Following Chen Mo and Sun Wu, they killed the king-level Origin Beast Emperor Yuan King in Neptune City.

 They also received additional reminders from Heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have successfully killed the current dungeon king. The dungeon king has grown to the king level and meets the requirements for conquering dungeons!

 You have gained an additional 100 hours of survival time.

 You have received an additional "Level 10 Dungeon Guide Gift Pack".

The current dungeon is about to close and you will be teleported out in 10 seconds. Please be prepared. 】

"This dungeon will be forced to close as long as the king-level source beast is killed." Chen Mo said unexpectedly.

“No, it’s just that the dungeon we are in now happens to have a king-level Origin Beast as its leader.”

“Oh? What if the leader of this dungeon is not a high-level source beast?”

“Generally speaking, when a dungeon is opened, there must be an overlord-level source beast in it, otherwise the dungeon will not be opened.”

“So that’s it, then the overlord-level source beast in the dungeon we are in now should still exist. Why is it that if we kill a king-level source beast, it will be shut down directly?”

"This brings us to the second rule of dungeons. When there are no overlord-level or above source beasts in a dungeon, and we enter and kill all the overlord-level source beasts, that dungeon will be forcibly closed. , until at least five overlord-level source beasts appear again in this dungeon.

And when a king-level source beast is born in a dungeon, as long as we kill this king-level source beast, the entire dungeon will be closed immediately until another king-level source beast appears in the entire dungeon. This dungeon will reopen. "

“What if this dungeon originally had a higher-level Origin Beast than the King-level Origin Beast?”

"If this dungeon is controlled by an emperor-level source beast, then after you kill the emperor-level source beast, the dungeon will not be closed until all the king-level source beasts in this dungeon are killed. The city will be closed accordingly."

“In other words, as long as there is still a king-level source beast, the dungeon will not be shut down.”

"Is such that."

“The stronger the highest-level source beast in the dungeon, the higher the reward will be?”

“Well, generally speaking, dungeons with only Overlord-level Origin Beasts are the worst, and no one will kill the goose that lays the eggs to kill all the Overlord-level Origin Beasts in that dungeon.

 Most of them will keep that dungeon and wait until a king-level source beast appears in that dungeon before slaughtering it.

 After the dungeon where the king-level source beast is the king is conquered, the rewards will be the same as what we get now, basically 100 hours of survival time, and a level 10 dungeon conquering gift pack. "

“By the way, what’s the use of these gift packs? According to you, the way of heaven won’t give away any equipment directly in the sea of ​​the universe.”

"Well, although Tiandao will not drop equipment, Tiandao will reward us with many rare and valuable materials. Generally, the things that can be found in such gift packages are some top-quality materials. The secret treasures of the universe made with these materials will have more Powerful features and more terms.”

Hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo immediately said: "In other words, the general first-order cosmic secret treasures have one entry, but if they are made with rare materials rewarded by heaven, there is a chance that there will be more entries?"

 “That’s right.”

 Hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo immediately laughed.

  The cosmic secret treasure created by his synthesis ability is directly multi-entry.

Doesn’t this mean that he can casually create a cosmic secret treasure comparable to that made from special materials rewarded by heaven?

And if the secret treasures of the universe that he originally created from the special materials of Heaven are combined with each other, does that mean that the secret treasures he holds can carry a large number of entries even if they are only low-level?

 When he thought of this, Chen Mo became a little excited.

This is something that others cannot do.

“In addition to rare and top-quality materials, can the gift package contain anything else?”

"Well, you can also get some special items that can increase the upper limit of the attributes of the cosmic treasure, but it can only be doubled at most. And even if you double the attributes, it is actually comparable to the level of the next level cosmic treasure. , and if your own growth attributes are not high, it will still be difficult for you to cross levels and fight against enemies." After Sun Wu finished speaking, he glanced at Chen Mo and added, "Of course, except for you kid, you are a monster."

Chen Mo smiled bitterly and said, "Isn't this all due to the hard work accumulated in the lower realms?"

"Forget it if you don't talk about it. I want to give you a stick when I talk about it. Judging from my sharp eyes, your kid's bone age is only less than twenty years old. Even if you have been practicing since your mother's womb, you will be able to fight in the lower world. In just over ten years, the resources you have accumulated are higher than what others have accumulated over thousands of years of hard work." Sun Wu rolled his eyes.

Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "It's all luck."

As the two of them were talking, they were sent out of the world of Neptune City by a force of rules and returned to the sea of ​​the universe.

At this time, there were a lot of confused Masters of the Universe around them. They had just been happily farming monsters inside, but they were sent directly out of the dungeon.

Is there a team of experts coming to clean up the king-level source beasts today?

 But they didn’t see it at all.

“Brother Sun Wu, this dungeon is gone, where should we go next?”

“Go directly to the secret realm I discovered before. You can get a lot of survival time there.”

“Our current survival time should be considered relatively long. Is it necessary to rush to obtain survival time?” Chen Mo asked curiously.

"What you don't know is that there are some special time secret realms in the Sea of ​​​​the Universe. Entering them can get a lot of survival time. At the same time, you can use your survival time to find Mr. Time in the time secret realm to exchange for some rare things that are difficult to find in the outside world. baby.

 You can even increase your own growth value.

 It mainly depends on what Father Time is willing to exchange for you. "

"Is there such a thing? I understand why everyone has such a need for survival time. I would say that it is not difficult to survive by killing monsters casually, but if everyone is greedy in exchange for rewards, the survival time may not be enough. .”

“You are wrong. You have this illusion now just because you are so strong that you can gain a lot of survival time by killing casually. It is not easy for ordinary masters of the universe to accumulate survival time.

  And as your Master of the Universe level gets higher, the difficulty becomes more difficult. With your growth rate, you will soon see what kind of difficult world a high-level Master of the Universe faces. "

"From what you say, it seems that life will be difficult in the future. If you upgrade, the more you upgrade, the harder it will be to survive. The monsters will be more powerful. But if you don't upgrade, you won't be able to reach the sea of ​​the universe when the catastrophe strikes in 42 years. If you go beyond the fifth floor, you will not be able to avoid the disaster, and you will only be dead.

 It was almost forced to go.      “You have understood it well, otherwise, why do you think everyone is working so hard. Sun Wu smiled and said, "Okay, let's go." "

“By the way, Brother Sun Wu, it stands to reason that the dungeon you discovered has so many people visiting it, so wouldn’t it mean that the secret realm you discovered has also been breached by others?”

“Don’t worry, a secret realm is different from a dungeon. After being triggered by someone, you can only be led in by that person within a certain period of time. Others will not see the secret realm again.”

"That's good."

As they spoke, the two of them had quickly jumped forward in time and space.

 Chen Mo jumped closely behind Sun Wu.

During the jump, Sun Wu said with a smile: "Wuyu, what did you get in the gift pack just now? I got a level 10 emperor-level source beast summoning stone, which is really a trap."

"Ah? Can you still drive something like this? What is it used for? Summon a level 10 emperor-level source beast to help you fight?" Chen Mo said unexpectedly.

“No, it’s to summon a level 10 emperor-level source beast to come out and fight with us.”

“Good guy, it’s really cheating.” Chen Mo couldn’t help but laugh, “But the profit from killing the emperor-level source beast is not bad.”

"It's okay, but if you open this thing with a Tiandao gift package, you will suffer a loss no matter how you think about it." Sun Wu looked unhappy.

 Hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo glanced at the two gift bags in his backpack.

A "Rookie Gift Pack" and a "Level 10 Dungeon Strategy Pack".

 He ​​first tried to open the "Level 10 Dungeon Strategy Pack". Sun Wu opened a summoning stone, but Chen Mo was curious about what he could open.

 As he chose to turn it on, the Tiandao prompt also sounded immediately.

 【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on successfully opening the "Level 10 Dungeon Strategy Gift Pack". You have obtained the "First-Level Empowerment Stone". 】

[First-level Empowerment Stone]: Using this item on a first-level cosmic secret treasure can add an additional secret treasure ability that conforms to the positioning of the secret treasure type to the corresponding first-order cosmic secret treasure. However, please note that the empowered secret treasure needs to be upgraded to a higher level. The source energy of the secret treasure will be doubled as a result.

“Huh? You can also create something that directly empowers the secret treasure of the universe. I thought the special material you were talking about was to increase the ability of the secret treasure during forging.”

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Sun Wu knew that Chen Mo had opened a first-level empowerment stone.

He immediately said: "Each has its pros and cons. Using empowerment stones to empower a secret treasure will permanently double the secret treasure source energy required for upgrading the secret treasure. The more empowerment stones you use, the higher the multiplier will be. more.

For example, the secret treasure energy required to upgrade a first-level top-level cosmic treasure is 100 points. After you use an empowering stone, the secret treasure energy required to upgrade the secret treasure becomes 200 points. Use another gem. It becomes 400 points. If you continue to use it, the points will be doubled infinitely to 800 points. It is considered a punishment mechanism.

However, although the secret treasure you made using the best materials rewarded by the system is inherently equipped with one more secret treasure ability than ordinary secret treasures, it will not affect the secret treasure energy required for the upgrading of this secret treasure. "

 “That’s it, I understand.”

After hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo nodded clearly.

This thing looks good, but the more you use this cosmic treasure, the harder it will be to upgrade its level. The attributes of low-level cosmic treasures are not as good as those of high-level cosmic treasures. Even if they have more abilities, their effectiveness will be much worse.

 So it’s okay to use one or two of these things. If you use too many, no matter how good the secret treasure of the universe is, it may be ruined.

After all, the amount of secret treasure source energy required for advancement increases exponentially, and it cannot be increased as you go to the later stages. The strength of the secret treasure of the universe cannot keep up with the strength of the Lord of the Universe, so how can it be used?

However, although Chen Mo understood the disadvantages of the empowering stone, a possibility suddenly flashed in his mind.

That is, he used the empowering stone on the cosmic secret treasure to enhance the secret treasure ability of the cosmic secret treasure and at the same time increase the secret treasure source energy required for the upgrade of the cosmic secret treasure. But if he did this, he would combine two such secret treasures. What happens when they are combined with each other?

  If after synthesis, the secret treasure abilities are combined, but the multiple secret treasure source energy requirements required for upgrading the secret treasure are changed back to the original demand, wouldn't it just take off against the sky?

Even if the original demand does not change, if it is calculated based on the increase of one empowering stone, he will still earn an empowering stone in vain.

 When he thought of this, Chen Mo wanted to give it a try.

 If you want to do an experiment, it is naturally impossible to conduct an experiment with an irreplaceable key treasure like the Divine Emperor's Bell.

 He is planning to conduct experiments on other cosmic treasures on his body.

Just having this empowering stone on hand is not enough right now.

 He set his sights on the rookie gift package.

If another empowering stone is opened here, then experiments can be done.

 He immediately clicked on the rookie gift package.

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on successfully opening the "Rookie Gift Pack". You have obtained the "Income Doubler Card". 】

 “What the hell?”

 Originally I wanted to get something good, but in the end, I got a double income card.

 Chen Mo immediately checked the description of the thing.

 【Income Doubler Card】: After using this item, in the next 1 hour, the final gain of all your experience points and the final gain of survival time will be doubled!

“Well, I also found a useless thing.” Chen Mo complained.

“Are you talking about the rookie gift pack?” After all, Chen Mo had just opened the first-level empowerment stone, and now the only thing that could open **** was the rookie gift pack.

“Well, I opened a 1-hour income doubling card, but it’s useless.”

“That’s right, the Rookie Gift Pack originally contains props that can increase your income as a novice. The 1-hour income increase is considered to be a long-term benefit that can be given in the Rookie Gift Pack, and it is also a pure income type.

  If you are given a 1-hour Cosmic Energy Double Recovery Card, it will be really useless to you. "

Hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo felt relieved. Qingqing, who he thought was a piece of rubbish, was actually the tallest among the dwarfs.

 This gift package from Heaven doesn’t seem to be a treasure worth looking forward to.

But after all, the income doubling card can increase the survival time, so it is not bad, but for Chen Mo, it is much worse than the empowerment stone he expected.

After Chen Mo opened the reward, Sun Wu looked at Chen Mo and said, "Do you want to use this emperor-level source beast summoning stone now? The emperor-level source beast summoned with this thing does not have the help of formations. It's much easier to kill than the emperor-level source beasts encountered in the outside world!" (End of this chapter)

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