"Old Qi, have you committed something? Some business cannot be done."

Tao Long said to Tao Yu with some anxiety, the wrinkles on his face were squeezed out.

In his limited understanding, he must have to work hard to get so much money!

Even working hard is not enough!

At least except for Lao Qi, who has A-level talent, the whole family is not enough.

To put it bluntly, they don’t even deserve this kind of income!

Lao Qi has an A-level talent. If he works hard to sign a contract with some big force, it is possible.

"Hey, are you new to this? I am following the two adults of the Sun family. If I slip a little bit between their fingers, I will benefit a lot."

Tao Yu imitated Joseph's expression, and bowed her hands towards the floating city in the sky.

There is no way, the family is too short-sighted, except to use the identity of the thigh to stop them from struggling, there seems to be no other way!

If I don’t brag about it, I guess they would be reluctant to use some pocket money to spend at home, so they would save it all.

"Hi~, these two noble men actually value you so much?"

Tao Long was shocked, and he couldn't hide the shock on his face.

"Yes, do you know the legendary 'Child of Destiny' in the abyss?"

Tao Yu will definitely break it down and talk about it.

'The Son of Luck' Tao Yu had heard some stories and legends before, and it was from his parents.

They all nodded to show they knew.

"There is another term for this kind of 'Children of Luck' called 'Chosen Ones'. They stay at the base and can reduce the probability of the base falling into the abyss, so they are very valuable in the early stage. I found them for the base."

This is something that is completely on the table, and I can speak it openly to my family members.

However, looking at their confused expressions and not knowing what this meant, Tao Yu pondered for a moment and then said

"It can be seen as each one can reward one hundred thousand wishes."

In fact, the actual price is not calculated this way, but it does not prevent Tao Yu from saying this, so that it can be easier for his family to accept and understand.

As soon as these words came out, Tao Long became unsteady and almost fell. He held on to the door frame for a long time before he stabilized himself. Then he quickly ran out of the door, looked around warily, and then came back to bolt the door. .

"Don't say this nonsense outside, it will kill people."

Tao Long said admonishingly.

Generally speaking, the pioneers will not lose their will power if they fight each other, but there is rarely any robbery.

Unless there is some equipment or goods.

But if you have too much willpower, there may be jealous people or desperadoes who want to give it a try.

What if I couldn't bear the torture and vomited it out?

In the outer city, one hundred thousand wishes? Ten thousand wishes are enough to destroy the family several times!

"You don't believe it, don't you?"

"Believe, believe, we believe."

The whole family was here pecking at the rice and nodding. This cautious look also made Tao Yu smile.

It's better to be cautious. Although you may miss some opportunities, safety is better...

I talked to the third brother in detail about the precautions for absorbing the [Demonization] skill. I was afraid that my sister-in-law would not be able to control it. Tao Yu also told Tao Shi to stay at home this month and watch the third brother absorb it. The maximum is three yuan a day. If the state is not right You have to stop absorbing.

"You can inject the vaccine after it starts to be absorbed. Just in case, the one that goes into your body is the most stable."

"I know, don't worry, I've been waiting for you for so many years, it's not too late."

Tao Tong also showed a smile on his face.

After years of depression, he finally saw hope, which made him feel like it was a dream now.

Originally, he knew deeply what the amputated limb meant to the outer city, but he had already resigned himself to his fate.

Later, the seventh brother had A-level talent, so he had a glimmer of hope, but this glimmer of hope was only ten or even twenty years from now.

After all, it cannot affect my brother's own improvement, and he must clearly distinguish priorities.

But I never thought that only a few months had passed, and the surprise came so suddenly...

Two thousand dollars were left behind to go to the third brother's side to support the family. This time it went quite smoothly and there was no further refusal.

The whole family was in a burst of joy.

Mother Hong Xia went to the kitchen to tinker for a long time and brought out a braised pig head, a plate of smoked ham, and a bowl of steamed bacon.

Three bowls of large meat dishes, plus some eggs, tofu and the like, are a rare and rich meal.

But today, everyone tasted it without any pain or reluctance. They were all immersed in happiness and joy.

My father, who rarely drank as a sentinel, also took out his precious jar of rice wine.

The alcohol content is not high and the taste is average, but it is very enjoyable to drink.

Feeling this atmosphere, Tao Yu also had an indescribable mood in her heart.

This is family...

"Old Seven, you will be the backbone of the family from now on. You have your own ideas. We won't rush you or make the decision, but you still have to find a way to pass on your excellent talents as soon as possible."

Tao Long's face was already a little rosy, and he said insinuatingly.

"Yeah, the matchmakers who came here recently started talking about cocoon in my ears. In fact, I also saw a few good ones..."

Hong Xia is more direct, and older women are better at this.

"Don't worry about that. I'm looking for someone from the inner city at least. If someone from the outer city refuses, I'll be fine."

Tao Yu did not object directly, but stated his goal.

"It's good to have ambition, but it doesn't matter. There are many people who want to borrow their talents..."

Hong Xia continued to speak, but was interrupted by Tao Long before she finished.

"Okay, what's our vision? It's not as good as Qi Wa's experience of a few months. Let him judge for himself."

Tao Yu was also sweating in his heart. Did you want to say something fierce just now?

But it seems that this is normal in the outer city, no, even in the inner city...


Because the new development area now has a terminal, Tao Yu has already handed in all the tasks he can hand in, and Sun Shiyu has already given direct subsidies to the tasks that cannot be handed in, so there is no need to go to the task hall again.

But because the 'Qi-boosting pills' are cheap and good, and there is also Qi-boosting soup, Tao Yu still went to Wanliu Dojo to complete his daily practice...

"Uncle Tao."

"Hello, Uncle Tao."

"Uncle Tao..."


Compared to the past, Tao Yu's face when entering Wanliu Dojo is completely different now, and people who know him will take the initiative to greet him.

For those who study in the dojo, two months is not a long time, and it is indeed nothing considering the difficulty of learning these skills.

Tao Yu even saw several people who entered the dojo with him for the first time, practicing with the big group, and they obviously haven't finished learning yet.

But for Tao Yu, this time has already completed earth-shaking changes!

The first time he came back, he was deified for the first time, and four months later, the two talents had completed the second deification!

"But compared to the expenses that came later, it was a long accumulation process."

Tao Yu sighed a little.

It can be said that he had a smooth journey in the abyss.

The broken heart of the world, the chosen one, the vaccine information and samples, these gains from the development of the new world, plus the transportation tasks when the new development area was opened up, it can be said that he made a lot of money.

But what he needs next, in addition to the daily accumulation, is new matching skills and another deification, no matter which one requires more willpower.

"If I continue to stay nearby, I can't even keep making money at the same rate as before..."

Tao Yu came to the practice field behind the cafeteria where he often stayed and started today's training...

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