Because he doesn't have many Willpower points on his body, and he wanted to save up his deification skills when there were few security risks in the past, Tao Yu usually uses one or two units of Willpower points to speed up.

As for the one hundred and fifty points he currently has, he originally wanted to save three hundred to deify [Latent Python].

The incremental consumption of deified skills and training is actually somewhat similar. The consumption increases very quickly. For example, the talent [Bullet Time] requires hundreds of thousands of willing units to be deified again, and [Basic Breathing Method·Change] requires about 30,000 units. .

Perhaps the effect will definitely be very good, but the price-performance ratio is definitely not as cost-effective as the first deified ordinary skill, and it cannot be accumulated in a short period of time.

The three hundred unit consumption of [Latent Python] not only made Tao Yu a little curious, but also felt that this ability could help him increase his life-saving level.

But now that he saw the facehugger and the giant python that disemboweled it, Tao Yu couldn't help but keep saving it!

At present, the physical strengthening effect is not enough in front of bullets. The maximum damage actually depends on the ability of the firearm, so Tao Yu has set his sights on the [Basic Shooting] skill!

Although this skill can only be displayed when you have just started to reach level 1, because it requires bullets to be fed, it is considered a relatively "expensive" ability for Tao Yu.

When Joseph and the others started discussing the strange shape of the facehugger, Tao Yu had already focused her mental energy on [Basic Shooting].

Soon afterwards, with the injection of wish power, the light group of the skill also brought out a ray of golden light.

[Basic shooting? ? 】lv1: By consuming a small amount of energy, you can have the ability to slightly modify the trajectory of your shot. If you concentrate on a large amount of mental power, you can attach the bullet to greatly modify the trajectory, and at the same time, it will have the mental impact of the attached mental power.

After adjusting his self-will to [Basic Shooting·Modification], Tao Yu also felt a hint of joy in his heart.

Very good, even beyond my expectations!

Not only has his hit rate been greatly enhanced, but the passive dynamic vision added by [Bullet Time] is even more powerful, and it also adds 'magic damage' such as 'psychic shock'!

If you are an ordinary person, your own mental strength is not high, and the accompanying mental attacks may actually hurt yourself. However, Tao Yu has [mental immunity] and is not afraid of the backlash no matter how serious it is. It is similar to physical strength, only the burden of consumption.

Tao Yu's strongest attack now relies on external force. He still has to deal with the giant python with his hands. After all, the giant python of this generation does not have the ability to resist assault rifles. As long as he can lock the head, he can complete the kill.

This is also the reason why Tao Yu did not upgrade his shooting before, because the firepower is enough, and the hit is also matched by the passive dynamic vision brought by [Bullet Time].

But now that the facehuggers have appeared, coupled with the parasitic python, it is very likely that it will be difficult for assault rifle bullets to break through the defense.

The alien thing has an exoskeleton!

Although it is not immune to bullets, ordinary aliens can withstand a lot of bullets. The increased defense of the giant python alien will probably ensure that it can KO itself with a shot when it attacks!

Regardless of whether it was a giant python, an ordinary alien, or an alien giant python, Tao Yu knew in his heart that he could only take one hit.

At most, you can only rely on the ability of [One Permanent Certificate] to consume your willpower to recover.

When you encounter a giant python, you can expect that the giant python will swallow you directly and escape from its belly, but the alien's cherry mouth...

Thinking of some pictures, Tao Yu also quickly shook the mental pollution out of his mind.

With the enhanced attack power, Tao Yu felt more confident, but thinking about the difficulty of the aliens and their unpredictable number still gave Tao Yu a sense of urgency.

Seeing a few people over there who had finished studying the facehuggers and snake corpses and were about to go to the snake den without coming up with a reason, Tao Yu spoke at the right time.

"Well, Master Wei Nuo, how is your armor's defense against assault rifles?"

Tao Yu's weak tone made Wei Nuo frown in his helmet, and then sarcastically said through the helmet in a slightly distorted but still majestic voice.

"What? You want to shoot someone in the back?"

This voice also made other people look back at Tao Yu, making him wave his hands quickly and said

"No, no, no, you misunderstood me. You are a big shot in the inner city. You wouldn't even dare to lend me a hundred courages."

Tao Yu's statement actually did not cause any surprise, and Li Le and others from outside the city did not think there was a possibility of such a sneak attack.

This is a big shot in the inner city, and they are still together!

You must be crazy to make such a ridiculous choice.

But Tao Yu still hesitated and continued.

"Before, I was actually just dealing with those giant pythons. I didn't feel any pressure because I wouldn't let Zhang Wei come forward. I just had to fire without thinking. It's really not difficult to match my talent..."

Hearing this, others actually came to their senses, because Wei Nuo's outfit was obviously focused on close combat.

This requires him to rush forward and chop, and Tao Yu's inaccurate shot from behind may indeed lead to accidental injury.

Before Wei Nuo spoke, Li Le raised his eyebrows and said

"You can still practice basic shooting before you come here. If you come in and replenish your willpower a little bit to get familiar with it, it shouldn't be a problem, right? My talent is already halfway through level 3 without any bonus to shooting. As long as I pay attention, it won't be a big problem."

Before Li Le turned eighteen, in addition to [Basic Shooting], he also learned [Gun Fighting] and [Mobile Shooting]. After he came in and used his willpower to accelerate, his shooting ability was indeed not weak.

"Brother Li should also know a little bit about me from Uncle Hu. The main reason is that my family's conditions cannot feed me so many bullets. I didn't practice shooting when I came in. I just practiced breathing techniques. Zhang Wei knows that."

Tao Yu looked embarrassed.

"What's your shooting level?"

Weinuo also asked with some fury. His armor has good bulletproof function, and there is an inner armor inside. But in order to be able to move freely, there are still places that cannot be defended. It is not like the two in the floating city. All-in-one combat uniform.

I was really unlucky and had a good fight in the front. I got shot in the knee or something. That was really troublesome.

"lv1, and the proficiency level is almost empty, so I want to borrow some will power from the two adults, and I am willing to use this bottle of 'happiness' as collateral."

Tao Yu took out the 'Happy' that Joseph gave her, which made several people present look at her in subtle ways.

Wall and Chen Guan were all envious, while Joseph, Wei Nuo and Li Le all looked strange.

Especially Joseph, he was a little speechless. Didn't I give this thing to you by myself?

In turn, you pledge it to me and ask me to lend you my willpower?

"Hey, Joseph, would you rather give me your man? In fact, his talents and mine are quite complementary."

Wei Nuo did not refuse outright, but instead looked at Joseph with a playful look.

"B-level talent, what are you thinking about?"

Joseph sneered and rejected Wei Nuo, then looked at Tao Yu angrily.

"If you want to borrow your will power, just tell me as soon as possible. If I give this to you, I'll give it to you. What's the mortgage?"

This generous attitude made several other people from the outer city look envious, especially those two guys, Wall and Chen Guan, who had begun to have some changes in their mentality and thought that it would be difficult for Tao Yu to make Wei Nuo dislike him. It has corrected a lot of inner perceptions.

Zhang Wei's expression also moved, showing hesitation, but he still did not dare to approach Tao Yu as before.

"Thank you, thank you, Brother Joseph."

As Tao Yu spoke, he handed over the thousand drained wish metal given by his parents.

After being eaten by a giant python and killing the giant python later, these wish metals were finally recovered.

This made Joseph a little speechless after considering it.

One thousand, although it was just a small number to him, it was not something that could be ignored directly.

Just thinking of Tao Yu's talent, he readily poured his will power into the bag of metal.

In order to avoid cannibalism, the Will of the World will not drop any Willpower when pioneers kill each other, except for some of the things they carry with them and Willpower items. The Willpower trade between each other mainly relies on these Willpower metals. Continuous absorption and infusion.

Or some more efficient carriers of will.

After Joseph finished injecting it and handed it to Tao Yu, he still said in a calm tone

"But you also know that we can't lend our willpower for free. After all, the risk of death or failure is too great, so I am willing to go out and return thirteen times."

Before Tao Yu could speak, Li Le next to him said in time.

"This is the lowest interest rate in our outer city. The 'skill installment' that can be chosen in several gyms in the walled city is only at this interest rate. It is almost impossible to borrow it before awakening. After awakening, the talent is also very poor. It’s hard to borrow. It’s really kind and righteous for Lord Joseph to lend him in such a risky mission.”

People from outside the city don't have much wealth, and the death rate on the day of awakening is not low, so they generally can't borrow money before awakening. Even after awakening, this kind of "low interest rate" can only be encountered when learning some skills and teaching, similar to on 'student loans'.

Anyway, we don’t give them willing power, they just teach them skills. If they really can’t afford it or the losses are controllable.

Tao Yu also took back the bag of wish metal without hesitation, and said cheerfully while absorbing it.

"Of course it's no problem. Thank you, Master Joseph, for helping me solve my urgent need."

After absorbing it, Tao Yu handed it out again and said

"Can I get another thousand?"

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