Led by Sun Wu, the two quickly followed a group of people out of the city.

The underground city they were going to was not only known to Sun Wu, but also to many other people.

 That’s why Sun Wucai said that the underground city might have been emptied.

 You can see many teams with different sizes along the way. The largest team has ten people, while the smaller team has three or four people.

It is indeed rare for a team like Chen Mo to have only two people.

 The location of the underground city is only five kilometers away from the Nile City.

Although the five thousand meters of the Universe Sea are not as easy to reach as the lower realm, because of the special gravitational relationship of this place, after entering this realm, even the master of the universe will find it difficult to move within an inch of space.

If you want to act like this, you can only rely on the secret treasure of the universe.

Like Chen Mo's miniature ruler, he can directly jump a distance of 500 meters.

“Let’s just jump across space. It’s still a long way to go over five thousand meters just by walking.” Chen Mo looked at Sun Wu and said.

“Oh? You actually have two teleportation cosmic treasures?”

Sun Wu had previously acquiesced that Chen Mo must be carrying a secret treasure that could be teleported directly to a fixed point, so he told him that it was best to set the teleportation point in the sea people's town.

 But when I heard Chen Mo say that he wanted to jump in space, it was obvious that he had other teleportation treasures on him.

 And the price of this kind of space-jumping teleportation secret treasure is not cheap, and it is much higher than the price of fixed-point teleportation secret treasure.

“I came up from the lower realm and settled a lot of cosmic source crystals for me, so I bought some more.” Chen Mo said with a smile.

Although he is relatively familiar with Sun Wu, he still did not directly reveal the extremely special ability of synthesis.

This kind of exclusive ability cannot be detected even with the detection ability.

“How far can your teleportation treasure jump?”

 “Five hundred meters.”

"What!? This is the top space jump distance of a first-level teleportation secret treasure." Sun Wuyi said, "This kind of thing costs at least 5,000 universe source crystals. You are really willing to spend money."

Chen Mo really didn't pay attention to the price of the teleportation treasures with this ability. Although he had spent a lot of money on the teleportation treasures for fixed-point teleportation, he knew that the price of fixed-point teleportation treasures was higher than those for attack and defense. The secret treasure of the universe, but I don’t know that the price of space jump teleportation secret treasure can continue to jump up so much.

"Since you have such a treasure, we can save the time of traveling, so let's go."

Sun Wu's strength has reached the peak of the first-level Lord of the Universe, and naturally he also carries a top-level space jumping secret treasure with him.

With the two people jumping rapidly in succession, it only took 5 seconds for the two of them to arrive at the dungeon.

 Chen Mo saw a dark round hole on the ground nearby at a glance.

 The reason why it is called an underground city is naturally because its entrance is on the ground.

“The color of the portal is still dark. It seems that this dungeon is still far from being cleared. It seems that the BOSS of this dungeon is too difficult to deal with, and no one is willing to trouble it."

After Chen Mo jumped into the underground city passage with Sun Wu, the two of them immediately appeared in a vast ocean.

 “This dungeon is in the sea?”

Looking at the dark sea water all around, anyone with a bit of deep sea phobia would not be able to stay in such a place.

“Well, there are many Origin Beasts in this dungeon, and there are also King-level Origin Beasts.”

"Ah? Isn't there such a high-level source beast in the first area?" Chen Mo said unexpectedly.

"Normally, you won't see such high-level source beasts in the first area of ​​the Cosmic Sea. That's because of the regional rules of the Cosmic Sea, which prevents them from continuing to grow after reaching the lord level. , Source beasts who want to seek higher levels will be forced to enter the later areas.

However, the dungeon world of the Sea of ​​​​Universe is quite different. The source beasts in it do not have such obvious level restrictions as the outside world.

However, the level of the source beast in the dungeon will be limited.

In the dungeon in the first area, although the level of the source beast can be infinitely improved, the highest level can only stay at level 10.

 Two different environments have their own pros and cons. "

“So that’s it, does that mean that the most powerful person in this dungeon world is a level 10 king-level source beast?”

“Well, it usually lives in Neptune City in the deep sea and won’t come out casually. As long as we don’t provoke it, it’ll be fine.

  It was not a king level before because this dungeon world had not been cleared for a long time, so its level gradually increased to its current level. "

“In other words, as long as no one cleans it up, the level of the Origin Beast in this dungeon will continue to grow?”

"Yes, even if they are originally a group of ordinary-level source beasts, as long as no one comes to clean them up for a long time and let them continue to grow, they will continue to improve their levels."

“That’s really interesting, but if these guys can only improve their levels in the dungeon, they won’t threaten the outside world, so it doesn’t seem to matter.”

“You are wrong. You must have encountered natural disasters when you were in the lower world. Disasters called natural disasters can also occur in the sea of ​​space.

 At that time, half of the source beasts in the dungeons in each area will be randomly placed anywhere in the current area.

 So if the dungeons in a certain area are not cleared for a long time and the source beasts in all the dungeons are allowed to continue to grow, everyone's life will be difficult when a natural disaster breaks out. "

After hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo finally understood. No wonder the sea dwellers of the Sea of ​​​​Cosmos have been issuing missions to eliminate source beasts for a long time. It seems that it has something to do with the outbreak of this natural disaster.

After the two of them arrived at this strange ocean world, Sun Wu immediately took Chen Mo and swam in one direction.

“This dungeon world is called [Sea King Realm]. Because it is an ocean world, the agility of the monsters here is still very high.

They are much more difficult to deal with than regular land monsters. Let’s go to the outer ring area to fight them. "

 “Outer ring?”

“This Neptune Realm is divided into nine rings based on the distance from Neptune City, and the area outside the nine rings is called the outer ring.

Generally, the closer the area is to Neptune City, the stronger the source beast will be. Although your strength should be good, you are only at level 1 after all. It is better to choose the easiest area to start leveling up. After getting familiar with dealing with the source beast in the sea, we Go deeper into the inner ring. "

Sun Wu had a way of leading newcomers. Chen Mo felt that there was nothing wrong with his arrangement, so the two of them immediately swam towards the outer ring area.

On the way, the two saw many other universe masters swimming nearby.

 Some swam towards the inner ring area, while others swam from the ninth ring towards the outer ring area just like them.

Soon, Chen Mo and the two saw several source beasts swimming together. Although these three origin beasts are not of the same species, they seem to get along quite harmoniously.

Chen Mo learned through the Tiandao system that one of the source beasts was called the Giant Fin Shark. It had a tall body, smooth and tough skin, and a dark blue sheen.

Its head is broad, with a pair of fierce golden eyes, and its mouth is full of sharp teeth.

The giant tip shark's dorsal fin is huge, like a pair of outstretched wings, allowing it to swim quickly in the ocean.

Its tail is long and powerful, helping it maintain balance and turn quickly in the water.

This source beast is a level 10 ordinary source beast. Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh.

No wonder Sun Wu brought him to the outer ring. It turns out that the monsters here are all top-level first-order monsters.

But there is nothing to be afraid of, even at level 10, for ordinary-level source beasts with **** qualifications.

The other two origin beasts are similar. Next to the giant fin shark is an origin beast called Sea Dragon. This origin beast has a slender body and looks like a giant dragon in the ocean. Its skin is covered with tiny Thorns, showing light blue luster.

The sea dragon has a pair of huge eyes, and its mouth is full of tiny teeth like a giant fin shark. The sea dragon's tail is long and powerful, which can help it maintain balance and turn quickly in the water.

Its flexibility is even higher than that of the giant fin shark.

However, the source beast next to them looked a little stupid. This source beast was called a giant shell crab. This source beast had a hard shell, like a hill in the ocean. It had a wide body, a pair of red eyes and a With huge pincers, the giant shell crab's legs are strong and powerful, which can help it move quickly left and right in the water, but it will be relatively slow to turn.

This source beast has the highest defense increase attribute among the three source beasts.

 But it has only reached 150 points.

 For the attribute strength of Chen Mo and Sun Wu, it is not enough.

Sun Wu was not prepared to take action, because if Chen Mo could kill alone, it would be best to let him kill alone.

 Single kills can gain the most experience points. At the same time, because Chen Mo’s level is low enough, he can also get experience points rewards for killing enemies with higher levels.

Once Sun Wu teamed up with Chen Mo to kill, the experience points gained from killing enemies at higher levels would be gone.

 In fact, the biggest reason why Sun Wubu took action was not this, mainly because killing ordinary-level source beasts would not increase the survival time.

 So he had no reason to take action.

Seeing Sun Wu leave the team, Chen Mo knew what Sun Wu meant.

After checking the attributes of the three source beasts, Chen Mo also knew that he did not need Sun Wu to take action. As soon as he thought about it, a divine emperor bell appeared on his head.

As the God Emperor Bell's sky-shaking ability was used, waves of ripples immediately stirred up in the water, and the terrifying power of shock immediately swept towards the three source beasts.

As the bells rang melodiously, powerful concussive forces seemed to roll up invisible waves in the ocean.

Under the tremor of this wave, the surrounding ocean became like boiling water, surging uneasily.

Facing this force, the three Origin Beasts seemed to be frightened by invisible giant hands flying in the air. Their dark blue bodies seemed so insignificant under the power of the Divine Emperor Bell.

At the same time that the God Emperor Bell activated its sky-shaking power, the three Origin Beasts immediately felt the terrifying crisis coming. Their bodies twisted in horror, and at the same time they kept making shrill and weird screams.

This was the first time Chen Mo heard the cry of marine life.

However, these origin beasts are not considered marine creatures in the traditional sense.

  No matter how they struggle and scream, they cannot escape the influence of the concussive force.

Their huge bodies could only feel like they were being crushed by ruthless giants in front of Chen Mo's Divine Emperor Bell. The seawater was surged by the roar of the three Origin Beasts and the trembling power of the Divine Emperor Bell, and each wave was powerful. The energy merged and collided in the water, forming a terrifying violent water tornado.

Chen Mo and Sun Wu did not move, just watching the Divine Emperor Clock operate automatically.

 Finally, when the trembling power of the God Emperor Bell reached its peak, the three-headed Origin Beast finally could not bear the power, and its body was shattered in an instant.

The purple blood of the source beasts dyed the surrounding seawater purple, and their huge bodies gradually dissolved in the seawater, leaving only pieces of broken wreckage floating in the sea.

The trembling power of the God Emperor Bell continued to spread, turning the surrounding seawater into chaos.

Chen Mo's cosmic source power is as high as 300 points, coupled with a 250-point attack increase, plus the penetration ability of the first-level cosmic treasure, the Obscure Demonic Bow, which ignores the target's 20% defense increase. The three-headed source beast can defeat even the giant shell crab with the highest defense Even with a 150-point defense increase, one shot would knock out more than a thousand health points.

The level 10 source beasts only have a total of 1,000 health points, so the three-headed source beasts are naturally unable to resist.

 In one face to face, they were easily killed by Chen Mo.

As the three ordinary level 10 source beasts died, the Tiandao notification sounds in Chen Mo's ears immediately sounded one after another.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully leapfrogged and killed a level 10 ordinary source beast, and you have gained 10 experience points.

 Since you exceeded level 9 to kill this time, the experience value you gained this time increased by 9 times. In the end, you gained 100 experience points. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully leapfrogged and killed a level 10 ordinary source beast, and you have gained 10 experience points.

  Because you exceeded level 9 this time to kill...】

As three identical reminders from heaven sounded in succession, the reminder from heaven came again in Chen Mo's ears.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have accumulated enough experience points and your level has been improved. Your current level is 2.

 All of your attributes have been improved. The improvement points are based on your current growth attributes. Please check carefully. 】

 The Master of the Universe upgrades purely by improving attributes through growth attributes. There is no so-called attribute that can be added.

 Chen Mo has top-tier qualifications, and his attribute growth after natural upgrades is also top-tier.

 After upgrading, he directly increased his original vitality by 1,000 points, cosmic source power by 100 points, attack increase by 100 points, defense increase by 100 points, and cosmic source energy by 10,000 points.

 This improvement is still very large.

 Chen Mo, who could easily leapfrog levels and instantly kill ordinary-level source beasts, is now even more powerful and can kill any ordinary-level source beast within level 10 with his eyes closed.

 As the three source beasts were shattered by the shock, they actually left something useful behind.

Their source cores and some other valuable tissues were not shattered by the Divine Emperor Bell. It is not known whether it was deliberately protected by Heaven or because these parts themselves were particularly hard.

Chen Mo guessed that this should be a deliberate protection provided by Tiandao. Otherwise, there would be no Tiandao items to reward for killing monsters. If even the corpses were blown up in the end, it would greatly affect the smoothness of everyone's output. After all, it would be necessary all the time. Be careful not to damage certain areas of the monster, as this will limit your output, which is very uncomfortable. (End of chapter)

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