After several open fires were extinguished, black smoke was still rising from the wreckage, and the smell of gunpowder smoke was everywhere in the dilapidated military camp.

The injured soldiers lay in rows on the white cloth on the ground, wailing and waiting for simple treatment by the medical staff.

The command structure was suddenly beheaded, the military camp was attacked, causing chaos, coupled with the impact of the experimental subjects who were finally imprisoned, and the pressure from monsters that had always been outside.

Huge damage was done to this base.

Park Ji-hyun's arm was broken and was simply fixed with a wooden board. There were also some traces of smoke blackening on his face.

But these injuries and marks made her feel heroic standing here, which actually added a bit of power and made it easier for the soldiers to resonate.

Compared to the previously invisible and aloof commander, Park Ji-hyun, who was also injured, has temporarily gained recognition.

"Captain Park, the base's communication system has been destroyed and cannot contact the outside world."

"The situation in the laboratory is not clear, but no experimental subjects have broken out."

"The outer defense line has been consolidated and the situation is temporarily under control."

"There are many injured, and there is a slight shortage of medical supplies now."


Various voices came one after another, but Park Ji-hyun withstood the pressure and made arrangements in an orderly manner.

At this time, the door of the laboratory opened, and Dr. Ren walked out with several researchers under the escort of a soldier.

Immediately after seeing Dr. Ren, some irritable soldiers rushed forward and roared.

"What happened? Why did all the experimental subjects escape? Look at the good deeds you did!"

But soon he also saw Dr. Ren's broken arm and the blood stained on his body.

Dr. Ren has a tendency to mutate, but the recovery of his arm is not so fast.

When he heard the soldier's question, he could only twitch the corner of his mouth and say:

"There was an accident in the laboratory, and we almost ended up reporting it here. It's really a pity."

The researchers behind also had fear in their eyes, and they kept nodding.

As the only soldier protecting them, Tao Yu also looked at Park Zhixian from a distance and nodded without any trace.

Because the team in the protection laboratory is originally under separate command.

Now there is only one person left, and naturally it is Tao Yu who represents Li Kui. He has the will to translate and others don't know that Li Gui is Li Kui.

After Tao Yu and Park Zhixian pretended to communicate, Park Zhixian also quickly made some rectifications and arrangements for the military camp.

For example, he went to the hospital to collect supplies, and at the same time, because the laboratory was destroyed, he personally led the three most elite crow teams and took the researchers to the previous abandoned research institute.

The remaining experimental materials were also brought along with Minami Aihara's body.

In fact, these arrangements made by Park Ji-hyun should be somewhat unreasonable. The first priority now should be to find a way to restore contact with his superiors.

But after suffering so many collisions, and most of the people in charge being killed, the soldiers who had survived a baptism of blood didn't have any other complicated thoughts.

Just do what you're told...

Three armored troop carriers were driving on the road with Dr. Ren and the researchers.

The previous research institute was actually very close to Green House.

"The Crow Team is an elite team, and now I still have great mobility rights when performing tasks as a field staff."

Park Ji-hyun in the passenger seat whispered to Tao Yu who was driving.

Their car mainly brought Dr. Ren and the researchers, who were in the middle position.

The two armored vehicles at the front and rear are all members of the Crow Squad. The three Crow Squads have a total of twenty-four people, and their combat literacy is quite strong.

The overall level is not inferior to ordinary outside city pioneers. If everyone in the previous base had their average fighting qualities, Tao Yu would have a headache.

The key is their mutual tactical coordination and ability to obey orders, which is much easier to manage than the Outer City Blazers.

"If you stay in the military camp, you may get orders from other directions. It's just right now."

Tao Yu is also very satisfied with the current harvest. He has brought all the research materials, the vaccine has been opened, and he has also kidnapped some elites.

After all, Park Ji-hyun is just a captain, so she can control the situation temporarily. But over time, she won't be able to control someone from other places.

She really doesn't have the authority to kill them all.

So there was no greed to get the entire base from the beginning.

Tao Yu looked back at Park Ji Hyun. Although his face was bandaged and there were some traces of smoke, and his hands had been replaced by plaster from medical soldiers, he still had good looks, with a standard South Korean star face.

When Park Ji-hyun, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw Tao Yu's eyes, her cheeks turned red, her eyes wandered, and she didn't know what she was thinking of.

"It would be great if I have the chance to become a mount. I can also 'connect with my mind' and communicate more easily."

Tao Yu scratched his head a little. How to turn into a mount? This needs to be studied carefully. Pulling his hair?

"Sir, this is not appropriate. Researchers are of extremely important value and we should not take risks."

A captain of the Crow Team said hesitantly.

Before even getting out of the car after arriving at the medical center, Tao Yu directly stated in the name of Dr. Ren that he had made contact with the 'outside world' and was now going to contact him.

This abrupt change of mission will naturally cause doubts among the members of the Crow Squad.

"Sergeant Zhuo, Dr. Ren has a high degree of autonomy. It is precisely because they are valuable that we need to protect them. Just obey orders. I am the captain."

Park Ji-hyun calmly suppressed Sergeant Zhuo's doubts.

A higher rank can crush a person. As the current highest commander, Park Ji-hyun directly took over the management of 24 soldiers with the excuse of Dr. Ren.

This made Dr. Ren next to him twitch his mouth.

Autonomy is bullshit!

But he is a smart man. Only 20 soldiers can't protect his safety. Now he just needs to cooperate.

After Tao Yu took the initiative to reveal the origin of the abyss to him and aroused his curiosity, Dr. Ren actually didn't have much resistance to the direction he was going to.

He himself is a very paranoid research member. It doesn't matter where he studies or who he serves!

It is difficult for Park Ji-hyun to take over the control of the entire base, but it is more than enough to manage the current people.

Then the armored vehicle arrived at Green House safely, ready to take away the newly discovered ‘experimental subject’…

“Military, it’s the military’s armored vehicle.”

The more than 20 survivors on the first floor of Green House were very excited when they saw three armored vehicles appear in front of the building.

Xu Yijing had a trace of worry and silence in his eyes, but he still stood out with the assault rifle he left behind.

The other person holding a weapon was the pilot An Zhijie.

“What are you doing? This is the military, the military! They must be here to rescue us, put them down quickly.”

A curly-haired man saw Xu Yijing and An Zhijie’s alert look and said very dissatisfiedly.

Looking at the people getting off the car over there, they were full of excitement.

But when he saw that there were several researchers in white research suits getting off the car, he couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

Why are there researchers?

But he soon reacted again, and glanced at Xiaoxian, who was still confused, and the couple who owned the small supermarket who had also shown symptoms, and the aunt who had saved the two children before.

Researchers should be studying them. As long as they react quickly and report them as soon as possible, they should also be meritorious!

Under the external pressure and monsters, the survivors of Green House can still barely stick together.

But after the emergence of new forces, and the military that may bring shelter, Curly is not the only one who has small thoughts in his mind.

Tao Yu was wearing the uniform of the base and a helmet. He was in the same outfit as the Crow Squad, but no one recognized him at first sight.

Only Xu Yijing saw that the leader over there was Park Ji-hyun with a plaster on his hand, and raised his eyebrows and took the initiative to open the lift door.

When the lift door just opened, Curly got out from below, and then quickly ran towards the convoy, shouting while running

"I want to report, I want to report that someone here is infected..."

When Dr. Ren saw Curly running towards this side, his face also showed a hint of embarrassment.

If it was yesterday, I would still be very excited about this news, but now I am about to become an experimental subject...

Young man, you should pray for the best...

"Are you talking about the special infected body?"

Tao Yu lowered his voice and walked over with his head down.

"Yes, yes, it is a special infected body. He can still control himself, but his injuries recover quickly. There is another one that is even more powerful. He killed all the monsters in the building..."

Because Tao Yu lowered his head, Curly didn't recognize Tao Yu at first, and walked towards Tao Yu happily.

Until he came in front of him, Tao Yu slowly raised his head, revealing a face that made Curly stunned.

Ah, this...

They look so similar!

"Why do you want to steal my gun?"


Curly was slightly stunned, and saw that his hand was grabbed by the other party and placed on the handle of the pistol on his waist.

Although he knew that the other party was holding his hand, in the eyes of others, it seemed as if he was about to draw the gun but was held down by the other party!

"Wait, this is..."


Park Ji-hyun shot Curly right in the middle of his brow without hesitation, then put the gun back into the holster and said to Tao Yu coldly

"Soldier, be more vigilant next time."

"Yes, sir."

Tao Yu looked at the heroic Park Ji-hyun and saluted casually in response.

Looking back at the people in Green House, they were all trembling.

Curly saved them a lot of trouble by sacrificing himself, making the rest of the journey much smoother.

Because of the transformation ability of the lame uncle and the suitable commercial vehicles in the underground parking lot, Tao Yu had completed the temporary reinforcement of two commercial vehicles during his absence.

In addition, there were three armored vehicles, and with the machine guns on the armored vehicles, the road to the rain forest was quite smooth.

Dahei and Xiaohei on the roof were temporarily suspended at a distance under Tao Yu's instructions, and they would not need to be installed after entering the rain forest...

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