"Oh, this car is so handsome."

Uncle Hu couldn't let go of the heavy motorcycle in front of him, and the smile on his face never stopped.

"There are only a lot of such gadgets in our world. Can Uncle Hu get gasoline?"

Tao Yu smiled when he saw Uncle Hu liked it.

"Haha, no problem, it is definitely enough for daily use. There are oil production places in the old gathering place."

Tao Hu had a smiling expression on his face.

Oil is the blood of industry. Many people from the outer city will choose to carry some when they come back from working in the abyss.

Although the output is limited and the price is expensive, Uncle Hu can still afford the consumption of a motorcycle.

"To be honest, I have been envious of this thing for a long time. The price is secondary. The main reason is that it is too big and not suitable for my body shape."

Tao Hu's short and strong stature makes it a bit difficult to use this heavy motorcycle.

The punk-style motorcycles in the inner city are really hard to ride. The feet can't touch the ground.

He probably has to ride this one with a 28-bar style, but fortunately he is strong enough to keep it steady.

"Just like it."

Uncle Hu helped Tao Yu a lot, and he certainly wouldn't be stingy with the little things he brought back.

Even if we only talk about the benefits, Uncle Hu, the acting deputy captain of Nancheng District, is also worth investing in, and the bond of benefits + family affection is the most reliable.

In any case, his whole family still lives here, and the difference between having Uncle Hu to take care of him and not having him is quite large.

"I wanted to send it two days earlier, but there seems to be a gang fight recently, and I guess you can't handle it."

Tao Yu then took the opportunity to ask about the Wild Wolf Gang.

"Hey, don't say it, I haven't slept for the past few days, but the matter is almost resolved, so I can have a good rest."

Uncle Hu said as he touched the motorcycle lovingly, complaining.

This made Tao Yudu stunned, and then asked


"Well, the Skeleton Gang did it, isn't it obvious."

Uncle Hu took out a homemade cigarette and lit it. For the people in the security team, most of them don't touch the stuff like "happiness". They have seen too many examples, and it is definitely not as beautiful as described in the propaganda.

"Yes, the Skeleton Gang."

Tao Yu nodded.

"But the old Skeleton Gang is really stubborn. He endured for three days and used all the medicines before he gave in. He is a real man."

Uncle Hu exhaled a puff of smoke, and his expression was also a little emotional.

This made Tao Yudu's mouth twitch.

But he originally used the Skeleton Gang's stuff, and the Skeleton Gang was also a thing that everyone hated, so there was nothing to feel guilty about.

Do you understand getting rid of harm for the people...


In the evening, as the sky gradually darkened, Tao Yu also returned home.

My parents haven't come back yet. They normally have only five days off a month, and they almost never change shifts except for some special days.

Tao Shi may have stayed at home recently because of the gang fight.

When Tao Yu came back, the whole family was waiting for him to eat.

"You guys just eat first, why are you waiting for me? I've been staying in the gym these days."

The third brother, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said meticulously after seeing Tao Yu

"If you want to go back to the abyss, I will definitely wait for you. After all, the new development area is not like the old gathering place, and you will be away for so long this time."

"Yes, if you feel that you are not mentally well, you must come back early."

Tao Shi also reminded again.

The third sister-in-law took out the two bowls of dishes that were kept warm in the steamer, and the family finished dinner seriously.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart. It doesn't matter if the task is not completed. Safety is everything first."

Finally, Tao Yu also comforted everyone after dinner, and then stuffed a thousand units of wish metal to the third brother.

"Brother, take it first. Your brother is making money quite fast now. These are used to supplement the family's income."

One thousand wishes are still very fast for Tao Yu now, but they can significantly improve the family's life.

But even if Tao Yu has considered the situation that he will not accept if he gives too much, the one thousand still makes Tao Tong's face change.

"Boy, it's not your turn to support the family yet. It's right to give things to Uncle Hu, but family members don't talk about these things. Growing up early is your priority. I won't accept it. We won't use it even if I give it to you. Save it for you."

Tao Tong's few words directly blocked Tao Yu, making Tao Yu feel a little speechless.

But after hesitating for a while, he took it back and said in a deep voice

"Forget it, I will let you see your brother's ability next time I come back."

In two days, the little rich woman will take the connection terminal to the new gathering place to complete the company's registration.

When I come back next time, I can let them see the ability of my transportation company to make money by investing.

However, that kind of money-making ability does require a stronger open strength to suppress it, otherwise it may cause other new troubles.

It is true that there is a little banner on the side of the Sun family brothers and sisters, but it is easy for the devil to see the devil, and it is impossible to trouble them for everything. Most of them still need to be solved by their own strength.

The relationship between the two of them is just a background correction for themselves, filling some of the inherent deficiencies of the outer city mud legs...


"The idea you mentioned is very interesting, but it is very difficult to operate. After the visualization picture suppresses the thoughts, you need to have at least lv6 proficiency to achieve free control..."

"Are you here? How do you think the mental burden and pain of grinding should be dealt with? If things go on like this, it may leave mental scars. You can give me some suggestions for reference."

"Are you going back to the abyss?"


Tao Yu looked at Sun Shiyu's unread voice messages and smiled, then responded.

First, relying on his unique vision after deifying [Meditation], he made some possible 'guessings', and then added a sentence

"Miss Sun, I'm really sorry. I plan to go back today, so I dealt with some things and am now preparing to meditate. See you in the abyss."

After sending it, Tao Yu took out the communication card, then turned into a shadow and got out of the room. After recovering his body, he quickly rushed towards the burial place under the cover of night...

Zombie 01 fragment, late at night, the roar of zombies occasionally sounds on the street, accompanied by the whining sound of the night wind blowing through the windows, making the atmosphere very eerie.

Along with a mosaic-like scene, Tao Yu's figure carrying the body reappeared in the room where he left.

Just after returning, Tao Yu heard the roar of the alien next to him, and at the same time, a faint connection with his mount resurfaced in his heart.

You can feel that Xiao Hei next to you is full of an irritated and violent feeling.

"Quiet, you can't eat this."

Tao Yu glanced at Xiao Hei, whom he hadn't seen for five days, and looked outside into the dark night.

Ouch ouch~

Although Xiao Hei was very irritable, after hearing Tao Yu's scolding, he still lay on the ground aggrievedly and flicked his tail from time to time.

Seeing that this guy was still honest, Tao Yu wanted to take the opportunity to teach him a lesson and try the superimposed power of his [Wanliu Breathing Technique], but he couldn't do it for a while.

Then he stroked Xiao Hei and comforted him once. Xiao Hei, who had not felt anything in five days, rolled his belly in comfort and fell lazily to the ground.

"Five days is not a big problem, but some irritability has begun to appear. I guess there is a risk of getting out of control in another five days. Beasts will be beasts after all."

Tao Yu felt a little regretful.

However, as the domestication time increases, the period of this out-of-control period can also be extended, and the purified spirit of [meditation] actually makes the soothing effect even better.

It's just that the number of aliens is really inconvenient to expand too much, which is a bit of a pity.

"While I'm waiting for the corpse to be refined, I can digest all the body's potential. I wonder if I can try to capture the Alien Queen, and then use the Alien Queen to control the alien swarm..."

Tao Yu thought in his mind that with Zhu Yu from the transportation company in front, Tao Yu actually discovered that earning willing power was actually faster than killing monsters in some traditional industries.

If he could capture an alien queen, he might have another way to make money.

"But it seems that there were times when the Alien Queen was beaten to death by an anti-skeleton kid. If the Alien thing is not directly controlled by one's own hands, there is still a risk of losing control through indirect control. You can try it a little, but you can't waste too much energy and put the cart before the horse."

My goal is to become stronger!

Instead of becoming a transport captain and breeder...

Standing at the window and looking at the moonlight in the sky, Tao Yu jumped out with Wei Nuo's body and ran towards the corpse raising ground.

Xiao Hei followed closely with a bounce.

It’s better to choose a day than to hit it, and raising corpses starts from now on...

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