"How do you open this thing? Why is it still a fingerprint lock? Can you force it open?"

Tao Yu returned to the armored vehicle carrying a silver-white suitcase and changed positions with Park Ji-hyun, who had lost his arm.

"No, forcing it open will destroy the things inside. Dr. Ren from the institute should be able to open it. He is also in the base."

Park Ji-hyun quickly stopped Tao Yu from trying to break it violently.


This is a lot of wish power, Tao Yu doesn't want to waste it.

"I have to go there anyway, so I'll just do it."

Tao Yu's words made Park Ji-hyun silent again, and then he said

"They don't treat the infected as human beings there. All those captured outside are research subjects. You are very strong, but you can't fight them head-on.

"Even if you can withstand rifle bullets, can you withstand machine guns? What about helicopter rockets? What about the tank's main gun?"

"Wow, you care about me, right? You care about this, right? "

Hearing Park Ji-hyun's rebellious words, Tao Yu also raised an eyebrow and stretched out his finger to scratch her chin, causing her to collapse on the seat and her breathing became rapid.

"No matter what it is, I am telling the truth. "

Park Ji-hyun said tremblingly, and the intense breathing made the chest with the seat belt tightened constantly rise and fall, which made Tao Yu feel a little scared.

[Taming] This skill is too powerful. There was really no direct feedback when it was used on Xiao Hei before, but it was completely different when it was used on humans.

Last time, it was really because the young lady was too strong and was not affected. Now this is the real effect of using it on ordinary humans.

"What makes you have an illusion that I am good at frontal..."

Tao Yu chuckled, with a deep look in his eyes.

These words made Park Ji-hyun's expression stunned. Although you sneaked in from the back through the window, that kind of monster-like specialty is a frontal hard fight, right?

But she also knew that she had no say, so she could only sit quietly by the side, and then suddenly said

"With this recovered vaccine, I have a way to take you to see the commander of the base, but you have to listen to me."

Tao Yu raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, thinking for a moment and nodded

"Okay. ”

With a huge physical recovery ability, if she just hides in the shadows without adding the double [lurking] limit state, it is not a problem to circle around the military camp.

And as long as she is given some recovery time, she can immediately circle again, it is not that she cannot try to take risks.

If she can control the commander first, then maybe the task of "communication" can be done by the way...

In fact, her rebellious behavior of taking herself deep into the enemy's territory is more risky.

I can resist bullets and hide in the shadows, but Park Ji-hyun can't.

But this is her own choice, if she dies, she dies.

If she survives, then the previous offensive attack will be put aside for the time being, and she will be arranged to be a tool person honestly...


"You will definitely be retaliated by our Great South Korea, and you, you traitor, we will definitely..."


Tao Yu helplessly twisted the neck of General Han who was still chattering, and stretched out his hand to pinch his nose.

Park Ji-hyun did not brag, leaning on the vaccine box as To guide, he successfully led me all the way to see the base commander.

Tao Yu was actually quite sincere. He didn't take action right away. After controlling the situation, he appealed to the emotions and reasoned with the people, and explained the general situation of the abyss.

If we work together, we will both benefit, but if we separate, we will both suffer. The two sides are fully complementary.

But what confused him was that the senior executives of the base at the scene didn't even want to do the superficial work, and there was no superficial compromise. They kept shouting.

They asked Tao Yu to become a new experimental subject before they considered connecting with the company...

This made Tao Yu dumbfounded. Are these people sick? Do they think that all special infected bodies are the same after seeing Nan Xiangyuan appear?

And then think that they are willing to sacrifice their lives for the company's plan?

Please, just make money for the mission.

But they didn't believe it when I said it, and they put extreme pressure on me. There was no way, Tao Yu could only make them believe that he really didn't mind killing people...

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this. "

Park Ji-hyun also looked a little embarrassed at this time, as if he had not only failed to help, but also caused trouble.

"It's okay, it's good that the command level was wiped out, and the subsequent operations will be much more convenient."

Tao Yu looked at Park Ji-hyun with satisfaction.

She must have found that what they did to Nam Sang-won was too cruel and was moved.

Then Tao Yu fell into a brief moment of contemplation and asked

"What is your rank?"


"Then how many people here have higher ranks than you?"

Park Ji-hyun was stunned after hearing this, then looked at the scene and said

"The school-level ones are all here, all dead, and then Dr. Ren of the institute can still have a certain degree of control, and there are still a few other captains."

"Oh, I see, after Dr. Ren and the other captains are dealt with, you can control the situation, right?"

Tao Yu nodded.

"In theory, this is the case, but because of gender issues, and now that he is injured, it may not be possible, and there is still a dedicated line between the military camp and other places."

"That means cutting off the dedicated line and killing the troublemaker. "

Tao Yu understood something again.

"You can say that, but it's only temporary. We can't shoot down all the liaison officers who fly over directly."

There was a strange look on Park Ji-hyun's face. Is this because if persuasion failed, he would directly support the puppet to take over?

But unfortunately it can only be temporary.

After all, it is people who do things, and everyone has their own ideas. It does not mean that everything will go smoothly if you have the boss...

Tao Yu was in a conference room with good sound insulation, and no gun was used, so it did not arouse alertness from outside for the time being.

The two guards were still standing at the door of the conference room, looking at the passage ahead with sharp eyes, constantly scanning back and forth.

It seems that not even a fly can escape their eyes.

The next moment, the door of the conference room slowly opened a gap with a creaking sound.

This made the two guards turn their heads and look, what's going on?

Why don't you open the door and no one comes out?

But just when they were stunned, as a black mist emerged, their necks were hit hard almost at the same time, making an ear-piercing sound of bone cracking.

The traces of Tao Yu that had just surfaced had not yet fully appeared, and they became blurry again the next moment.

The super world bonus in this world is so cool!

The shortcomings of battery life that were saved in the past don’t need to be considered at all, and can be used as much as you want.

I really don’t know when I will truly acquire such ability.

"I don't know how many people here have seen Park Ji-hyun come in, so it's better to be on the safe side..."

The mottled shadows kept retreating, and Tao Yu was like an evil spirit roaming the headquarters, wandering around without a single gunshot or a scream.

There were only occasional groans and falls, accompanied by the slight sound of broken bones.

In a moment of silence, Park Ji-hyun was the only one left in the entire headquarters.

Tao Yu also ran out of the building directly. Covered in dark demon armor, he jumped directly into the shadows of various buildings like an alien, climbing into various visual blind spots.

Used in conjunction with latent and high resilience, it didn't cause the slightest notice along the way!

"Huh? This is the captain, send him off."

Tao Yu moved towards the direction of the laboratory, and saw a figure with the same military rank as Park Ji-hyun on the way, leading a small team in a hurry in one direction, not knowing what to do.

But now it’s almost time.

Tao Yu no longer escaped into the shadows this time, but simply used his alien-like lurking skills to climb under the eaves and follow the team.

When they appeared directly below, they suddenly fell from the sky and landed in the middle of the team.



Tao Yu caused a burst of exclamation as soon as he fell, but when they just shouted, Tao Yu started to move.

This time, he did not choose to kill with one hit, but kept knocking everyone away.

Although there were various sounds of bone cracking, many people even vomited blood, and the scene of being blown away was quite a visual impact.

But after landing, except for the captain, not many people died, but it caused a wailing.

A sergeant quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and started calling for help.

"A monster appears in Area B! It's powerful, please support!"

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