After hesitating for a while, Tao Yu decided to visit the inner city.

I am already preparing to go out to explore a new world in the pioneer area, and I have to do some things that need to be straightened out.

If it was just his own business, Tao Yu actually didn't have any urgent need for a mid-level partner, so he could just let nature take its course.

But the matter involves Uncle Tiger, and he is still the one who created the trap, so if it’s troublesome, let’s trouble him first.

Then Tao Yu dug out a copy of his 'junior partner' certificate.

In addition to the various conveniences that junior partners can bring, they can also be used as a voucher for temporary entry into the inner city, and they can even stay in some hotels for a short period of time.

And compared to the temporary work pass, junior partners are more convenient, such as being able to carry weapons.

"It's dark, let's go tomorrow."

Tao Yu looked up at the sky.

"Go back and look at the points requirements for an intermediate partner. Although I didn't complete many tasks, the quality was very high, right? Unfortunately, someone died in the end, and a few tasks were not included..."

Tao Yu has entered some information into his watch, and there is also a lot related to partners.

It's just that I didn't expect that I had completed so many difficult tasks before, so I didn't pay attention...

"The total points, the number of tasks that meet the difficulty level, and the application assessment. No wonder the mid-level partners have a certain social status in the inner city."

Tao Yu lay on the bed and read relevant content.

Needless to say, the total points, whether it is a combination of high-difficulty tasks or low-difficulty tasks, as long as the number is reached.

Then, to apply for an intermediate partner, you must complete at least one partner task with an intermediate difficulty level.

Tao Yu estimated the difficulty level, and it was probably similar to the task of going deep into the alien lair to kill the alien queen.

It can be completed by multiple people, but it can only be counted towards one person.

"Even if the following tasks are not handed in seriously, the previous 'Chosen One' and base site selection have already met the standards. The total points are actually almost there due to the name of the transportation company..."

Tao Yu looked at some relevant information on the watch.

Although the 'Chosen One' and base location selection are not difficult in terms of strength requirements, they are definitely tasks that meet the standards.

Later, due to the formation of the company, the points for the transported goods will be distributed to you according to the share dividends registered by the company.

After carrying the terminal to the new development area, this point will be synchronized with the real world on a regular basis. This is a stable source of income that Tao Yu can obtain without having to do anything.

Whether it is material transportation, or the 'Chosen One' and base information, the income is more than 100,000 willing.

At the beginning, Joseph and Weinuo were middle-class families in the inner city, and their starting capital was only 100,000, so in terms of points, it was normal for them to almost reach the standard in such a short period of time.

"After all, the new development area has the benefits of the new development area. Not only are the willing power given more, but the task points are also given in excess, but it is still a little bit short. This time, I went to the inner city to complete the tasks that are almost the same, and then we will You can start trying the certification assessment..."

Tao Yu took a guessing look.

Originally, if all the profits from the Demonic World were based on tasks, the points of the intermediate partners would be enough!

But it's a pity that it didn't happen. Fortunately, Tao Yu didn't mind this. He knew that the little rich woman was doing it for his own good and to avoid unnecessary trouble.

According to Brother Liu Yi, the mid-level partners can already bring their families to live in the inner city. Although they do not form a family power, they can still be regarded as ordinary families in the inner city.

As far as the mid-level partners themselves are concerned, they are already relatively respectable figures.

Tao Yu made some calculations, and it might be similar to the small bosses of some wealth in ordinary fifth-tier cities in his previous life, or the section chiefs of certain departments.

"Back then, Wild Wolf helped them guess. The 'Lone Gunman' and 'The Revenant' were the mid-level partners, and they were relatively famous among the mid-level partners. The 'Fatal Bullet' was the senior partner."

Tao Yu was really curious when he heard them calling out their names, and later learned about them indirectly.

After partners reach the intermediate level, they can also officially take their own ‘code name’ and become representatives who can gain a foothold in the inner city.

If it can be done, it should be of some help to Uncle Tiger's troubles this time...

"Into the inner city?"

Early the next morning, Tao Long, who was still on vacation at home, was on the roof repairing leaks in the house when he heard Tao Yu's greeting.

"Lao Qi, wait a minute, help bring something to the fourth baby. She just gave birth and needs some nutrition."

As he spoke, Tao Long jumped down from the roof and went into the kitchen to tinker for a while.

"Have you given birth again? Is this your fourth child?"

Tao Yu was stunned for a moment. It had been several years since the fourth sister got married. At this rate, it was exactly one child every two years. No, they should have been born in less than two years. Anyway, when I heard the news that the fourth sister was either pregnant, she was just pregnant. After giving birth.

"Yes, her work points are not high, so she can only give birth to more children. Fortunately, her body is still strong."

Although they are married daughters, Tao Long and Hong Xia are still very fond of her.

It's just that the nature of their work requires them to stay in the abyss most of the time. When they come back, they can only take a short rest and repair before leaving in a hurry. They are almost completely separated from the fourth sister and his wife who mainly work in the living world.

Tao Long took out all the things, mainly the smoked meat from the hind legs of two unknown animals, and a basket of eggs.

"Let the fourth child nourish herself more, don't be reluctant to eat, hey, I guess she will have to go back to work in the next two days."

Hong Xia brought out the basket of eggs.

After hearing Hong Xia's words, Tao Yu also opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

It seems that this is the daily life in the outer city.

In the past, when the family was young, the older ones took care of the younger ones. The ones who wanted to drink milk were tied to their mothers' arms and taken to the factory. During the breastfeeding period, the mothers' work would be slightly taken care of and arranged in the present world, but that's all.

Even now, the eighth child is still in a free-range state.

If Tao Yu's A-level talent had not been cultivated, and the concerns about cannon fodder had not been directly avoided, I'm afraid I would have to consider giving birth to the ninth child.

Although I have always known that this world is fucked up, Tao Yu is helpless when he suddenly hears about the situation of the fourth sister.

But now I have managed to stand firm, so I will help if I can...

My fourth sister lives in her husband's house, which is in the direction of the inner city.

Because they have to line up to go into the city early in the morning, and come back at night, they still choose to be as close to the inner city as possible.

Tao Yu directly carried two smoked hind legs and a basket of eggs, and walked on the muddy streets of the outer city, which attracted a lot of attention.

This is a manifestation of being rich in the outer city.

The rainforest world may have abundant meat, but not to mention the difficulty and uncertainty of hunting itself, even going back and forth is very troublesome, not to mention that most people live in areas where there is no such hunting environment.

However, Tao Yu is now more masculine, and he walks with a strong wind. No one is so crazy about doing anything for a few pieces of meat.

Along the way, Tao Yu came to the fourth sister's husband's house in his impression. It didn't seem to have changed much. It was just a small house with the same garbage dump patchwork style, and there was a little fence outside.

There was an old hen that could lay eggs in a metal chicken coop, clucking.

A woman who looked about the same age as Tao Yu's mother was cleaning up some chicken shit and kept urging people in the house

"Boss, hurry up, we're going to miss it."

The noise in the house was quite chaotic, as if there were many people and children crying.

But soon an old man with gray hair and dark skin came out with a gun.

Judging from his clothes, he should be a guard in the fortress, which is a pretty good job.

After he came out, he first glanced at Tao Yu who just walked to the door.

Although the two sides had met, they had met very rarely, and Tao Yu had changed a lot after practicing, so they didn't recognize him.

"Uncle Gu, Aunt Gu, I'm Tao Yu, the seventh child of the old Tao family. My sister just gave birth, and I brought some things over."

Tao Yu lifted the goods in his hand a little higher.

This also surprised the old couple.

"Oh, this is too expensive."

"Yes, we will accept the eggs, Tao Yu, right? Hey, you were so young last time I saw you, you have grown up, I remember you have an A-level combat talent, right?"

Gu Bo immediately thought of Tao Yu, mainly because Tao Yu's A-level combat talent was not specially hidden, and as a relative, he must have known it.

It's just that every family has almost non-stop work, and Tao Yu himself often goes back and forth to the abyss, so there doesn't seem to be much movement. It is very likely that Tao Yu visited each other and congratulated each other after entering the abyss.

"Yes, I'm in the new development area, and I have a good talent and I can make money quickly. Take these and let me make up for it."

Tao Yu said so, so Gu Bo and Aunt Gu didn't act pretentiously anymore.

It's just that Gu Bo had to rush to work, so he apologized and left in a hurry.

Aunt Gu actually still has a job, but it's not so urgent, so she stayed and chatted for a few words.

Tao Yu could see that at this time, the only adults in their family were the old couple. Their two sons and two daughters-in-law were not there. Including the fourth sister, they should have continued to work.

The rest were some children. The oldest one should be their eldest son's. He looked about eleven or twelve years old and was responsible for leading a group of children behind him.

From Aunt Gu, I learned that the baby that the fourth sister had just given birth to was indeed tied to her arms and taken to the inner city to work.

"Because she had to queue up to enter the city, she got up the earliest. Alas, she should have been able to rest for one more day. Another colleague of hers gave birth prematurely, so she had to take over first."

Hearing this, Tao Yu's lips moved, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

Thinking of the initial 100,000 start-up funds that Joseph and his team received, thinking of the direct support of the Sun family siblings to open up a new development area, and then thinking of the outer city and those evil god believers, Tao Yu's mood was also very complicated.

It's a bit fucked up...

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