【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully leapfrogged and killed a level 10 commander-level source beast, and you have gained 40 experience points.

 Since you exceeded level 6 to kill this time, the experience value you gained this time increased by 6 times. In the end, you gained 280 experience points. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you killed the level 10 commander-level source beast, your survival time has been increased by 2 minutes.

  It is detected that your kill this time is an overlevel kill. If you kill someone at a level higher than 6 in total, you can get an additional 12 minutes of survival time. 】

  【Tiandao Tips:…】


  After three consecutive reminders from Heaven, Chen Mo directly gained 840 experience points.

  It can be said that it has been a fruitful harvest.

“What is the approximate value of the items left behind by the corpse of the commander-level source beast?”

Chen Mo put away the things left behind by the corpses of the three commander-level beasts around him and asked Sun Wu.

“Generally, the profit from killing an ordinary source beast is within 50 universe source crystals, the profit from killing an elite source beast is generally within 150 universe source crystals, and the profit from a commander-level source beast is generally within 300 universe source crystals.”

 “It seems the difference is not very big.”

“That’s what I say, but it also depends on the person’s strength. For example, for you, whether you are killing an ordinary source beast, an elite source beast, or a commander-level source beast, there is no difference in efficiency.

Then your profit from killing ten commander-level source beasts per unit time will be far higher than that of ordinary-level ones. "

 “That’s true.”

 Although the benefits from the commander-level source beast are already very good, Chen Mo is obviously not satisfied with this.

 He set his sights on higher-level source beasts.

With his strength, he can easily kill even higher-level source beasts.

Even if it can't kill you in an instant, it will only shock you for a few seconds at most.

The Sky-shattering ability of the God Emperor Bell is not a one-time killing ability, but an attack ability that can continue to exert power by continuously shaking the God Emperor Bell.

Even if the blood volume of high-level source beasts will be increased a lot, it will not kill them in one second, but it will be enough to shock them for three or four seconds.

 After easily killing the three commander-level source beasts, Chen Mo and Sun Wu immediately continued deep into the inner ring area.

However, as you go deeper into the inner ring, the scope of the inner ring becomes larger.

 Even if you jump in space, you can't jump across an area quickly.

 Soon Chen Mo and Sun Wubian encountered several more commander-level source beasts.

I have to say that this dungeon is very enjoyable for leveling up.

 Chen Mo would naturally not be polite to anyone who gave them experience points.

 Before the three commander-level source beasts could react, the Divine Emperor Bell on Chen Mo's head immediately made a funeral sound.

His Divine Emperor Bell may be more appropriately called a sending bell.

 When the sending bell rings, the enemy will be sent away directly.

As the powerful concussive power of the God Emperor Bell surged past, the three commander-level source beasts immediately turned into three camels.

  Having gained 840 experience points again, Chen Mo's level has reached level 5.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

  【Level】:Level 5



  ‘Original life force’: 13,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 1100 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 1050 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 1550 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 51,000 points

Sun Wu’s purpose of bringing him here to upgrade has been achieved.

However, Sun Wu originally just thought that it might be faster to bring him here to upgrade, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

He knew that Chen Mo was very talented, but even with his high talent, he couldn't kill monsters so quickly.

The reason why Chen Mo killed monsters so quickly was because he was highly talented and also had the power of the God Emperor Zhong Zhentian, which was approximately equal to the top-level first-level cosmic secret attack ability.

 Under normal circumstances, to use this level of ability, the consumption of cosmic source energy will definitely not be low.

And because Chen Mo used the Sky-shaking ability of the God Emperor Bell to perform it, he had no energy loss at all, and he no longer had to worry about replenishing the cosmic source energy.

The most troublesome thing about wandering in this cosmic sea is not that you don’t have powerful attack and defense methods, but your cosmic source energy supply.

Any powerful cosmic secret method requires the consumption of cosmic source energy to perform, otherwise it will be tantamount to having a treasure trove and cannot be used.

 As for the replenishment of cosmic source energy, it is purely related to the original universe you have placed in the Tower of Eternity.

 The better your origin universe develops and the higher your own level, the faster the universe source energy can be restored.

In addition to natural recovery, the only way to replenish the cosmic source energy is by swallowing the cosmic source crystals.

This is also why the Cosmic Source Crystal has become the common currency in the City of Ten Thousand Sources.

 Because almost everyone may need to use it.

Due to the Divine Emperor's Bell, Chen Mo had no cooling time to cast the cosmic secret method and no cosmic source energy consumption requirement, so he was able to kill enemies with such high efficiency in conjunction with his high-value attributes.

 Although Chen Mo was already at level 5 at this time, he was obviously not ready to stop now.

He looked at Sun Wu and asked: "Is the place you mentioned before where you can earn survival time fixed at level 5?"

If Sun Wu said that he must reach level 5, Chen Mo would have no choice but to stop first. After all, they brought him to such a good leveling place. He couldn't turn around and forget about them when he was satisfied with his own leveling.

"It doesn't have to be level 5. It's fine if you are level 10, but the difficulty will increase a lot. But looking at you like this, it doesn't matter whether the difficulty increases or not." Sun Wu said with a bitter smile.

This guy's growth rate is so abnormal, even if he enters at level 10, it won't be difficult at all.

“I see, let’s go together when I reach level 10. If the difficulty increases, the rewards should be better.”

“Yes, the difficulty level is not even higher than bringing a level 5 player in.

Of course, depending on your level, even if the difficulty is increased a lot, it will be enough to cope with it. "

"I can rest assured that."

 While the two of them were talking, they had already rushed into the fifth ring.

 There are a small number of lord-level source beasts here.

Since the area in the inner ring becomes larger, the chances of Chen Mo and Sun Wu encountering random monsters along the way are also much smaller.

They didn't deliberately look for monsters along the way. They just killed whatever monsters they encountered by chance.

It wasn’t until they were almost out of the fifth ring area and approaching the fourth ring area that they saw a lord-level source beast at the edge of their field of vision.

Sun Wu glanced at Chen Mo to indicate whether he wanted to accept it.

Chen Mo smiled and shook his head.

There are many monsters with high experience points in the back, so there is no need to waste time on one monster. The two of them continued to move forward and soon entered the fourth ring.

 Monsters within the fourth ring range are generally lord-level source beasts.

However, the area of ​​the fourth ring is larger than the area of ​​the fifth ring, and the chance of encountering monsters is also lower.

 Chen Mo and Sun Wu jumped forward for almost five thousand meters before finally seeing three lord-level source beasts.

These three lord-level origin beasts are actually fighting, which is really embarrassing for Chen Mo.

 Do you think the inner ring area is too flat? Start coaxing?

However, whether they can be beaten or not does not affect Chen Mo's ability to kill them instantly.

  After all, even for a lord-level source beast, the growth attribute is only 40 points per level. At level 10, it only has 4,000 points of source vitality and a 400-point defense increase.

Facing Chen Mo’s current attack of up to 1100 points of cosmic source power and 1050 points of attack amplification attributes, which has exceeded the attack strength of the king-level source beast, their blood volume and defense are really not enough.

Originally, the three lord-level origin beasts were fighting each other, but upon sensing the appearance of Chen Mo and Sun Wu, they quickly put aside their prejudices, and immediately turned the bow of the boat and aimed their hostile eyes at Chen Mo and Sun Wu. .

 Chen Mo and Sun Wu naturally didn't care when they saw this.

The moment the God Emperor's Bell rang on Chen Mo's head, the three lord-level source beasts that had just been fighting among themselves immediately felt a terrifying concussive force sweeping towards them.

By the time they realized something was wrong and wanted to escape, it was too late.

The moment the terrifying energy shook, all three lord-level source beasts were shattered into three piles of flesh.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully leapfrogged and killed a level 10 lord-level source beast, and you have gained 80 experience points.

 Since you exceeded level 5 to kill this time, the experience value you gained this time increased by 5 times. In the end, you gained 480 experience points. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you killed the level 10 lord-level source beast, your survival time has been increased by 3 minutes.

  It is detected that your kill this time is an overlevel kill. If you kill someone at a level higher than 5 in total, you can get an additional 18 minutes of survival time. 】

  【Tiandao Tips:…】


 As the three Heavenly Dao reminders sounded, Chen Mo immediately received 1440 experience points.

 As long as he does it again, he can level up again.

The income from killing three lord-level source beasts is also quite good. According to Sun Wu's estimation, the materials harvested after killing these three lord-level source beasts can generate at least 500 yuan per lord-level source beast. Around the universe source crystal.

In just one moment, Chen Mo was equivalent to harvesting 1,500 Universe Source Crystals.

 You can repay the money lent to you by the guild casually.

 After Chen Mo killed the lord-level source beast, Sun Wu said to Chen Mo: "There are still relatively few source beast materials above the lord level, so it is best not to sell these source beast materials outside and sell them to the guild as much as possible.

Although the purchase price of the guild may be lower than outside, it will generally give you extra guild points.

These guild points can be kept and exchanged for more useful things in the guild treasury, which are much more useful than pure cosmic source crystals. "

 “Is this true for every guild?”

 “Mostly the same.”

"I see."

Although Sun Wushuo's experience is very important, for Chen Mo, it is actually better to replace what he obtained with the Cosmic Source Crystal.

 Because he has the ability to combine, he can easily combine two low-priced items into a high-priced one.

As a result, the income from selling things to the guild at low prices in exchange for guild points seems to be lower than the income from selling things directly.

"Although there are a lot of things for sale in the market, most of the good things are not sold on the market. They are usually digested within the guild, or the guild's senior leaders exchange goods with other guild senior leaders. exchange things.

 So guild points are still very important. "

 After Sun Wu added something, Chen Mo also wrote down this sentence.

 If there is something that must be obtained through the guild, the only way is to sell something to the guild at a low price to obtain guild points.

 Put away the loot, Chen Mo did not collect it all by himself this time, but gave half of it to Sun Wu.

 “Brother Sun Wu, I’ll give you half of this.”

 “What does this mean?”

"We came together. You escorted me all the way and accompanied me to get here. You also gave me various explanations. I should distribute some spoils, otherwise it will appear that I am taking too much advantage." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"No, you are a newcomer now and are still in the initial development stage. You should try your best to meet your own needs first. When we take risks together in the future, it will not be too late for me to take advantage of you and get a piece of your pie. With your talent, in My achievements in this world will soon surpass mine.

 When the time comes, I will have plenty of places to benefit from you. I just hope that you won’t think I’m too rubbish. "Sun Wu said with a smile.

 “That’s naturally impossible.”

 Since Sun Wudu said so, Chen Mo accepted all the loot with peace of mind.

 Otherwise, if you continue to give it to him at this time, it seems to be saying, just forget about what you have in front of you and don’t think about the future.

 After collecting the loot, Chen Mo and Sun Wu continued to jump towards the space in the central area of ​​Neptune City.

 After arriving in this area, the two of them could clearly feel that the surroundings were unusually empty.

 This inner ring is getting bigger and bigger, but the number of source beasts is getting smaller and smaller.

 It is rare to see source beasts in this fourth ring area.

I don’t know how the source beasts will be distributed in the next three-ring area.

As the two of them continued to jump for more than five thousand meters, they finally met a lord-level source beast again.

 But it’s just that one.

This guy happened to be on the path of the two of them, so it was natural that he would be swept away by Chen Mo along the way.

 After easily killing him, Chen Mo harvested source beast materials worth five hundred universe source crystals.

At this time, his experience points have reached 2215 points, and he is only one lord-level source beast's experience points away from reaching level 6.

But this one is not easy to encounter.

 Until the two of them left the fourth ring of the inner ring and entered the third ring of the inner ring, they did not encounter another source beast.

“The distribution of life resources of this source beast is really bad. There are so few powerful source beasts, but the area they live in is huge."

 Chen Mo complained.

If the distribution was even, he didn't know how many kills he could get along the way.

“Original beasts are such creatures, and their hierarchical system is very strict.

 Only when high-level source beasts allow them to enter the large areas where high-level source beasts live, low-level source beasts dare to live in these areas.

Under normal circumstances, high-level source beasts don't like such crowds. The outside world is really dangerous enough. High-level source beasts choose this way in order to take care of the development of the group.

Like this dungeon world, before we entered, almost all of it was the territory of the source beasts. The high-level source beasts would naturally adopt the most comfortable way to divide their living areas. "Sun Wu said with a smile.

 Chen Mo was still complaining that there were too few monsters to encounter. Unexpectedly, he encountered two overlord-level source beasts as soon as he entered the third area. The experience value of this thing is much more than the previous lord-level source beasts. (End of chapter)

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