"Junior brother, has strength been born?"

Liu Yi looked at Tao Yu's charming practice with a look of shock in his eyes.

Too fast!

This kind of natural feeling that can be easily obtained, at least level 5!

"Senior brother, you know, I am relatively lucky and have been appreciated by the big shots in the Floating City."

Tao Yu's movements didn't stop, and she said to Liu Yi with a smile.

Continue to emphasize his relationship with big shots.

Even if the news transmission speed in the outer city is slow, as long as you have the opportunity to talk more, sooner or later it will be able to spread in a small area.

Needless to say, the other party will figure out that his ability improvement is due to the appreciation of the big shot.

"It's only when you have abilities and talents that you can be appreciated. Otherwise, why wouldn't they appreciate others? It's incredible."

As Tao Yu completed this round of practice, he stopped just in time to chat with Liu Yi and ask some questions.

"Senior brother, you are well-informed. I would like to ask you what conditions are needed if you want to settle in the inner city."

The environment at home is indeed shabby and old, and the mosaic scene and smell in the outer city are a bit too good. I am not ready to move in right away, but it is always good to understand first.

Senior Brother Liu Yi is qualified to enter the inner city but did not go, so he must know this.

Hearing this, Liu also showed a smile on his face

"Come on, let's talk over some tea."

With that said, he took Tao Yu and walked towards his cabin.

He is very happy for Tao Yu to consult this information!

Because now, to some extent, Tao Yu has become his potential competitor.

A-level talent, appreciated by big people, and his strength improves quickly. If he also opened a dojo in the outer city, the similarities would be too high.

Even if Tao Yu doesn't open a dojo, as long as Tao Yu keeps hanging out in the outer city, with his strength and appetite, sooner or later he will tear off a piece of his own interests.

Then everyone at the same level will have one less piece of cake, and the competition will become more intense.

It’s a good thing to be willing to go to the inner city!

"Junior brother's main focus is on the abyss, so he is different from a lazy person like me."

Liu Yi first praised Tao Yu. His main source of profit was the Taoist temple, which was in the outer city and in the present world, so it was impossible for him to enter the inner city.

But given my status here, I still know some of the ways.

"Entering the inner city may be easy or difficult, but in fact it mainly involves solving two problems."

While saying this, Liu also raised his finger.

"First, the qualifications and status of the inner city. For example, junior brother, if you are a partner, you can obtain the qualification of the inner city if you reach the intermediate level of partner, and the intermediate partner is considered to have a fair status in the inner city and can already bring his family. Entered together."

Liu Yi seemed to know the situation at Tao Yu's family, which made Tao Yu nodded.

"Second, of course, is the cost of living in the inner city. You can't just build a house in the inner city. You can either rent or buy it. As for the price, the cheapest single room costs one thousand a month. Some people are qualified to work and live temporarily. People from other cities will choose shared beds, which are cheaper..."

After hearing Liu Yi's words, Tao Yu also had an idea in his heart.

In fact, he knew a little bit about it before, because the fourth sister who was married had a daily job as a garbage cleaner in the inner city. She would line up to enter the inner city at dawn every day, and then come back to rest before night.

The fourth brother-in-law seems to be a water pipe repairman in the inner city, and occasionally stays overnight in the inner city. Both of them have standard wage qualifications to enter the inner city.

It seems that there are different levels of working qualifications. For example, the fourth sister cannot stay overnight and must come in the morning and return at night. The brother-in-law can rent some temporary beds, but he will not choose to stay overnight in the inner city unless necessary. The cost is too high.

In terms of income alone, the couple's income is higher than that of their parents. The two of them may be able to earn 500 or 600 willpower a month.

But because there are only five days a month to go to the abyss, there are few supplies to subsidize life.

Even if the job provides a meal, the other expenses are not small, but it is difficult to save money.

"Furthermore, there will be some additional monthly expenses for living in the inner city. Garbage disposal costs one hundred and eleven per person per month. If the place where you live has water and electricity, then gas, tap water, and electricity are also expenses. There are Sometimes there will be some local taxes in different districts in the inner city, such as singleton tax..."

Liu Yi smiled at Tao Yu

"How about it, junior brother, do you have any ideas about starting a family? I can help you introduce two people. It doesn't matter if you don't want to start a family. As a young man, it doesn't matter if you have some fun. It can relieve some stress."

Such words of tiger and wolf made Tao Yu feel that he had returned to the pressure to get married in his previous life.

But the difference is that everyone introduced here seems to not mind Tao Yu just 'playing'. This gap is still relatively large...

"By the way, I recently heard some news about your uncle. I wonder if he told you."

At this moment, Liu Yi thought of something again and glanced at Tao Yu.

"Ah? Uncle Tiger? What's the matter?"

Tao Yu has two more direct uncles, but each family is there for their own family. The time in the abyss is staggered, and they haven't seen each other for a long time, so it should be Uncle Tiger.

"It seems that I don't know yet. There may have been some twists and turns in his position as deputy captain of the Nancheng Security Team recently. Someone has found connections in the inner city and wants to replace him. You know, after all, he is only an agent and has not been officially appointed. Everything It’s all possible.”

Liu Yi is a typical local boss in the outer city. Even the inner city people are not as well-informed as him in the outer city.

Originally, he was too lazy to care about such things, just to learn about it in advance, but when he thought of the big man from the floating city who came down from the sky.

Just showing up made the settlement of his gym much more convenient, so it was also a reminder to Tao Yu.

If there is any way, you can try it. If not, just take it as a reminder...


"Tsk, it has something to do with me..."

When Tao Yu left the gym, he was also thinking in his heart.

Speaking of inner city connections, Uncle Hu also has some, his mechanical arm fully illustrates the problem, and it is obvious that he still maintains contact with his backers, so after the Li family was wiped out, he took over.

This is the ability brought by his network of relationships.

Normally, it is natural to remove the word "agent".

But it happened that the Wild Wolf Gang and the Skeleton Gang had a "firefight" some time ago, and it was very tragic. Not only was the Wild Wolf Gang wiped out, but it was also said that the life and death of a young man from the inner city was unknown.

Even though Uncle Hu solved the case quickly, the Skeleton Gang was uprooted, and the old Skeleton admitted his guilt and punishment and was publicly executed.

But it still gave Uncle Hu's competitors an excuse.

The deputy captain of the security team in charge of the South City District is both a lucrative position and has real power.

The security team is at least a D+ level combat talent, and there are few who will cooperate with professional training. To put it bluntly, a fully armed security team can try to hunt down Director Liu Yi.

When Tao Yu made a fuss in the military camp in the fragments of the demonized world, he had already felt that if the individual strength was insufficient, the effect of the number advantage would be greatly weakened.

Therefore, the value of a group of well-trained elites is quite high.

If the soldiers in that military camp were all at the average level of the security team, Tao Yu would also feel very troubled.

Because of this value, it seems normal for someone to find an excuse to take the opportunity to make trouble.

"Tsk~, I started it, so I have to help deal with the tail."

Tao Yu's eyes turned cold at first, but then he pinched his face.

"If he died at this time, the blame would be put on Uncle Hu. It's better to find other ways..."

Looking down at the watch, the two Sun family members didn't seem to come back yet. Panda and the others were going to move machine tools to the new world.

"After all, I'm not strong enough! If I were strong enough and my status was high enough, why would I need to consider these problems myself? It's even impossible for them to happen. Otherwise, how can I find a way to certify an intermediate partner first?"

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