All People Transfer Job: Pupil Master, God Will Kill You

Chapter 64 - Death is knocking on the door? No! It's me who is knocking on the door! Tomb of th

A powerful repulsion.

oppressing everyone below.

Qiu Zixi and others also quickly hid under Xiao Bai's wings.

The entire space is constantly being crushed.

Immediately after.

Little by little, the surrounding monsters were completely squashed by the repulsive force.

The entire palace, in an instant, instantly turned into a ruin.

With himself as the center, all objects around the caster are bounced away.

Unlike shock waves, this is a very special omnidirectional repulsion~.

Depending on the intensity of the user, the range can range from a dozen kilometers to hundreds of kilometers.

And around Bai Ye, the entire palace was completely destroyed.

The city of the sky was even crumbling, as if it was about to collapse.

Standing on the ruins, there are only a few powerful monsters left.

As for the others.

All were killed before Bai Ye's move.

【What the hell!? The circle eye is so strong? Is it stronger than the blood red eye?】

【Let the world feel the pain! Shinra Tianzheng!!!】

[Fuck, let's not talk about the power, this trick is really handsome! 】

Everyone was surprised at the moment.

good guy.

This fuck is okay too!?

[One thing to say, this seems to be a new pupil technique that has never been seen before! 】


[There is also gravity! You can see people fly straight away, this ability is really awesome! 】

[Can a pupil master really be like this?]

Now, everyone has a question in their hearts.

That means.

Is this really the power that a pupil artisan can possess!?

Mingming pupil magician is just a profession of investigation and identification.

However, in Bai Ye's hands, it was as if he had changed his career.

Pupils can also fight!?

"Bai Ye, you almost made me feel pain! 35

At the moment Bai Ye fell.

Xia Ningmeng hurried forward and said with a look of fear.

Before, if not under the protection of Xiaobai.

He must be dead.

"No way, this move is indistinguishable from me."

Bai Ye can't help it either.

This move itself is also an indistinguishable move.

Naturally, if your own people are among them, you can either protect Xiaobai in the future, or use Susanoo to bring everyone by your side.

"What kind of pupil technique is your circle eye!?"

Xia Ningmeng curiously pointed to the circle in Bai Ye's eyes.

Really weird.

For a while, a blank eye, a Sharingan, and now another such eye.


Bai Ye shrugged and said slowly.

"Pretend like that!?

Xia Ningmeng looked at Bai Ye curiously.

It's still called Haki's name.


This guy really likes to dismantle himself.

Bai Ye didn't think about it either.

This guy actually thinks that way.

"Inexperienced, these soul-state guys only provide so much experience! 99

Si Yudie was speechless.

I originally thought that Bai Ye had killed this time.

Can provide a huge amount of experience points.

After all, in the past, killing from below was a lot higher.

As a result, now this experience is actually a little bit.

"It's normal, if you want this, I'll level up right here.

And these monsters are expected to be resurrected later.

After all, it was said before.

In the Sky City, all souls will be bound.

In the end, they will be resurrected by the Lord of Light! 35

Bai Ye doesn't think this is a problem.

After all, if this monster can provide a high amount of experience.

I can't go away by myself.

Brush points first.

Facing the group of people in front of him.

The Lord of the City of Light is now looking at Bai Ye with a gloomy expression.

Resurrection takes a lot of energy.

The reason why others can be resurrected before.

It is because he has stored a lot of energy here.

No matter how much you want to be resurrected now.

There is no such opportunity.

This person is still giggling here like a normal person.

This also gave him the idea of ​​being madly ridiculed.

"Sure enough, the weak subordinates have no effect at all..."

At this moment, the City Lord of Light's mentality has also undergone a slight change.

At the same time, his eyes also fell on the king of dolls, the dragon man and the golden stone giant who had survived before.

"City Lord, you..."

Not waiting for the golden stone giant to finish.

The energy on them was quickly drained by the City Lord of Light.

Seghardt doesn't want to keep this group of trash now.

"City Lord, please give me a chance, this time I will definitely..."

The words are not over yet.

Immediately absorbed by Seghardt.

"It's useless to leave you guys behind. Sure enough, the defeated generals will continue to be resurrected, but it's just a waste of my energy.

Next, I will fight you in full glory.

It will be your pleasure! 35

Seghard absorbed all the souls of monsters killed by Bai Ye before.

The body began to expand rapidly.

at the same time.

His combat power also began to soar rapidly.

Finally stopped at 17,000.

After absorbing the soul and the energy scattered before.

The Lord of the City of Light also returned to his peak.

"Now we only need to deal with three monsters..."

"No, these three are more difficult than before.

Qiu Zixi said slowly.

Although, it seems that the previous crowd tactics are useless.

Here, there are only three monsters left.

But precisely, the combat power itself becomes more and more difficult to increase as it goes to the back.

However, the other party actually went up four thousand directly,

These four thousand are more gold than the eight thousand of the previous golden giants.

"You can solve these two eyeballs, how about I solve this city lord!? 35'

Although Bai Ye can solve all three together.

But after all, they also want to fight.

at the same time.

Qiu Zixi and the others are not canaries that they raised in captivity.

Naturally, battles can also be given to them.


Qiu Zixi nodded and said slowly.

Like this.

Naturally there is no problem.

"God's punishment! 35

Lightning flashes in the hands of the Lord of the City of Light.

Then countless thunder lights began to split from the sky.

This thunder and lightning, it seems that even space can affect distortion.

"Awesome, this strength!"

A look of dumbness flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

It seems that as the level increases, the subsequent monsters are really pervert one by one.

There are all kinds of abilities, and the defense is still very high, or it has the ability to kill in one hit.

And the frequency of the opponent's attack is still very high.

Not giving Bai Ye a chance to react at all.

This covers the range.

Even Qiu Zixi and the others were affected by the aftermath of the battle.

[Haha, as I said, you can only abuse the vegetables. If you encounter something powerful, then there is nothing you can do! 】

[Indeed, this guy must be a little bit more cruel to vegetables, really wait until he gets some strength, and then people will die! 】

【One thing to say, if you look at it from this point of view, why don’t you blow it here? Didn’t you blow this repulsion force before? Didn’t it affect the City Lord of Light in the end? This monster also has repulsion force! 】

[The so-called persimmons have to be softly squeezed, isn't that what Shenzhou said? Haha! 】

【I can see it, these trolls are really awesome!】

There is no sound when it comes to advantage.

Then wait until Bai Ye seems to be a little too busy to take care of himself.

All jumped out.

Even with Shenzhou, you have to ridicule it.

Especially the people on the stick and the cherry blossom side.

I wish it would die immediately on the spot.

"Bai Ye, do you need any help!

Xia Ning also shouted in a dream.

This situation seems to be very dangerous.

Do you want to help!?

Although now they are also playing more difficult.

But I feel like I can send someone to relieve Bai Ye's pressure.

"No need for now, you guys can solve your problems! 35

Bai Ye shook his head.

He felt that the playtime was almost over.

It's time to give strength to the Lord of the City of Light.

"Go to hell, kid, I won't give you another chance this time!

A terrifying thunder light gathered in Seghardt's hand.

Even across the screen, those watching the live broadcast felt a powerful energy.

The Eye of Sin, Qiu Zixi and others who were fighting stopped subconsciously.

"It's the unique trick of the city owner, no one can live under this trick!


The left eye and the right eye are also very clear at the moment.

As long as Seghardt used this trick.

Obviously, he was ready to kill the man in front of him.

Because it is absolutely impossible for people killed by this trick to be resurrected again.

This move is called... annihilation...

"Speaking of which, can you see?

"See what?!"

0.....for flowers...

Seghard replied subconsciously, and then a trace of anger flashed on his face and said: "Do you want to play with me when you are about to die? Ant, you have successfully angered me!"

In his opinion.

This is just Bai Ye's impending death angering himself.

And this really made him feel a trace of anger.

Being played by an ant all the time, Seghardt has his own self-restraint, and he also can't accept this.

"So you can't see it, so...speed is power, have you been kicked by...light?!



Seghardt was kicked straight out of the air.

Immediately afterwards, the laser that was brewing before also flew down from the sky because of himself.

Hit it straight from the top.

Deviating from the position, it directly destroyed the entire sky city.

In itself, after passing through Bai Ye's Shen Luo Tianzheng before, this city in the sky is already crumbling.

Under this trick.

Seghardt himself completely destroyed the Sky City.


He was angry.

The Sky City is something he has held to for many years.

At this moment, he was destroyed by himself.

How can this make him not angry!?

【What's the matter!? Do you understand bro!】

【I didn’t see it either? Did you really get kicked by the light?!】

【Fuck! Is this speed so fast?】

【Bai YeYYDS!】

[Cough, I seem to sense something, as if there is something we can't see...]


[As a pupil artist, I found that I was really useless, I couldn't even see this! 】

[It seems that something similar to a shadow attacked Seghardt, which caused him to be directly knocked out. 】


Everyone was amazed.

It is also being analyzed at the moment.

What trick did Bai Ye use just now?

It is possible to directly knock the opponent out.

"There are two kinds of arrogance, one is the ability to be too low, and the other is the abnormal ambition.

The former will only make you look stupid, while the latter is a rare treasure.

Bai Ye's voice slowly entered Seghardt's ears.

That was so jarring.

Raised his head and glared at Bai Ye.

Now, he just wanted to kill Bai Ye.

As for the rest, it doesn't matter!

"Who would allow you to raise your head, the ants lying on the ground? The ants are just like the ants, as long as they lie on the ground and bow their heads to die. 35

Say it.

The four shadows behind Bai Ye rushed directly to Seghardt.

Immediately afterwards, a strange scene appeared as before.

completely invisible.

Seghart began to be beaten incessantly.

【I sense it! The old man uses an eighty-level perception teacher as a guarantee. There are four shadow-like things, and that is Bai Ye's ability! 】

[Fuck! I seem to feel it vaguely, I can't see or touch... I can only be beaten passively? So pervert!?]

【Awesome! Kuroko continues talking!】

[Damn, I'm so excited to see it! 】

"Your disrespect to me is enough to make you die thousands of times.

You bastard standing there, I'm going to kill you to pieces!

End this with your death!

Death is knocking on the door!? No! I am the one knocking on the door!!

Say it.

The light in Bai Ye's eyes shone, and then four shadows hit Seghardt's fatal position from four directions.


Space begins to warp.

Seghardt was pulled constantly by Kamui.

The power of Kamui is attached to the shadow of the wheel grave.

This is what Fiery Red Eye gives Bai Ye to be able to exert all his powers and use them together.

Kaka Kaka...

[Ding! Your teammate Bai Ye killed Seghart, the Lord of the City of Light, and the reward: a special treasure chest of the Sky City, 1.8 million experience points, 1.8 million energy coins, and 800,000 pet experience. 】

【Ding! Your pet crystal dragon level is upgraded to LV21】

【Ding! Your pet crystal dragon level is raised to LV22】

【Ding! Your level has been raised to LV29】


At this moment, the entire live broadcast room also fell into calm.

But the next second is also an instant explosion.

This Fuck!

After a battle, it looked too bloody.

Members of other national teams are all cooperative.

And here, is to see Bai Ye's personal Ultimate heroism.


Really hot blooded! Next.

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