"As expected of me, I have completed [Five Shapes Unified] in such a short time. I didn't expect to get started so quickly..."

Sitting cross-legged in front of Tao Yu, Liu Yi, who was covered in sweat and steaming out, looked at Tao Yu in front of him with a look of emotion on his face.

"No matter where, senior brother is willing to make great efforts to guide me. Otherwise, if there is only a method, I am not sure whether I can get started in a few months."

Tao Yu expressed her sincere thanks.

[Wanliu Breathing Technique] is the secret of Wanliu Gym. It is an ability that comes from a fragment of the world in the old pioneer area. It itself has begun to involve extraordinary levels of power!

But because of this, it is extremely difficult to get started with the Wanliu Breathing Technique. It not only requires [Five Shapes Unified] to hold Qi and blood as the basis, but it will not be mastered in a short time if you just rely on secret techniques or oral instructions.

But Liu Yi personally used his strength to guide him, which was similar to Sun Shiyu's [meditation] visualization diagram transmission. The speed was greatly increased, and Tao Yu successfully mastered the trick in just one time.

Looking at Liu Yi's steaming look, it can actually be seen that this kind of guidance may have a great burden on him. Tao Yu can even vaguely feel that the other party has some energy and blood loss, and his ability may be somewhat reduced in a short period of time.

"Haha, it's nothing. However, you need to pay attention to nutritional supplements when accelerating your willpower. The Qi-tonifying soup is very good, and it should be enough when combined with the [Jin-Swallowing Technique]."

"That's natural. I'll have to come and nag senior brother when I have time later."

"Nowhere, I can't ask for it."

After mastering the skills and chatting with Liu Yi, Tao Yu excused herself on the pretext of being familiar with breathing techniques.

Liu Yi, who had spent a lot of money, did not send him off, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly when he saw Tao Yu's leaving figure.

Young people indeed have unlimited possibilities.

When we first met, we could never have imagined that it would rise so quickly.

"I don't know where he wants to take root in the future. If he continues to stay in the outer city, he may have a chance to change the pattern of the outer city."

Liu Yi also has the ability to enter the inner city, but in fact, like the leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, he can earn more steadily in the outer city, so he does not consider the environment of the inner city.

"If you become famous in the new development area, you should be more likely to choose a more stable inner city..."

While Liu was meditating, he also closed his eyes and began to recover.

He has little foundation in the old gathering place. He usually arranges some purchasing matters in the past five days regularly, and his main focus is on the present world.

And if the main focus is on the development area, it would be better to have a more comfortable environment in the inner city...

After Tao Yu left Liu's wooden house, she also began to focus on her newly acquired skills.

[Wanliu Breathing Method]: It can integrate Qi and blood to generate strength, which can be used to kill enemies. It can also be used to strengthen the lungs and increase the upper limit of the body to a certain extent. As the breathing method level increases, the upper limit of the body can be increased.

Sure enough, it has already involved the extraordinary, although Tao Yu has already integrated his strength in advance by relying on the deification of [Five Types in One].

But having experienced the power of [Meditation Technique], Tao Yu is also looking forward to [Wanliu Breathing Technique].

"Another ability that can increase the upper limit of the body as the skill level increases. Combined with the basic breathing method of the second deification and the power of wish on the body, it really needs to be digested."

Tao Yu let out a breath and looked at the consumption of 1,500 points of will power. He first went to the cafeteria and ordered a few bowls of Qi-boosting soup to drink in advance, then found a corner and chose deification.

Gulu gulu~

A sound that seemed to come from the bone marrow appeared, and Tao Yu's eardrums seemed to hear the flow of plasma in the body.

A kind of soreness all over the body, accompanied by numbness, kept coming.

This is immediately followed by a feeling of post-massage relief.

[Wanliu Breathing Method·Modification]: It can complete the superposition of strength, cleanse the marrow and exchange blood with great force, greatly increasing the upper limit of the body...

Feeling the strength after deification, Tao Yu also felt a sense of joy in her heart.

The basic breathing method relies on the second deification, and the additional improvement to the lungs alone has made Tao Yu feel a completely different feeling.

The lungs are like the engine of the body, and every use of basic breathing methods is an optimization. Although the potential has not been exhausted, Tao Yu has already felt the improvement of his body.

In the past, his absolute strength was not even as good as Xiao Hei's, but before he came back, it was already on par, and his physical recovery speed, endurance limit, etc. were significantly improved.

But this time, Wanliu Breathing Technique has just undergone its first deification, and the consumption is only one-twentieth of the second deification of Basic Breathing Technique, but the effect does not feel much weaker!

Even though the speed of marrow washing and blood exchange is not as fast as the basic breathing method to strengthen the lungs, it still has an additional qualitative change in the body, allowing me to embark on the path to extraordinary step by step!

Moreover, the Wanliu breathing method can be superimposed with the basic breathing method to get the bonus of the basic breathing method!

Just like what Sun Shiqing said back then.

"The level of the initial skills is very important. The first deification is the most cost-effective. During the marrow cleansing and blood exchange, you can also eat a small amount of metal to strengthen the bones. This is really good."

The continuous increase in the upper limit of physical fitness allows Tao Yu to enter the explosive period in a short period of time, and the training effect of willing force can also be maximized.

"But the consumption is really high. If it weren't for the deification of [Swallowing Jin Gong], I'm afraid I can't maintain normal practice with ordinary meat. If I want to ensure the acceleration of my willpower, I really have to rely on Qi-replenishing soup, and the consumption will be greatly increased..."

I tried to use the breathing method to stimulate my strength slowly, and the speed of consumption of Qi and blood when stimulating my strength also made Tao Yu a little surprised.

This is the only disadvantage of the deification skill, the consumption is too high...

"Qi-replenishing soup is the flesh and blood of the cultivated willpower creatures purchased from the old development area, cooked according to a specific ratio, and we have to find a stable channel..."

The new development area is also preparing to start the "breeding industry".

But the flesh and blood of the alien breeding is really hard to describe.

However, taking advantage of the good quality and low price of the Qi-replenishing soup here, Tao Yu didn't waste time, and practiced and replenished here directly, and didn't go back at night...



A brick was directly crushed by Tao Yu's bare hands. Feeling the feedback of that force, Tao Yu also had some thoughts in his heart.

"Strength superposition is not as good as spirit purification in long-term potential, but it is better in short-term burst!"

Spirit purification can constantly rely on thoughts to sharpen the spirit. Although the effect will decrease in the long run, it is a long-term process with a much higher limit.

On the other hand, strength is generated from qi and blood, but there is no problem of purity. This thing is not internal force. It mainly depends on how much qi and blood are generated.

But strength superposition makes the original strength double or triple!

At present, Tao Yu can stimulate five different forces to burst together with the five forms of Wanliu, and the destructive power of close combat can be said to be skyrocketing.

"In the past, I tried my best and had to cooperate with [Fist Intention] to suppress Xiao Hei. Physically, multiple attacks could barely crack its exoskeleton."

Tao Yu raised his hand and looked at his fist. The alien is indeed a combat weapon, and it is indeed very tiring to attack with bare hands.

"Now I should be able to kill it with one punch."

Three days!

This is just the effect of Tao Yu practicing for three days.

However, during these three days, Tao Yu invested his willpower to strengthen [Meditation·Modified], [Ten Flow Breathing Method·Modified], [Basic Breathing Method·Modified 2], [Five Forms in One], and Ten Flows Five Forms.

Because he often practices multiple skills at the same time, the willpower is constantly poured in, plus the consumption of buying Qi-replenishing soup, so he consumed tens of thousands of willpower in three days!

"Hey, the new development area may not have enough nutrition to maintain this high intensity. The director's eyes are not right these days."

Tao Yu sighed, but because of Sun Shiyu's relationship, others don't know how many skills he has and how much willpower he spends to accelerate, so it doesn't matter.

"With the blessing of [Fist Intention], I once again felt the window period effect when I just entered the abyss in these three days. The speed may not be so fast later, but I can't afford to consume such high willpower all the time."

Tao Yu moved his body, and his whole body made a creaking sound.

Although it has not entered the marginal effect yet, the upper limit window period of the two breathing methods has passed. What follows is a steady improvement, using more cost-effective willpower consumption to slowly grind.

Until it approaches the upper limit again and enters the marginal effect.

"I hope that after more than a month of refining corpses, I can tap the current potential. Willpower is enough..."

Tao Yu thought in his heart that if he had willpower, it should be enough to make [Bullet Time] a second deification, but that would be too tight and too extreme.

Moreover, through the comparison of the second deification of [Basic Breathing Method] and the first deification of [Wanliu Breathing Method], the cost-effectiveness of the second deification is indeed not as good as the first deification.

"Hey, I still don't have enough money, I still have to make money..."

Then Tao Yu locked his eyes on his watch again.

The little rich woman came back two days later than him, and the time she returned must be two days later.

These days, when Tao Yu was resting after drinking the Qi-boosting soup, he would send messages and leave messages whenever he had time, asking some questions about [Meditation].

The little rich woman also occasionally took the time to reply to him.

Because he had deified [meditation], although his level was far lower than that of the little rich woman, Tao Yu had a bird's-eye view of the overall situation in this regard. He was actually using this to fish, trying to slowly turn one-sided consultation into mutual discussion.

So far, the effect is not bad. The little rich woman's reply frequency has increased, and she will also take the initiative to send messages.

This made Tao Yu smile a little, and he looked at the new message without choosing to reply.

It is useless to lick and show courtesy blindly. When it is time to let it go, it should be left alone.

"I don't know what's going on with Uncle Hu. I should go and see him and give him the motorcycle..."

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