As Sun Wu moved forward, Chen Mo soon saw a fairly large town.

However, the architectural style of this town is obviously different from what he saw in the lower world.

The entire town is protected by a special energy shield. Each building seems to have a unique shape and structure. Some are spiraling upward, while others are like crystal palaces suspended in the air.

The surface of the building is graffitied with strange runes and patterns, which shine with colorful luster as the light refracts.

The roads in the town are also unique, paved with flashing colored stones, like a rainbow road leading to fairyland.

There are many strange flowers and plants growing on the roadside, exuding a charming fragrance, and each flower exudes a shimmering light, like a dream.

There is a tall tower in the center of the city. There is a huge crystal ball floating on the top of the tower, which constantly emits colorful light and illuminates the entire city.

This crystal ball seems to be the source of energy for the city and the most dazzling presence in the town.

Town dwellers dress in all kinds of strange costumes, with feathers on their heads, gorgeous robes, or glittering cloaks.

 They walked through the city, chatting and laughing.

The entire town is like a bizarre fairyland, with every inch filled with an intoxicating exotic atmosphere.

 “You should have a teleportation-type cosmic secret treasure.”

As soon as he approached the town, Sun Wubian immediately turned around and said.

Chen Mo nodded and said: "Yes, I got one."

 “Have you set up a teleport point?”

“It was set up near the entrance when I just came in.” Chen Mo replied with a smile.

"That won't work. Even at the entrance, powerful monsters may suddenly appear. Therefore, the best teleportation location is the safest place in the town where the sea dwellers of this universe live." Sun Wu transmitted Experience said.

“I see, okay, I’ve changed the teleportation point here.” Chen Mo also listened to the advice.

“Townships that are closer to the coast are more suitable as transfer points. In addition to Nile City, there are actually several towns around that can be used as options.”

 After talking about the basic things, Sun Wu immediately took Chen Mo straight to the tall tower in the city.

"What are the strengths of these sea people? How do they survive?" Chen Mo looked at the people around him curiously and asked.

“They are actually pretty much the same as us. We rise from the lower realm and our qualifications in this realm are determined by the accumulation of the lower realm. They look at their innate qualifications.

  Sometimes we can even go out on adventures with sea dwellers, but after all, we are not the same people, so it is best to find people we are familiar with. "

 Chen Mo nodded clearly.

At this time, Sun Wu pointed to the tall tower in front and continued: "This tower is called the Origin Tower. There will be one in every sea dweller town. In this sea of ​​the universe, the origin tower in the sea dweller town is a very key building.

Sea people rely on it to provide survival resources, and we can use the Origin Tower to shuttle back and forth between various sea people towns, making it convenient for us to travel in various regions. "

Sun Wu, like the old master, explained to Chen Mo bit by bit the things in the sea of ​​universe.

Chen Mo also learned a lot of unknown information along the way.

 Soon the two of them entered the Origin Tower.

 At this time, many people gathered at the bottom of the tower.

Sun Wu walked to a counter skillfully and said: "My friend wants to become a sea explorer, please register him."

On the way just now, Chen Mo already understood that the so-called sea explorers are equivalent to adventurers in the lower world.

It is an officially recognized status. The higher the star rating, the better treatment you can enjoy in the sea people's towns.

 At the beginning, the explorers basically only have one star.

The more tasks in the sea people town completed by the sea explorer, the star rating will also increase accordingly.

"Please ask this friend to touch this engraving stone so that we can record your information." The strange octopus-like creature behind the counter that spoke a strange language pointed at an oval stone in front of him and faced Chen Mo. said.

As Chen Mo reached out and touched the engraving stone, the octopus man quickly and frantically operated the weird screen in front of him.

"Okay, the registration is complete. This is your sea explorer's certificate. Please keep it. You will need it to receive tasks and submit settlements in the future. Please keep it properly. If it is lost during the process, please report the loss and get a replacement in time. "

 “Thank you.”

Chen Mo took a jade-like Sea Explorer's Certificate from the octopus monster in front of him.

“You can just wear this thing directly on your chest. After it recognizes its owner, it will automatically stick to your body and basically won’t be lost.” Sun Wu said to Chen Mo with a smile.

Chen Mo nodded clearly, and as he recognized the object's owner, the Sea Explorer's Certificate was directly attached to his chest.

“Now that you have your documents, you can go and pick up the mission. Over there is the mission hall.”

After registering his identity, Sun Wu immediately took Chen Mo to the mission hall on the right.

 At this time, many of them are already receiving tasks.

There are not only sea people, but also many people from the guild alliance.

 It is difficult for the sea people to tell who is who, but it is easier for people in the guild alliance to distinguish their identities.

 Because people in the guild alliance will have alliance induction.

 When everyone signed the guild contract, they also joined the large group of the guild alliance.

 As long as they are in the same guild alliance, everyone can sense each other.

Even if they are from different guild alliances, they can still be sensed, because the general contract of the guild alliance will sense the contracts of other guild alliances.

Unless the other party is a guildless person, then people in the guild alliance will not be able to sense such a person. When encountering such a person, it is possible to treat him as a sea citizen.

Of course, it is not completely impossible to identify. For example, you can directly use the detection ability to detect the other party's information.

However, if the opponent carries a Hidden Source Stone, it will be completely impossible to detect it.

  But under normal circumstances, sea people do not carry Hidden Origin Stones with them, so it basically means that there is no three hundred taels of silver here.

Although I cannot sense that you are a member of a certain guild alliance, if you are carrying a Hidden Source Stone, then you are most likely a non-guild person. Most of these people are sent as spies by a certain guild alliance.

Although the information cannot be perfectly hidden, at least it will not be easily detected among the crowd like it is now.

Sun Wu ignored the other people around him and led Chen Mo directly to a stone platform.

There was a jade stone on this stone platform that looked like a display screen. Sun Wu clicked on it, and soon Chen Mo saw a lot of strange words popping up on the jade stone.

 Fortunately, with Tiandao translation, it can still be easily understood. Shown above are various tasks.

 But many of them have Sea Explorer star requirements.

After Sun Wu clicked a few more times, all the high-star tasks were filtered out.

 The rest are all missions that one-star sea explorers can take on.

"You're lucky. You see, the requirements for this gold and stone core mission require the gold and stone source beast you just killed. Let's take this mission and put the mission required items directly on this stone platform, and then we can quickly submit the mission. .

you try. "

Sun Wu stepped aside, pulled Chen Mo to a special stone in front of the stone platform and said, "This is the verification area. If you stand here, this task platform will automatically detect the Sea Explorer Certificate on your chest. "

As Sun Wu spoke, the information in the lower right corner of the jade screen on the stone platform changed.

What was shown just now was Sun Wu, a three-star sea explorer, and now it has become Chen Mo, a one-star sea explorer.

Chen Mo followed Sun Wu's operation just now and quickly received the task just now.

 The reward for this task is 20 Universe Source Crystals and 1 point of Sea Explorer experience.

Although it is the profit from the mosquito legs, it is at least a little more valuable than taking it back and selling it as materials.

 As Chen Mo put the things on the stone platform, he chose to submit the task.

Suddenly a ray of light appeared on the stone platform and enveloped the gold and stone core. The next moment, the gold and stone core disappeared.

 The jade screen also simultaneously displayed that Chen Mo had completed the task.

Soon, the stone platform in front of him lit up again, and twenty Cosmic Source Crystals appeared on the stone platform.

“So magical, can you automatically take away mission items and give rewards?” Chen Mo put away the Universe Source Crystal and said unexpectedly, “What will happen if I put the wrong item?”

“The light will only shine for a moment, and then it will show that the thing you placed does not meet the mission requirements. It is very smart. I even doubt that these instruments are just the way of heaven.” Sun Wu said with a smile.

Seeing that Sun Wu had been guiding him after entering the sea of ​​the universe, and he had not benefited at all, Chen Mo immediately asked: "By the way, what is your survival time limit now? Won't you waste your survival time limit by following me for so much time?" "

 Chen Mo has no need for a survival time limit at this time, because in the sea of ​​the universe, the survival time limit will not be calculated for level 1 units. The survival time limit will only start to be calculated when it reaches level 2.

 He can spend time wandering around the sea of ​​space before upgrading, but Sun Wu obviously cannot.

"It doesn't matter. It's not a waste of time to teach you about the sea of ​​the universe. After all, I have to teach you so that we can better earn the survival time limit. I found an excellent area to earn the survival time limit. , but it requires the cooperation of a level 5 person. I have been looking for a suitable target, and you are my most suitable candidate." Sun Wu said with a smile.

“By the way, I haven’t asked you yet, what level are you at now?” Chen Mo asked curiously.

“I’m stuck before advancement at level 10.”

 “Is it very difficult to advance?”

“No, it’s just that it’s very difficult to add more growth attributes after advancement. Naturally, my goal is to earn as many growth attributes as possible, so I deliberately made it more difficult to advance.”

"I see, if I only need to upgrade to level 5, it won't be difficult. They are just like the monsters. It should be relatively easy for me to kill them." Chen Mo said with a smile.

“It’s true that I still underestimated your strength after all. If you accept the source beast clearing mission, we can start to level up.”

 “This task is to give rewards according to the number of monsters spawned?” Chen Mo glanced at the screen and asked.

“Well, the reward will be increased based on the level of the source beast killed. Generally, we will take on this task before going out.”

"Just a simple kill, no need to bring back the body, no need to submit materials to give rewards? Is this Haimin Town doing charity?" Chen Mo said unexpectedly.

"That's obviously not the case. According to what I know, it seems that as long as we kill the source beasts, these source towers will receive more natural energy supplements. So even if we just kill the source beasts on a large scale, for the sea people, It’s also a good thing.”

"I see."

“So in which areas are there more source beasts? Is there any trace of where high-level source beasts appear?”

“Yes, the more powerful the source beast is in the area, the more source beasts live there.

Their survival mode is different from that of the beasts in the lower realm. They do not have a clear concept of territory. On the contrary, the high-level source beasts are very defensive. If you kill too many source beasts in their area, those high-level source beasts will even take the initiative to deal with you.

Not only that, if we kill too many Origin Beasts, it will inexplicably cause other nearby Origin Beasts to advance. We don’t know the specific reason. "

“That’s interesting. Let’s find a place with a lot of monsters. My Divine Emperor’s Bell deals area damage. Killing one is the same as killing a group.”

“Okay, I know that there are a lot of origin beasts living in an underground city near Nile City.

 I just don’t know if it has been emptied by people from other guilds now. "

 “Let’s go and see first before talking.”

“If you level up quickly, you should be able to catch up with the next guild newcomer contest.”

 “Guild Newcomer Contest? What is this?”

“It is a competition held by Tiandao. If you win the competition, you can improve the growth attributes that are quite good.”

 “Oh? Is there a limit to how many levels are there?”

“Well, the limited level is level 10.

If it exceeds level 10, it will be a guild classification competition. "

“Is this level 10 limit limited to level-breaking or non-level-breaking?”

“It’s limited to level 10. It doesn’t matter if you break the level or not, so it’s best to complete the level breaking at the beginning of the competition. After all, even the lowest level breaking reward can improve a lot of attributes after breaking the level.”

 “How long does it take to start?”

"There are about seven days left. Anyone else might not be able to catch up, but if you say it, I think it will be relatively easy."

 Hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo became interested.

He already has top-level growth attributes. If he can win the newcomer competition and get more growth attributes, it will be even better.

On the way, Chen Mo also learned more about the Tiandao competition.

 In addition to the newcomer competition, Tiandao Club holds various guild competitions, most of which compete with guilds outside the department, and only a few of which compete with guilds within the department.

 The competition rewards will also vary greatly depending on the differences between those outside the system and those within the system.

 The rewards within the system are obviously much shabby compared to the rewards outside the system.

However, there is absolutely no chance of death in competitions within the system, while competitions outside the system have a chance of encountering events where there will be deaths. (End of chapter)

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