All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 422: It’s hard to react and make a big face! (2-in-1)

 The size of the overlord-level source beast is much larger than that of the previous lord-level source beast.

 A single one is at least several kilometers long.

 The two swam together, just like two black mountains floating in the water.

"Is this the overlord-level source beast? It's really big enough."

 “It’s just a matter of taste but not useful.” Sun Wu said with a smile.

The attributes of overlord-level source beasts can reach about 500 points, and their blood volume can reach about 5,000 points. Combined with their natural special talents and various abilities, their combat effectiveness is actually quite good.

Even if Sun Wu takes action, he can't easily kill them instantly.

Sun Wu, as a chaotic creature from the Land of Chaos, actually has not bad qualifications. After entering this world, his basic qualifications are 50 points.

 After reaching level 10, it is basically the same as the overlord-level source beast.

 Coupled with the secret treasures and secret techniques he currently possesses, his combat effectiveness is still more powerful than that of the Overlord-level source beast.

  However, it is somewhat difficult to kill an overlord-level source beast instantly.

However, it is not difficult for him to kill an overlord-level source beast. Two or three hits at most are enough to take down an overlord-level source beast.

 After all, when Sun Wu came to this world, there were treasures that could be upgraded into special cosmic secret treasures.

For example, the stick he swept out against Chen Mo's summons before was a special chaos treasure produced in the land of chaos. After arriving in this world, it evolved into a special cosmic secret treasure, which can be used at the same percentage as Chen Mo's God Emperor Bell. Amplifies Sun Wu's attributes.

 So, at this time, Sun Wu's attributes are not much different from Chen Mo's.

 It's just that in terms of secret skills, it's a little lower than Chen Mo.

 Chen Mo's Divine Emperor's Bell is the top chaos treasure in the lower world. The earth-shaking power contained in it is also a very powerful attack ability.

Sun Wu’s Ruyi Stick is still slightly inferior to the Divine Emperor Bell.

 The explosion is inferior to that of the God Emperor Bell.

But Sun Wu's Ruyi Stick has other wonderful uses, that is, it can spread very long, growing far beyond the range that the Divine Emperor Bell can affect.

 There is a big gap between everyone’s attack areas.

Seeing two huge overlord-level origin beasts appear, Chen Mo remained the same as before. The God Emperor Bell on his head shook, and he directly killed the two overlord-level origin beasts with terrifying concussion force.

Just a simple glance at the God Emperor Bell and the terrifying concussive power immediately swept through the bodies of two extremely large overlord-level source beasts.

No matter how intimidating their bodies looked, they were still unable to escape the impact of the concussive power of the God Emperor Bell, and they both died on the spot.

  It is still a simple and unpretentious instant kill.

The other source beasts were defeated by Chen Mo before. Although Sun Wu thought it was a bit exaggerated, they were all fine. Now it was finally the turn of a monster that even he might not be able to defeat in an instant. Chen Mo felt it to some extent. Speechless.

 The days that I came in earlier than others were in vain.

 It took a lot of time and energy to accumulate good secret treasures and good secret techniques.

As a result, they only brought an upgraded version of the baby from the lower realm and swept through everything in the novice stage of this realm. This gap is too big.

In fact, Chen Mo is not a treasure that relies solely on the lower world. If he had not synthesized the Dark Demonic Bow, a cosmic secret treasure, his combat power would not be enough to kill the overlord-level source beast in one blow. He would have to be shocked twice. Able to kill an overlord-level source beast.

  The Dark Demonic Bow provides 100 points of cosmic power and 50 points of attack increase. It also provides an important ability to ignore the target's 20% defense increase.

This is the key why Chen Mo can still kill the overlord-level source beast instantly.

 With these blessings, his attack falls on the overlord-level source beast, and the final damage it can cause is basically around 5500 points.

 This kind of damage is just enough to kill an overlord-level source beast instantly.

If the king-level source beast appeared in front of Chen Mo at this time, Chen Mo would really not be able to lose it within seconds.

 As soon as the overlord-level source beast died, the Heavenly Dao prompt also rang immediately.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully leapfrogged and killed the level 10 overlord-level source beast, and you have gained 160 experience points.

 Since you exceeded level 5 to kill this time, the experience value you gained this time increased by 5 times. In the end, you gained 960 experience points. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you killed the level 10 lord-level source beast, your survival time has been increased by 4 minutes.

  It is detected that your kill this time is an overlevel kill. If you kill someone at a level higher than 5 in total, you can get an additional 24 minutes of survival time. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: You successfully leapfrogged and killed a level 10 overlord-level source beast... In the end, you gained 960 experience points.

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you killed the level 10 lord-level source beast, your survival time has been increased by 4 minutes... You can gain an additional 24 minutes of survival time. 】


With the influx of experience points from the two overlord-level source beasts, Chen Mo's level was also improved again.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

 【Level】:Level 6



  ‘Original life force’: 15,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 1300 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 1250 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 1850 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 61,000 points

At this time, his attributes have far exceeded those of the king-level source beast.

As his strength increased, as he continued to swim deeper, many of the overlord-level source beasts with strong sensing abilities sensed from a distance that a strong man comparable to a king-level source beast was in the inner circle of his life. The area appeared, which frightened them so much that they couldn't help but flee in all directions.

This meant that Chen Mo basically didn’t encounter any other source beasts along the way.

However, there are also overlord-level source beasts with weak perceptual abilities that are just unlucky and met Chen Mo and Sun Wu on their way.

Then it will naturally end up being turned into a trophy.

  The material value of an overlord-level source beast is almost 800 cosmic source crystals.

 After Chen Mo swam to the second ring area, he also killed five overlord-level source beasts along the way, and the total material gain was close to 4,000 cosmic source crystals.

 The benefits are quite substantial.

 The three overlord-level source beasts killed later, because Chen Mo's level reached level 6, the experience value of each overlord-level source beast was reduced to 800 points.

But even so, the three overlord-level source beasts still allowed Chen Mo to gain 2,400 experience points. This is enough for Chen Mo's level to climb up one level again, reaching level 7.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

 【Level】:Level 7



  ‘Original life force’: 17,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 1500 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 1450 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 2150 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 71,000 points

At this time, Chen Mo's cosmic source power has surpassed half of the king-level source beast, and his defense increase has reached the level of the emperor-level source beast. His combat effectiveness in the novice stage can be said to be super strong.

 Others may need a lot of time to develop and improve their attributes through various means when they come to this world, but Chen Mo relied on the accumulation in the lower world to easily achieve achievements that are far beyond the reach of others.

 Sun Wu was always watching Chen Mo's growth. He couldn't help but secretly thought that he was really lucky. A junior from the lower realm who he had casually befriended in the Xianyue Sanxing Valley could now grow to this level.

No wonder his master once said that he was a monkey with great luck!

 Sun Wu had never known that his master had clearly said that he had great luck, but why he had never had any particularly smooth life, nor did he feel that his great luck had helped him in any way.

Now he realizes, did he use his great luck to meet this boy?

 Meeting this boy is my great luck!

After Chen Mo reached level 7, he felt his powerful attributes and was in a good mood. He felt that with his current attributes, it would be no problem to rush directly into Neptune City to challenge the king-level source beast.

Even if that king-level source beast evolves into an emperor-level source beast, it shouldn’t be too weak.

There is still a second ring area that has not been completed yet. It will be safer to kill some overlord-level source beasts and raise the level to level 8.

Chen Mo looked at Sun Wudao: "If we go further, we should enter the Neptune City area. Let's hunt down the Overlord-level Origin Beast in the second ring to upgrade it, just in case the King-level Origin Beast evolves into the Emperor-level Origin Beast. , the two of us may have a greater chance of winning."

“It is possible. As far as I know, it has been a long time since this guy was a king-level source beast. It is not impossible that it has been promoted during this period.

Be careful with the Ten Thousand Years Ship. Based on your growth ability, as long as you reach level 10, no matter whether it is King level or Emperor level, it will be the same. It is indeed better to grind more monsters here to upgrade. "

Sun Wu also agreed with Chen Mo's statement.

 So the two immediately started searching in the second ring area.

This time, these overlord-level source beasts that used to dominate the huge second ring area suffered a lot.

Originally, I wanted to drive away the low-level beasts so that I could move around in a larger area. However, I never thought that this would divide myself into a huge prey area.

Many overlord-level source beasts are still roaming freely in the second ring, but they never thought that the two evil stars were hunting crazily at this time!

 Soon Chen Mo and Sun Wu discovered an overlord-level source beast.

This guy never expected that the Lord of the Universe would appear in an area so close to the royal city.

Before it could react, Chen Mo's Divine Emperor's Bell shook, and a dimension jumped to its side, shocking it to death.

Having killed level 10 at level 7, you can only enjoy level 3 leapfrogging rewards. Now, by killing an overlord-level source beast, Chen Mo can only gain 640 experience points.

He needs to kill six more overlord-level source beasts to increase his level. It is no longer like before where he could kill just one and his level would increase instantly.

But fortunately, there are not many other things in this area, only the overlord-level source beasts are the most numerous.

 Chen Mo had just killed one, and after swimming less than 2,000 meters away, he encountered two more overlord-level source beasts.

"I just like you guys staying together." Chen Mo smiled at the corner of his mouth. He activated his ability to shrink the ground and jumped directly to the two overlord-level source beasts. At the same time, he activated the function of the God Emperor Zhong Zhentian and captured two more in an instant. The head of an overlord-level source beast.

  Harvest 1,280 experience points and material gains worth 1,600 cosmic source crystals again.

 Coming to this core area, it’s quite fun to fight high-level monsters.

  The experience point gains and Universe Source Crystal gains are both substantial.

With the rise of killings, Chen Mo continued to search.

However, the second ring area is too big, and the number of overlord-level source beasts is relatively small. It is actually not that easy to find them. He was lucky to meet three of them so quickly just now.

He and Sun Wu wandered around for almost ten minutes, but they didn't find a single overlord-level source beast.

"There can't be only three overlord-level source beasts in this area." Chen Mo said a little speechlessly.

"No, I estimate there are at least ten overlord-level source beasts in this area. It's impossible to kill three and then be gone." Sun Wu shook his head.

“It seems that the main reason is that the second ring area is too big.”

Seeing Sun Wu's affirmation, Chen Mo did not complain anymore, but continued to search patiently.

Sure enough, soon, they encountered the overlord-level source beast again.

 This time it was quite a surprise.

 Because they actually encountered five overlord-level source beasts at once.

He didn’t know whether they were having a meeting or what they were doing at this time, but five of them actually gathered together. This also made Chen Mo understand why he couldn’t find a single overlord-level source beast after searching for most of the day.

 Emotions They all gathered in a pile, and now they were in a good mood, and a big mouthful of profits came to the door.

The size of these five overlord-level origin beasts is much smaller than the size of the overlord-level origin beasts that Chen Mo encountered before. Together, the five of them are not even as huge as the last overlord-level origin beast that Chen Mo encountered.

These five overlord-level origin beasts are small in size, but their combat power is equally impressive.

Chen Mo discovered through inspection that these five overlord-level source beasts each have unique skills.

One of the overlord-level source beasts can even suspend time and space, and another overlord-level source beast can teleport within a range, which makes Chen Mo feel a little troublesome.

In this case, it is even more important to kill quickly, otherwise after the overlord-level source beast that can suspend time and space suspends time and space, another overlord-level source beast that can teleport in groups can teleport all the other overlord-level source beasts away. What a scam.

They have already seen themselves, and it is obviously impossible for them to stay in the second ring area and wait to die. After that, it will not be easy to find them and kill them.

With this in mind, Chen Mo decided to make a quick decision.

While the five overlord-level source beasts were still in a circle, he directly activated the shock of the God Emperor Bell on the spot, and then used the telescope's inch-inward ability space to jump to the five overlord-level source beasts in an instant. On his face, he entered their circle with a killing move that had no reaction time at all.

As the terrifying concussive power of the God Emperor Bell instantly affected the entire bodies of the five Overlord-level Origin Beasts, these five Overlord-level Origin Beasts realized how dangerous Chen Mo's appearance was. They had already tried to activate their abilities to escape. It was completely too late.

 The terrifying power of the God-Emperor Bell’s vibration has already shattered their bodies and obliterated their souls.

 The five overlord-level origin beasts all turned into flesh in an instant.

Sun Wu in the distance looked frightened. Although he also had a lot of life-saving abilities, he still couldn't help but think that if he met an opponent like Chen Mo and suddenly opened the God Emperor's Bell and jumped in the face, he felt that he would only Even if they had life-saving abilities, they would probably end up like these overlord-level source beasts. They wouldn't even have time to activate any life-saving abilities before being directly shocked to death. (End of chapter)

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