All People's Abyss: My skills are infinitely enhanced

Chapter 17 I'm Really Not an Assassin

Joseph looked at the bag in front of him, paused for a moment, and then took it again


While injecting willpower into it, Joseph's mind also flashed many thoughts.

It was Li Le who explained the interest rate before, not himself!

So whether it is one year, one month, or one week, it is up to him!

Two thousand willpower loans, plus "happiness", are almost enough.

Joseph really didn't plan to let Tao Yu pay back these two thousand willpowers. He planned to let him owe them all the time. The interest would be regarded as his reward for serving him. If combined with "happiness", he should be able to hold on!

Thinking of this, Joseph couldn't help but smile.

The B-level talent of the outer city mud leg is actually quite good. [Dynamic Vision] is also a talent that can quickly form combat effectiveness. The giant python that the opponent killed alone is the best example.

With a little investment, you can quickly get a lackey of a human turret. Why not!

This time, we encountered a time-space anomaly, and it was really difficult to find a valuable lackey!

Seeing Tao Yu complete the absorption again, Joseph even asked again

"Do you want more?"


Tao Yu would not hesitate when he saw such a good thing.

"How much can you lend, I want as much as you can."

After saying that, he looked at Wino with expectation

"Lord Wino is the same."

Wino sneered at the words

"You are Joseph's man, I will not break the rules and ask for help."

"I, I want to borrow too!"

Chen Guan raised his hand tremblingly and said.

His guns were all taken away, and now he has no long-range weapons. He feels that he is in great danger.

In fact, Chen Guan himself does not want to borrow the power of will at this interest rate, but the problem is that after borrowing the power of the adults, the adults will not let him die so easily, right?

The interest is like buying life!

But just after he finished speaking, Joseph, who was kind to Tao Yu and lent a full 3,000 units of willpower, slapped Chen Guan in the face with his backhand.

His feet were knocked off the ground, and his teeth were all sprayed out with blood plasma.

"Brother Tao has a B-level talent, who are you? How can a Lese who doesn't know his own value speak?"

The teeth will not grow again. Joseph's slap almost crippled Chen Guan!

If he gets an oral infection or something, he may die on the road.

Chen Guan, who stood up staggeringly, had a black head and a lot of shadows in front of his eyes. However, he didn't dare to say anything in rebuttal after being hit so hard.

Instead, he kept apologizing, saying with his leaky mouth

"I was wrong, I was wrong..."

"Why don't you take your stuff and get out in front? Do you really want brother Wino to go in front?"

It was Wino, who had always been irritable, who started to yell

"Okay, if this guy really dies on the road, we have to find another replacement. That's it, don't get in my way."

After saying that, he glanced at Tao Yu and said jokingly

"Since you have the power of will, you should practice well on the way. The one with the talent of [Endurance] doesn't have much shooting ability, so give him the bullets and don't shoot randomly."

With Chen Guan who had lost a mouthful of teeth in front, Zhang Wei didn't dare to say anything. He nodded repeatedly and took out all the spare bullets and gave them to Tao Yu.

And Li Le, who had been watching coldly, also laughed in his heart.

Do you really think that borrowing the power of will is a good thing? Haha, ignorant!

Only Tao Yu thanked Joseph cheerfully at this time, then took the bullet handed over by Zhang Wei, and then began to distract himself and focus on his many skills.

Three thousand wishes have arrived!

My parents may have to save up their wishes for several years, but a child from the inner city can borrow it casually!

Although Tao Yu also knew the other party's general idea and purpose by giving away "happiness" for "free", at least he could take it out directly, which was enough to show the absolute gap in wealth accumulation.

Without the face hugger, Tao Yu actually didn't want to borrow the wish.

Now that the two inner city children have reunited, if there is no major change, there is not much room for him to operate.

The absolute strength gap is too big.

But since he has the face hugger and knows what the monster on the grassland is, he has no hesitation. Safety is the first priority. Now he must do everything he can to improve himself!

[Basic Combat], [Basic Weapon], [Lurking·Python], [Explosion·Python]

Tao Yu performed the deification with his eyes closed for the four combat-related skills.

Three thousand units of willpower were credited to his account. He had never been so rich before!

The first deification of a skill is the most cost-effective choice!

[Basic Combat·Modified] lv2: Consume a small amount of spirit to have a certain ability to see the enemy's weaknesses. Concentrate your spirit to attach to the combat attack and cause mental shock to the enemy.

[Basic Weapon·Modified] lv2: Consume a small amount of spirit to have a certain ability to see the enemy's weaknesses (can be stacked). Concentrate your spirit to attach to the weapon and cause mental shock to the enemy.

[Explosion·Modified] lv1: Compressible muscles can suddenly increase explosive power. Concentrate your spirit to consume a large amount of physical strength and you can stack the compression state. When the physical limit is exceeded, it will cause damage to the body.

These three are all abilities that consume about 80 to 100 units of will power, which has made Tao Yu extremely satisfied, with the same divine efficiency as before.

But what caught Tao Yu's attention the most was [Latent Python], which cost more than three skills in one skill!

"As expected, it is more than twice as expensive as the [Basic Breathing Method] and requires more strengthening."

Feeling the injection of skill information, Tao Yu couldn't help but let out a burst of admiration.

[Latent·Modification] lv1: Can passively reduce one's own presence, actively increase mental consumption, can escape into the shadows, actively increase physical strength consumption, can shuttle in the shadows, and has a certain probability of being sensed by the perception ability.

It was originally just an ordinary lurking, a camouflage and ambush technique, similar to the way a python sneaks up on its prey, but after it was strengthened this time, it instantly took on a magical color!

Escape into the shadows!

Is this a direct stealth technique?

And increase your physical strength to shuttle through the shadows. Through the perception of information, this is not a slow movement like some stealth abilities, but allows you to explode in the shadows at a speed that is faster than running at full strength!

In theory, this speed can even be superimposed on attacks!

Coupled with the energy and blood enhancement of [Burst·Change] and [Basic Breathing Method·Change], coupled with [Bullet Time], and the additional mental attack of [Basic Weapon], after multiple superpositions, Tao Yu found that as long as he had a handy With the weapon, his melee explosive power seems to have increased dramatically.

"He really turned into an assassin..."

Tao Yu felt a little sad, but this was a choice that was both helpless and cost-effective.

Beasts like Joseph and Weinuo can lend out three thousand units of will at will. In the previous chat, the starting capital they entered was only one hundred thousand!

Coupled with mechanical modifications, alien implants, and some advanced related skills trained in the previous eighteen years, once this accelerated strengthening of willingness is smashed, the start will exceed the finish line of most people from outside the city!

When Tao Yu was given 'Happiness' for free, she used [Bullet Time] to observe Joseph. It seemed that shortcomings such as the head were covered with metal, making it difficult to kill him with one hit.

Coupled with the shoulder-mounted cannon, mechanical arm and related capabilities, it can be said that the panel capabilities comprehensively crush Taoyu.

This is true even if Tao Yu uses up all three thousand points of wish power!


Even if he is as strong as them, if he is successfully attacked by a giant python, an alien, etc., he will most likely be defeated. Now that Tao Yu has a set of assassination burst skills, he will most likely be able to reach the kill threshold!

I just haven't actually tried it yet, so I can't be completely sure yet.

With the aliens as a difficult foreign enemy, Tao Yu really didn't plan to do anything extra during the next period of time, he just wanted to improve himself.

Seeing that there were still more than 2,000 willing power left, Tao Yu only hesitated for a moment before focusing on the auxiliary and complex skills of [Basic Herb Identification].

Although it seems to have little support for combat, the consumption is also lower. It only takes about fifty units. After all the enhancements, it will not affect the majority of the will power left for acceleration...

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