All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 63 - Let the world feel pain from now on! Super God Luo Tianzheng!!

[Hehe, the peak is just relying on a pet? What's so arrogant?]..

[That's right! This dragon must belong to us, Xiba, and you shamelessly plagiarized it! 】

[Can pets blow too? If it wasn't for this pet, it would have died long ago! 】

【Hehe, pets don’t count? What about summoners!?】


No one is tougher than them.

At this time, he began to say that if he hadn't had pets, he would definitely be dead.

"Watch this pet and see if you can get it!

"This dragon... I'm going to make a decision, it's really a waste to give it to a pupil!"

"Haha, this dragon is really good. Just when he comes out this time, we'll go get it... No! We'll go directly at this time!"

The crystal dragon officially entered everyone's sight.

this battle.

Attracted the eyes of countless careerists.

Crystal Dragon.

Variety never seen before.

At the same time, it showed extraordinary fighting power.

In the face of this, many people also have thoughts at this moment.

The crystal dragon is really a waste in the hands of the pupil magician.

"At all costs, I want to get this dragon, if he sells it, then buy it, if he doesn't sell it, I want it too!

"Yes! Your lord! 9


Countless forces began to act.

They have only one goal.

Crystal Dragon!

"Brother Bai Ye...'

"Stop, stop, if you have something to say, just say it!

Bai Ye quickly stopped Xia Ningmeng.

This thing sticks up all of a sudden, and it looks like there is something wrong.

Moreover, Qiu Zixi and the others looked at him a little strangely.

"elder brother!"

"You said it directly, I really can't stand you like this.

A black line flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

Really speaking.

Xia Ningmeng is really scary.

Suddenly, he spoke to himself in a loud voice.

"Well, you really don't mean anything at all, so let me ask, if someone else asks you to form a team in the future, will you leave the team!?"


Was thinking about this.

However, after Bai Ye passed this time.

Qiu Zixi and others are also clear.

There will definitely be many teams, even more powerful teams than them, inviting Bai Ye to join.

After all, his strength is also here.

"Rest assured, we will always be a team! 35

Bai Ye shook his head and said slowly.

Of course he would not abandon Qiu Zixi and others.

At the beginning, when Bai Ye had no one to form a team, Qiu Zixi also invited him.


Now, I will definitely not throw 100 away from them.

"Well, I just said it, Bai Ye will definitely not be like this, really!

Make yourself babble.

Xia Ningmeng felt that her whole body was not well.

Look now.

Since Bai Ye will not be like this.

Then you all don't need to worry.

"Hmm, there is a special treasure chest, open it and see? 35

Is this a secret place?

They are a little weird.

There will only be treasure chests in the secret realm before and after.

As a result, now I actually got a treasure chest.

This is obviously beyond my imagination.


Receive a special treasure chest.


[Ding! Successfully opened the special treasure chest and obtained: 800,000 experience points, 800,000 energy coins, and 300,000 pet experience.

Equipment: Sithrio's Blessing (artifact), Golden Giant's Shield (artifact)

Items: Golden Power Potion Alchemy Formula, Equipment Amplifier +3]

【Blessing of Sisrio】(Artifact)

Stamina +750

Spirit +750

[Benefit]: Sithrio's Healing Manual, the healing and gain buff effects of priests are doubled after equipment, and units that receive blessings will increase a shield that lasts for one minute.

[Shield of the Golden Giant] (Artifact)

Stamina value +950

Spirit +600

[Defense]: The shield created by the giant yellow turban using its own characteristics, the defense power of the person holding this shield is greatly improved.

[Golden Shield]: Consume stamina to generate a golden shield. The golden shield can block any attack. The stronger the attack, the greater the stamina consumption. The shield will disappear completely after ten seconds when the stamina is exhausted.

[Golden Strength Potion Alchemy Formula]: After using it, you can learn to refine the Golden Power Potion. The Golden Power Potion provides 500 strength within one hour.

[Equipment Amplifier]: It is used to increase the equipment. The equipment after the increase will have its attributes improved according to the characteristics of the equipment. At the same time, every five levels of increase, the special skills of the equipment will be strengthened.

Two pieces of equipment and two props.

Plus the previous golden giant's gloves and the golden giant card.

(afdc) It seems that the harvest this time is quite big.

"Exactly, one is the equipment of the priest and the other is the equipment of the holy knight, and Dairou and you two are holding this equipment in the late autumn.

As for this glove, I will keep it for now, as no one can use it anyway.

I took this alchemy recipe.

Do you need to use the amplifier or put it here first?!39

Bai Ye distributed these things directly.

They have different occupations here.

So needs are naturally different.

"Well, let's put you here first.

After the two took down their own equipment.


Attributes are greatly improved.

Lin Dairou tried covering the shield with her physical strength.

A golden shield covered them all.

Immune to damage!

"Wow, the two of us can cooperate in the future, and the shield effect will be doubled!

Xia Wanqiu tried his own gain.

She found that her abilities could be used together with Lin Dairou's.

They finally had a connection.

"Well, looking at it this way, after that, even if I don't stand in front of you, I can still provide you with protection!

Lin Dairou looked at the crowd with resolute eyes.

She had an embarrassing point before that she could only protect one or two.

If you have more, you will not be able to protect yourself at all.

However, with this equipment.

She can shield anyone who needs her protection with a golden shield.

In this way, as long as she has enough physical strength, she can protect everyone!

【I’m really thankful, why do people think that I don’t even have high-level equipment for the magic weapon!? 】

[I don't understand either, looking at other people's artifacts, I...]

【There is no harm without comparison, what's the matter, can you walk on the streets when the artifacts are full?】

【Is this Fuck full of luck?】

【Do you have the attribute of luck value?】


Can't understand.

It's amazing how hard everyone else can play a rare weapon.

The higher-level warriors would not dare to think about it.

But people, one time directly out of three artifacts.

[If this is an online game, I will definitely report it, there is a problem with the explosion rate! 】


Seeing Bai Ye and the others explode their equipment.

Who can be sour.

"If you say that, it seems that the probability of our artifact is really high. 99

Xia Ningmeng touched her chin, her eyes flashed for a while of thought.

Don't know why.

Follow Bai Ye to farm monsters.

So many good equipment can be exploded every time.

"What the hell, do you wish you could have less equipment?"

Bai Ye was a little speechless.

I don't know what this guy is thinking.

"Hey, just kidding... let's hurry up!""

Xia Ningmeng said quickly.

Of course he didn't think so.

However, it is good to follow Bai Ye.

Who doesn't have equipment!?

Who can be like them.

Only at the 20th level, he has all kinds of artifacts on his body.

"Well. 95

Bai Ye nodded and didn't say much.

Now he is also very clear.

They have to hurry up and get points now.

This time, there is a big reward for the first place.

Although it is said that he may not be able to get the first place, he has been writing ink here all the time.

Definitely won't get the first place.

Go up.

Been going for a long time.

Nor did they encounter monsters.

until you reach the top.

The surroundings were quiet for a while.

"The last floor, if nothing else, this should be the boss!?

There is no way to go up.

And the teleportation array mentioned before, is also not seen here.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like it should be here.



A majestic voice sounded.


in front of them.

Wearing golden armor, and his body is indeed composed of blue energy, with sky blue hair behind him, and a lightsaber in his hand.

Such Haki's shape really surprised the people present and those watching the live broadcast.

And on both sides of them.

Both eyes appear at the same time.

【Eye of Evil】


[Comprehensive combat power]: 8800 (divided into left and right parts, need to kill at the same time, shock wave, tracking laser, petrochemical)

【Seghart, Lord of the City of Light】


[Comprehensive combat power]: 1.3W (hair attack, halo expulsion, laser, repulsion control)

The first to surpass 10,000 combined combat power!?

It looks like this thing is pretty strong.

It also manipulates repulsion and lasers.

Around, countless monsters appeared.

All the monsters killed by Bai Ye and others came to this floor.

However, they all appear in the form of souls.

These monsters were looking at Bai Ye and others in front of them with malicious eyes.

After they died, their souls stayed in the Sky City all the time.

"In the city of the sky, all the dead remain in the city of the sky under my control.

Now, you have destroyed everything here...

In that case, you also stay!"

Seghart's majestic voice resounded throughout the Sky City.

All creatures in the Sky City, as long as he does not die, even if the others are dead, they can all be resurrected by him in the end.

But this requires a lot of energy and time.

Countless years have been spent like this.

But this time.

He was annoyed.

Because all the subordinates were killed by Bai Ye.

It will take some time for him to resurrect this group of people.

How could he face Bai Ye calmly.

However, Bai Ye's strength is good, and although the others are not as strong as Bai Ye, they are still okay.

Then stay and be killed by him.

Let them all be his vassals.

"City Lord, please allow me to fight him one-on-one!

The golden giant stood up at this moment.

It now feels that he is simply too embarrassed.

This battle was seen by the city lord.

Before, he had been laughing at the king of dolls being killed so quickly by Bai Ye.

As a result, he was faster than the king of dolls.

How can he accept this!?

"If you want to die, it's as easy as the palm of your hand."

Bai Ye smiled.

How could this guy even apply for a duel with himself?

He was killed by himself before.


Are you still thinking about going one-on-one?

"I will definitely not lose to him carelessly this time, Lord City Lord!

Seeing this, the golden giant also quickly said: "This time, I will definitely let him know what pain is! 35

"Ha ha.

The Doll King smiled.

This stuff is really arrogant.

At first, after death, its soul was summoned to Seghardt.

Nature has also witnessed all this.

Now, this guy actually dares to say that.

"City Lord, we have a lot of people at this time, why don't we just use the crowd tactics to kill the opponent directly!

The King of Dolls suggested.

They now add the previously dead souls.

At least there are tens of thousands of monsters.

If you look at it this way.

They might as well use their advantages to kill Bai Ye.

"Fuck, so shameless..."

Before that, the monsters were dealt with layer by layer.

Now the whole floor is full of monsters they killed before and new ones.

Xia Ningmeng is speechless!

【Fuck! This is really unbearable, so many people! 】

【Should you be able to use that move just now!?】

【I don’t know, let’s see how Bai Ye solves it!】

【Haha, can’t you do it now? With so many people around, I don’t believe he can solve it!】

【The Lord of the City of Light, kill this guy!】

[Damn it! You guys and cherry blossoms are so disgusting, you didn't dance before, and they came out now?! 】


I feel sick seeing these barrages.

Every time Bai Ye encounters something, they appear?

"Go together!"

Seghard said slowly with a stern face.

For him.

Never underestimate any enemy!

[Haha, that's it, let's go to the sea of ​​​​tactics to kill this product! 】

[This is what I want! This guy is dead! 】

Seeing that the City Lord of Light made such a choice, there was also a burst of excitement on the stick at this moment.

This choice is absolutely correct!

And here in Shenzhou, many people also have a trace of despair.

If you look at it this way.

Is it really going to end here!?

"I know the city master!"

Although he was unwilling, the golden giant had no choice but to agree at this moment.

But it doesn't matter if you can't single out.

"Boy, I'll show you what pain is!

A grim smile flashed across the golden giant's face.

I must be ashamed this time.

【 did you turn into a circle eye?】

[Hurry up and use those blood-red eyes, what the hell is this circle eye, don't do it bro!]

At this moment, watching Bai Ye's eyes turned into circles.

Everyone was anxious for a while.

Hurry up and cover it with that power giant and dragon!

What are you doing!?

"To give me pain...

Those who feel pain, think about pain, accept pain, understand pain, and do not know pain, cannot understand the real nuclear level.

From now on, let the world feel the pain, Super Shinra Tianzheng!!!"

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