
The alarm in the military camp continued to sound.

Groups of soldiers began to gather, and some even drove armored vehicles towards Area B.

But when the inside of the military camp was shaking, Tao Yu pounced on another team again, always imitating alien attacks in a demonic image.

The overall performance is that of an irrational monster, crawling quickly to get around, and not reminiscent of a special infected body.

What Park Ji-hyun said before was correct. Although Tao Yu's demon armor could withstand ordinary shots, it still couldn't resist the cannons on armored vehicles or even heavier firepower.

It's okay to rely on the power of shadow to deflect physical attacks occasionally, but it's not good to do it too often. After all, in this world, physical recovery is about physical recovery, and the power of shadow is still limited.

But with the combination of high spiritual awareness and inherent temporal control, Tao Yu showed up with ease in several appearances.

You can also use dynamic vision to hunt the captain when you have time.

It almost circled the entire military camp.

Even if they don't escape into the shadows and just rely on their dexterous mobility to imitate the movements of the aliens, these Nanbang soldiers are still exhausted from running around.

The various buildings and vehicles in the military camp have become congenital bunkers.

"Over there!"

"Area C, Area C was attacked."

Da da da~

"Captain King is dead!"

"Damn it, where are the orders? Why are there no orders?"

"The headquarters was attacked! All commanders were killed!"


"Captain Park is now in charge of coordination."

"Back to Area B again."

"On the roof, on the roof! Let's go helicopter!"

"Rockets, use rockets! These bullets are useless!"


Tao Yu nimbly shuttled across the rooftops, then suddenly accelerated and swooped onto a helicopter that had just taken off, grabbing the helicopter's stand.

Turning over, the force attached to the tail hit the glass hard.

The bulletproof glass of the armed helicopter dented in an instant and was full of cracks. With a few more kicks, the glass was lifted up, and then Tao Yu also jumped in.

When the helicopter crashed, he jumped out again, rolled on the ground and rushed into the bottom of an armored vehicle, avoiding the intensive firepower.

Then he climbed over the wall at the back in twos and twos and reached the other side...

"This feels good~"

Dancing in the storm of bullets, Tao Yu was like walking on a tightrope, and her mood was very exciting.

His abundant physical strength allowed him to wreak havoc without restraint. It was so uncomfortable to be overdrawn at every turn before!

And the feeling of passing by a bullet in a crisis can also allow him to find a different kind of excitement.

"If I were surrounded by them in full force in an open area, I would probably have no choice but to run away, but as long as I have a bunker to maneuver around and I have enough energy, it doesn't matter."

The combination of spiritual sense + inherent time control, coupled with his current ability to move and the fault tolerance brought by demonization, Tao Yuzhen feels like he is in no one's land!

In terms of firepower, power, etc., these soldiers together can be said to have a crushing advantage. Even if a group of Tyrannosaurus rex rushes over, they can complete the suppression.

But on the other hand, it is quite difficult for a small and nimble unit like Tao Yu.

"Interesting, after the strength and battery life exceed a certain threshold, it no longer makes sense for individuals under a certain strength to use human sea tactics."

Tao Yu ducked into a wall again despite the hail of bullets. With the help of his super physical recovery, he could try some practical tests here that he would never dare to think about, to test his own limits and accumulate some experience when he was under siege. experience.

"Sure enough, only by using it in practice can you clearly know your shortcomings and advantages..."

Tao Yu thought in his mind. He thought to himself that he was not a practical genius. If he suddenly encountered some troublesome things, he might not be able to use the optimal solution.

Especially since they have always adopted the one-hit-kill approach, facing this kind of siege, they are completely blank.

But the current riot in the military camp made Tao Yu more clearly feel the difference between individuals and groups.

"If everyone in the military camp has reached the limit of human body and the shooting level can reach level 4, then I won't be able to feel so comfortable, but obviously they can't achieve this quality..."

Attacking in groups is cost-effective most of the time, but the premise is that the individuals involved in the siege cannot be much worse than the people being besieged!

"That's why the security team has the lowest combat talent limit and has always had coordinated training. Theoretically, the security team in the outer city can surround and kill any strong person in the outer city..."

Then he attacked the captain's team in a command vehicle. Tao Yu used the cover of the command vehicle to take the initiative to escape into the shadows in the blind spot.

Under the cover of a group of nervous soldiers who were constantly throwing grenades and launching grenades, they completed the movement at a faster speed in the mottled perspective in the shadows.

Arriving at the entrance of the laboratory, I got directly into the ventilation duct...

They can search slowly outside, now is the time to harvest!

"Catch him. You must catch him. This is a special infectious body with intelligence. It is different from others. You have all been fooled!"

Dr. Ren kept watching the images on the surveillance camera, and then continued to give orders and urges to the crow team stationed in the laboratory.

"Doctor, our mission is to protect the laboratory."

A sergeant said with an ugly face.

"What kind of protection do you need here? It's safe here! I need this experimental subject. For the sake of all mankind, you must go."

Dr. Ren didn't care about the sergeant's ugly face at all. He stared at the playback picture in the monitor with his eyes full of intoxication.


The sergeant wanted to say something, but suddenly he flew backwards like a cannonball and hit the metal wall next to him heavily.

The next moment, several other soldiers next to him suffered the same treatment.

Some took off and hit the ceiling, while others stuck to the wall.

The last person was pressed directly to the floor by a claw.

All lost their voices within a second.

Then Tao Yu looked up at the doctor in front of him.

Although he was not familiar with the plot, Tao Yu knew that this guy was not a good thing through some of Park Ji-hyun's words and what they did to Nan Xiangyuan.

"You keep saying you want to save mankind, why don't you sacrifice yourself."

Tao Yu was still in a demonized state, and the repeated voice seemed very evil.

After hearing what Tao Yu said, Dr. Ren's face became even more fanatical.

"It's so wonderful, it's a special infected person..."

But just as he finished speaking, his arm broke with a sound of puff~, and he didn't even feel the pain, and saw Tao Yu unlocking a silver suitcase with his thumb.


Dr. Ren was also a ruthless person. Even if his arm was torn off, he endured it.

He just looked at the vaccine that Tao Yu opened with a pale face.

"You want this, as much as you want, as long as you cooperate..."


Before he finished speaking, he was knocked out and then hit the wall heavily, splashing blood all over the wall.

The whole body slowly slid down from the wall.

"Your thoughts are too extreme."

Tao Yu glanced at Dr. Ren. From the current contact, he can be sure that he is a paranoid.

He can even be said to be a pervert.

However, because of his research on vaccines and the information left by the previous experiments, Tao Yu did not intend to kill him.

The reason for such a heavy blow, in addition to not liking this perverted attitude, is that Tao Yu noticed that this guy seemed to have begun to induce the desire in his heart and began to mutate by tearing the opponent's arm.

The fact that he didn't die after two consecutive hits is the best proof!

"Now, you are also a special infected body. If you want to study, take yourself..."

This kind of paranoia should have no problem controlling the desire in his heart. In addition to his research knowledge on monsters, Tao Yu decided to sell him to the base for money.

The evil needs the evil. If a doctor who has mutated and has a lot of research data is sold to the company, the company will naturally have a way to deal with it.

And the price is probably not cheaper than the Chosen One!


"Captain Park, Area B is not found."

"Area A has been cleared."

"Area C is not..."

Park Ji-hyun gradually became the highest-ranking commander, and after he was in charge of the command center and obtained temporary command, he began to gradually issue various orders.

While reorganizing the order, he also began to search in a proper manner.

But the next moment, a riot broke out in the direction of the laboratory.


A giant muscle monster infected body broke through the wall, and a large number of infected bodies that were originally imprisoned swarmed in!

Fortunately, the chaos outside the base had been largely controlled at this time, and they were always on high alert, so they quickly stabilized the situation.

Armored vehicles were in the front, with flamethrowers and various weapons, these out-of-control experimental bodies were either extinguished or guided out of the barracks, leaving only a mess...

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