After walking to the side of the pond, Chu Ming leaped and came directly to a small piece of land in the middle. After confirming that it was indeed Ambergris, he began to pick them, regardless of size, and put them all into the bag. However, he did not pick them all at once. After all, he only knew that this thing existed in this place, and it had to be sustainable. While Chu Ming was leisurely picking the spiritual herbs, Cai Tingting, who had not left yet in the distance, was worried. Although Chu Ming said that their cooperation had ended, she did not want this mysterious brother to get into trouble. "Why are you still picking? It's not enough!" "Stinky brother, why don't you seem to be afraid at all? I'm almost dying of anxiety." Cai Tingting was anxious. At this moment, she suddenly discovered something unusual. The originally calm pool of water began to ripple inexplicably.

Her heart tightened, and she hurriedly checked carefully. Soon, she found a huge figure lurking in the water, swimming towards Chu Ming.

"Be careful! Go!"

Subconsciously, Cai Tingting screamed.

However, at this moment, the huge figure in the water suddenly launched an attack.


The huge pressure came immediately, and Chu Ming was thrown into the water by the figure in almost a blink of an eye.

Diamond... Diamond level!

Cai Tingting lay back on the ground, trembling all over.

She gritted her teeth and raised her head, looking at the pool again... No miracle happened!

After a brief tumble, the water surface returned to calm.

Cai Tingting's eyes suddenly turned red, and she bit her teeth tightly, but she could do nothing.

In front of the diamond-level mutant beast, she was as weak as a chicken.

"I'm sorry."

Cai Tingting muttered in her heart, and could only hide her body again with pain. Just now, she exposed her position in order to remind Chu Ming, and now she is in danger.

Under the pool.

In a dark cave.

Chu Ming stepped on the head of a giant beast with one foot, holding a glowing bead and observing the surroundings.

This bead was an item he traded from a low-level world when he was setting up a stall. It glows like a night-light pearl, but it has no other use. This kind of thing is simply not wanted in this era, so he has been thrown into the Lingxu Pearl.

Unexpectedly, there is such a large waterless cave deep in this pool.

There are no treasures in the cave, only some spiritual herbs, including a lot of ambergris, which is a harvest.

After looking at the cave, Chu Ming's eyes returned to the giant beast under his feet.

This mutant beast is about the size of a bus. It looks like a lizard and a dragon from Western legends, with wings.

At this moment, it is being stepped on by Chu Ming, with thick vines wrapped around its body. Although it cannot move, its huge eyes are still full of indomitable spirit and anger.

To be honest, this mutant beast is quite fierce.

As a diamond-level mutant beast, coupled with its strong physique, when Chu Ming was knocked down by it at the beginning, he really couldn't stand it and was dragged into the water.

With a combat power of tens of millions, Chu Ming also used the improved years and almost attacked with all his strength to subdue it.

Originally, Chu Ming wanted to kill this big lizard monster directly, but after seeing its appearance, he changed his mind.

Tens of millions of combat power.

Similar to the appearance of a small dragon.

With wings and can fly.

And just now during the battle, the opponent can really spit fire?

If it weren't for my superior combat power, it would be really hard to control it.

It would be a pity to kill this mutant beast directly.

Otherwise, I would keep it as a pet, and play with it as a dragon knight? Although it is not as handsome as our Chinese dragon, it is still handsome.

In this world, most mutant beasts are almost all violent and bloodthirsty, and hate humans. Therefore, except for a few special mutant beasts, there is no such thing as taming beasts.

However, Chu Ming has his own tricks.

He released his foot that was stepping on the mutant beast, and the other party immediately struggled and roared, but could not break free from the vines at all.

Then, a small hammer appeared in Chu Ming's hand.

"Haha, little lizard, yes, hate me, hate me!"

"Yes, with this look, do you really want to bite me to death?"

Chu Ming stimulated the mutant beast's emotions, making it hate him to the core, while raising the opposite hammer.


With a light tap, the opposite hammer fell on the little fire dragon

On the head.

Suddenly, the little fire dragon became quiet, and then, like a dog, it rubbed Chu Ming crazily.

"Haha, good boy."

"I'll call you little fire dragon."

Chu Ming patted the little fire dragon and untied the vines on him.

Although the effect of the reverse hammer lasts for a limited time, when the time is almost up, just give him another hammer.

Then, Chu Ming jumped directly onto the back of the little fire dragon.

"Take off!"


Outside the pond, not far away.

Cai Tingting climbed up carefully, with a lot of dirt on her fair face.

After being exposed just now, she lay in the bushes for a long time, and she dared to get up only after she was sure that there was no movement.

Her face was a little sad, and she took a last look at the direction of the pond, then turned around and prepared to leave,


There was another violent wave on the water surface.

Not good!

Cai Tingting had just had time to exclaim when she saw a huge mutant beast breaking through the water and flying out.

After the mutant beast flew out, it rushed straight into the sky, circling quickly in the air, and occasionally performing some stunts.

This is... the diamond-level mutant beast that ate Chu Ming's brother, it... can fly? !

Cai Tingting was shocked.

No! It seems to have discovered me and is coming towards me!

Cai Tingting was shocked and immediately began to run frantically.

However, how could she outrun a flying beast?

In panic, Cai Tingting lost her balance and was tripped and flew out, falling heavily to the ground.

At the same time, the terrifying pressure of the mutant beast had already reached her behind.

It was over.

Cai Tingting wanted to get up and run away, but she had no strength at all, so she could only turn around and watch the huge mutant beast pounce on her.

However, the painful death she imagined did not come.

This mutant beast that looked like a giant dragon just hovered in front of her, snorting from time to time.

Why didn't it kill me?

Cai Tingting was terrified and confused.

Wait, it, it seems that there is a person standing on its back? ? ?

"Didn't I tell you to leave? Why are you still here?"

Chu... Chu Ming?

Cai Tingting's emotions were surging, her eyes rolled up, and she fainted directly.


Women are so troublesome.

Chu Ming jumped off the dragon's back and carried Cai Tingting up helplessly.

There was no choice but to send her to her sisters.

After returning to the dragon's back, Chu Ming rode the little fire dragon to the sixth floor.

And just a while after Chu Ming left.

A top-notch woman with a delicate face appeared here.

She sniffed her nose and said to herself:

"I found it, why is there the smell of other women?"


"The first shot is of the best quality, it must be mine!"

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