The first time, the second time.

Abyss Secret Realm, fifth floor.

From the fourth floor, platinum-level exotic beasts will appear.

Therefore, the seven sisters became extremely cautious.

After understanding, Chu Ming learned that the purpose of the seven sisters coming here was to hunt a platinum-level mutant blood fox.

Not only for the spirit pearl in the blood fox's body, but also to take a wisp of blood from its heart.

It seems to be to save someone?

If they were more specific, they didn't want to disclose it, so Chu Ming didn't ask any more questions.

There are generally some differences between exotic beasts and monsters.

Exotic beasts generally refer to mutants of animals originally on the blue planet, while monsters are generally species born in the secret realm and not originally on the blue planet.

In the Abyss Secret Realm, there are mainly strange beasts.

After reaching the fourth floor, the few people did not delay and continued to go down. The place where the blood fox was found last time was on the sixth floor.

"We are so lucky this time. We didn't encounter any mutant beasts along the way."

Among the seven sisters, the youngest sister Liu Feifei said excitedly.

"Well, we will definitely succeed this time."

The eldest sister Cai Tingting nodded and glanced at Chu Ming's direction vaguely.

Chu Ming put his hands in his pockets and looked leisurely.

In fact, of course, they were not so lucky, but Chu Ming helped to secretly deal with some things in order to reach the destination as soon as possible.

Finally, the few people came to the place where they chased the mutant blood fox last time.

Cai Tingting took out a bag of medicine powder and began to sprinkle it in several corners nearby.

"This powder can attract mutant beasts nearby. We will hide for a while and wait for the blood fox to appear."

"Once the blood fox appears, it's up to you."

Chu Ming nodded, and he was quite interested in the powder.

"Aren't you afraid of attracting other mutant beasts?"

Cai Tingting shook her head and said:

"Based on the last experience, there should be no other large mutant beasts nearby."

"Besides, the blood fox has the best nose. Even if there are other mutant beasts, the blood fox should be the first to arrive. We will catch the blood fox and leave here immediately. It should be fine."


Chu Ming shrugged and made an OK gesture.

Soon, several people hid separately.

Due to the sparse vegetation nearby, several people could only huddle together in a small mutant bush.

So, Chu Ming was immediately surrounded by seven girls...

Seven different smells kept getting into his nose.

Fortunately, these girls were all clean and had no body odor.

"Fourth sister, don't squeeze me."

"How could I squeeze you? I'm already shrunken like this."

"Ouch, what's that? It hit me."

"Shut up, stop talking!"


Chu Ming swore that the above conversation had absolutely nothing to do with him.

Several people silently observed the front, and suddenly, Chu Ming's eyes lit up.

Not far away, a blood-colored figure suddenly appeared. This figure was extremely fast, but seemed very cautious.

The seven sisters obviously noticed this figure, and their breathing suddenly became heavy.

"Chu Ming, don't look at this blood fox's small size, but its strength is huge. You must control it with all your strength."

"As long as you can hold on for ten seconds, we can kill it!"

At this time, Cai Tingting was almost talking to Chu Ming's ear, making him itchy.

ASMR, this is it.

After a few attempts, the blood fox seemed to finally resist the temptation and came to the place where the powder was sprinkled.

At this time, Chu Ming finally saw the true face of this group of figures.

Because it was called Fox, Chu Ming thought it would be a little cute at first, but when he saw it, he almost vomited.

This fox-like thing had almost no hair, and its whole body was completely blood-red and wrinkled skin, and there were big pustules on the skin, as if it would burst at any time.

Here it comes!

Do it!

Cai Tingting was excited and grabbed Chu Ming's arm.

Chu Ming pinched his fingers, and suddenly, a vine, like a long-lurking poisonous snake, shot towards the blood fox.

The blood fox reacted very quickly, and its body completely violated the laws of physics and wanted to leave in the air.

However, how could Chu Ming's biological mother's entanglement be so easy to escape?

Want to run?

Chu Ming's mind moved, and the speed of the vine suddenly increased countless times, and in the blink of an eye, it hit the blood fox.

At the same time, the seven sisters saw Chu Ming taking action and rushed out immediately.

The strength of the platinum mutant beast must be the seven of them.

Only by attacking together can they have a chance to take it down, and they may even be killed in return.

However, when they came to the blood fox with all their strength, they found that it was already lying on the ground, motionless.

"Ahem, I didn't control my strength and beat it to death."

"Well, don't you want its blood? Hurry up and do it."

Chu Ming touched his nose and appeared next to the seven women.

What? Beat the platinum-level blood fox to death?

The seven women were a little stunned. After all, their biggest expectation for Chu Ming was to control the blood fox for ten minutes.

"Take the spirit pearl and blood essence first."

It was the eldest sister who reacted first.

After taking what they wanted, the seven women were obviously relieved.

"Okay, can you take me to find the ambergris now?"

The ambergris was on the seventh floor. In the end, Cai Tingting decided to let the other six sisters hide here and take Chu Ming there herself.

Chu Ming naturally had no objection.

Soon, Chu Ming followed Cai Tingting all the way to the seventh floor.

On the seventh floor, it is possible to encounter diamond-level mutant beasts. Cai Tingting did not dare to breathe all the way.

Fortunately, the location of the ambergris was not deep, and soon, the two came to a pool of water.

"Look, it's over there."

Cai Tingting pulled Chu Ming to hide aside and pointed to the center of the pool.

Chu Ming looked over and found a small island in the center, and on the wetland on the island was the ambergris!

"Chu Ming, I also saw the plant there by accident once. After I went back to check, I found out that it was ambergris. This thing doesn't seem to have much value. Are you sure you want to go?"

Cai Tingting's tone was a little worried.

This pool was obviously very dangerous. Although she guessed that Chu Ming should be extraordinary, she didn't think he could deal with the diamond-level beast.

"Haha, it's okay, I have my own way."

"Our cooperation is over, you can go back and reunite with your sisters."

"Following the route we just came, there shouldn't be any problems."

After saying that, Chu Ming patted his butt, stood up, and strode towards the pond.

He seemed to... pat my butt just now?

Cai Tingting didn't react, but now was not the time to think about these things.

Should I go or not?

She hesitated, and finally, for some reason, she stayed where she was and didn't leave.

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