All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 423: The king-level source beast, the king of Diyuan! (2-in-1)

 Five overlord-level source beasts died together, and the experience points exploded at this moment were quite a lot.

Even if Chen Mo has reached level 7, each overlord-level source beast can still give him 640 experience points.

 Five of them is a gain of 3200 experience points.

  There is also a material benefit of 4000 Cosmic Source Crystals.

As the experience points were obtained, Chen Mo's level was also improved.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

  【Level】:Level 8



  ‘Original life force’: 19,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 1700 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 1650 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 2450 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 81,000 points

“The next levels are getting harder and harder to upgrade. The experience value of killing a level 8 and level 10 overlord-level source beast is only 480 points. Even if I kill 10 more, it won’t be enough to level up.”

Chen Mo took a look at the demand for experience points and complained.

Sun Wushi who was listening on the side could not help but roll his eyes.

 This stinky boy! On my first day here, less than an hour after entering the Sea of ​​​​Universe, I had already reached level 8.

  The master of the normal universe wants to rise to this level, but it will take a lot of effort.

How can it be so easy?

This guy has been killing enemies at higher and higher levels, which is embarrassing to say.

"You have killed almost ten of them. There should not be many overlord-level source beasts left in this area. If you continue to kill them, it will be difficult to level up." Sun Wucai said gropingly.

Chen Mo was thinking the same thing at this time. He turned to look at the central area of ​​Neptune City and said, "That's right. This place is so empty. If there are only a few overlord-level source beasts left, we might not even be able to move around for a long time. We will definitely encounter them. We don't have the ability to perceive large areas in this world, so there is no need to waste this time.

 Let’s go directly to Neptune City now. "


Sun Wu nodded, and the two of them immediately jumped towards the central area of ​​Neptune City.

 After jumping a distance of nearly 10,000 meters, the two finally saw Neptune City.

This so-called Neptune City is extremely huge.

Poseidon City stands at the bottom of the deep sea, with a huge blue dome emitting a mysterious light, covering the entire city.

The towering crystal towers are dotted among them, and each crystal column shines with sea-blue light.

The city walls are exquisitely carved with different patterns of underwater beasts. In the center of Neptune City is a gorgeous palace. Its roof is made of coral and shells, reflecting colorful light.

The streets of Neptune City are spacious and intricate, paved with transparent crystal panels. Under the crystal panels, colorful undersea plants dance like a dream.

The buildings along the way are decorated with exquisite coral carvings and brilliant gems, reflecting the mysterious light flowing on the blue dome.

Crystal towers stand in every corner of the city, like huge crystal pillars in the deep sea. The tops of these towers emit a faint light, making the entire Neptune City appear more gorgeous and beautiful in the deep sea.

The carvings of marine beasts of different races on the city wall are vivid and vivid, and the undercurrent of the sea water seems to be beating on the crystal wall.

 The central palace of Neptune City is even more magnificent.

The roof made of coral and shells exudes a warm radiance, like a bright pearl inlaid in the heart of the deep sea. The interior of the palace is decorated with gorgeous crystal chandeliers, which project light to the surroundings, creating a dreamy atmosphere.

The entire Neptune City seems to be an art treasure house in the deep sea, showing the grandeur and splendor of the underwater world, making people intoxicated in this endless wonderful scenery.

 “Is this the city built by the Origin Beast?”

Chen Mo looked at Neptune City Road with some surprise.

“Once you reach the level of a king-level source beast, you will build your own palace. After all, source beasts don’t need any hands or feet to build buildings. They only need to rely on source power to shape them, which is very convenient.”

Sun Wu explained.

“It’s really interesting. It seems that this king-level Origin Beast should be hiding in the center of this palace. Go meet him.”

"Wait a minute, this is the enemy's base camp after all, so we can't act rashly." Sun Wu stopped him.

 “It doesn’t matter, I have the means.”

After Chen Mo finished speaking, a light suddenly flashed around him, and a figure appeared.

 It is the external incarnation that has now been upgraded to the cosmic secret treasure level. Although the external incarnation level has been improved, it still looks like a memory.

 The external incarnation can be used as a secret weapon, but Chen Mo may not necessarily use it in front of people he doesn't know.

But Sun Wu had already seen Remembrance in the Xianyue Sanxing Valley in the lower realm, and knew that Chen Mo had an external incarnation, so there was no need for Chen Mo to hide anything in front of him.

Although Chen Mo's combat power at this time has surpassed that of the king-level source beast, it is his base camp after all. Who knows if the opponent will set up any defensive mechanisms in the base camp.

  Or something like a magic circle that enhances one's own combat effectiveness and weakens the enemy's combat effectiveness.

 Chen Mo had already considered these possibilities before Sun Wu reminded him, so Chen Mo had already thought of a way to deal with them.

 Be careful in sailing the ship of ten thousand years. There is no safer way than to use your external incarnation to explore the way.

 “My lord.”

 After the memory appeared, he immediately bowed respectfully to Chen Mo.

“Recall, go into the main hall of Neptune City to see if there is a king-level Origin Beast inside.”


Memory, as an external incarnation, has the same fighting power as Chen Mo. With the Divine Emperor Bell hanging above his head, he activated the transformed telescope and jumped through space, appearing in front of the main hall of Neptune City.

Up until this moment, everything was calm and there was no disturbance.

The quieter the scene was, the more unusual it felt to Chen Mo, just like it was always quiet before a storm.

Sure enough, as Remembrance gradually approached the gate of the main palace in the center of Neptune City, a strange magic circle suddenly appeared in the entire Neptune City.

As the magic circle was operating, Chen Mo clearly felt that the attributes of the memory began to decline crazily, dropping by half.

 The attribute of recollection at this time.

  ‘Original life force’: 19,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 850 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 825 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 1225 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 81,000 points

 The original life force and cosmic source energy have not changed much, but the key cosmic source power, attack increase, and defense increase have all dropped by half.

 These are all important components of combat effectiveness. If half of them are lost at once, the impact on combat effectiveness is still extremely large.

“Sure enough, there is a trap!” Seeing that Remembrance had been attacked, Sun Wu, who was standing outside the area of ​​influence of the magic circle, immediately took out his stick and stood next to Chen Mo, ready to fight.

At this time, the top floor of the main palace of Neptune City suddenly opened, and a blue monster about five meters in size, with a body covered with hard scales and eight arms, slowly flew out from the main palace of Neptune City.

The blue monster's scales fit into its strong muscles, like shining solid armor.

His five-meter-tall body and strong muscles all over his body make him look very powerful.

The outline of the monster's head is ferocious, and its two gem-sized eyes are burning with cold blue flames, revealing endless determination and intimidation.

Eight strong arms are spread out on both sides of its body. Each arm is covered with hard scales and holds a weapon of different styles.

The weirdo exuded a powerful and oppressive aura, making the surrounding seawater seem to solidify.

As the weirdo flew away from the main hall of Neptune City, a blue light trail was left behind, like a meteor cutting through the deep undersea night sky.

 This is the aura of a king-level source beast.

 The moment he appeared, Chen Mo immediately checked his attributes.

 【Monster name】: King of Diyuan

 【Monster level】: First level source beast

 【Monster level】: King level

 【Monster Level】: Level 10


  ‘Original life force’: 20,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 1100 points

  ‘Attack Amplification’: 1100 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 1100 points

 『Cosmic Source Energy』: 100,000 points


“The Power of the Sea King”: The king of the Imperial Sea, protected by the gods of the deep sea, increases all attribute values ​​by 10%, and improves the effect of the eight-arm skills.

 【Active Skills】:

  『Tidal Fury』: Wave eight strong arms to release tidal fury, causing damage to enemies within the range and accompanied by a slowing effect, which lasts for 10 seconds.

 "Abyss Domain": Summon the power of the abyss to form a domain, improve one's own strong armor, and reduce the damage received, lasting 20 seconds.

"Wrath of the Poseidon": Releases mysterious energy, filling the eight arms of the King of the Abyss with the wrath of the Poseidon, greatly increasing the attack power for 15 seconds.

 "Deep Sea Devouring": Turn on Deep Sea Devouring, swallow the target, restore the original vitality and reduce the target's defense increase, lasting for 12 seconds.

  Tsunami Impact: Triggers a tsunami impact, knocking back surrounding enemies and causing area damage, causing them to roll in the waves and temporarily lose their ability to counterattack.

【Passive skill】:

 "Deep Sea Guard": The King of the Deep Sea gains an additional shield effect in the deep sea area, reducing the damage received.

 Eight-level shock: Each successful attack has a chance to trigger a shock effect, causing the target to fall into a dazed state.

 "Healing of the Tide": In the deep sea area, the King of the Imperial Abyss recovers his original life force every second.

  『Mysterious Echo』: When the King of Emperor Abyss casts a skill, there is a chance that a mysterious echo will be generated, which will reduce the cooldown time of the next skill.

  『Power of the Eight Seas』: Every time you use the eight-arm skill, you will accumulate the power of the eight seas. When the power of the eight seas reaches a certain level, the effect of the next skill will be greatly enhanced.

  【Weapon Effect】:

 『Sword of the Abyss』: Each attack has a chance to trigger the power of the abyss, increasing the damage.

 ‘Tide Scepter’: Improves the effect of tidal skills and increases the duration of the slowing effect.

 ‘Poseidon’s Halberd’: When the Poseidon’s Wrath skill is released, it will cause additional damage to enemies within the range.

 ‘Deep Sea Shield’: Increases the effect of strong armor and improves the ability to withstand damage.

“Eight Arms and Long Claws”: The triggering probability of the eight-fold shock effect is increased, making the enemy more likely to be stunned.

 ‘Tide Gem’: The healing effect of the tide is enhanced, increasing the health restored per second.

  『Mysterious Sphere』: The probability of triggering the mysterious echo effect is increased, and the skill cooldown time is shortened.

 『Deep Sea Scepter』: The accumulation speed of the power of the eight seas is increased, making the skill increase faster.

  It can be seen that the attributes of the king-level source beast are extremely powerful.

 There is not much to say in terms of general attributes. Basically, most of the source beasts are pretty much the same.

As a king-level source beast, the attributes of the King of Diyuan are not much different from those of other king-level source beasts.

  They are all attributes with a growth value of 100 points.

 It's just that the King of Diyuan is extra powerful, that is his skills and the effects of his weapons.

 He has five active skills, five passive skills, and eight weapons.

 There are also some linkage effects between these active skills, passive skills, and weapons.

 This has brought a great improvement in combat effectiveness to the King of Diyuan.

Coupled with the magic circle he set up in Neptune City to reduce the enemy's attributes by half, this makes the King of Emperor Abyss nearly invincible in Neptune City.

Even if someone like Chen Mo, whose attributes are much higher than his, will be weaker than him when he enters the Neptune City.

 If you want to defeat him, hitting him hard will definitely not work.

 We must find a way to get rid of the formation he set up first.

Chen Mo immediately asked Sun Wu: "Brother Monkey, you see that this guy's magic circle is so powerful. Is there any way we can secretly destroy it? Otherwise, with the interference of this magic circle, as long as he hides in the magic circle, we can really There may not be anything we can do to him.”

"To break a magic circle, you usually need to break the formation stones. However, my master once taught me some formation-breaking techniques. If you can help me attract its attention so that it doesn't notice me, I can break it. Get rid of its magic circle."

"how long it takes?"

 “About three minutes.”

"That's no problem. Even if my attributes are weakened by him, I still have a 1225-point defense increase. It's not easy for me to deal with him, and it's not easy for him to deal with me. It's up to me and my incarnation to hold him back. You focus on breaking the formation."

After Chen Mo finished speaking, he flew up directly.

His confidence comes not only from the strength of his attributes, but also from his first-order top-notch cosmic secret treasure.

 Chen Mo relied on the God Emperor Bell's sky-shattering attack ability to kill him all the way here.

 In fact, his defense ability is not weak at all.

Especially for his Divine Emperor Bell, he has always only paid attention to the Divine Emperor Bell's sky-shattering ability. In fact, the Divine Emperor Bell has six major abilities. Except for the Sky-shattering ability, the other five abilities are all defensive and auxiliary.

  【Suppress the God】: Guard the mind and be immune to all abnormal effects. This immune effect is at the level of a cosmic secret treasure.

 【Shock】: Puts the enemy into a dazed state. This effect ignores all effects below the first-order cosmic treasure level.

 【Safe Life】: The Divine Bell Bodyguard is in an invincible state for 5 seconds, and when the Divine Bell Bodyguard ends, the original life force is restored to full.

  【Split the Sky】: Shatters the surrounding space and time, disabling all enemies' space abilities. You can travel through space at will under the protection of the divine bell. This effect is at the level of a first-order cosmic secret treasure.

 【No Time】: It will not be affected by any time stopping or slowing down effects. This effect is the first-order cosmic secret treasure level.

 Among them, Splitting the Sky and Wu Shi are temporarily useless in this battle, but the first three are very useful abilities. (End of chapter)

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