Tao Yu looked at her sister again. Although Tao Lan's face was still pale from the weakness after childbirth, she looked so tough under the reflection of the sleeping baby in her arms.

She smiled and waved to Tao Yu in the queue, indicating that he should hurry into the city.

Looking at her sister's smile, Tao Yu also took a deep breath.

Then he turned around and walked towards the city gate.

As a 'partner', Tao Yu's way of entering the inner city was much simpler than that of the migrant workers in the queue.

Because his identity chip was already in his watch, which was obtained by Panda when he opened the company. He didn't need to check when entering, just swipe it with a 'beep~' sound.

However, the price of this convenience is the price of 10 points of willpower.

For ordinary families in the outer city, it can be regarded as a day's income.

"Even if my sister and brother-in-law were given this privilege, I'm afraid they wouldn't use it."

Tao Yu sighed and thought.

My brother-in-law should be able to enter from this side, but his senior work card can exempt him from the entry fee, which is a reward for his hard work in the inner city for so long.

If this kind of work card is really charged, then they are almost equivalent to working for nothing.

"The migrant workers enter the city to serve the people in the inner city. Their "entry fee" is actually the value of their labor, while the entry of junior partners may not bring benefits to the inner city, so this threshold is set..."

Tao Yu passed through the heavy inner city wall, and the inner city streets in front of him gradually came into view.

It is completely different from the dirt roads and mud in the outer city.

Although the overall style is not clean, under the overall dark light and shadow effect, the main style brings a sense of depression, and some garbage can also be seen occasionally on the streets.

But overall it is much better than the outer city!

The two-lane road is paved with asphalt. You can see the sewer outlet on the roadside. There are pedestrians of various styles on the sidewalk. At this early morning time, most of them are migrant workers from other cities who have just passed the inspection.

The locals from the inner city who occasionally appear have completely different spirits and outfits.

The colorful hair colors and non-mainstream hairstyles of various afros make it easy to distinguish them.

Judging from their yawning, many of them may have a rich nightlife and just finished their entertainment and are going home to catch up on sleep.

In addition, most of the shops on both sides of the street are closed at this time, as if it is too early for business hours. There is only one bar with a flashing colorful logo, which has just entered the closing time.

Those neon signs seem to have been flashing all night.

The architectural style next to it is also a bit abstract, with various images, and it seems that there is no unified plan.

The various billboards and slogans composed of huge neon lights fill the entire field of vision and extend all the way up.

Including those buildings with dozens or even hundreds of floors, they are all weird in style.

Those abstract architectural images that would be ridiculed if posted online in the previous life can be seen everywhere here. At a glance, you can't see two identical buildings.

"In the outer city, you still need to worry about the occasional gray fog monsters, but in the inner city, you don't have to worry about these at all..."

Tao Yu stepped into the inner city and took a breath of the inner city air mixed with a little exhaust gas. He also felt that the environment was actually just average.

Not as good as the new development area. Now Las Vegas is almost cleaned up, and it really looks better than here.

Looking back at the workers who came out of the checkpoint one after another, many of them looked much more energetic when they stepped into the inner city.

It seems that this place carries their sustenance and yearning.

Looking up at the sky, the floating city is right above the inner city, making the atmosphere more depressing, as if the sky is much shorter.

"First find a few inner city tasks with high points, get the assessment qualifications, and get the "intermediate partner" qualifications before going back."

If it weren't for Uncle Hu's business, Tao Yu didn't think of getting the "intermediate partner" so quickly.

This kind of status that can stand firm in the inner city, there should not be many newcomers in the inner city who can meet the standard in such a short time. The talent, family affairs, and resources that can meet the conditions are all indispensable.

And it is estimated that it is mainly based on mechanical transformation and allogeneic implantation. Although the cultivation side will not be inferior to the former two in the later stage, there is indeed a gap in the early stage!

To be honest, a person from the outer city is already a bit eye-catching.


When Tao Yu saw the situation of his sister queuing up with her child early in the morning, he knew that even if Uncle Hu was not implicated by him, he would do this!

"Quickly become an intermediate partner and stand firm in the inner city, you can automatically solve many problems. Doubts, jealousy, and envy will all disappear in the face of strength..."

Tao Yu thought of the sudden change in attitude of Panda and others after he killed Tafu, and he exhaled slowly.

With the benefits given by the two Sun family as a cover, it is not impossible to suppress the level of ordinary "intermediate partners" on the surface!

If there is trouble, just focus on yourself!

Moreover, after becoming an intermediate partner, he only needs to show it when solving specific problems.

Those who know will know it naturally, and those who don’t know it don’t need to care!

Compared with the cautiousness of other migrant workers coming in from other cities, who don’t even dare to raise their heads to look more, Tao Yu’s actions are much more natural.

Looking at the few inner city people who came out of the bar and chatted on the street, he didn't care about them at all.

He had killed so many of them.

In his eyes, the inner city pioneers had long lost their halo. After all, they were mortals. They would die even if their heads fell off...


"Even the mission hall is open so late..."

Tao Yu looked at the instructions downloaded at the city gate and came to a mission hall with an exaggerated door that looked a bit like a circus tent.

This is one of the many mission halls in the inner city. At this time, except for the flashing sign, the hall door was closed.

But compared to the city gate, perhaps because some time had passed, there were already seven or eight people waiting at the door of the mission hall.

Tao Yu glanced at it and found that there were a few people with temperaments similar to the inner city people he had seen on the road before, and the others gave Tao Yu the feeling that they were more like the mercenaries he had seen in the city hall.

It is very likely that they are also junior partners, or even junior partners who have not yet obtained the official inner city status. The purpose of coming here is the same as Tao Yu himself, for the missions with higher points and rewards in the inner city.

When Tao Yu arrived at the door, several people looked at him, but no one came forward to talk to him, and they all waited silently.

"The inner city is not always safe, but this place is definitely a relatively safe place..."

Tao Yu glanced at the cameras in front of the mission hall.

In fact, with the technology of Xingyao City, if you really want, it should not be a problem to at least fill the inner city with cameras.

Not to mention other things, there are quite a few in the materials looted everywhere in the new development area.

But according to the current situation on the road, there are actually few places in the inner city with cameras.

Generally, there are coverage at key locations such as the city gate and the mission hall, and ordinary streets and alleys have no coverage at all, because there are not many vehicles in the inner city, and there is not even a strict traffic system.

There are strange-looking traffic lights, but there may not be cameras at the intersection.

Existence is reasonable. Since the inner city has formed the current situation, there will naturally be corresponding reasons.

Anyway, the reason is definitely not that there is not enough money...

While Tao Yu was waiting here, he was also maintaining a low-power meditation and breathing method. Anyway, it was his instinct not to waste time.

If he could not perform it, he would have wanted to punch on the spot.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, and after seven or eight new people came one after another, there was finally movement in the mission hall.

Through the glass window on the door, a pink-haired, sleepy-eyed girl with a mechanical arm came to the door and started to unlock it, and then used a huge force that did not match her body size to directly push open the heavy door.

"Make way, make way, make way, be careful not to hit it."

While muttering to herself, the girl with a mechanical arm did not stop the movement of her hands.

After opening the door, she took out a few more signs and placed them at the door.

The words on those signs were large and few, but very conspicuous.

Probably a few rules.

For example, no fighting, no loud noises, etc.

"Miss Mag, what new tasks are there?"

"Miss Mag, has anyone completed the debt collection task of the Broken Tooth Group last time?"

"Miss Mag is still so energetic."

"You are beautiful again today."

"Another energetic day."


When the girl began to open the door and put the sign, several old hands who seemed to be queuing up often came forward to greet her.

From their attitude, we can probably know that this sweet-looking and cute girl may be responsible for this every day, and her strength and ability should not be weak.

"Say less and don't make loud noises, don't you understand?"

Mag muttered, not seeming to be very patient.

It seems normal to go through this repetitive thing every day.

But then she seemed to glance at Tao Yu again, and her dissatisfied face lit up slightly

"Aha, finally there are some new people, and they are handsome guys."

At this time, several people next to him also locked their eyes on Tao Yu and kept examining him.

Fortunately, since everyone came so early to line up for food, there was no hostility, but more of a scrutiny and observation.

"Ms. Marg is also very cute. I want to take on a few partner tasks with about 800 points. It's best if they are not complicated, can be done by one person, and can be done in a short time. Do you have any recommendations?"

Tao Yu made full use of his appearance advantage and said with a smile.

From the attitude of the people next to him, it can be known that Marg, a staff member of the task hall, should be very clear about many tasks and may also have a lot of internal information and materials.

The task points are usually linked to the difficulty of the task and various weight bonuses.

If it is simply based on the price of willpower without any weight bonus of points, it will take about 8,000 willpower to reward the company task.

The difficulty and tediousness must be not low.

But if it is some tasks that have not been completed for a long time, or have weighted blessings and recommendations, there will be various degrees of point increase.

Tao Yu himself can be said to have almost no understanding of the environment of the inner city. Although he is confident that he can complete tasks of this price, it would be best if he could know more...

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