"Eight hundred points?"

As soon as Tao Yu's words came out, not only Mag was stunned for a moment, but also about twenty people waiting to gather outside seemed to be a little surprised.

If there were no other weight bonuses, this would be a difficult task that would require about 8,000 willpower!

Back then, Wei Nuo and Joseph would team up for a giant python skill, and they were willing to spend so much time.

Huang Jian and Noson brought a large group of people into the rainforest to hunt for aliens, and the income at one time was not necessarily that much.

It can be said that this is a considerable income for the inner city.

Generally speaking, tasks with 800 points are taken by multiple people or take a long time.

It's just that tasks worth 800 points are actually pretty good. All the Blazers present have participated in them to one degree or another, and it's not like they've never done tasks worth over a thousand points.


Task rewards are proportional to difficulty.

The eight-hundred-point task is combined with the prefix conditions of 'not complicated', 'one person can do it' and 'short time'. As some veterans who take on tasks, they deeply understand the difficulty!

Lengtouqing? Or a master?

The person is a bit unfamiliar, and the equipment on his body is quite satisfactory, but there are no traces of alien implants or mechanical modifications, and he doesn't know where it came from.

"Brother, you are a bit unfamiliar. You rarely come to this hall to take on tasks, right?"

A figure with three mechanical arms, his hands folded across his chest, and one hand holding his messy hair, seemed to be unable to help asking.

"First time here."

There is no need to pretend about this kind of thing, I am indeed a stranger here.

"I'm very confident. I also want tasks like 'not complicated', 'can be done by one person', 'short time' and 'high reward', but unfortunately it's too difficult and I can't bear it."

Three Hands continued to talk casually.

"More or less."

Tao Yu's main attention was still focused on Miss Mag. This pink-haired girl with a mechanical arm also seemed to frown at this time, and then said

"There are such tasks, but there are actually very few people willing to take them. It's not a good task."

After saying that, she looked at Tao Yu again and said

"Very young."

"Miss Margo is also very young."

Mag seemed to be stunned for a moment when she heard Tao Yu's answer, and then she giggled and reached out to press her delicate, doll-like cute cheek.

Then I saw the cheek 'bounce' outwards, revealing mechanical traces.

"He talks nicely and I like him very much, but blind confidence in a handsome new guy will kill people."

Miss Margo said with a smile after closing the 'door' on her face again.

To be honest, her sudden bounce made Tao Yu stunned for a moment, a little surprised.

It seems that this petite and cute lobby waiter has been working here for a long time.

"Recently, the new development zone has given out a large amount of point subsidies, and you have limited the task to about 800 points. Are you about to accumulate enough intermediate partner points and want to give it a try?"

After Miss Marge placed all the signs, she took out a remote control from her arms and pressed it.

The dark interior of the hall immediately lit up.

Then, mission information began to scroll and appear on various display screens.

Obviously, Miss Mag, a veteran of the mission hall, is quite clear about the recent mission points situation and flow.

Tao Yu didn't reveal any information, but just from her young appearance and her request, she learned a lot about him.

"Miss Margo has a sharp eye."

Tao Yu generously did not deny it, which made many of the pioneers next to him who were secretly sizing up Tao Yu look like "I see."

A few people even flashed a hint of ridicule.

"Haha, what a naive young man. If mid-level partners were so easy to get, we wouldn't work here from dawn to dusk."

The figure with three hands also shook his head and smiled.

"But is it really so easy to earn points in the new development area? It only takes more than four months in total, right? Are you almost able to accumulate enough points for intermediate partners?"

There was another lizard man who seemed to have a taste for food.

"I've taken a few glances, and it's indeed far beyond the old pioneer area. Oh, it's not fair."

"Are all newcomers so confident nowadays? My family doesn't teach them."

"What's the use of just having points? I have enough points, and I barely completed the difficulty of the task, but I failed to pass the assessment seven times."

A middle-aged man with a weathered face and no obvious signs of transformation on his body also sighed at this time.

Miss Marge's words resonated in the hearts of this group of partners who were working from dawn to dusk.

How can it be so easy to be a mid-level partner?

"Actually, the difficulty level is not bad. I passed it once, but so what if I passed it? Why don't I come here to compete with you for a mission?"

A man with a total of four robotic arms said a bit like Versailles.

And he should be famous here, and many people laughed and scolded him.

"Don't compare us all with you, are you good at A+ level talent?"

"Even so, I don't know why you come up early and work late at night to argue with us."

"I can't stand it anymore. I have to do a good job today to calm down the panic."

"You have the title of 'Four-Armed King Kong', right?"


Although the unruly missionaries next to him were all laughing and scolding, Tao Yu could still clearly hear the slightest hint of flattery in their words.

They all receive missions here, but it is obvious that the status of this 'Four-Armed King Kong' is much higher than the others.

Mid-level partners are not big names in the inner city, but they can still be regarded as elites.

But they are all here to make a living. Although Mag's previous words resonated a little and made the scene a little lively, the waiting crowd soon entered the hall and began to look for their own tasks.

Even the 'Four-Armed King Kong' is no exception.

After Mag finished what she was doing, she still glanced at Tao Yu.

"I can recommend a few tasks for you, but the difficulty level is higher among tasks with the same points. Some of them are very complicated. Come with me."

Tao Yu had the convenience brought by her appearance, and of course she took full advantage of it.

Then she saw Maggo coming to the front desk, standing on tiptoes, pulling out a data cable, and plugging it into the back of her neck.

He stretched out his fingers at the same time, and a change occurred at the front of his fingers, turning into an interface.

"Bring me your watch."

Tao Yu connected her watch to the other party and downloaded three mission data.

But at the same time, there was a hint of astonishment on Mag's face.

"Temporary authority? Are you from an outer city?"

Although the sound is not loud, there are more or less people here with two brushes, and there are several that can be heard at close range.

At the same time, they all looked over with the same surprised look.

"From outside the city?"


"Ah, although I haven't obtained inner city status yet, isn't this a bit of a tiger?"

"Wait a minute, even if a newcomer from an outer city has a points advantage, he won't be able to earn points close to those of a mid-level partner so quickly, right?"

"Qiyu? Did you complete any large-scale mission?"

"Even if there is, it's an exaggeration. I know that the son of a senior partner has opened a transportation company there. He should be able to meet the standard at best."


For a time, the topic that had been suppressed began to be discussed again.

Tao Yu didn't care about other people's opinions and directly looked through the three tasks that Mag had picked out for him.

[Debt collection] [Tax clue collection] [House expropriation]

Seeing these three tasks, Tao Yu also raised an eyebrow. Among them, [Debt Collection] rewards 4,000 willpower, mainly due to the bonus of point weight, [Tax Clue Collection] rewards 5,000, and [House Expropriation] only rewards 8,000. Thousands of wishes.

Partner tasks are issued by the company, which is equivalent to the company's outsourcing work.

But he didn't expect that after he made the request, the nature of the three tasks turned out to be somewhat similar.

Debt collection and tax tip solicitation are both two different organizations.

One is that the company's Wasteland Reclamation Department - Outer City Section - Logistics Brigade under the Urban Construction Department ordered a batch of equipment from a factory in the inner city. However, when the equipment arrived, it was found that the quality was substandard, and now it is involved in a dispute.

Since the inner city factory dared to do this, it should have its own energy. Anyway, the company couldn't make any official arrangements. In the end, only the outer city logistics team sent a partner mission to ask for help.

The later tax clue collection and house collection are actually almost similar scenarios.

"Miss Marge, people from other cities don't understand me. I represent the company to complete tasks. They won't threaten to retaliate against me, right?"

Tao Yu looked through the three tasks and turned around to humbly ask Miss Mag for advice.

"That's not the case, but if you're not strong enough, you'll suffer some physical pain, and no one will avenge you. You just came to the inner city to do a mission, so there won't be any other harm in giving it a try."

Having said this, Marge paused again, staring at Tao Yu's handsome face, and then smiled evilly.

"But since you are so handsome, there may be other losses."

"Then can I fight back?"

"Why are you giving this task if you can't take action? Let's put it this way, if you take this task, even if you kill them, it is allowed by the rules. If you take the task, then you represent the company, which is a partner!"

Hearing this, Tao Yu couldn't help but take a breath, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

"It's okay to wipe out the whole family? Then how dare they owe money? Someone else formed a team to take on a mission and looted them all. The robbery was all in vain."

Hearing what Tao Yu said, Mag couldn't help but rolled her mechanical eyes.

"Only extermination is allowed, but robbery is not allowed. All things and trophies belong to the company, and taxes must be paid. Damaged areas must be compensated. Who can afford to eat?"

"That's it..., this is really..."

Tao Yu sighed with regret, feeling rather melancholy that his plan to make a fortune had failed.

No wonder no one answered, hey...

While thinking of this, he directly accepted all three tasks under the confused look in Mag's eyes.

Once you finish them all, you will almost have enough points for an intermediate partner.

Tao Yu himself was also cautious, so he cut the shortfall of points into three parts to complete three relatively low-difficulty quick tasks. Otherwise, a task with more than 2,000 points at a time might not be so simple, and the risk would be very high...

"Hey, hey~, you're not serious, are you? It's enough to endure one hardship. There's no need to touch him three times. As a mid-level partner, the 'Four-Armed King Kong' won't accept it. Can't you tell?"

At this time, the 'Four-Armed King Kong' also happened to come nearby. It seemed that he had already chosen the mission, and said to Mag with a smile.

"That's not necessarily the case, Miss Marge, I'm here to take on the [debt collection] task this time, and that stingy guy can't really keep defaulting.

"I talked with the vice-captain of the logistics brigade and they were willing to make some profit. It should be possible to make some pocket money after deducting some costs."

After hearing the words of the 'Four-Armed King Kong' here, Tao Yu also understood that most of these tasks can be regarded as 'favor' tasks.

Characterized by "short-term, smooth and fast", some mid-level or even senior partners who can help easily serve as brokers. These points and willingness are purely "intermediary fees".

"I've accepted everything, I have to give it a try, but my status in the outer city is easy to be looked down upon, which will cause some complications, so I have to find someone to be a raft..."

Then Tao Yu locked his eyes on the 'Four-Armed King Kong' next to him.

"Brother, are you trying to steal my mission?"

Tao Yu rubbed her fingers and made some crunching sounds, with a particularly unhappy expression on her face.

This action caused everyone who noticed it to be stunned. The red electronic eyes of the 'Four-Armed King Kong' also flashed, and then they burst into laughter.

"You're a smart kid. You want to follow me to gain experience, right? OK, my father is also from outside the city, so I'll just give you a hand."

These words made Tao Yu look embarrassed on his face. This man was quite nice.

"Ahem, brother, aren't you angry?"

Tao Yu has always been a docile donkey, and his spiritual sense did not detect any malicious intent, but it was a bit difficult to take action.

The 'Four Wall King Kong' also looked at Tao Yu in surprise and said with a strange expression.

"Brother, you don't think you looked fierce just now, do you? Haha, it's so funny."

Isn't it fierce...

Tao Yu looked at his burly figure, which was over 1.8 meters tall. His muscles were well-proportioned, and he was wearing a combat uniform. He looked good.

But then Tao Yu looked at the four ferocious mechanical arms of the 'Four-Armed King Kong' and the various monsters and ghosts that occupied at least half of the hall, and his expression began to become numb.

From the perspective of the 'Four-Armed King Kong', there might have been an alert cub who put on a ferocious expression to intimidate him...

"Then please trouble me, brother. I just want to follow and take a look at the process."

Tao Yu coughed dryly and decided not to grab this task.

Mag next to her also spoke at this time.

"It's a good choice. You're very lucky. It's your first time to be led by an experienced hand. Normally in this situation, you'd have to put in some effort, so be diligent along the way..."

The 'Four-Armed King Kong' smiled and patted Tao Yu on the shoulder.

"You can quickly accumulate enough points in the outer city in such a short period of time. Regardless of luck, adventure, or talent, you can't be bad. Work hard and strive to gain a foothold in the inner city..."

Tao Yu's heart moved slightly after hearing these touching words.

This guy said that his father was from another city, which must be true, and he might have been hit and discriminated against a lot when he was a child.

But the most important thing is that I am so young and can stand here in such a short time, so the other party doesn't mind giving me some help!


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