As Chen Mo's level increased, his attributes at this time were also increased by the Divine Emperor Bell and his external incarnation.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

  【Level】:Level 2



  ‘Original life force’: 7000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 500 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 450 points

 ‘Defense increase’: 650 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 21,000 points

This attribute has reached the level 10 attributes of the overlord-level source beast.

As Chen Mo's level was upgraded from level 1 to level 2, the reminder from Heaven regarding the length of survival immediately rang.

  【Tiandao Tip: Your level has reached Master of the Universe Level 2. Your next actions in the Sea of ​​​​Universe will consume your survival time.

 Your initial survival time will be determined based on your evaluation when you arrive in this world.

 Your heavenly evaluation when you arrive in this world is the best, and your initial survival time is the full value of 100 hours.

 After the consumption of survival time starts, you can gain more survival time by killing high-level source beasts in the Cosmic Sea, or you can find various treasures and spiritual objects in the Cosmic Sea to increase your survival time.

 As your level increases, your survival time will also increase accordingly.

At the same time, if you can complete the tasks issued by the natives of the Cosmic Sea, you will also have the opportunity to increase your survival time.

 In the Sea of ​​​​the Universe, you must always pay attention to your survival time. Once your survival time is about to run out, please leave the Sea of ​​​​the Universe as soon as possible, otherwise you will fall into an irreversible state of death and cannot be saved. 】

“There seem to be many ways to obtain this survival time.”

Chen Mo said after reading the reminder from Tiandao.

"More is more, but there are also many key and active people. Everyone is fighting for it, and there are not many resources that can be obtained." Sun Wu said with a helpless smile.

"That's true. By the way, after I upgraded to level 2, the cosmic source power has been increased to 500 points. I should be able to beat even the elite source beasts in seconds. It seems that we don't need to hang around in the outer ring.

I wonder what the strength distribution of the source beasts in the inner ring of Neptune City is like? "Chen Mo asked Sun Wu after collecting the drops from the source beasts around him.

“According to the latest information I have in Neptune City, there should be a small number of elite source beasts at the Nine Rings location.

 At the eighth ring position, a large number of elite origin beasts began to move.

 There should be a small number of commander-level source beasts at the seventh ring position.

 There should be a large number of commander-level source beasts moving around the sixth ring.

 The follow-up is similar.

 The fifth ring has a small number of lords, the fourth ring has a large number of lords, the third ring has a small number of overlords, and the second ring has a large number of overlords. "

“I see, then it seems we can go straight in. My current attributes should be about the same as those of a level 10 overlord-level source beast.”

“The growth qualifications of Dingge are awesome.” Sun Wu said with a smile, “Then let’s go deep into the inner circle.”

 As soon as the two people came out, they immediately started to turn back.

 It’s not that they really want to challenge particularly deep areas directly.

 After all, the best stage is when you can kill instantly. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time if you fight back and forth.

 Sun Wu was preparing to take Chen Mo into the inner ring, killing monsters along the way and accumulating experience points should be almost the same.

 When Chen Mo's level continues to increase by two levels, there should be no source beast in this area that can be his opponent.

As Chen Mo and Sun Wu swam toward the inner ring area, they soon encountered five more Origin Beasts on the way.

 Chen Mo's Divine Emperor's Bell vibrated into the air, and he easily killed the monsters on the road while swimming along.

 At this time, at level 2, his experience points for killing monsters have also decreased, reaching 90 points. After all, he has only surpassed level 8.

 There is no need to kill five of them, but only the experience points from killing two ordinary-level source beasts, Chen Mo's level can reach level 3.

 At this time, Chen Mo's level only needs to be raised by one more level to reach the level of a king-level source beast.

 There is a huge difference between a king-level source beast and an overlord-level source beast.

 The growth value of the king-level source beast is 100 points of cosmic source power per level, and the growth value of the overlord-level source beast is 50 points of cosmic source power per level.

 After Chen Mo reaches level 3, his attributes at this time become.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

  【Level】:Level 3



  ‘Original life force’: 9000 points

 『Cosmic Source Power』: 700 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 650 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 950 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 31,000 points

It is relatively simple to upgrade. With Chen Mo's instant kill combat ability, coupled with the experience bonus for killing monsters by leapfrogging, the experience value and damage increase speed can be said to be very fast.

 After their combat power increased again, Chen Mo and Sun Wu, who had quickly swam to the eighth area of ​​the inner area, directly bumped into two elite source beasts.

These two elite origin beasts are of the same race, and they seem to have a pretty close relationship. I don’t know if they are husband and wife or siblings.

The race of these two elite origin beasts was named [Big Chapter] by Tiandao, and their images are just like their names.

They look like two huge octopus monsters. Their bodies are extremely large, with a diameter of more than ten meters. Their skin is dark purple, and it is actually covered with small scales, shining with a deep luster.

 Their tentacles are long and strong, and each tentacle is covered with a large number of suckers that directly arouse trypophobia.

 Their eyes are large and bright, shining with a faint blue light.

From their eyes, Chen Mo could even feel their vigilance.

 Even elite monsters act cautiously in this area.

 It seems that they know what kind of existence these Lords of the Universe are.

This strange octopus actually has nostrils, and their nostrils are even very large. They can smell the faint smell in the sea water, so as to track prey and avoid enemies.

 They were able to spot Chen Mo from a distance because they smelled the scent of Chen Mo and Sun Wu.

Their bodies are very flexible and can swim quickly in the sea water. When they found Chen Mo and the other two, they tried to swim away.

 This is something Chen Mo didn't expect.

After all, these are two elite monsters, and they are only level 2. Even if there is Sun Wu next to them, they won't be so timid.

Chen Mo explored their attributes from a distance. They clearly had powerful attack power, but they chose to escape?

 Forget about running away, they even didn’t forget to grab some food on the way.

 Some weak ordinary source beasts were actually caught and eaten directly by their tentacles.

 Chen Mo had heard from Sun Wu before that the source beast would protect the weak, but he never thought that such an operation could exist.

Seeing Chen Mo looking towards him, Sun Wu seemed to know what he wanted to say, and immediately smiled and said: "The high-level source beasts do not unconditionally protect the low-level source beasts under their hands. The low-level source beasts need to provide some for the high-level source beasts to eat.     This It’s their survival habit, because the reproduction speed of low-level source beasts is much faster than that of high-level source beasts, so even if some of them are eaten, it’s nothing.”

“Wouldn’t they leave the shelter of high-level source beasts because they don’t want to be eaten?”

"Usually not, because there are high-level source beasts protecting them. Although they have the possibility of being eaten, there are too many of them, and the chance of being randomly picked up is small. And I can still grow in such an environment. Chance.

 So they won’t leave.

The second reason is that we and the sea dwellers of the Cosmic Sea have launched an unconditional hunting operation against the source beasts. Once they leave the area protected by the high-level source beasts, it is basically the same as sending them to death.

 In the hands of high-level source beasts, there is only a chance of being eaten, and there is a greater chance of growing up.

 Leaving the protection of high-level source beasts is almost equal to death.

 There is no need to say more about how to choose. "

After hearing that Sun was speechless, Chen Mo finally understood.

At this time, only two elite giant seals were seen eating the buffet along the way while staying away from Chen Mo. They used their powerful suction cups to tightly attach their prey to their tentacles, and then used their sharp teeth to tear the prey apart and devour it.

Although the two giant seals can swim quite fast, Chen Mo and Sun Wu can jump in space.

 With just a few jumps, they caught up with the two elite source beasts.

Seeing the two masters of the universe suddenly jump in front of him, the two elite source beasts were immediately ready to fight.

But it was of no use. As the Divine Emperor Bell on Chen Mo's head shook, terrifying shock waves surged out.

Even the elite source beasts can't withstand the bombardment of Chen Mo's Divine Emperor Bell.

 In the blink of an eye, it was directly crushed into powder, leaving only a few valuable things protected by the law of heaven and not crushed to pieces.

With the death of the two elite-level monsters, Chen Mo’s ears immediately heard a reminder from heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully leapfrogged and killed a level 10 elite source beast, and you have gained 20 experience points.

Since you exceeded level 7 to kill this time, the experience value you gained this time increased by 7 times. In the end, you gained 160 experience points. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you killed the level 10 elite source beast, your survival time has been increased by 1 minute.

  It is detected that your kill this time is an overlevel kill. If you kill someone at a level higher than 7 in total, you can gain an additional 7 minutes of survival time. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: You successfully leapfrogged and killed a level 10 elite source beast... In the end, you gained 160 experience points. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you killed the level 10 elite source beast, can gain an additional 7 minutes of survival time. 】

 Elite source beasts have twice as much experience as ordinary source beasts, so the experience gain from killing them is still very considerable.

 Killing two elite-level source beasts directly allowed Chen Mo to gain 320 experience points, which suddenly increased his experience points to more than 500, and he was only 400 points away from upgrading.

  Such an upgrade speed is something that other universe masters who have just entered the sea of ​​universe dare not think of.

 At the same time, Chen Mo also gained 16 minutes of survival time.

  He had just returned here from the Outer Circle Tour, and it hadn't even taken him 6 minutes, let alone 16 minutes.

 This length of survival is equivalent to making a lot of money in vain.

Sun Wu was just watching the whole game, and there was no chance for him to take action.

 In fact, when facing elite monsters, he should participate.

 Because he can also increase his survival time by killing elite source beasts.

Although not much improved, mosquito legs are also meat.

 It’s just that Sun Wu has survived long enough now, and he is too lazy to divide Chen Mo’s experience points for the sake of survival time.

Of course, if he forms a team and joins Chen Mo's team, it will not only divide the experience points, but also greatly reduce the experience points.

 After all, after he joins the team, the team will be calculated based on the highest level.

 When they kill level 10 monsters, they are equivalent to killing monsters of the same level. Not only do they not get rewards for leveling up, but they also have to share the experience points gained from killing monsters equally.

Killing a level 10 ordinary source beast is equivalent to one person instantly gaining 5 experience points. Killing a level 10 elite source beast is equivalent to one person being instantly converted into 10 experience points.

This speed of gaining experience points is simply incomparable to Chen Mo's current speed of gaining experience points.

As the two of them continued to go deeper, the number of elite source beasts they encountered also became larger and larger.

 Soon Chen Mo met five more elite source beasts who were accompanying him.

As the God Emperor's Bell tolled mercilessly, the terrifying power of shock seemed even more terrifying in the sea than on land.

 Easily shattered the bodies of these elite source beasts.

 Only a piece of valuable material was left floating in the sea.

With the killing of five more elite source beasts, Chen Mo once again gained 800 experience points and 40 minutes of survival time.

At this time, Chen Mo's level has reached level 4, and his attributes are close to those of a king-level source beast.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

 【Level】:Level 4



  ‘Original life force’: 11,000 points

 『Cosmic Source Power』: 900 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 850 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 1250 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 41,000 points

 The original vitality of a king-level source beast is only about 10,000 points.

 Cosmic source power, attack increase, and defense increase are only about 1,000 points.

 At this time, Chen Mo's attributes were basically equal to that of a king-level Origin Beast.

With such strength, bullying an elite source beast is a bit like bullying a child.

 Fortunately, Chen Mo and Sun Wu moved fast enough. They quickly passed through the first three areas and entered the sixth ring of the inner ring of Neptune City.

 The number of ordinary-level source beasts and elite-level source beasts here has decreased sharply, and the number of commander-level source beasts has begun to increase.

The attributes of the commander-level source beast are equivalent to the growth strength of the Lord of the Universe with an initial attribute of 30 points.

 Level 10 only has 300 points of all attributes and 3000 points of original vitality.

Facing the power of the God Emperor Zhong Zhentian with Chen Mo's 900 points of cosmic power and 200% of the cosmic power attack strength, and with the strength of Chen Mo's 850 points of attack increase, he was a commander with only 300 attribute points and 3000 health points. The super source beast is also completely powerless to resist.

 Chen Mo had just met three commander-level source beasts, and he sent them away with a thunderous wave.

 The speed was so fast that the three source beasts didn't even have time to feel the pain.

Watching Chen Mo walking along the way, no matter what level of source beast he encountered, they were crushed to pieces like a boulder hitting tofu. Even Sun Wu couldn't help but look at it with envy and jealousy in his eyes.

If I had had such perverted abilities as this kid back then, I would have already wandered into the depths of the sea of ​​the universe. (End of chapter)

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