All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 427: Growth Source Pill, Secret Realm of Time! (2-in-1)

  【Tiandao Tip: Your team successfully killed the level 10 emperor-level source beast, and you gained 3200 experience points.

 The experience points will be divided equally according to the number of members in your squad. You have gained 1600 experience points.

 Since you used the "Income Doubler Card", the income will not be due to the division of the team, and you have gained an additional 3200 experience points. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your team killed the level 10 emperor-level source beast, you have received a reward that increases the survival time by 20 minutes.

This survival time will be scored based on the number of members of your squad, and you will receive a 10-minute survival time bonus.

 Since you used the "Income Doubler Card", the income will not be due to the division of the team, and you will get an additional 20 minutes of survival time bonus. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since this is your first time to kill an Emperor-level Source Beast, and your level has not yet reached level 10, we hereby reward you with an "Advancement Gift Pack" that increases your level by 1 level. 】

Unexpectedly, killing the emperor-level source beast can directly lead to level 1 for free. Chen Mo's level at this time has reached level 9. If he upgrades for free, he will be given the same amount of experience points according to the experience points required for level upgrading. Therefore, the more than 4,000 experience points accumulated by Chen Mo are still there.

  【Name】:Chen Mo

 【Level】: Lord of the Universe (enter the next level after level 10)

 【Level】:Level 9



  ‘Original life force’: 21,000 points

  『Cosmic Source Power』: 1900 points

  ‘Attack increase’: 1850 points

  ‘Defense increase’: 2750 points

  『Cosmic Source Energy』: 91,000 points

 In this way, the experience points required for Chen Mo to reach level 10 are only half.

 “It’s nice to get another gift bag.”

Chen Mo took a look at his attributes and said with a smile.

At this time, Sun Wu divided the valuable parts of the emperor-level source beasts and gave half of them to Chen Mo, saying: "As for the advanced gift pack, you can still get good things. I don't know if you are lucky enough."

Seeing Sun Wu sharing the valuable materials of the emperor-level source beast with him, Chen Mo immediately refused: "Brother Sun Wu, you let me monopolize those things before and divide them equally. I won't say anything, but this emperor-level source beast is You summoned it with the Summoning Stone. Logically speaking, this thing counts as just you.

I have already taken the profits from killing the emperor-level source beasts. I really can’t take any more of these things. "

Sun Wu saw that Chen Mo's seriousness did not sound like he was being polite. He couldn't help but smile and said, "Okay, then I will keep the profits this time."

 “That’s how it should be.” Chen Mo said with a smile, and he immediately asked, “What good things can this advanced gift pack bring?”

“The best thing is that you can directly get the growth elixir. After taking it, your growth attributes can be permanently improved.”

"Oh? You can still open such a treasure!" Chen Mo couldn't help but wonder, "The Emperor level only gives such good things. Are there any higher-level source beasts above the Emperor level?"

"Yes, there are some source beasts above the emperor level, namely the saint level source beasts, the saint king level, the saint king level, the saint emperor level, the saint emperor level, and the saint lord level source beasts. The growth attributes of these source beasts are all They are very abnormal, their strength is very high, and it is very difficult to kill them at the same level.

Once it is discovered that a large number of universe masters need to form a team and use various weakening and restrictive cosmic secret treasures and cosmic secret techniques to suppress their attributes, then it is possible to defeat them.

But generally speaking, source beasts of this level are easier to kill only if we attack them in reverse after being advanced.

 Just wait for us to come back and kill these high-level source beasts after we become advanced, but Heaven will not reward us. We can only obtain the corpses of these source beasts as precious materials. "

“It turns out that there are so many higher-level source beasts. If you have the chance, you can really find these high-level source beasts to kill, and the benefits must be very good.”

“The benefits are definitely very high, but even with your growth potential, it is not easy to compare these source beasts above the Saint level.

And these Saint-level or above source beasts are not easy to find. "

"Why? Are they hidden very deep?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

"No, there are only a few source beasts above the saint level. Only when the upper-level source beast dies can the lower-level source beasts advance successfully. Otherwise, they will be stuck at the lower level forever. Since the number is too small, so It's not easy to encounter." Sun Wu explained.

 “Is there such a thing? How is their number limited?”

“Generally speaking, it is restricted to one lord, three emperors, five emperors, twelve kings, thirty-six monarchs, and one hundred and eight saints.”

"In other words, there can only be at most one Holy Lord, three Holy Emperors, five Holy Emperors, twelve Holy Kings, thirty-six Holy Lords, and one hundred and eight Holy sources at the same time. beast?"

"Yes, but this limit is basically a span of every ten levels. In other words, if there is a Holy Lord-level source beast between levels 1 to 10, but there is no Holy Lord-level source beast between levels 11 to 20, then 11 The three Holy Emperor-level Origin Beasts that have reached Level 20 all have the opportunity to advance to become the Holy Lord-level Origin Beast."

“Interesting, but what I’m a little curious about is, what if there is already a Holy Lord-level Origin Beast between levels 11 and 20, and the Holy Lord-level Origin Beast between Levels 1 to 10 suddenly rises to Level 11?”

"It will be downgraded, but generally the source beasts can know whether there is a source beast of their own level in a higher level, so they will not upgrade randomly. After being stuck in the upper position, they are very big There is a chance that the level will be stuck on purpose.

Of course, if you don’t care about downgrading, you will consider upgrading.

However, generally only downgrading by about one level will be considered. "

 “Oh? What is the normal downgrading mode?”

"For example, if you are a level 10 Holy Lord level source beast. After you upgrade to level 11, there will already be a Holy Lord level source beast among the level 11 to 20 source beasts. Then you will be downgraded in order. It is a Saint-Emperor level source beast.

And if there is already a Holy Lord-level Origin Beast among the level 11 to 20 Origin Beasts, and there are also three Holy Emperor-level Origin Beasts, then you have to continue downgrading to a Holy Emperor-level Origin Beast. And so on until there is a space available.

If there is no vacancy, you will be downgraded all the way down to the Emperor-level Origin Beast. "

 “So cheating?” Chen Mo said unexpectedly.

“Actually, it’s okay, the way of heaven is relatively fair. Although you have been downgraded, your previous accumulation is still there. Once there is a vacancy on the top, you will be selected first by the power of rules and advance to fill the gap.

For example, you were originally a level 10 holy master level source beast. After you rose to level 11, because every holy position has been occupied, you were directly downgraded to an emperor level source beast. After a while, level 11 If a holy master-level source beast at level 20 is suddenly upgraded to level 21, or is killed by someone, then you will directly become the first pick, skipping all the holy steps in between, and step in from the emperor-level source beast in one step. The Holy Lord-level Origin Beast regained its former holy status. "

“So, this rule is quite fair, and the previous efforts will not be in vain.”

After understanding the various rules between the Origin Beasts, Chen Mo immediately asked: "According to what you said, the number of these Origin Beasts is limited, so is there any way to find these Holy Realm Origin Beasts?"

"Yes, you can find the holy source beast by holding the "Search for the Holy Emperor's Heart"."

"What is this stuff?"

"Searching for the Holy Emperor's Heart is something that has a chance to be obtained from the opponent's body when killing an Emperor-level Source Beast. This thing was originally one of the rules generated by the Emperor-level Source Beast to find the miracle of entering the Saint level. The heart, after the other person dies, will turn into an entity and fall out."

"I see, it's a pity that the emperor-level source beast just didn't drop this thing."    "Not every emperor-level source beast has the opportunity to touch the saint. Generally, it takes a period of time to become an emperor-level source beast before encountering it. Given such an opportunity, the emperor-level source beast just now is barely qualified."

While speaking, Chen Mo took out the advanced gift pack and said, "I hope to open a growth elixir, that would be beautiful."

 “I wish you good luck.” Sun Wu said with a smile.

As Chen Mo opened the advanced gift pack, the Tiandao prompt also rang immediately.

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on successfully opening the "Advanced Gift Pack". You have obtained the "Growth Source Pill". 】

“Huh? Growth source pill? Isn’t it called the growth pill?”

As soon as Chen Mo said this, Sun Wu looked at him with a ghostly expression and said, "I have nothing to say about your luck."

 “What do you mean?”

“The Growth Source Pill is different from the Growth Magic Pill. This thing is very effective, but it is a double-edged sword.”

Hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo immediately curiously checked the introduction of the Growth Source Pill.

 【Growth Source Pill】: Taking it will double or reduce your initial growth value by half. The chances are 75% and 25% respectively.

“Ah? There is a chance that the growth value will be reduced? Is this thing reversible?”

 Although there is only a 25% chance, it is still a quarter of a chance. This is no joke.

 Chen Mo’s initial growth value is the highest of 100 points. If he gets this 1/4 chance, he will lose 50 growth points directly.

“It’s irreversible, but I do know a way to increase your chance of successfully increasing your growth value by taking the Growth Source Pill to 100%.”

“Oh? Please give me some advice from Brother Sun Wu.”

"This is the Time Secret Realm I told you about. You can ask Father Time to exchange your survival time for a certain probability. However, according to the difficulty of the Time Secret Realm, there is an upper limit to the chance that Father Time allows you to redeem it. We are going to enter now. This time secret realm is a medium time secret realm, and it allows you to redeem up to 25% of the chance. This chance is just right for using the growth source pill."

“I see, it’s such a great feeling, let’s go in.” Chen Mo couldn’t help but look forward to it.

If this can 100% double your own growth value, this will instantly increase your own growth value by 100 points.

Chen Mo asked Sun Wu how much his normal growth elixir could increase his growth value. Basically, according to the grade of the growth elixir, it could increase his growth value by up to 10 to 50 points.

The higher the improvement level, the more difficult it is to obtain the growth elixir.

So Chen Mo's growth source pill is much more effective than most growth pills.

Of course, the value of the Growth Source Pill is only high for people like him who have a high initial growth value.

 Otherwise this thing is just like that.

  After all, it is calculated based on your original growth value every time you take it.

You just rely on various growth magic pills and growth source pills to continuously accumulate your own growth value to 1,000 points. If your initial growth value is 20 points, then you have a 75% chance of doubling your growth value after taking the growth source pill. Still 20 points of growth value.

Looking at Chen Mo's anxious look, Sun Wu smiled and said, "Then let's go."

As the two of them entered the secret realm of time, Chen Mo's ears immediately heard the reminder from heaven.

  【Tiandao Tip: You have entered the secret realm of time. The units killed in this secret realm will allow you to gain a large amount of temporary survival time. This temporary survival time will be consumed in this space instead of your original survival time.

 At the same time, after killing the Lord of the Secret Realm, you will have the opportunity to spend your own survival time with Father Time to exchange for various rewards.

 When exchanging with Father Time, the temporary survival time will be deducted first. If the temporary survival time is insufficient, your regular survival time will be deducted.

Please pay attention to consumption control. If the loss of normal survival time is too large, you may die directly in the secret realm. 】

 After receiving the prompt from Tiandao, Chen Mo immediately said unexpectedly: "What you gain from killing monsters here is the temporary generation time?"

“Well, although it is a temporary survival time, the number of lives obtained when killing is not comparable to killing external source beasts.

And after the final kill of the Lord of the Secret Realm, if you don’t want to exchange for any rewards, then all your temporary survival time can be used to exchange it with Father Time for regular survival time.

Generally speaking, the replacement ratio is that 100 minutes of temporary survival time can replace 1 minute of regular survival time. "

“The ratio is so big? Then if I run out of temporary survival time when I want to exchange rewards with Father Time, can I use 1:100 of the regular survival time as the temporary survival time consumption to exchange?”

“You are half right. The regular survival time can be used to replace your temporary survival time with a certain proportion of the temporary survival time after it is exhausted, so that Mr. Time can exchange it for rewards.

  But the ratio is not 100, but 50.

  In other words, if you exchange temporary survival time for regular survival time, the exchange ratio is 100:1.

 But if you use the regular survival time to reversely replace the temporary survival time, the exchange ratio is only 50:1. "

  “It’s twice the ratio, it’s a bit of a trap.”

 Chen Mo complained.

 “It would be great if I can give you free exchange.” Sun Wu said with a helpless smile.

 “Then what’s the strength of the monsters here?”

"Basically there is not much difference with the source beasts in the outside world. Depending on the level of the source beast encountered, the strength will be different. However, the only good thing is that all the king-level and emperor-level source beasts inside do not have formations. At the same time, the number of active skills and passive skills they possess is less than that of the source beasts in the outside world. At most, they will not exceed three active skills and three passive skills.

 It is relatively easy to deal with. "

“That’s pretty good, but what about the attributes?”

“There is not much difference in terms of attributes, but we have the opportunity to improve our attributes.”

 “Oh? What can I do?”

"There are a lot of strengthening lights in the time secret. After absorbing it, we can get either limited-time attribute improvement or permanent attribute improvement. Of course, this so-called permanent improvement is only limited to the improvement in the current time secret. "

After hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo was a little eager to try it. The Secret Realm of Time sounded like a perfect place for mowing grass and making money. (End of chapter)

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