All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 426: Control and kill the emperor-level source beast! (2-in-1)

The basic growth rate of the attributes of an emperor-level source beast is 200 points at level 1, which means that the attributes of a level 10 emperor-level source beast are about 2000 points of cosmic source power, 2000 points of attack increase, and 2000 points of defense increase.

With Chen Mo's current attributes, although they are still a bit inferior to those of the emperor-level source beasts, they are already enough attributes to be able to fight.

 In addition, Chen Mo also has an external incarnation with the same strength as himself, which is naturally even more true.

Sun Wu also considered the combat power of Chen Mo's external incarnation, so he felt that there was no problem in directly summoning the emperor-level source beast.

Even if his combat effectiveness is not very high, Chen Mo should be able to cope with it combined with the combat effectiveness of Chen Mo's external avatar.

Hearing Sun Wu's suggestion, Chen Mo smiled and nodded: "Although I haven't reached the full level yet, I can give it a try, but I can summon it when I get to the secret realm you mentioned. This way I can use my double income card. , after killing the emperor-level source beast, you can immediately enter the secret realm you mentioned to earn survival time and earn double the survival time."

 “That’s a good idea.” Sun Wu said with a smile, “Then we can call when we get to the place, it’s not far anyway.”

After the two of them continued to jump through space for a full ten minutes, Sun Wucai finally stopped in an empty place.

At this time, Chen Mo could not see the existence of the secret realm. It was not until Sun Wu and Chen Mo reached a team state again and shared the secret realm that Chen Mo finally saw the existence of the secret realm teleportation entrance in this empty area. .

“This is it. Let’s kill the emperor-level source beast first and then go in. Maybe your level can be upgraded by another level.”


 Chen Mo had already called out the memory after finishing speaking. After the three of them were ready, Sun Wu started to use the emperor-level source beast summoning stone.

The moment he used this stone, the Tiandao reminder immediately rang crazily.

  【Tiandao Tip: Warning! warn! It is detected that someone is summoning an emperor-level source beast around you, please take precautions! 】

 Ignoring Tiandao's warning, Chen Mo and Sun Wu were ready for battle.

Soon, the surrounding cosmic source energy rolled crazily and swept towards the location of the summoning stone.

The next moment, there was a vibration in the surrounding space, and a gap opened in the space. You must know that this is the sea of ​​the universe, and the space is extremely stable. It is difficult for even a high-level master of the universe to create space in the sea of ​​the universe. Cracks, only the products of Heaven can have such ability.

As the space crack appeared, an extremely large emperor-level source beast quickly emerged from the space crack.

 Its body is as huge as a mountain, with strong muscles and shining golden scales.

Its head is broad and mighty, its eyes contain profound cosmic power, and it exudes a formidable aura.

The limbs of the origin beast are strong and powerful, and every step they take can cause a burst of origin energy to vibrate around them.

His tail is as hard as an iron rod. When it swings naturally, it cuts through the air and leaves behind golden light and shadow.

The most eye-catching thing is the lines on the body of the source beast. The light flows like the lines of stars, like a star picture scroll. This makes the source beast look not only a symbol of power, but also like a living body of the laws of the universe. incarnation.

  【Tiandao Tip: Warning! The emperor-level source beast has appeared, and its strength exceeds that of the average lord of the universe. Please stay away quickly! 】

As the Heavenly Dao prompt sounded, Chen Mo immediately checked the attributes of this emperor-level source beast.

 【Monster Name】: Golden Star Beast

 【Monster level】: First level source beast

 【Monster level】: Emperor level

  【Monster Level】:10


  ‘Original life force’: 50,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 2000 points

  ‘Attack increase’: 2000 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 2000 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 50,000 points


  "Power of Star Patterns": Golden star beasts are born with the protection of star patterns. The power of star patterns can increase the effectiveness of all their skills by 20%. When fighting in the sea of ​​the universe, the improvement effect will be increased by an additional 10%.

 【Active Skills】:

 ‘Power of Stars’: Manipulate the power of stars to release powerful cosmic energy, causing devastating blows to enemies within range.

  『Sacred Domain』: Form a sacred domain to improve the resistance of yourself and surrounding friendly forces for a longer period of time.

  『Starlight Eyes』: The profound observation power of the Starlight Eyes allows the Golden Star Beast to discover the enemy's weaknesses and increase the damage to the weaknesses.

 『Tail of the Nebula』: Swing the tail of the nebula to form a powerful star storm, causing damage to enemies within the range and having a slowing effect.

 ‘Golden Glory Stone’: The gem on the head releases the golden radiance light, providing additional cosmic source energy and original vitality recovery effect for the Golden Star Beast and surrounding allies.

【Passive skill】:

“Star Protection”: When a golden-patterned star beast receives protection from stars, it has a chance to gain a shield and absorb part of the damage.

“Star Revelation”: The golden-patterned star beast gradually gains the power of stars during the battle, increases skill damage, and increases attack speed for a short time after releasing the skill.

 "Star Pattern Body": The star pattern on the body of the golden star beast can continue to protect itself and surrounding allies, improving everyone's defense capabilities.

 ‘Star Strike’: Every time the golden-patterned star beast successfully attacks the target, it will be followed by a star pursuit with 100% of the cosmic power. This pursuit effect comes with a 50% critical hit chance.

“Star Pattern Shock”: The star pattern on the body has a powerful protective effect, allowing it to rebound part of the damage it receives every time it is damaged.

After reading the properties of the golden-patterned star beast, the emperor-level source beast in front of him, Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh, this emperor-level source beast really has something to offer.

 This guy's skills are very effective, and his talent can increase the effects of all skills by an additional 30%.

 This makes the Golden Star Beast even more difficult to deal with.

 Fortunately, Chen Mo's fighting ability is not a vegetarian.

 Having the God Emperor's Bell and a multi-power top cosmic secret treasure, he is not very weak.

Brother Sun Wu, I will stun him directly. With my attributes and the ability of the God Emperor Bell, I should be able to stun him for at least 1 second. If the God Emperor Bell of remembrance is seamlessly connected, it will stun him for two seconds. Seconds shouldn't matter.

While we have control over him, we rush to output.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, Sun Wu immediately nodded and said: "My secret treasure of Ruyi Stick also has a stun effect. It can stun it for about 2.5 seconds."

“So strong? What kind of secret treasure do you have?”

Chen Mo was a little surprised.

Sun Wu said with a smile: "Because my Ruyi Stick was brought up from the lower realm, and it has a special effect on monsters. If it is used normally on the Lord of the Universe, it will have 100% of its power, but if it is used on monsters, it will be able to exert its full effect." 500% capability.”

“500% ability only takes 2.5 seconds to stun?” Sun Wu smiled bitterly: “I don’t have as high attributes as you.”

As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said nothing more.

“Let’s get started. I’ll stun it first, and then you’ll control it. If you stun it for 4.5 seconds, the stun ability of my Divine Emperor Bell will cool down again, and it will be nearly seamless.”

“No, once the same control effect takes effect on a source beast three times in a row, each subsequent effect will continue to be attenuated by 50%. It is still difficult to achieve a seamless connection.” Sun Wu said immediately.

“That’s okay, every second you faint counts as one second.”

 Chen Mo remembered that the monsters in the lower realm were also resistant to control. The more they were controlled, the less controllable they became. It seemed that the same was true on the second level.

As the Divine Emperor's Bell above Chen Mo's head began to vibrate, bursts of majestic bells rippled out with the terrifying power of the vibration.

As soon as the golden-patterned star beast emerged from the crack, it was immediately knocked unconscious by Chen Mo's God Emperor Zhong Zhong's sound. At the same time, it also withstood the attack of God Emperor Zhong Zhentian's ability.

  Chen Mo has 1700 points of source power and 1650 points of attack increase. Together with the Dark Demon Bow, it ignores the target's 20% defense increase effect.

  The damage caused by attacking this emperor-level source beast can reach 3510 points of damage.

However, the Golden Star Beast has a passive ability to improve its defense ability. The damage Chen Mo can ultimately cause will be reduced, basically around 2000 points.

 But Chen Mojia's Memories are outputted together, and the damage per second is as high as about 4,000 points.

The total health of the Golden Star Beast is only 50,000 points. After being attacked more than a dozen times, it will be directly GG.

What's more, Sun Wu is doing damage next to him. Although Sun Wu's attributes are not as good as Chen Mo's, his damage is not low. His attack on the golden star beast will cause at least a thousand damage per second.

  The instant kill achieved by three people working together can basically be maintained at around 5,000 points.

And when attacking the target's weak point, the damage will be doubled.

Sun Wu has a special cosmic secret technique of blazing eyes and golden eyes. This is a secret technique he brought from the lower world. After using it, he can expose the target's weaknesses, allowing himself and his teammates' attacks to all hit the target's weaknesses, causing weakness damage. .

 Activating this ability requires continuous consumption of cosmic source energy, but now as long as he activates this ability, the damage caused by him and Chen Mo can be doubled.

 There is no problem with the cosmic source energy consumption for five seconds.

As long as it lasts for five seconds, it will be enough to cause 50,000 points of damage, and this golden star beast can be killed directly.

Chen Mo plus Memories plus Sun Wu can stun the Golden Star Beast for a total of 4.5 seconds, which is almost the same as 5 seconds.

The number of control releases required to achieve this 4.5-second control is exactly three controls. One more control and the control effect will be attenuated. However, the control effect of the first three times will not be attenuated unless the opponent itself has the corresponding resistance. .

 But obviously, the Golden Star Beast does not have such resistance.

 No, he has it, but it is an active skill, not a passive skill.

As long as Chen Mo and Sun Wu give him a chance to release, he will not be able to use his sacred domain skills to improve his resistance, thus reducing the control time.

The moment it emerged from the crack, it was controlled by force.

 Chen Mo finished controlling it for a second, and Remembrance immediately took over the control seamlessly.

Having reached the level of the Lord of the Universe, the control of time is still very precise, and there will be no problems with skill connection like in the lower realm.

It goes without saying that Chen Mo and Sui Xiu were of the same mind, but even if Sun Wu was not of the same mind as them, according to his ability as the Lord of the Universe, he would not be stuck for this little time.

The moment Chen Mohe's two-second control time ended, his 2.5-second control ability immediately took over.

I saw Sun Wu's Ruyi stick hit the golden star beast's head with a stick, and a terrifying concussive force was activated, instantly knocking it out again.

 And after being knocked unconscious this time, it was like having a deep sleep.

Although the golden-patterned star beast has a chance to trigger star protection and increase its shield when attacked, Sun Wu can just restrain it. Sun Wu has a unique shield-breaking cosmic treasure, which can easily break the golden-patterned star beast's shield.

This allows all the output of the three of them in just 4.5 seconds to become effective output and hit the golden star beast.

The moment the 4.5 seconds of control time ended, the Golden Star Beast just woke up from its dizzy confusion.

 The last round of attacks from Chen Mo, Zhui Yi, and Sun Wu arrived again.

With this blow, this emperor-level golden-patterned star beast didn't even have a chance to take action, and was restrained to death in an extremely aggrieved manner.

 Even before he died, he had no time to utter a mournful cry.

“Huh, just kill it before the control time expires, otherwise we will have to spend a lot of time with it to release its active skills.”

This emperor-level source beast, the golden-patterned star beast, has a blood-recovery skill among its active skills. If you release the active skill for him, combined with the divine protection and the increased resistance after being controlled by the same type three times, you can control him in the future. It's not easy anymore.

It is true that once it is given the opportunity to use its methods, Chen Mo and Sun Wu will have to spend at least twice as long to kill this emperor-level source beast.

 And this time is still the time for all effective output without considering one's own danger.

 But the reality obviously cannot be like this.

The emperor-level Origin Beast is not really a wooden person. It can stand and be beaten by you.

Even if the Golden Star Beast just stood and allowed Chen Mo and Sun Wu to attack, Chen Mo and Sun Wu were actually very injured.

Because the Golden Star Beast has a passive damage response, every time Chen Mo, Sun Wu, and Sui Yi cause damage to it, they will receive part of the damage back.

 Chen Mo and Zhui Xiu are not bad. They have super strong Hunyuan armor protection. If they receive damage, they can directly use the cosmic energy to deduct it. Even if they are rebounded, they will not be seriously injured.

 But Sun Wu was different. He was shot to death just now.

Had he not been taking drugs continuously, he might have been shot to death by his own attacks.

Therefore, once the Golden Star Beast regains its ability to move, Sun Wu's output environment will definitely be very bad, and it is obvious that it will not be as relaxed and comfortable as it is now.

 This is why he breathed a deep sigh of relief after he killed the golden star beast before it woke up.

People like Chen Mo, who deal with it easily, don't have such sighs.

As the emperor-level source beast, the golden-patterned star beast, was successfully killed by the two of them, Tiandao's reward reminder immediately rang in their ears. (End of chapter)

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