immediately.

There are still many first-level low-level secret treasures on the market. If you want to buy eight first-level low-level teleportation secret treasures, you can easily find them.

  But compared to the more popular attack and defense secret treasures, the price of this kind of functional secret treasure is obviously one level higher.

  A first-level low-level teleportation secret treasure that sells for up to 500 Cosmic Source Crystals.

Just the price alone made Chen Mo feel speechless. If he bought eight pieces, wouldn't he need 4,000 Universe Source Crystals?

Although if we buy all the first-level lower-level ones according to Tiumi's requirements, the 1,000 cosmic source crystals withdrawn from the guild are already enough.

 But Chen Mo is all rushing to be at the top, so this is a big deal.

 But after all, it was his first time here and he didn’t know what kind of place this cosmic sea was. Chen Mo thought it would be better to make the safest plan.

So I decided to spend a total of 4,000 cosmic source crystals to buy eight first-level lower-level teleportation secret treasures.

 After a pass of synthesis, the final auxiliary materials needed finally changed.

 The auxiliary material required to synthesize the first-level advanced teleportation secret treasure to the first-level top teleportation secret treasure is an auxiliary material called a transition stone. This thing is also available in the market. According to Tiandao, this thing is one of the materials used to produce first-level top teleportation secret treasures.

 Fortunately, the price of this item is not particularly outrageous, it is only twice as expensive as the auxiliary Hunyuan Stone that Chen Mo just bought to synthesize the offensive and defensive cosmic secret treasures.

Even so, the cost of this thing is still outrageous when combined with the previous materials.

 In the end, Chen Mo spent a total of 5,000 cosmic source crystals to finally get this teleportation cosmic secret treasure.

 【Scrunk Scale·First-order Secret Treasure of the Universe】

 【Secret Treasure Type】: Teleportation type

 【Secret Treasure Level】: Level 1

 【Secret Treasure Source Energy】: 0/100 (replenishing the Secret Treasure Source Energy can increase the level of the Secret Treasure)

  【Secret Treasure Introduction】: A special creation engraved with various coordinate runes, which can be activated to jump anywhere.

 【Secret Treasure Attributes】: Holding this secret treasure can increase one's own original vitality by 500 points and 1000 points of cosmic source energy.

 【Secret Treasure Ability】:

                                            dedgene. When the secret treasure is activated, after 3 seconds of activation, it can be directly teleported back to the marked place. Note that this effect cannot be used across regions.

            : When activated, this object can perform space jumps at all points within a range of 500 meters around itself. The activation time is 1 second.

The attributes provided by this teleportation secret treasure are relatively simple. To put it bluntly, it only increases the health value and energy value, but does not add any offensive and defensive capabilities.

But the ability of this secret treasure is very good, especially the shrinkage effect. Although it cannot be used across regions, as long as you leave a mark when you first enter the sea of ​​universe, once you encounter any changes anywhere on the first floor, You can return directly to the entrance.

 Avoid risks quickly.

 After completing the teleportation secret treasure, Chen Mo only had 3,400 cosmic source crystals left.

 At this time, the number of effective secret treasures on Chen Mo's body has reached the upper limit.

 If you want to increase the number of effective secret treasures, you have to enter the Sea of ​​​​Cosmos to obtain corresponding rewards.

 Chen Mo didn't care about this. He had five cosmic secret treasures on his body, all of which were top-notch. It was already considered a perfect match.

However, in comparison, Chen Mo found that the percentage increase effect of his two cosmic secret treasures, the Divine Emperor's Bell and his external incarnation, was far superior to the other three cosmic secret treasures.

 I don’t know if it was a special preferential treatment given by Heaven or something else.

 At least he visited the surrounding stalls, but he didn't find a first-level cosmic treasure that could improve his own attributes according to a percentage.

 Chen Mo's guess is indeed correct. Only things that are recognized by Heaven as being able to be transformed into cosmic secret treasures during attribute transformation will have the effect of increasing attributes by percentage at the first-level level.

 And there are really not many of these things.

 Chen Mo's top abilities in the lower realm, on the second floor of the Tower of Eternity, can only be recognized by heaven for these two things at best.

This shows how rare this kind of treasure is.

Now that the treasure has been obtained, Chen Mo turned his attention to the secret method of the universe.

Although the God Emperor Bell already has a top-notch first-order cosmic secret method.

But it’s not a bad thing to have one more secret method of the universe.

Chen Mo can now learn up to three first-order cosmic secrets.

  Not counting what comes with the God Emperor's Bell, he can acquire two more first-order cosmic secrets.

 It’s a pity that the first-order cosmic secret method is a bit expensive.

Even the lowest level first-level cosmic secret method is still priced at as high as 500 cosmic source crystals.

At this time, Chen Mo only had a total of 3,400 Cosmic Source Crystals, and it was not easy to buy more and synthesize them.

Chen Mo thought about it and decided to buy six copies, and then combine three copies of the first-level intermediate cosmic secret method.

In this way, I have at least three first-level intermediate cosmic secrets under my control, plus one first-level top-notch cosmic secrets.

 The ability to adapt to changing situations is much stronger than it is now.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo placed the order directly.

 After spending 3,000 cosmic source crystals, Chen Mo now had three first-level intermediate cosmic secrets.

 【Macroscopic Technique·First-order Intermediate Cosmic Secret Technique】: Passive effect. After learning this secret technique, you can automatically sense all situations within a radius of five thousand meters around you. If there are hidden units, you will not be able to detect them.

【Source Light Mirror·First-level Intermediate Universe Secret Technique】: Consume 100 points of cosmic source energy to place a source light mirror around your body that will automatically defend against all attacks. The source light mirror will automatically collapse after it withstands three attacks for you.

Although this skill looks very good, it can only have a good defensive effect against single-stage attacks, but it cannot deal with multi-stage attacks.

 [Return to Origin Technique·First-Level Intermediate Universe Secret Technique]: Consumes 100 points of cosmic energy to restore 100 points of original life force to any target.

 As a first-level cosmic secret method, its effect is still relatively poor.

  Basically, no arcane skill can be enhanced by its own attributes.

 It's all about how effective the secret method is, and how effective it is when used.

 But having these abilities around you is better than not having them at all. It’s better than nothing.

 After getting the equipment and skills, Chen Mo used all the remaining 400 points of cosmic source crystals to purchase medicine.

 The price of drugs is still relatively cheap.

 Medicines to restore original vitality and cosmic source energy are priced at 10 cosmic source crystals.

Although each recovery effect is relatively average, one serving can only restore 100 points, but it is still considered good.

 With 20 copies of each, it can still meet some supply needs. If there is a large supply demand, Chen Mo can also use the synthesis ability to combine them with each other to increase their upper limit of effect.

 After Chen Mo made all preparations, he contacted Sun Wu.

“Brother Sun Wu, I’m ready here. How about going to the Sea of ​​​​Cosmos to play today?”

 “Let’s go, see you at Coast No. 3.”

 The so-called coastal entrances are the entrances to the sea of ​​the universe. There are ten in total.

 They are controlled by the ten major guild alliances.

 If you enter from the same coast, the initial position after entering the Sea of ​​​​Universe is basically relatively close.

 As for entering from different coastal entrances, everyone's location is basically far away from each other. Generally speaking, it is not easy to encounter unless you go deep into the sea of ​​space.

 Hence, all the forces are not too worried about what kind of things new people will encounter when they enter the first level of the Sea of ​​​​Cosmos.

 After all, even if we don't deal with each other on weekdays, it is difficult for us to meet each other on the first level of this cosmic sea, let alone fight.

Even if they do meet, they are all new people meeting new people, and no one is sure. If they don’t have absolute confidence in their own strength, everyone will naturally pretend that they didn’t see it and just go their separate ways.

 So the guild did not specifically remind Chen Mo to pay attention to safety on the first level of the Sea of ​​​​Cosmos.

 Because there is generally no danger unless you overestimate your capabilities and encounter a lord-level source beast.

After completing the agreement with Sun Wu, Chen Mo went directly to the No. 3 coastal entrance.

This place is very busy at this time. After all, it is the entrance to the Sea of ​​​​the Universe. It is a must-have place for everyone to come and go. Some people go to the door to do business and set up stalls nearby. (End of chapter)

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