All people: Transformed into Alicia, the country takes me to fly

All people: Transformed into Alicia, the country takes me to fly


059 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Mo awakened the hidden profession “Dimensional Magician” at the beginning of the game. He thought he would be able to make a fortune from then on, but he didn’t expect that the cheating system turned him into an extremely cute gir


Chu Mo awakened the hidden profession “Dimensional Magician” at the beginning of the game. He thought he would be able to make a fortune from then on, but he didn’t expect that the cheating system turned him into an extremely cute girl overnight!

She had no choice but to accept the reality. While studying the characteristics of the profession, she discovered that she could open an independent copy, so she resolutely chose to go with the country because someone could pay for the expensive materials!

Alicia: Tragedy is not the end, but the beginning of hope.

General Thunder and Lightning: I order the world in the ten directions to calm down the thunder. May you sleep peacefully tonight.

Saber: The humble king’s hammer, reverse the sun’s light – swallow the light, Excalibur!


When the strong men of the ancient eastern kingdom collected god-level materials in the exclusive dungeon and created various powerful props, all foreigners were dumbfounded!

Beautiful Country: “Fake! The level of props in the ancient eastern country is at least 300 years ahead of us!”

Neon Country: “Baga! Why is this girl so strong, she actually cut off our island with a single blow!”

Mao Xiongguo: “From today onwards, I will recognize your ancient eastern country as my big brother!”


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